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"Remember to look at the stars not down at your feet." Inspired me ever since. Rest in peace Professor Hawking
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I don't know why, but the boredom is killing me slowly
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The call went through his hippocampus, yet had not settled in properly to his complicated decision making mechanism. For he was still trying to squeeze in something perhaps a lot more important than just loaves of bread. Holding up by his small yet tough hand was the small piece of paper he had placed in his pocket the other day. The map of the Amone tunnel that he jotted down when Middleton was still bastardizing about their task. It was dandy and all when he accepted (rather without other choices) the order from Baker about the tunnel attack, but reality still hit him with the fact that this is a pretty ridiculously one-sided fight. Now that he actually thought about it, this may be the closest he would ever arrive to certain death, probability speaking. Would the four sappers be enough to deal with the entire underground city? He'd only ever receive one answer tomorrow.

But eventually, the encouragement from other fellow soldiers convince the aristocratic Edinburghian to enjoy the feast of Francian garlic bread. But before the whole thing was Jean's announcement to the squad about the next day's mission and the scouting mission. It was already clear that this wasn't Michael's problem. He had his own mission issued already, and the man was there to witness it. While Michael still attentively listened to Jean's words, they were mostly non-useful info that the only use he'd have is to re-inform some slow pokes who were late. Michael just tried to recite the direction of the tunnel while waiting for the long-awaited call to dive in the food...

His brows quickly folded as if he just saw someone trying to scratch their fingernails on a solid pieces of metal. Or in this case, Jean imprudently trying to get a taste of the garlic breads like a hungry mouse falling right into the trap if there is one in the way. In one fell swoop, our beloved squad leader just violated most, if not all, of the basic table etiquette ever taught. Sure you can call this a warzone and that no one would care, but apparently that claim looked easily falsifiable. Other soldiers were already looking his way with a rather not so impressed face.


He's even giggling at Michael. Like what? Is this even funny? It's so aggravating to watch someone embarrass himself in front of everybody else.

Deciding to spare the pain to him and him only, Michael took a couple of garlic bread and placed it on the small handkerchief he had before moving away from the commotion for a quiet meal. Seeing how Jean act upon seeing what appeared to be one of his favorite cuisines reminded him of the proper way he did at home, or at least as proper as he could with what he had. Held the bread with merely tips of the fingers, a gentle bite, not too much but not too little, followed by an occasional wipe of handkerchief. Out of this entire army, the son of a certain Edinburghian noble already seemed too unique. It may already be second nature to him already, but perhaps he was just subconsciously trying to cope with how his NCO just acted. But in anywho...

'I want to go home already.'

Would the fall of Amone be the last battlefield he and his squad'd be fighting, or would there be more than that? Would this be his grave? He probably asked that a little too many times now though. He had grown tired of dreaming of home now, but he couldn't help but crave for that day when he'd be able to be set free, to return home with the wish that his beloved mother had carried for him all the way. Back to his normal life, where he'd go to university, get a job, get a house, get married and...


Now that he mentioned it...would he be able to bring home Lucia? Of all the people he cared about in this squad? She seemed like a perfect woman for him. A naive foil to his philosophical mind, and a caring white to his devoted black. But as of the moment, she was also as chained to Michael's free spirit. She was under the control of that accursed Middleton. The name brought the blood tension rising to critical mass again, but again, things get boring real quick. Now he was just wondering if she'd ever be set free, or he'd ever be able to do that for her. He didn't intend on playing the knight in shining armor, but if that was the case. Or even more short-term than this:

"I wonder how she's doing right now?"

"Who's doing what?"

Before he realized it, the girl from company D before was already right beside Michael's shoulder.

"May I have a seat?"

Anna was it, Michael recycled his earliest memory? The blue side ponytail was a little unique to be unrecognizable. He gestured her a seat next to him.

"Thanks." She subconsciously held onto her skirt to straighten it out before sitting down. The problem was...there was no skirts. Only pants. And she seemed to realize that just now, as she flustered and tried to laugh it off.

"No be my guest. We're on the same boat."

You don't particularly wear dresses and be mindful about it unless you originate with a wealth privilege.

"Ahaha, sorry for that." She giggled. "Though I'm a little surprised. I thought I'm the only upper classes here in this war."

Michael leaned his head on his shoulder a little before answering.

"Let's just say unfortunate circumstances brings me here." He said. "And brings me to cooperate with you tomorrow. We were supposed to finish that a week ago."

"Are you ready?" Anna asked. Michael pondered for long.

"No matter how much, I can't be fully prepared."

"It really is a thing of luck and chances sometimes. If the rolled dice appeared our name, we're goners." She replied. "There's not much we could prepare for it right now than rest I suppose. But I hope we could compile some sort of strategy, you know, to maximize our chances of survival."

Strategy? Well, he did have the map. Whatever works.

"Though later. I wanna enjoy my dinner first. Is that garlic bread you're having?" She said, and Michael nodded. "Oh I love those! I miss the old days with these."

Seemed to be a Francian thing.

"I can grab you one, if you don't mind."

Anna brightened considerably upon the proposal, and accepted without hesitation. With a small chuckle, Michael headed back to the kitchen area. Today seemed like a day full of surprises somehow. Now before him was Isaac playing with a dog. He didn't know it even existed on the battlefield, and Isaac even seemed to know it much better than anyone else. An intrigue a little too much to let go.

"You know him, Isaac?" Michael couldn't contain his curiosity as he turned towards the Lance Corporal instead.
Phillip Leonhart

The scale is definitely not balanced.

The impolite remark from the young boy, the willingly-ignorant response from the guy on the tree, the naïve and air-headed response from the girl trying to climb the tree along with him, and the ineffective solution from the other girl, Phillip's cellphone has never been pulled out so quickly. Scrolling quickly through the contact list, he pressed the one fairly forgotten number that he rarely ever touched, but glad that he kept it just in case of this stupid incident: Evergreen Security.

'Is this really the next generation of great students?'

Even though the dissonance between Evergreen and Phillip's level was relatively a huge canyon apart, but to a normal student, the standards are demanding. You couldn't be some nobodies and get in Evergreen. But then again, geniuses and social skills are almost two opposite spectrums. Doesn't imply causation, but correlations are too common too be ignored. Phillip couldn't really say that he was complete stranger to the whole concept of eccentricity. He too had a couple of hobbies and interests that probably would not line up with societal norms. And sometimes he would lean on his own self-serving bias for justification, but to that degree of obnoxiousness is a little over the top for Phillip's sympathy. And besides, he's putting both himself and potential others in danger. That much was already more than enough.

"Hello, is this Evergreen Security?" Phillip was just dying for the phone to be picked up. "We have a student on one of the trees up here...Yeah, do you mind coming here quickly, he's recruiting people. Thank you."

The call was then hung up. Sliding it back into his pocket, Phillip began approaching the group below the tree. If they weren't going to help him down safely, then at least Phillip would stop him from doing anything rash. He seemed to be talking to someone else, then hopefully the guy would proceed to keep that conversation going. When two people are talking, they're not in any state or form to do anything else, anything else drastic. Would he be smart enough to do that? He wouldn't put much hopes on that, but he had no choice.

"No need to call them." Phillip said as he was approaching the two girls and the rude fellow. "I already did. If you can't convince him to come down, then keep him occupied."
Phillip Leonhart

Location: St Paul Campus -> Evergreen Campus
∇ƒ =〈ƒx , ƒy〉= (∂ƒ/∂𝐱)*𝓲 + (∂ƒ/∂𝐲)*𝓳

That should help the purpose well.

"The argument parameter should be directly coming from the location sensor, while the return value is a vector object. That's the direction of the ascent you're finding."

The day had still yet to ripen up, yet the three men in this room was already primed and ready for the day. Well, at least for two of them. Exam periods were picking up the pace for the students this term, both Evergreen and St Paul students alike. The amounting knowledge to squeeze in a 3 pound organism composite, the growing impatience of every minutes of studying and revision in the ever-moving environment, and the rising tension of the hours before the pen would be called to lay firmly on the table. That's why these two hatchlings of engineering and program designing were making use of every minutes they could. They wanted to splat the itching bugs that had been running around in this program of theirs for so long, all the while trying to tie up as many loose ends as possible with the software. Funnily enough, they never would have thought to be making this much progress whilst still somewhat only being in second year of St Paul. They knew that their hard work had a lot to do with their overall fruit of the labor, but still the majority was still down to the third member of the project team.

"So now is just trying to implement the numerical partial derivative as a separate function?" The student in front of the computer asked, to which the man wearing the suit nodded, with two fingers raised.

"Two. To make it safe." The man replied, as quickly and concisely like a cube, seemingly certain of every suggestions to come out.

They surely didn't regret saying yes to Phillip Leonhart when the renowned genius of St Paul decided to take up their side-project. The guy is really a genius. Doing these practical side projects are particularly challenging for many students because they do not fill the role of accomplishing a class assignment or earning a particular grade for their degree. Things are not so perfectly fine tuned for the students to make use of only what they have learnt. Undesired knowledge gap would sometimes seep in to humble their progress. It turned out so well for them that it would be somewhat filled by the genius who won the International Physics Olympiad at merely the age of 15. Things they didn't know, he knew. Things he didn't know, that statement would be falsified in a couple of days or so. It wouldn't be a surprise that they wondered why he decided to take up their project instead of just building his own project from scratch, to which the man is totally capable of if he's interested.

"Bah, I'll do this once I finish these triple midterms I have tomorrow." The same student sighed as he closed the laptop screen. "I should study for that today. You want to join us Albert?"

"Nah, I have class in a few minutes. I need to leave now if nothing else." The other student, Albert replied, as he began to pack things up in a hurry.

"That's a shame, how about you Phillip?"

The man in the suit simply gave an apologizing headshake, and a shrug of a shoulder.

"See you then."

And there goes the fun he was expecting in this early morning. Well it was indeed so while it lasted.

Unlike the two of these students, Phillip had already finished most of his midterms and assignments, with relative ease. Classes had avoided the day for him, so he had a little too much time in his hand, and too little direction to give him a sense of work and purpose. Maybe perhaps joining a group of people would help him. And he did, but unfortunately they were normal students, with struggles of their own.

Should he just go back to dorm? There seemed to be little that he could find enjoyment at right now. But the same could be said with the same sight of the white wall, ceiling and the soft bed. Wasn't the reason that he go out to St Paul today was to enjoy something more than a mind-numbing repetition?

A slid of his hands on his pockets, and Phillip's gaze wandered around like a horizontal pendulum, whilst he strode down the St Paul's campus hallway to the courtyard, basking himself in the sunlight as the glory of the new day was finally approaching. Then, through some heaven to earth force, his gaze landed on the gate. The gate leading outside. And his thought back to his old high school: Evergreen. He didn't know what exactly caused him to do so, but it seemed like Evergreen was like the only place that he could find something interesting there. Perhaps a mathematical probability that Evergreen would be the most likely places to have something entertaining. It had been his home for a while before he picked this new one, and since it was so tightly connected, events were very likely to happen there.

'Oh well.'

He started walking. Back to then.

Along the way, he bought some biscuits to accompany his somewhat uncalming stomach that didn't get enough for breakfast. Once he reached the school ground, however, is when things seem to get a little more interesting. A little. Highest probability indeed. Some of our next generation, one of our 'brightest minds' of our future, had decided to climb a tree at the school courtyard...for some reasons. It didn't seem like valid reasoning though. Look at his laugh. Like what was he even thinking?

It drew a crowd, for sure. A small one, but someone. Phillip was standing from afar, his left hand enjoying the biscuit while his right one was fiddling with the phone in his pocket. Should he call the security on this? It may be necessary, or be a waste of time. It didn't seem like a suicidal attempt or anything. But still, someone may get hurt, including the guy on the tree too.


The scale is somewhat tipping.

White-Feathers, that is perhaps the darkest section of the history book that he had glossed over. And yet it was nowhere as detached as he would have thought comparing to events like the Black Death or the Valkyrur Crusades. It happened nowhere beyond the range of his consciousness recognition. It was right there, happened when Michael was living, breathing and feeling in this brutal existence. He didn't want to admit it, but he was living in one of the most horrible times to be alive. To think, that no matter what good you do, no matter how dire the circumstances are, just by one simple fact that you have dark blue locks of hair on your head, you'd be considered an inferior beings, treated like an animal and even killed without any mercy or shame. It was as if...they weren't even looking at a human being. Even lions, bears and wolves mourn and wept at the death of their own pack members, so why couldn't these people do. Was it the downside to human evolution, that we had moved a little too far ahead of ourselves. That we were too smart to turn against ourselves, but were too dumb to realize the immorality of it?

What's even scarier is the crowd themselves. You could look at them with a much more sympathetic eye. They had a family. They had themselves. They had properties that they wanted to keep safe of. But their indifference to evil, ironically and tragically, led to even more losses that these people themselves failed to see. Michael was pretty certain that if each and every individuals involved had the guts to fight for what's right, this would never have happened. None of these White Feathers crap, nor Thomas's story about being denied the rights they were promised. And where else to look for evidence than right here, where there were no societal standards or etiquettes that restrict people from being 'polite' to one another. Most of the people he had interacted with didn't have much issues with Darcsens. Some had a bit of grudges, but they were mostly irrational and culturally driven, rather than anything personal. The ones with real and in-root racist values were in the minority. Not a rare one of the kind, but still not above the median bar. With that in mind, they were eventually allowed to spiral into what we had heard from Jean. It was scary and disgusting to think about.

"I guess it's a cultural difference as well. I don't recall Edinburgh having that caliber of terror. Even from the most outlandish of news sources" Michael said as he stared into the distant ground. "It's hard to hear myself. I'm sorry to know that happened to you, or anyone."

To even think about it, it was worth a sigh from the upper-class sapper. Perhaps it was best that he shared it, and without his knowledge, his superego had already been given way.

"I don't think they are the main issue." He said in a silent yet audible voice that almost seemed like a wind glossing over their cheeks, carrying wisdoms from books and archives his father had collected in his archive. "It's the others. If they keep turning a blind eye to tragedies, we'd continue to be consumed in the cycle of hatred."

They probably needed a guide. Or if they already had one, a leader. Someone or something that allowed their real goods to rise out of them. But where to find it now? There was nowhere to start. No formulas or anything that could do any help.

The talk did not go on for long though. Long story-short, a soldier, sent by Staff Sergeant Baker, summoned Jean to him for a briefing, so the Francian left the three for him. Isaac quickly left as well, leaving Michael alone with Thomas. The two proceeded to chat for a little while more before another soldier pulled Michael away from the Oceanic war hero, completely separating the group, at least for now. The person that pulled him away was a girl, apparently from Company D judging from her insignia. Looking over her side-ponytailed ocean blues was the all-to-familiar sapper gear that Michael had spent two months hugging them that it now appeared in his dreams sometimes. He could tell almost for sure that she bears the important role of sapper. And like Michael, the gentle tap of his shoulder to the semi-formal pattern of introduction were extremely impressionable for a denizen of society's upper echelon, mostly because of the dark contrast of the greasy, brutal and ungraceful nature of war

"Excuse me, are you Private Daunte of the 18th Atlantic Rifle?"

Michael firstly turned around to face the girl's matching sky blue eyes. The familiar sky blue. It wasn't good association with him. Why does every girl he talk to have that eye color.

"Yes." Michael clasped his two hands together and held it just below his stomach. "How may I help you?"

"My name is Anna. I'm a Private from Company D, sapper. It's a pleasure to be working with you in the upcoming days."

Wait, work? With the other company? Why didn't he hear anything about this?

"Uhh, forgive my ignorance but...I'm not sure I'm getting the context of this." Michael was offered a handshake to which he reluctantly took. The girl did not seem to be that surprised by the information deficit. Things like this happened all the time.

"Hehe, it's alright. It's new orders given from our higher ups." She replied. "If you want to know more, Staff Sergeant Baker is the one who briefed us. You can come directly to him."

"Where is he though?" Michael asked, to which he was quickly briefed by Anna, redirecting him over to the other side of the camp he was set up at, where Jean and Baker were being briefed. Now that Michael hated to interrupt with anyone's conversation, but Baker's warmth and welcoming upon seeing the sapper standing in the distant instantly pulled him into the circle with him. He seemed to be expecting the nobleman, although not completely.

"Private Daunte, yes?" He asked, upon Michael's approach. It was so much different from Middleton or anyone else that Michael knew. "Come in, we are just having a chat!"

"I'm glad you survived the onslaught from Middleton. I was worried for a bit." The recall of that ungraceful encounter made Michael's blood boil a little. But he knew that he should just let it go for now.

"I know how to go about things, especially with a man like him." He replied

"You were smart back there. Normal newbies would probably try to spat at him or just shudder in fear. And let me tell you, it wouldn't end well either ways." The man complimented. Comparing to the last time the Staff Sergeant saw the Private back in Hill 58, he looked like he was toughening up, and in a correct way as well. Not many people could do such a thing.

"Anyway, you must be here for that new assignment that you probably have never heard of?" Baker cleared his throat, officially ending the cycle of jokes, as the serious talk began. "So as you and Corporal Charpentier may know clearly, the Imperial tunnel beneath Amone is one of the critical supply line for their operations in this holy city. Big enough to essentially be considered an underground city of its own."

"The Imperials have been leeching from this supply line like ants for so long now, it is draining us of men and resources, and our higher ups of patience. So the they really want that city in ruin in the upcoming days, before the final assault." Michael already had that gut feeling before. And they were sending Michael in. Was it because they were a capable working squad. From the results of the last few weeks, apparently not. "Please brief this with the remaining sappers in your squad, that you'll be joining the two sappers in Company D to cut this supply line. Is that alright with you?"

All remaining sappers? Well, he only knew two others who bear the same responsibility. One of them, Gwyn, has either died or got separated and left behind at the inn. The other one is Reyna, who apparently hadn't had much interactions with the enemy, saving for that close-quarter fight before the inn happened. So it was a four man squad. Against the entire Imperial forces in there.

"I know it's a hard task, but it would be imperative to our success in Amone if you can pull this off. Do you think you can do that?"

It was probably a rhetorical question or a genuine concern. But Michael knew he wouldn't be able to weasel his way out of this. It was an order from the higher ups, and he had to do it. Chances that he would end up dead are higher than average. But then again...

'You will come back when you demand it."

"Sure." Michael replied briefly, to Baker's transformation of concern into satisfaction. "We will make sure that happens."
Acion Nakamiji

"Yes, why not? I want to know what happened too."

After that whole...'episode' at the gym, and the whole sleeping on his thigh a little while ago, he felt the inner compel to make sure if she's alright. She had always looked like a really nice girl, at least her active conscious version of herself, not that alter ego that Acion faced a while ago. Always cared for her friends and a little sensitive perhaps, but that downside was still had its ups way higher than so many people these days. It just felt like a natural thing to be considered.

With that said, Acion slowly slipped his feet into his normal sandals down right next to the bed. A slight itch feathered over the thigh of one of his legs, as he swayed it a little back and forth to get his feet inside his shoes. It was the sign of healing flesh. Strangely fast though. It had gotten down like that now. Like an hour or two ago, it would be like someone trying to needle him drugs. But now it was just itching. Sometimes he was surprised at his own recovery ability. Well, he did have the ability to regenerate feathers absurdly fast, so it wasn't something out of a fourth dimension.

A push of his legs confirmed it. The pain had all but dulled, and he could walk around normally too. He wasn't sure if he'd recover like this with more serious injuries, but now he had some reasons to put a bit of trust in his own system, to push a little more with trainings. After all, he needed to get stronger. That beatings from Dulga did teach him quite a good lesson, and if he recalled it, he had little shame to lose to her that way.

"Ah, my injuries aren't so bad after all." Acion noted. "And I thought it would screw me up for days."

Just as he was thinking about where to find Tomoe for Hitomi right now, the slight opening of the door already gave him the answer.

'Oh there she is'

Immediately, she seemed to know what to say. At least to Hitomi, considering the promise, whatever that is, that they had mutually. When it concerned him though, the winged man just smiled kindly to the apology

"Well, sometimes you are in that state where you just look for anyone you know in sight. You need not worry about such insignificance to me. And thanks for it, I'm in dire need for a drink"

Perhaps he was craving for it, or that his hidden rich-boy syndrome was acting up subtly, Tomoe's description didn't fit the taste at all. He took quite a gulp to compensate the dehydration from all that workout he did.

When the pink-haired girl were unsure of leaving, Acion shrugged his shoulders.

"We enjoy the silence, so nothing's wrong. You don't need to leave." He said. "Or is there something you want to say?"

@Silver Carrot@liferusher

It was the most expected and honestly generic responses Michael could expect. But it was alright. He simply gave a light smile to all the encouragement around table upon hearing the confession, albeit not to where he was supposed to say it to. Strange, it didn't feel as weird as when he was blurting it out when she was asleep in the White Hart, perhaps because they were all guys, all in the same environment, with the same societal pressure in terms of relationship. Michael wasn't sure of the other levels of society, but to his surrounding's standards, he'd have to be the one to make the move. Be upfront and clear, yet kind and respectful like a gentleman. You were expected to be the opener to everything. Easy to say, but not easy to be that when the time comes, unless you are extremely confident. It wasn't his first time coming to an understanding concepts of romance and relationship too, even though now was his first to bloom for real. He wondered if she actually heard what he said the other day while she was dead drunk and believed it. Didn't seem like it from her behaviors in the week since, but he had half-heartedly wished that could happen.

But then again, it was still barriered by that rat in a human's costume. There were some new information that did earnestly put a couple of question marks on Michael's thoughts. It was quite a typical backstory for some criminals, but it was some thought-provoking things to reconsider his position, that maybe he was more than a rat. Some of which are a little difficult to swallow.

"Well, that puts some more sympathy to look at him." Michael rolled his eyes in his effort of dismissal. "But it's not anymore okay."

Once again, he felt like he was placed in a bonfire. Not from artillery shells or anything, but his own internal fire that threatened to engulf whoever stood in his way. All from the slight mention or reminder of the man's sinful deed. Started out from his chest, then slowly creeping up to his four limbs then his small delicate face soon tensed with a heated aura of anger. But thankfully enough, the topic switched to something else. About Jean and his awkward understanding of love. It was kind of awkward as well, to be honest, but thanks to it, his anger died down fast as he thought of the other situation at hand.

"They always tell us to be the move maker. At least for me." Michael said. "But to my own understanding of love, trying to be the right person is better than finding the right person. Don't try too hard, and let them find you instead."

Everyone said they wanted to find the right person, but no one ever said they wanted to be the right person for anyone.

"But that's just a viewpoint from an ignorant upper-class citizen." But then he wittingly stated, a little dryly in case some smartasses were quick to point out their subjectivity, especially in an opinionated thing like love. "A quarter of my day is in my parent's study, so there are stuffs I don't know about the outside world."

The subject was then turned to something...perhaps a little unpleasant.

"Say Jean, only if you're alright with sharing this...well...this is just something I've only heard mentioned of, but...what is the White Feather movement?"

"A lot better than I expected. Thank you."

It felt really weird to say that he was doing well, among the deaths and destructions in this gloom. But it was perhaps not that far from the truth after all. Michael had expected much of his soldier life in misery, but it turned out to be not as bad, mostly thanks to the kindness and care of some members of his squad, especially that particular girl that Jean just mentioned. It may be far from the norm of perception for most people, but he was doing relatively well. Not really good, but it was nowhere near as bad as he had thought.

"I don't know about her right now, with him trying to block her side, but if that's the hypothetical scenario, she would be a happy one, since whenever she doesn't have him on his mind, she tends to smile a lot more."

This just helps putting the conflict back on his mind. About that terrible excuse of a captain. He didn't know if he should really forgive that man now, after all the consideration of what he had done to Lucia and all his soldiers who he did not hesitate to send deaths their way. Especially when repentance was definitely not a thing to this man, not at least according to what he had shown himself to be. But regardless of that, he still knew that the best solution is to forgive. He was taught all his life to know that. To let go of hatred for another human being and see him for his true self. He had to do it, otherwise he might just consume himself. But the more he knew, the harder it was to extend forgiveness to such a man. He certainly did not deserve such a thing, regardless of how sympathetic his circumstances were.

Was his morality built incorrectly from the very beginning? Or was he being a judgmental figure trying to be higher than God himself? Michael just couldn't find his answer.

"It may have been a little too far ahead for me," Michael simply shrugged the issue off his shoulders, before moving to something else. Something else stuck in his mind ever since he was back at White Hart. "but I may actually have feelings for her."

He wasn't one hundred percent sure of it, but from the looks of it, the unusual care and worries he had over a girl who was not his family, how he was sometimes unable to shake her off of his mind, it seemed to be that the seed had been planted. Of course it could be argued that he was just the kind soul that he was born as, but going as far as to be so angered by someone else who abuse her like that, a normal person would not be so persistent.

"Although some of her antics can be a little annoying, she cared at the right time that I needed it most. I'm honestly thankful." He said, before addressing the silver-haired gunner standing right next to the group of gentlemen around. Her question wasn't really his concern, but rather...her demeanor. It outright did not click with his normal impression of the calm gunner who had his back during the hill charge or during Amone. Regardless, he addressed her directly and concisely, heeding her offer.

"If you could find me a clean piece of cloth, I'd very much appreciate it."

For a little while, Michael was still looking at the direction in which Middleton had just stormed off. His eyes never blinked, and some of the soldiers nearby were already getting slightly intimidated by the cold solid stare that seemed to cut deep with judgement and anger. They wanted to ask if he was ok after being hung up by the collar, but the guy looked ok enough, and they didn't want to get in the crosshair of that fury. That rat. Now speculations of what he was doing to Lucia began to circulate and expand like pathogens in an infected host. And every time it does, the bar was lowered, and the meter began to shorten. The more he wished to have him dead, just like how his father once wished that Donster to die, ironically breaching his religious teachings.

...religious teaching...

'Wait, why am I getting caught up with this?'

Is it that Middleton's anger had gotten to him? It did not break him, but rather changed owners. 'Come on, you're better than this.' He finally flinched as he placed the tips of his fingers on his temples before grabbing the gun that was slapped out of his hand earlier. He wasn't always like this. He definitely wasn't this defensive before, but he was toughening up for sure. But the anger that was poured into him like molten lava. It definitely wasn't something he was taught to hold onto this long.

"From Hill 58 to this one..."

It was not what he was supposed to be.

The first squad mate to approach Michael was Isaac, seemingly thanking him for something. For what exactly? He also offered a Scotch that was the remnant of that tragic inn. It could be a way to remember the inn's staff member who died in the tragedy caused by someone who were supposedly on their side, and for only a couple of dead Imperials, but unfortunately Michael wasn't a man of alcohol.

"Thanks for your invitation, but I don't drink alcohol." He politely declined.

But maybe he could still have a talk later on with Isaac. Or Jean in that regard. Or hell maybe even Luke. Michael knew he was an asshole most of the times to people, but should that be something to deter him from getting to know him, especially why would he act so malevolently in the first place. It was common ground for a person in Europa to act like that to Darcsen, but no humans hate for a reason. Like Heinz towards the Federation. His ideals were definitely toxic, but at least he had a ground to build from. And if he was able to meet him again and again, he could imagine changing it entirely possible. But when would that be, when he was on the enemy's nation?

"Maybe Thomas would wish to join you for that."

Michael looked around to see Marathon standing around with Jean over in the other table and casually strolled over to them, whether or not Isaac would follow him.

"You mind me sitting here gentlemen?"
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