Acion Nakamiji

Alice Nova
Much to Acion’s dismay, and contrary to his hopes, he would not be able to make it back quick enough before Alice could either notice him or react. In fact, she had noticed him much earlier than likely anticipated. To be fair, loudly kicking against a window to open it while being in the center of the battlefield with a predator who was known for her precise senses, probably was not the smartest of ideas. Then again, he did not have many other choices unless he wanted to just talk in through the front door. Like this, however, by the time Acion was about to leave the building, it was already too late. The huntress had her sights on him and as he so carelessly opened the window on the other side of the building, little did he know that Alice was already well aware and in position to strike. Of course, it was a gamble on her part to expect that he would leave the building through the upper floors again. However, from her perspective, a ground-floor exit would make no sense for an airborne fighter.
By the time he stood on the window frame and prepared to leap off, Alice was standing two floors above him on the corner of the roof, ready to strike. The moment he would leave the building she would leap down upon him, grabbing his briefcase before he could even realise he was under attack. A silent surprise attack. At least, that was her plan. All she had to do was wait for the right moment.
Acion didn’t think much when he leapt out of the window. He only calculated the path back to base and nothing much else. The rest would be up to circumstances. But already from the get-go, his plan was already in tatters. Immediately after his departure, a large figure zoomed past him, and the next thing he knew, the briefcase in his hand was gone. It came so unexpectedly, with no prior warning of its arrival that shocked Acion for a second afterward. But combat experience returned to him quickly enough, as he looked for the attacker. There! The only thing indicating her presence was sight, as like the demonstration the day before, she flew downward in complete silence.
The angelic hero groaned internally for a brief second. Alice would indeed be the biggest pain in his zhopa for this fight, and there she was. But rationally speaking, being aerial capable automatically gave you countless benefits in a teamfight. So it made sense that they would counter that with their own. Fine. No matter who he’s dealing with, he’s taking them down.
Acion quickly gave chase. The next thing Alice knew, he would be behind her in hot pursuit.
The owlgirl had, of course, anticipated that Acion wouldn’t let off so easily. Whether it’d be his pride or his determination to win this exercise; Either way, it was almost a given that he’d pursue her. Though realistically the odds were stacked quite against him and Alice was very well aware of that. She wouldn’t start a fight which she cannot win. Thanks to their earlier conversation she was aware of the fact that her flying was superior to that of Acion, at least when it cames to dexterity and maneuverability.
After she successfully snatched the briefcase, Alice would continue to fall downward. She transferred the briefcase from her hand to her feet which were no longer human but rather large claws, those which one would expect to be of avian origin. Holding onto the briefcase with those claws was no issue at all and then she could morph her arms into those widely spanning owl-wings only shortly before she would hit the floor and then fly forward.
Right now they were flying towards the hero-base meaning the chance of any villain being there to backup Acion was neigh zero, meaning that Alice could fly as low as she wanted to.
She looked back one last time at her pursuer with those glowing eyes, notably lacking any glasses covering them since her transformed eyes very much made up for her poor eyesight as a human. Afterwards she’d make a very sharp, 90° turn around the next building only meters above the floor.
Despite being caught off-guard, he was gradually catching up to Alice, utilizing the great height he was falling from and the lift caused by his six wings. Acion realized that she was directing him toward the hero’s base, so she could get more support from her team, but he had worked hard to get that briefcase. Leaving Alice to carry it back to base would be a blow to his pride as a fighter. There was also the fact that these briefcases might take time to search, which meant that Alice could just replicate this hit-and-run tactic on him while he searched for the briefcases, and he would have no effective counter to it. That would be disastrous and embarrassing.
Before Acion could catch up to the briefcase hanging on her claw, the sharp 90 degree caught Acion, not by surprise, but by frustration. He was so close. Knowing he could not make that turn, he flew upward instead while also making a turn toward Alice’s direction. Again, this hit-and-run tactic, leading him to believe he had a chance then snatching it away from him. Alice knew him well, or at least what he was physically capable of. He should not let her dictate the engagement. Having gained enough height, he looked back down on Alice. Obnoxiously, because of her silent flight capability and the buildings close by, he would have to fly in close proximity for vision. But he was keeping up, flying up and down and using wings more when necessary. For just a brief period of time during the process, if Alice looked up, he wouldn’t be there above her anymore. He would just change his path a little, still following her but using the buildings for obstruction, being careful not to make any drastic movement, lest Alice pull off the same stunt on him again.
They were to reach a highway of sort soon. Before there though, Acion did the same trick again, using the buildings to obstruct visions. Of course she would know his general direction, but this time, he was flying downward. The moment they both poke out to the highway, Acion would turn straight toward Alice, expecting her to be turning toward the hero’s base.
Indeed his plan would work out exactly as he had hoped. Once she was in the position where he had anticipated her to be and they were finally facing one another she had nowhere to go but her home base. However, there was a slight problem for him… the briefcase was nowhere to be found. Her claws were quite literally empty and Alice used the chance to land on the floor while making sure to keep a precautionary distance. Afterwards, she casually adjusted her hair and gave a piercing stare towards Acion.
”I know what you are thinking. she started speaking calmly. It was as if everything was still under control for her, there was no ounce of panic or nervousness in her voice.
”But before you go looking for it, think hard. Are you sure I just dropped it? Are you sure it wasn’t earlier? It has probably been a while since you got a good look at me with all those maneuvers you were doing.”Her stare wouldn’t let up, she’d not let him move an inch without her observing it.
”I’d like to do this nicely, villain.” She was certainly trying to roleplay the hero role now.
”Turn yourself in and come with me to be captured. Cooperation will be noted in your files and can give you time off your sentence.”Upon not seeing the briefcase, Acion reflexively whirled away to avoid collision with Alice. He braked mid-air and landed on a lamp pole nearby. As adrenaline began to subside and the realization that all he had been trying to set up had been for nothing, that she simply outplayed him there completely was kicking in, he was met with an unusually intense stare from Alice. It kinda gave off a rather convincing image of a smart and stealthy hunter (huntress in this case).
It was rather frustrating, however, seeing how she pretty much pointed out exactly what he had been outplayed by, in a rather mocking tone he heard at first. As sad as it was to admit, he did get outmaneuvered. There were nitpicky things he could complain to himself about, like what Alice said, but the biggest concern he had for himself here was the fact that he let her dictate the engagement. It might have appeared that he was in control for the second half of the chase, but nope, she knew this all along. This did accumulate with a rather sour pirch of his lips.
Though his annoyance subsided as soon as she mentioned turning himself in for a reduced sentence. It seemed less of mockery and more like she’s really into this role. Acion gave out an amused laugh, covered by his knuckle to her supposed acting. Well done actually.
”You’re into this more than I do. I must say that was pretty scary.” He replied, before his gesture molded into the roleplay setting. His voice now hinted a strange accent.
”I see that little trick you pulled off there. Impressive.””But don’t think for a second that I will be under your control.” Acio widened his arms in a rather provocative manner, just immersing himself in this.
”If you want to, have at me.”Despite being more light-hearted, if Alice actually wanted to, he’d happily entertain the thought. But he highly doubted that. She was knee deep in advantage now, she wouldn’t be so greedy. He also shouldn’t be greedy either. It’s best to acknowledge that he got screwed over now instead.
”Hmm…” He was still in the mood but couldn’t help but let out a sigh.
”You can have this comfortable victory. But don’t worry, I will be back.”If not anything, he would take off and leave the area. He might still be circling around for a minute or two but after that he would actually leave, flying higher and higher to where he could finally recollect his thoughts.