Avatar of ColdAtlas


Recent Statuses

3 hrs ago
Current How y'all feel about green beans?
16 hrs ago
GOD. life is only getting worse and whenever someone tries to "help" they make everything worse for me. JUst leave me alone for gods sake
1 like
22 hrs ago
Right on the road to your sadness Watching closely as courage turns into madness Are you sure you'd want to lose your life From a witch who had caused you nothing but strife?
1 day ago
British "people" when you say truth or dare instead of "Authentic factual response or mischievous challenge"
2 days ago
anyone else thing Dion has gone off their meds the last few days with these statuses?


Most Recent Posts

could be fun
Hear me out: amphimorpho.carrd.co/#
What's the prize?

chicken dinner
Eyyy, welcome to the forums! It's absolutely wonderful to meet you. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun here and make many friends! If you need any help, feel free to PM me about it :D
When will it be starting?
Welcome friend! I'd love to get to know you. It's always great to see another face join us here on the forums. If you'd like any help getting to know the site feel free to DM me! I'm always happy to help. And if I'm not available, the admins are all super friendly and helpful.
Welcome friend!
<Snipped quote by Atlas Shark>
Great character ... if this were a zombie or mutant apocalypse. I don't think we're there yet, though. ;)

I definitely appreciate the interest, though.

I know it doesn't quite fit perfectly, so I was planning to modify it some if that's okay
I have actually a great character for this.

I am definitely interested
Come for the setting stay for the music. I might consider this.
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