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"Remember to look at the stars not down at your feet." Inspired me ever since. Rest in peace Professor Hawking
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I don't know why, but the boredom is killing me slowly
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Goroth had various doubts as he approached this mysterious manor he was supposedly invited to. Like the fact that the letter just mysteriously appeared by him one morning, even though he should be in the middle of nowhere at the time, away from any inhabitants. And the fact that it promised pretty much everything that he himself had to work tirelessly for in the last 2 decades. For free as well apparently. It sounded too good to be true. But he also had to count the fact that it might not be those humans who delivered the letter to him, given he wasn't where they were supposed to be. It had already been over 10 years since he escaped that wretched place. Surely they wouldn't exert that much effort just to find a single orc. Regardless, he was curious enough to go there. If it actually was a trap, then so be it. He's not afraid of a fight. Or death.

Travels didn't take that long, as the orc was not afraid of any confrontation with any opposition, human or not, though he wasn't so arrogant to travel the main road in broad daylight. The greatsword hung on his waist while the guandao and the bag of tools and possessions firmly on his back as he gradually approached the manor. The sounds of chirping birds made it a lot less unsettling, but seeing that...whatever is curling up behind the cobblestone wall did. There were also various other creatures outside the manor as well, some of them human-like, but he knew some species just look like that. How envious he was of them, but that's just a fact of life.

Regardless, it still wasn't enough to trust this place just yet. Goroth decided not to approach the manor until he knew what is going on. He instead turned straight for the creature hiding behind that cobblestone wall, if he could call it that.

"You." The orc, towering over the small faun, in his ironclad armor and weapons right in his hand's reach, pointed at her as he neared. "The hell you up to? You part of this?"

His voice was growly and mildly threatening, yet if the faun paid attention, she would notice the same letter she had crumbled in his other hand.


Thanks! Ducking is the fun part ;)

Thanks for letting me in. Here's what I have. It's something I've also done in another RP, but still wants to carry on with it. Hope the height or the power ain't too much.

This looks particularly interesting. You mind one more player?
Alexander Kherol

"Attention rebel forces. Your leader is dead. If you don't want to follow her, kneel."

He had no intention to be formal and courteous with this stern warning. He wanted serious business, and it showed in the language. The remaining Deilos ships that got left behind immediately self-destructed as a result. The rare few were then neutralized by the local defense forces. They would soon be trialed for war crimes and Alexander doubt any of them would get away with a firing squad, even with bribery or manipulation. Finally. Finally. The final ghost of the war had been eliminated, and threats (at least external) were extinguished. His years of hard work finally bore some fruits.

"Wow, these kids did their work quite brutally."

Long after the Xuanzang left, Alexander finally stepped foot on the Akriem's Razor. There weren't that much fighting on the way up to the bridge apparently. It is clear as days which were the victims of his soldiers and those of the kids. The former would finish their targets off quite quickly, so injuries were relatively few on their bodies. On the other hand, the latter's targets - the higher crew - were completely hacked to death. One with broken spinal cords. One missing fingers, melted hand and a stab in the legs and lower jaw. One completely blown up, his cooked flesh still smoking. And the other was decapitated. All of them were messy and brutal. Not that Alexander thinks these people don't deserve such deaths. He was in the opinion that all some people deserved was death, and he wouldn't mind one bit the brutal ends for these bloodthirsty monsters. Nevertheless, given they might not have personal connections to these folks, this might be how these people fight normally.

"Sir, the ship navigation system still works but the control center is gone." An engineer onboard reported.

"Is it destroyed?"

"No, just...gone. It should be over there according to designs. But these's no pieces of it that I can say it's destroyed. It just vanished."

"Ok..." His eyebrows piqued weirdly. He didn't know what sort of magic can simply just make something disappear like that. "Well, then we'll just have to tow the ship back. Scrap it for metals, we don't need this piece of crap in my fleet."

"Yes sir."

He shook off the thoughts and simply continued his work. Once Alexander was back on his carrier after inspection, he announced the cleanup operation for the rest of the remaining participants. They were to wipe off any traces of what happened today. By the next day, the routes would be back to normal operation, while the images of the destroyed fleet remnants would be displayed on the media as a warning and show of force.

Following the inspection of his spoils of war is the routinely briefing. It is relatively short with most of the content directed toward further missions that needed to be carried out. Once it was done, every ship captain and officer proceeded with a salute one at a time before they left for their respective vessels.

The last in the room was his flagship's captain, Carina. She didn't seem eager to rest yet apparently, being glued to the screen in front of her even as her colleagues have already left.

"What seems to be attracting you there, Carina?"

"Hmm." She pinched her lips before passing her tablet over to Alexander. "It's the pilot's reports. Our first squadron didn't have sightings of the Xuanzang, but apparently the second one does, and they report neutral signals being flashed from the ship."

Oh yeah, that thing. Its appearance over the entire battle was a strange event. And for what Carina just said, indeed it is strange. Of course, it made sense that they would hide from the Deilos fleet, and it also made sense that they would flash neutral signals to the combatants, assuming they didn't know the Deilos fleet before. But both of them back to back is a little weird. It's also possible that the Deilos spotted them and they chose to show their identities instead. But he didn't think the Akriem's Razor would have functional radars. His intel suggested that, but they could be wrong. The engineers were still doing their analysis, so he'd know soon enough.

"Speaking of the Xuanzang, you seem to know that ship's captain?"

"Oh Natasha? Yeah she's my academy friend, remember?" Carina replied.

"I...don't remember much. The name does click some buttons, but that's it. Maybe because I'm in Officer's Training all the way through."

"Yeah probably...She and I were top students in navigation classes, so we talked quite often. Well, before you snatched me to your department!" Carina threw a jab at the Grand Admiral, to which he'd return an amused smile. "I thought she died during Proxima, but apparently she's still kicking around. Hasn't changed a single bit, still couldn't understand sarcasm. Her apparent love for vehicles got the best of her communication skills I guess."

"Well, the war got it hard on everyone. You remember how those two kids, Ashton and Flame, and how they literally called themselves geniuses unironically?"

"Ah, give me a break! I never knew second-hand embarrassment was a thing until that happened." She shook her head hard. "But hey, it's nice seeing her still finding a job in the OIS after the war. And a pretty good one too. Tang-class ships are mostly reserved for skilled pilots." Carina searched the ship image just for Alexander to imagine. "I mean look at it. They have more tools with the ship so they wouldn't want a rookie at the helm."

Alexander gazed through the different images of the Xuanzang online and was surprisingly silent for a long while.

"Alex?" Carina curiously asked. "What's going on?"

"I noticed something weird..." He took a few swipe over the different images before plugging it into a wire on the table for the hologram. "Do you have still have the data for that ship earlier."

"Yeah?" Carina was still a bit confused but obliged anyway.

As the two holograms appeared side by side, controllable by the panel near Alexander's seat, the Grand Admiral quickly pulled his captain and friend over to the side of the table.

"You see that bridge?" He pointed. "The ship we encountered did not extend down to that area here."

"Oh?" Carina took a few seconds to look over the two models. "Oh, it doesn't! It's a bit tricky to spot from this angle."

Alexander switched the hologram setting for a complete sideway view "And look at the height of the ships. The Xuanzang from the online database is taller. By quite a bit. I assume that's the storage area"

"Yeah it is storage. I think the OIS wants to increase capacity." Carina also noticed something. "Does that engine look a little different to you? The shape is weird. That's military grade engine. How do they get that?"

"Oh this looks fishy." Alexander walked back to the panel, his strides getting wider and faster. "What's the code they gave earlier?"

Further inspection is required here. Something is definitely off. His suspicion earlier was tickling his senses again. Once Carina provided the code again, Alexander immediately called the OIS and requested special access, and not without threats delivered.

"Alright, here's the ship's basic information. Captain: Crawford Everest. Last update: 8 hours ago." Alexander slapped his palm on the table. "That's not the Tang-class OIS Xuanzang. They lied to us."

"Cheeky bastards. These two ships look similar in design it got passed our eyes while we were occupied." Carina checked the detail as well. "Apparently, there was an old design of the Tang-class. It was put in use for a bit, with a few ships being produced, but all of them have been decommissioned in favor of a more protected bridge and more storage capacity. All of them are scrapped now, and one was also named Xuanzang."

"So they somehow got their hands on that Xuanzang." Alexander said. Illegal vehicles roaming around the galaxy bought over the black market is an Ascendancy issue. But the bottom line for this whole ordeal is: he just got fooled.

"Natasha just mentioned she was heading to Plenty to deal with some sort of rebellion. I don't know if that's a bluff to throw us off or not."

Plenty? That is an agricultural world. Coincided conveniently with the unusual spike in food price in recent months! It all made sense now. Those people are rebelling and doing some shady media blackout to hurt the Ascendancy economically, especially the military. And for those kids on the fake Xuanzang are in on it as well.

"We want to cover all possible scenarios. We'll send ships on a search around the nearby sectors. For Plenty itself, we do have men on it yes?"

"Yeah" Carina knew exactly what's coming next. "I'll inform them."


He never would have thought these immature unruly little ankle-biters had actually managed to fool him. Clever and smart of them indeed, throwing those information at him when he was not prepared to carefully analyze. Rebelling against the Ascendancy eh? They think they have what it takes to carry out a revolution? Brave, but now that they got his undivided attention, they would need way more than bravery and skills.

Please do not post in the IC section without permission. Thank you.

There is this guy popping out of nowhere and posted in the IC without permission. Is it alright if you can remove it? Thank you!

GROUP 1: Fritz vs Abaddon

As their weapons clashed, Abaddon couldn't help but laugh with Fritz. It was thrilling to engage such an enthusiastic warrior. Abaddon could feel his body begin to creak as he filled with excitement. He started delivering a barrage of slashes. None were intended to do any major harm. They served as nothing more then a test of might. Abaddon wanted, no required finding the young man's limits if he was going to have a proper fight.

The slash barrages are mere child’s play for Fritz. An insult to the pride of the Erudite’s Guard. In fact, he was unimpressed to the point that he didn’t try to dodge most of them. The ones he felt threatening enough he would make sidesteps or use his scythe to gracefully parry them. The rest? He tanked them. Firm like mountains, he watched as the slashes clashed with his armor, the sound ringing music to his ears.

”Is that all?” Fritz banged the spot the last slash hit before he launched his own fury. Three major swings back to back. One aimed for Abaddon’s chest horizontally before swinging down for his head and then a full body turn for his torso again.

The man's armor was well made but well made equipment would have faltered with a novice warrior. His graceful dodges mixed with sheer resilience made the fight worthwhile. However, it seemed Abaddon's test already seemed to bore the young man. His small taunt was almost funny to Abaddon if it weren't for the fact he started swinging that scythe at him. Well, his defense was decent, for a human. Let's use this to test his offense. First, Abaddon used his blade to elegantly deflect the scythe over him, crouching to make it easier on himself. Next the swing came down from on top of him. He let the blade glide down his arm allowing him to stay in close range. As the next slash came in, Abaddon quickly moved in and grabbed the scythe just before the plasma edge. Abaddon had seen what he needed now. The fight should be of some mild entertainment. Abaddon looked Fritz in the eyes, "Come now, what is the point in a killing each other if we can't have some fun while doing it?" Creaking metal could be heard from where Abaddon held the Scythe. The black goo pulsed as Abaddon launched Fritz back 10 meters back, letting go of the scythe. There was a clear deformation in the shape of a hand on the scythe now. "Now let's have a real fight" as Abbadon pointed the blade at the man. Abbadon wasn't throwing those childlike strikes anymore, he hopes Fritz has more to give.

”Hahaha, indeed.” Fritz grinned widely. This man. One could not believe he found his own kindling here. A big big shame they were forced to kill each other. Yet he took his words back. Dying to Kherol is good enough, but to spend his last moments in the blaze of battle, a man, a warrior can only wish.

His grin did not falter as he charged at Abaddon. This time, his scythe was already in motion, but with multiple fake movements in an attempt to trick the Kaisoken of his intentions. What real strike he delivered though, came with murderous intent. The ground would shake with every hit, the lights of the room would flicker for a split second. The attack would be ferocious, but eventually, it would end with an earth shattering downward blow, one that could leave the blade quickly entrenched in the cracks on the floor.

This is what Abbadon had lived for hundreds of years. The thrill of battle was a feeling that had called to him since his name was Fremont. As Fritz started his assault Abaddon's decades of combat experience came fully out as he started to piece together the patterns in his fighting. The intent behind each of Fritz's slashes were so palpable to Abaddon that It felt he was announcing his attacks. As the final attack came Abaddon got the sword ready to counter. As the strike came, Abaddon arced the blade upward, striking the scythe with the spine of the blade. With the other hand he initiated the rockets on his hammer. The thrust spinned Abaddon to Fritz's side. Using this angular momentum, He let out a devastating hammer strike on target with Fritz's lower back.

It was one thing, Fritz had hoped his combat prowess was much more than the Kaisoken. Fritz laughed loudly when his Scythe was blocked, which he had always wanted to die by a much skilled opponent rather than being blown up. ”This was rather fun, May you go find a much better-” Fritz said, but was interrupted by the reason that Abaddon’s Devastating Hammer Strike hit him clearly breaking his spinal cord. In terms, that was the last thing the crazed psychopath would even say since he had much more fun in all the years of being apart of the 11th Fleet. Since no one even held a candle to his might, only Elaine was able to stop him from going too far.

GROUP 2: Marvin vs Tarak

Marvin’s own power armor made sure that his willpower wasn’t the only thing keeping him up, and while the workings of his Plasma Rifle were damaged, they had enough redundancies to maintain functionality. So he began shooting at Tarak’s approximate location, spraying burning plasma everywhere even as he himself kept moving, eventually throwing aside his main weapon as it eventually burnt out, and choosing to draw a pistol and a monomolecular knife instead to try and go into close quarters.

Tarak watches as Marvin seems to finally catch up and figure out they were in a fight. Tarak immediately takes a defensive position by diving off to some cover as he began to hear the plasma rounds fly around him. Yet as the rounds flew, he found a few began to dig through the control panel he was using as cover. However, when they hit him, they did minor damage to his suit because of them losing most of their power to his cover. He quickly dived back into the clearing when he felt around 5 seconds had passed, enough time for Marvin to empty his magazine. Yet what Tarak saw was slightly surprising, as the man began to rush him like a mad man. Tarak’s reaction was to go and bring his gun up and unload multiple rounds in the direction of Marvin. Tarak began to use an alternating pattern of burst and full auto to keep Marvin guessing. Yet as the man moved Tarak was at least entertained, knowing this guy isn’t no half-rate Merc, Tarak knew this was going to get close and personal, as he prepared for such a fight.

Marvin was not so foolish as to continue his blind charge, and dove behind another control panel to avoid Tarak’s shots, only to find a mirror image of the Star Marine’s situation happening to him as his cover was perforated and damage got through his shields and armor. Nevertheless, he can sense the pattern Tarak was making, and managed to get at least one shot in-between his enemy’s bursts of fire. Either way, this cat and mouse dance would not last for long, as Marvin crouch-walked, half-crawling, out of his cover, firing another three rounds before getting up and zig-zagging closer to Tarak, hoping to get within knife range of the large Star Marine.

Tarak witnessed Marvin make the same tactical maneuver he did to get out of the hail of bullets. With the rhythmic timing of Tarak’s shots, he knew Marvin was going to try and fire inbetween the shots. After a few moments, Tarak saw Marvin pop up to fire a shot, yet what he wasn’t ready for was how fast the man moved from the shot. The round hit Tarak, yet his armor was more than capable of taking such a shot. But, Tarak was being wary, knowing he was planning to rush him, Tarak waited as he was counting.

After a few moments he found his gun ran out of bullets, which was when he saw Marvin made his move as he fired 3 more rounds, each of which Tarak made sure to lean forward with his body so they would hit his arm armor, to not only mitigate the damage, but also set up for his plan. Tarak used his leaning position to get ready for a forward charge as he fired his next grenade, a stun grenade, as it was aimed at the ground under Tarak. Hoping to blind Marvin and prepare for a close range engagement and to use the moment to surprise the man with a quick kick to the arm where he was holding his gun.

It was Marvin’s combat experience which allowed him to close his eyes soon enough to avoid the full effects of the stun grenade, though not the kick, which caused his gun to fly out of his hand and clatter onto the floor. However, the Ex-Ascendancy member reacted quickly with a headbutt and a blind stab, hopefully allowing him enough room to open his eyes while drawing a second dagger, an electrified one, with his now-free right hand…

Tarak witnessed the most annoying thing, something Tarak never liked about people like these psychos, willpower to fight in the most inane manners. As Marvin moved to throw a headbutt at Tarak’s head, Tarak had more than enough ability and practice to shift his body from the kick to his defensive shoulder charge stance from before to do a jumping shoulder bash right into Marvin’s face. Allowing the knife to swing as is cut and slashed across his back armor. Slightly opening a spot on his back but nothing that would ruin the integrity of his suit. Yet what he is planning next was outright inhumane. As if Marvin was knocked back from the shoulder bash Tarak would bring his gun up fast and fire the next round in his grenade launcher, a High explosive round, right into Marvin’s chest.

Death was immediate - Not even armor can stop that. Burnt, cooked pieces of the ‘unfortunate’ guardsman rained down all over the area, including where the others were fighting…

The blast was dangerously close, yet because of the natural trend of the grenades' explosive force to explode towards the object hit, most of the actual force was output onto Marvin and subsequently blasted him into small chunks. While Tarak was just hit with a concussive force, yet because of his years of dealing with all sorts of inane situations, he was more than acquainted with this, as he then began to turn his attention to the rest of the fighting as he began looking to figure out who needs help.

GROUP 3: Tobias vs Nero

The threat of death was still there, as Nero’s blade closed in on him fast. Two, but one quickly veered off into Philip. It was unexpected, but in the state of mind Tobias is in, he couldn’t bring himself to care about the second blade. But the first one was still definitely a danger. Still under the influence of the Gravity Disable, Tobias had no choice but to take the blade head on. Whatever he had to do, that blade must NOT hit the tank in the back. He knew exactly the fate of flamethrowers and its equivalent classes throughout history if the tank got hit. He loved the smell of phasma corpses, but he was not going to turn into one himself

Tobias instead raised the handle of the phasma thrower at the back to intercept the blade. It sliced through it, but stopped just as it made a cut in his hand. It hurts but Tobias simply blocked the pain out as he took the blade out.

Thankfully, the Gravity Disable was down quickly enough. Once down, Tobias let out a megalovaniac laughter before he unleashed a screen of plasma towards Nero, ignoring any firepower coming his way. Then another. Then another. Then finally as the barrel overheated, he took out a blaster and fired a shot at the kid in front of him. He didn’t care if he’d die, he only wanted to see people burn.

Ah, so close, and yet so far… The guy, Tobias, blocked the shot and saved his neck. True, his hand would be hurting, but that wasn’t enough! A bloody hand was just an appetizer to the fun, an opening prelude, a bit of a prologue, a- Oh, I’m sorry, they’re both nuts! Still, as Tobias fell to the ground - Navi’s spell basically running out - Nero had gotten a little closer, but what he was...was just out of reach. In the case of Tobias himself, though, Nero was in decent reach of the plasma-thrower, which he activated. The man was not...being all that precise. You don’t have to with a flamethrower. But because of his wild sweeps of the weapon, someone as fortunately agile as Nero had an out without having to make a hasty retreat. That is, he was able to leap over these impromptu walls of flame as they came at him. He couldn’t close the gap just yet, but he wouldn’t have to, right now.

The thing of it was that Tobias still had the stairs, the high ground, the Kenobi effect. It was easy enough to keep an enemy at bay like this with a weapon like that. At least...until it overheated. Flamethrowers were cool, but only in style, not in practice. The mercenary had to stop when the barrel got too hot, because if he didn’t, he’s melt it. The moment he stopped and pulled out a gun, Nero acted. He threw Extra Knife #3 at the gun hand even as the guy was pulling the trigger, all while juking to not get shot. But immediately upon doing that - knowing that Tobias would either have to move his hand or move his body or do anything other than shooting - THAT was when Nero leapt up the stairs, drawing his new plasma daggers and looking to create some super-heated lacerations! Flailing arms would do for a start, but he was honestly thinking block his defence - maybe the gun, if he tried it - with one knife, and hamstring a leg to hell with the other!

Tobias saw the extra knife, and did a quick sidestep to dodge it, but the moment Nero leapt on him, both daggers in hand, the clumsy equipment on his back already sent the instinct that this would be the end. But he would not throw his hands open and accept death so easily. No no no. He threw away the pistol and blocked Nero’s one dagger with the entirety of the plasma thrower. His other leg? He didn’t need it.

Tobias felt blood being released from the cocoon in his leg, but it all just turned him into a wild beast. He gritted his teeth as his eyes opened wide as if it could pop from his socket any moment now. Then, regardless of the plasma, Tobias grabbed right onto Nero’s blade. His gloves would give him seconds before his hand completely melted. He only needed one second. Tobias would plunge that superheated knife right onto the fuel tank behind his back. Then his other hand would completely let go of the plasma thrower in an attempt to grab Nero. He knows he’s going to die. Ashamedly, to this ‘kid’. But he’s going to go down like the man he is: burning rage of lunacy.

Huh?! If only you could SEE the look on Nero’s face when he actually grabbed his super-heated blade like that. It was a weird mix of surprise, and yet...approval. You can’t see it because Nero was wearing that facemask, of course. Still, this would only last about a second, as Tobias took the opportunity to stab the blade into the main tank of his plasma-throw-


The tip of the blade stopped at the tank without penetrating anything. Also, his hand was no longer melting. Now, we don’t know how long, if any, there was perhaps a pause there with maybe a look of confusion or disbelief, but the next thing you know, Tobias would hear…

”You know I can turn those off, right?”

That would be some palpable embarrassment, right there, to say nothing of potential for ‘Oh Crap!’ as Nero brought the other dagger up to stab at Tobias’ throat.

Embarrassment never came to full fruition on Tobias. The psychopathic Erudite Guard fell down for the last time. Much without any last words.

GROUP 4: Phillip & Elaine vs Narvia & Finbarr

Narvia felt the strain of keeping up her Gravity Disable for too long, in which it would be slightly annoying but she needs to keep her magic reserves or it’ll take a long while to recover. In terms, the gravity disable is no longer active, which she feels like it isn’t the right thing to do but it's better than straining herself too much. ”I dislike I had to do that but wasting my magic on one spell, shouldn’t be a good idea…” She thought to herself a bit frustrated at herself. As well, she sighed at this whole thing, but thankfully Philip is badly injured compared to their leader of all things.

Elaine laughed at Narvia’s weakness, which definitely helped her's primary focus in the High Magic category. ”Amazing, the little girl shows not that great at world magic.” Elaine said, with a laugh at the weak Navi. Thankfully, her backup in Philip was no longer suspended by Gravity Disable as well. She pulled up her plasma rifle and took a pin point shot at the console that Narvia is hiding underneath, since the suppression fire from Philip wasn’t that great. Navigation consoles dislike being hit by plasma bursts from her rifle. ”Hope you like a bit of boom, in your face, Navi.” Elaine said with a vindictive smile on her face.

Narvia had a shock on her face when the console did explode in her face by being hit from Elaine’s plasma rifle. It caused a feedback loop, which shocked Narvia intensely and made her lose her cool by becoming angry at the explosion. ”Y-You b-bitch, you will die for that…” Narvia said with her cute angry voice. Her arms, and face were scarred by that explosion and it hurt like hell. She moved from the console that was still sparking and electrified and decided to shoot Philip with her pistol.

Philip was grateful he was freed from Narvia’s gravity disable, but he was hit by Narvia’s pistol. It hurt pretty badly, but not as much as the Plasma Sword stuck in his back, which he will want his revenge on the one that caused that injury. He can endure much more pain than normal, but he isn’t nowhere near the endurance of the Dragon. ”Aha, I should really repay you back for this Plasma Sword stuck in my back, Spacetime Breacher. Also, Narvia are you trying to make this not as fun or are you just a little angry ball of joy?” Philip questioned Narvia’s reasoning in shooting him instead of going after the one who caused those scars on her body.

"Whatever you say you gobeshite." Finbarr snarled at Philip with a cheeky expression. He had done quite an amount of damage against the fuming bastard with the plasma rifle, and there was just no way he was going to let that man get away from it; at the very least, Finbarr wished for him to leave this battle in a body bag, no more, no less. There was always the option of knocking him towards the vacuum of space through a portal, but that would be a rather risky move.

After a moment of decision making, Finbarr opened a portal behind himself, jumping backwards into it just as another breach opened up a dozen feet away to the side, where he came out and unleashed a pair of golden energy beams directed at the sword that he had stuck in Philip's back, intending of heating its plasma blade to the point of combusting the man's damn flesh.

Philip laughed at the cheeky expression of the Spacetime Breacher, much better than the banter he gets from the crazies in his group. He raised his plasma rifle, but was taken a bit by surprise when Finbarr was no longer in the location he had been in. ”Seriously, you little bitch of a coward.” Philip said, with a bit of disgust. However, he forgot that Finbarr was moving to a different location to get the jump on him like a Spacetime Breacher would do. However, that changed when the plasma blade started to heat up from an energy beam he noticed a bit too late on the direct side of him. Philip grunted a bit kind of and turned around as quickly, but he had to get out that plasma blade out of his back, which dropped his plasma rifle on the ground. ”I hope you like your own Plasma Blade stuck in your back, Bastard.” Philip spoke with a slight annoyance in his voice. It was going to take him a bit before he’s able to do that since he could smell his burning flesh and didn’t want that anymore.
"Yum." Finbarr winked as the smell of Philip's burning flesh wafted across the room. "Smells like barbeque. Did no one tell me that today is grill day, huh?" He then turned back towards Philip and unleashed a continued barrage of energy, making sure that his opponent didn't get to rest while he still had his rifle on the ground.

Elaine sighed at Philip losing his cool, which she had noticed Narvia become slightly angry and laugh at that too. However, besides talking she decided to lift up her rifle again and shoot at Narvia yet again, without saying much. ”I wonder what the little girl is going to do.” Elaine thought to herself, with a vindictive smile on her face.

Narvia saw Elaine shooting her plasma rifle again at her, which she tried to dodge by moving to the side. ”Y-You bitch of a woman, why are you trying to push my buttons?” Narvia questioned a bit annoyedly. However, thankfully the plasma bolt hit the ground besides her instead of directly at her. It made her realize that the angier she gets the more that Elaine can toy with her as if what she said about killing her was true. However, she checked her pistol and it was out of ammo, which made her curse under her breath. She took out the clip to put a new clip in, which took a few seconds. ”F-Finbarr, can you please get rid of that bitch of a woman’s cover?” Narvia asked Finbarr kindly and cutely. It made the most sense, since it was controlling the ship’s movement and everything, the Captain’s chair of the Vixen.

"Got it." Finbarr ceased his attack on Philip, opening a portal right underneath the captain's chair with a flick of fingers and a bout of concentration. The portal swirled and churned under the chair, but it did not take anything; not yet. Finbarr would then fire a beam of golden fire at the base of the chair, cutting through it like an industrial laser. In a few moments, it would fall into the vacuum of space; and anyone who was idiotic enough to fall into the breach. At the end of that, Finbarr was a little tired, and catched his breath as he withdrew behind a console. Portals were a tiring business.

The Ship shook when the captain’s chair was taken into the void, which completely stopped it dead in its tracks. Elaine was completely pissed off at Narvia doing something smart for once in her bleeding life, she should’ve had killed Narvia when they first met. ”Why… you little cunt, you are going to pay for that with your bleeding life.” Elaine said. She stood up and walked around where her cover was at previously and clearly had a much better shot at Narvia than she did previously. Her plasma rifle was held up to directly point at Narvia, which she fired at least twelve shots in a row.

Philip during the shaking of the ship, fell down the stairs, which he was on but he did get battered by Finbarr’s attack. At least he did get out the Plasma Sword, but his plasma rifle was a bit out of reach. ”...I must say your anger is getting the better of you, Elaine.” Philip laughing while in pain. He slowly got up afterward and sighed at the one thing that was keeping the Akriem’s Razor shields up. It means, whatever is in Kherol’s arsenal can easily end it. ”Now where was I, oh yeah, killing spacetime breacher with his own weapon.” He said with a bit of an annoyance. However, Philip sighed and looked towards Navi and smiled slightly, the sweet little girl actually used her quick thinking cap and actually dodged Elaine’s attack, since the Plasma rifle has only another two shots left in its capacitor. He was definitely badly injured, if anything having Finbarr taking off the attack and focusing on the captain’s chair helped him slightly.

Narvia was shocked at the anger coming from Elaine and could do the only thing she could do, which was activate her Gravity Disable, yet again but on herself. She didn’t really have any real time to say her usual saying when activating this spell. She floated clear up to the ceiling, which the plasma bolts hit the gravity disabled’s area and the shots went everywhere, but where Narvia went to. ”U-Uhh, I’m not sorry for that. You deserve everything you get bitch.” Narvia said, cutely and happily. She slowly went down to the ground and disabled her magic again, but she was basically on the defensive right now. If it wasn’t her quick thinking she would’ve been hit with a face full of plasma. Narvia was running on adrenaline and anger right now and was getting slower.

"Awww, they're mad." Finbarr snickered as he watched Philip fall down the stairs, as well as when Elaine just missed all of her shots. "Seriously, you're all so bloody incompetent, even a chicken can do a better job at trying to get me. Hah."

Of course, his goal here was to taunt the enemy, get into their nerves so that they would make more and more mistakes while trying to fight the Star Marines. And, sure, make sure that Narvia gets the absolution she needs. "Hey, Phililili." He said rather tauntingly. "Does the balance on my sword seem a little awkward for you? Of course it is, you friggin noob, you are a failure and always will be. No one loves you, not even your mother."

He then waited for Philip to come up from the stairs, brandishing his own weapon. Once he got close enough, Finbarr will lock him in Spacetime Lockdown before opening a portal under that man and… Woops. He falls on top of Elaine. At least that was the plan. It is foolproof!.. Is it?

Elaine had to make her last two shots count, which she couldn’t allow the girl to get the better of her, but Finbarr was helluva annoying her, more than the Navi. ”Can you please put a sock into your taunting? Do you have shit for brains or something.” Elaine said with a snide remark towards Finbarr. However, she walked closer to Narvia since it would be better to give Narvia a double tap directly to her forehead, execution style. She licked her lips, unaware of Finbarr’s idea of a laugh if Philip fell for it. ”Come here and meet your maker, Narvia, I do hope you love two plasma bolts directly to the back of your skull.” Elaine said with a gleeful laugh to her.

Philip got angier with what Finbarr said about his mother, his mother loved him to death, until he tore out her own heart for betraying the Ascendancy. ”...Don’t you ever dare speak of her, you utter idiot. The Ascendancy didn’t deserve that betrayer in their ranks, which she got the best of it for traitors.” Philip spoke with a complete raged tone. He completely forgot about Finbarr’s magical skill set, but he charged up the plasma sword. Philip decided to throw the Plasma Sword directly at Finbarr’s face instead. ”Hope you like the taste of Plasma Sword in your skull, son of a leprechaun.” Philip said, with a slight smirk to what he had said. Afterward, he pulled out his plasma pistol and fired a plasma bolt at the console that Finbarr was near instead of directly at Finbarr.

“Woops.” Finbarr sidestepped a little bit before catching the still ignited plasma sword right on its hilt.He gave Philip this incredulous expression, as if he had given him an exam and Philip had spectacularly failed it. “Dude you’re really just embarrassing yourself.” Finbarr drew out his other plasma sword, forming an X shape as he held them together. “I totally saw that coming… oh well.”

He would then break open a portal, though the console exploding right next to him forced him to slow down. However, he charged into the breach with both blades pointed forward… and emerged right behind the heavily wounded Philip, intending to swipe out both of his arms for stumps.

Narvia had a bit of a feeling of oh shit, they are being a bit smarter, while working on their instincts instead. Freaking Psychos, these bastards are especially that cunt of a woman, Elaine. However, she decided to use her bow of light construct magic to form a beautiful bow in her arms, which had an arrow in it already. ”I-I would rather not die here, you cunt of a woman.” Narvia said. It is a bit annoying having to repeat herself, but she pulled on the construct’s string and released an arrow of silverlight directly at Elaine. Another Arrow started to form, reminding her that she only has two more shots of the magic.

Elaine got hit by the Arrow to her arm, which made her drop her plasma rifle and she grinded her teeth at the painful hit of High Magic. ”...Seriously? You still have enough magic to use that construct… Should've not gotten close… Fuck. You fucking are going to die by my bare freaking hands for that.” Elaine said, completely enraged and cannot really handle anymore of this shit from Narvia or Finbarr. She was laughing like a hyena and hadn’t really looked around, thinking her Erudite Guard killed the intruders, when that assumption wasn’t correct.

Philip had noticed a bit too late, that what Fin was doing was all a ploy to get him enraged enough to stop using his brains. It definitely worked, however, he quickly turned around, instead of having his arms cut in twine, what happened was much more gruesome to him, the dual Plasma Swords cut from the top of his head to cut him completely in half instead. Before that happened, however, he said a few words, ”Kill the girl, Elaine.”

Elaine had a shock to her system, when she heard the clean slice through Philip, it pissed her off more. She wasn’t going out without a fight and she pulled her plasma pistol, which only had enough bolts to at least injure and not kill Narvia. ”I am going to enjoy myself, Narvia… Watching you scream in pain is going to make me happy, when I die.” Elaine smiles quite evilly. She fires her plasma pistol with pinpoint accuracy towards Narvia’s left leg.

Narvia tried to dodge the plasma bolt from the pistol, but unlucky on her part she was grazed by the plasma pistol bolt on her left leg, instead of a direct connection to her knee. She gritted her teeth and looked at Elaine, with a definitely, if looks could kill, it would’ve. ”Y-Your psychos are quite… stupid don’t you think? Why would they allow themselves to be cut in half…” Narvia said with a literal confused look on her face. Not really understanding what someone would do in their final moments, not like these sickos are going to be given a proper burial anyway. Her construct magic dissipated since she couldn’t really handle the pain in her leg, therefore, she picked up her pistol instead since it's better than nothing. ”E-Eat this you cunt of a bitch.” Narvia said with a smile. She fired at her with her pistol, she kept pushing the trigger non-stop.

Elaine couldn’t help but sigh, when she tried to dodge out of the way of the bullets but five of them hit the mark, her left and right legs in the knees and one in the arm that was holding her pistol, which it dropped down the stairs towards Narvia. She fell down the stairs since her balance was fucked by being hit in the knees specifically, which she groaned by being hit by a girl who never once fired the pistol before. ”...How in the hell… did you do this, Narvia? ……I will not fall by you.” Elaine said, with a strained tone of voice. It is like she was still thinking she could win this, however, there was one way out of this. However, that way was lost when her control of the ship was lost by Finbarr. ”YOU TOOK MY ONLY WAY TO KILL YOU AND YOUR FUCKING FRIENDS, YOU FUCKING STAR MARINES! SELF-DESTRUCTION WOULD BE YOUR DOWNFALL IF IT WASN’T FOR THIS LITTLE CUNT FROM CONNER LEO HADLEY. DAMN HIM!” Elaine yelled really loudly, which is like if she was able to get out of this ship she would’ve exploded the entire crew for being useless bastards.

Narvia hadn’t really thought all the controls of the starship was on her captain’s chair, which made her straight up laugh really cutely. ”Wow, you are really stupid putting all your eggs in one basket, or in this case the Chair.” Narvia said, still a bit shocked, that the bitch was going to try to escape a battle from Alexander Kherol to do this all over again. Seems like she’s a coward after all of her intimidation at the beginning, it was to cover up that she’s a straight up coward. ”You are as much as a coward as your older brother, Elaine. You won’t admit it because you are too prideful.” Narvia said, to add insult to injury. She slowly walks up to her and puts back her pistol and takes out her Daichi the Swift and outright slices her head clean right off.

Before Elaine’s head got chopped off by Narvia, she had truthfully never had truly believed she was a coward until her head was chopped off. She wasn’t unable to say anything since she’s dead now. Narvia didn’t really want to deal with what’s going on anymore, but she is definitely injured compared to the others. The Adrenaline was still pumping, but the injuries on her face and the plasma burn scar on her leg were going to make her scream after the adrenaline wore off. ”Good riddance to bad rubbish.” Narvia said, cutely and with a slight smile.

"Glad that this whole shabang is done." Finbarr nodded as he walked up to Narvia, putting a hand on her shoulder. This wasn't much of a battle, if one thought about it. They were fighting against incompetent psychopaths that allowed their emotions to cloud their judgement. "We better get your injuries treated."

Narvia felt Finbarr’s hand on her shoulder and she smiled happily at what happened. She turns to him and gives him one of her cutest smiles ever since, her fear is now over by how easily Elaine died without much of a fight. Obviously, out of all the people in this slaughter of psychos the only one that was injured was her. ”Y-Yeah… But I at least got rid of the specter of Berkeley R. Jensen from me… no more having to worry about that dead and forgotten bastard.” Narvia said a bit happier but her adrenaline was slowly decreasing. It made her grit her teeth and kind of tear up from the pain that was now surging through her body. ”Ouchies.” Narvia said with a bit of a pained look on her face.

Cleaning up

At this point, the Star Marines could see the silhouette of a gigantic spacecraft outside of them through the open windows of the Akriem Razor. Moments later, they would be able to hear running footsteps heading towards them in a hurried manner. As the scene of carnage laid bare to the Ascendancy troopers to witness, they weren’t hostile. In fact they looked quite satisfied as they relaxed their weapons a little. On closer inspection, the seven rings insignia of the 1st Fleet were on their upper left chest plate. They scanned the perimeter carefully and swiftly before the squad leader approached the Xuanzang’s boarding party.

“You must be the ones your captain was talking about. There’s dropships at the docking bay. Use them and get back to your corvette.”

The soldier spoke, without hints of hostility nor hospitality. All he knew were missions and this was the way instructed to proceed. If they so choose, it would be the dropship interior that perhaps many of the child soldiers were familiar with during their years of service. The dropship operator would be there, confirming their destination before letting them back to the Xuanzang to regroup with the rest of their team.
Alexander Kherol

It didn't take long for a reply. The moment Carina announced the reply to him, both the Grand Admiral and his captain put on their earpieces. There was no need for any magical persuasion, as Kherol simply followed the simple line of logic to address this reply.

"Star Marines? Aren't they like...gone after Proxima?" Carina asked.

"As far as I know, we're not prohibiting them from further serving, or just straight up going back to their home. What surprised me is they'd actually serve the Ascendancy after all that happened. Especially that edgy kid Flame." Alexander replied, as he laid back on his chair with his palm on his cheek. Still, regardless of feelings, he should check the facts: the OSI code. "Get the OSI code and match it with the ship model in the database."

Carina nodded as she relayed the message over to the necessary department. On the while, Kherol was deliberating what to do with the Akriem's Razor, now that there are a bunch of kids in there. His original plan was to surround the ship with starfighters, wreck their shielding and engine system and then used his newest weapons - the Longinus squadron - to just blow up the whole ship. Obviously getting the reputation of killing several perhaps innocent kids weren't something he wanted in his moral or professional autobiography, so he wanted a better plan. After weighing different options, he settled with his own boarding party. Sure it risked self-destruction, something Kherol clearly had gone through but this was the plan with the least collateral damage.

Seeing Carina was busy, he turned to the second in command. "Get our boarding squad ready."

"The OSI appeared to match. OSI Xuanzang, Tang-class transport corvette. Status: Operational. Seems like the real deal."

Alexander still had a bit of suspicion. But confirming the ordeal with the OSI would be time-consuming. They're widely known for having slow service query, and Alexander's request might take up a day or two even as a high-ranking official. He wanted to finish this quickly without delays as there are more things he wanted to move onto.

"Fine. I'm convinced." Alexander said as he stood up from his chair. "You mind giving me the intercom."

Carina nodded as authorization was transferred over to the Grand Admiral.

"Normally I would have had you all tried for obstruction of governmental operations, but considering the urgency, I am letting you off the hook this time. Once your mates get back to the ship, you are to leave the system. Consider this our token of appreciation for your so-called 'help'."

The transmission ended. Alexander immediately relayed further instructions to the crew, all combatants and the blockade about the Xuanzang's allied status. At this time, the Richthofen and its supporting ship would have already arrived in the vicinity and was quickly approaching the group. In the meantime, Carina took one final opportunity to send a little message to her 'buddy' Natasha Zhang.

"Hello darling. It's not the best of positions to be meeting each other again, is it? Hope next time we can be more on equal footings."
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