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Crossed his arms as Goroth saw the hesitating Tova looked at him for one last gaze of trust before proceeding with the door. A little smirk formed on his face just as she turned away from him. She is one hell of a cowardly faun, but seemed like she wasn't hopeless. A bit of repetition and she might be able to snap that attitude out of existence. Of course, whether or not she would like it or not is an issue, but hey, he didn't want to follow humans to become their slaves and ended up with a human lifestyle.

As Tova entered the building, Goroth followed her up until the doorway, where he would instead be right there, bending himself to allow his head through, admiring the architecture. The orc had seen this sort of layout before. The comfy looking couches, surrounding a wooden table with a strange letter on it, while the bookshelves solemnly observed the coziness it portrayed itself. Humans like to do this. He had seen this in his former owner's house. He didn't know for what reasons they'd put bookshelves at the back and chairs would have to surround the tables like they are doing a ritual, but that's just how they work. Frankly, it doesn't look bad.

"Hmph, I would be surprised if they are my cousins. They are long gone." Goroth curtly replied, considering the orc culture. But if they turn out to be so, he wouldn't be sure if they'd reaccept him as an orc anymore. So many things about him had changed. And one of them is instead of hunting down and eating this faun in front of him, he is now having to deal with her joke attempts.

Suddenly, almost as his instinct alarmed him, he noticed the shadow on the ground before him. As the shadow grew bigger, Goroth immediately stood up straight preparing to face whatever is coming towards him. However, despite his strong warrior instinct, it was still a bit late, as the creature swirled around him, missing his arm swing, before flinging itself into the room Tova was in.

'What in the living fuck was that?'

Not knowing whether or not this creature was dangerous, Goroth took out a short sword half the length of a normal human he had from the baggage on his back, not wanting to get his two big weapons stuck in whatever furniture that might get in the way if he had to fight. He barged right into the opened room where the furniture rustling made him point his weapons to wherever the sound went. Eventually, it finally made it to a cloak.

"The hell is it saying?" Goroth responded to both Tova and that...'thing', whether or not it could understand him enough. At the same time, it seemed to be inviting both of them behind that couch. The orc was down for figuring out what was going on, but he still kept his weapons ready as he approached.

Alexander Kherol

2069 AD

As the small military hovercraft, the size of a regular family car, ripped through the air as he made his way through the damp and humid forest. Soon, the car arrived at a small clearing, where the trees seemed to part. There before him was the accumulation of what he was concerned about for his entire youth. From the moment he was forced away from his parents, his assignment to the Dragon's Brigade, and the rumors of disappearing prodigies while he was in officer's training, he knew not only this was the Ascendancy's secret project, but also this was what could have become of him. If only that governor hadn't saved him, or that one teacher who recognized the danger, he would've been the one in that facility instead of riding in this comfy car towards it. He was here for some inquiry, for prior to receiving these so-called 'supersoldiers', Alexander wanted to know what they are capable of in details, regardless of what bland descriptions the higher-ups gave him. But at the same time, there was this mixed sense of curiosity and discomfort that he had to tend to: the fate of his alternate-self.

The hovercraft stopped in front of the gate for clearance before heading straight through the large courtyard to stop at the main building. As Alexander was led inside by the facility guard, he could see the children playing outside - a couple few. A lot of them, however, were mostly sitting listless in the corner somewhere in the tree shade or in front of the main building. It wasn't because of who they are, preferring to isolate themselves against the world with their favorite toy or a book like how Alexander would. They are simply too broken to play. What the hell had happened to get to this point?

"Admiral Kherol, one of our chief scientists is ready to meet you. Please."

"I'm not gonna waste your time doctor. How do these 'supersoldiers' work?"

"You probably have heard about the Magi right Admiral?" The doctor said, to the nod of the Admiral. "Well, principally, they're like that. Soldiers with enhanced capabilities and magic beyond what conventionally trained soldiers can do."

"How powerful?"

"Well...they're not just powerful, but smart and tactical. They're adopted from the most ingenious minds of the Ascendancy and enhanced with our latest bio technology, infusing them with magical substance to make them stronger, tougher and capable of all sorts of magic."

"...Ok?" Kherol glanced his eyes sideways, clearly unsatisfied with the answer. "I'm still waiting for metrics. How powerful are they? Give me something to compare, like a demonstration even."

"Umm...It's very difficult to measure power as a group, since this is magic we're talking about. They differ very much depending on individuals." He said. "Some of them are really strong, one that can turn the tide of the battle in minutes, while some are more support-focused-"

"Ok, so they're different on an individual basis." Alexander abruptly cut him off, knowing exactly what he was going to say next. This guy was being vague, usually meant when they don't have a strong enough answer. "Then maybe you can give me some portfolios for me to look at?"

"That's classified Admiral. We can't reveal those to you." The scientist declared obnoxiously.


"W-Why?" This statement was so dumb it stuttered Alexander himself. "Why am I being kept in the dark of my soon to be assets?"

"It's part of our child protection program. The identities of these children shall be kept a secret."

"Child prote-" He thought too soon. This was even dumber. "You do realize that you're putting these kids into the Armed Forces? They're gonna be going through mental trauma and facing death in the eyes. And some will die for sure if conflicts break out. And you're telling me this is a child protection program?"

"Oh by program I mean they're a part of our..." The man snapped his fingers twice as he formulated his answers. "...Child Protection Act. To prevent things like abuses or harassment by individual soldiers, we're not letting anyone know of their identity."

What even...Alexander didn't even know a Child Protection Act exist in the current code of law. And even so, why would that stop abuses? Is child abuses solely based on their identities, and not the fact that they're literally children, according to whoever made this stupid law? And even worse...

"How's that even related to what I'm asking?" Alexander replied. "I'm asking for their powers, magic, or whatever you wanna call it, not backgrounds or names. Is that too much to ask?"

The scientist sat quiet for a few seconds, his eyes afraid to even look directly at Alexander. He fiddled with his fingers a little bit before finally conceding.

"Alright, let me grab the profiles. It wouldn't take long"

"Take all the time you need."

The walls are claustrophobic. The lights shone too bright. The low ceiling restricted his breathings. The glass panes echoed the image from an alternate universe. But Alexander sat with his legs crossed on the sofa. He would not leave without an answer.

The doctor came back after fifteen minutes with a tablet, presumably filled with the details he needed, and an exasperated sigh.

"We decided to make you an exception Admiral. Don't go out there and spout nonsense with these information." He growled as he handed Alexander the tablet

"Sure." The Admiral rolled his eyes as he powered up the device. Going through these individuals, it's really...varied. Like the kid that is just really tough against magic. Or the pair of siblings that can't really stay apart because they'd lose magical powers. It really does reflect the individuality of humans, but this is that but on 500 cans of steroid, or whatever magic BS materials they use on them. The big problem stemmed really from the fact that the military is not built around this much of inconsistency. There's a reason why there are standardized weapons, vehicles, uniforms and equipment for everyone. If an army is destroyed, another army built around the same standard can quickly take its place. But if an army built around these kids are destroyed, how is he going to replace them?

"Alright..." After scrolling through all the profiles, Alexander faced the scientist. "I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt, they are powerful. But I still don't know how to accommodate them. For that, I have one last thing I want to know."


"In case these kids die in battle, in which there will inevitably be some, how fast can I expect you guys to supply me with a replacement?"

"You better not let them die, Admiral." The doctor deflected. "They're invaluable to our future."

"What??? This is a HYPOTHETICAL doctor." Alexander was fucking sick of these non-answers. Can't believe he had to guide a scientist on simple logic problem. "The key word here is 'in case'!"

"It's an irrelevant hypothetical, since our goal here is not to let them die. At any cost whatsoever. Are we clear on that?" He shot back, to an even more annoyed Kherol.

"Yes, I'm clear. But what I'm asking is how fast can I get a replacement in case the worst happen anyway."

"Like I said, you're not to-"

"Wait wait wait! You're dodging the question again." The Admiral abruptly cut him off. His tone grew even less respectful and more dominant as the scientist continuously tried to cut him off mid-sentence. "It's clear that you don't know a thing about war that you'd say that. There is no way you're going to avoid casualty. EVER. Including your precious little babies. Just because I'm gonna try my best not to let that happen, that doesn't mean that will not happen. And what I want is to ensure the stream of manpower is constant and continuous, so I can fight as long and as hard as possible."

"...Well, with these supersoldiers, you won't need your fancy stream of manpower, since one of these are-"

"What do you mean I don't need manpower??? These are basic military logistics!" Another cutoff. "It sounds incredibly stupid to me that you'd propose a silver bullet that annihilates all military principals that existed for thousands of years."

"I'm not proposing that! I'm simply saying that it can help divert manpower away to places that-"

"It needs its own manpower too, its own specialized manpower you provide. Really shows how much of a weasel you are under that lab coat, pretending to kno-"

"Look admiral." He retorted angrily. "I know exactly what I'm saying, ok?! I've studied for 7 years in both undergrads and grads school. I've worked with military folks in the Ascendancy, so I know my stuff well."

"Alright then are you familiar with Roon's Logistic Model?" Followed up by the Admiral. "We need to know that for our discussions."

"...I believe so, yes." He took a few seconds to throw out a reply. "I'm not too familiar with it, but I kn-"

"I just made it up." Alexander struggled to stifle a laugh. It is so insanely mind-boggling, but he got him right there. "I literally just made that up a few seconds ago. There's no such thing as Roon's Logistic Model. You're just completely full of shit my guy. Can't believe they give you that lab coat and a PhD, am I right?"

"OoOoOhH, Roon's Logistic Model." The scientist bitterly and sarcastically responded. "I guess my argument's trashed huh? You win then. Anyway, what were we even talking about before you pivot away?"

"Well, if this is what the discussion is gonna be like - you not answering my question and faking your own knowledge, then I'd stop wasting both our precious times." Alexander abruptly stood up and tossed the tablet back to the doctor. He didn't even bother a handshake as a final formal gesture before leaving the room.

'Holy mother...'

Not even a second after going out of sight of the chief scientist, Alexander already buried his face on both his hands to that braincell deficient conversation. It's even worse than some of the politicians he had to deal with. All of this vague answers, red herrings and non-sequiturs thrown around like freaking dodgeballs trying to throw him off. And he's a scientist as well! He probably isn't that dumb though, now that Alexander had calmed down and recollect his thoughts. He is very likely consciously lying, either because he was being forced to, or because he had a fat check down the line. Hell, maybe he even had his own personal evil agenda that he knew would be absolutely slapped if revealed in its very true nature. Regardless, it is very clear that something really ugly is underlying this entire child soldier program. In no way this could only be for military purpose. He'd really want to get to the bottom of this whole thing, but now, storms are already gathering in the horizon. He needed to prepare, both for the arrival of these Star Marines and the upcoming conflicts.

As the soon to be Grand Admiral departed the Black Site, the facility shrinking as his hovercraft zoomed through the treeline, a silent mumble escaped his lips.

"I hope you're not among them..."

Took a little bit of liberty with the door on the eastern side. Hope that doesn't go out of boundaries.

Goroth looked around the eastern side of the building for any signs of the thing that the faun was indicating earlier. There was nothing in particular outside that he could call as a sign of life, aside from the soothing treeline along the cobblestone wall lining the barrier between artificial and natural. It would be a nice area to work out in the morning, but his concern right now was still about the building. There is a door he found after walking a little deeper into the side of the building. Though it was higher than the windows, it was still shorter than what his species are. He still needed to bend over for the entrance.

"Goroth." The orc heard the faun's voice as she caught up with him. She also introduced herself as Tova. Not a bad name though. A little typical of fauns, but he'd take that. He thought it'd be something dumb instead. She also seemed a bit more comfortable around what is normally a predator to species like her. Hopefully she ain't as dumb as when they met.

As the orc looked at the door, preparing to get inside, he turned over to Tova for a curious questions.

"You like exploration?" If they were going in, in small spaces, if there were dangers, they better stick close. Him going first is just going to leave her behind.

Almost just as Goroth figured out what these people are up to, the feet shuffling was quickly swapped back to his normal walking stance. It appeared as if they're indeed upkeeping their end of the deal, regardless of species and whatever animosity they had towards each other non-humans. But that still did not discount the fact that they were still different species with different clashing ideologies. And what do you know, tension already broke out between the Dracon named Ophion and this...small person. Her features were human-like, but her fangs weren't. Probably that's why she's here with that invitation. Regardless, when this arrogant and spoiled dracon referred to the small girl as a child, Goroth already doubted Ophion's claim to having been around humans. That's not a child-like speaking pattern. Her expressions and choices of words are not indicative of someone of younger stature. Either she had also been spoiled to the core, even more than this dracon, or she just looked so.

"Tch. Aren't you a little too spoiled to be speaking that way?" Goroth scoffed. His claim to be skilled in magic, swordplay or brute strength is just as valid as his heart-sobbing story of personal growth. In fact, the orc would love more than anything to have a clash of swords with this dracon. It would be thrilling and no less satisfying to show him his place.

That'd have to wait, however. As everybody proceeded inside the manor, Goroth still found himself wondering about the mage that sent the letter. No one here apparently is that individual in particular, and just as clueless as he is. Fine. That can wait. What could not wait is the faun earlier banging on his armor. The hell does she want? Something in the house? Goroth looked over to where she indicated. Huh, she wasn't wrong. He did see someone, or something, but he couldn't discern from this distance.

"Where are we going to leave to? Look." Goroth pointed upward as the distant sound of thunder followed his echoes. "Wanna be drenched like a rat? If not then follow closely."

Looks like they're gonna be staying in this manor tonight whether they liked it or not. Goroth wouldn't want to have to drench the water in his armor anytime soon, so he made his way to the eastern side of the building. He let the faun check out the windows, because he was in a weird position of being too tall for the first floor windows, needing to bend down for it, while being too short for the second floor. So instead he checked if there was any side-entrance.

Alexander Kherol

(( Note: Time in this post is relative, so whatever happens in this post does not mean it is happening at the moment for other players ))

When he mentioned he was laser focused on this group of lying Star Marines, he meant that. His ship made beeline towards Plenty, pretty much in hot pursuit of the Xuanzang. Though given the time he had allowed these kids to take initiative, by now they would definitely have arrived and possibly doing what the hell they wanted to do there. He might have been too late to reach there personally, but thankfully, some of his men are there, so his one hope of subduing these Star Marines was all on them. Or at least gathered as much data on them as possible. By now, he only knew those two brats Ashton and Flame onboard, along with Natasha. But who knows which star would also shine bright in this whatever justly ideologues they are imposing. Could it be Trajen, the famed sniper that went AWOL from the army? It would suck to see such talents working for demagogues. Or other Star Marines. These ankle-biters tend to go in groups. If there is a Star Marine 'leader' of sort like that one kid wounded up in this too, chances are there would be loads of his followers on it as well. But much of it were speculations, and he shouldn't go too far with it, lest he forget real actual facts.

"Permission to speak freely?" Carina quickly broke the silence, while still at their individual posts. "Alex, you seem to know more about those child soldiers than you are. Just curious, how many more of these individuals are out there?"

Alexander pondered for a moment, sighing as words left his lips. "Couple of hundreds, anecdotally, pre-war. Who knows how many of those facilities are out there. And how many of the kids are left after."

"So you did see these facilities?"

"Yeah, I even went in. Unfortunately the extent of these facilities are very much limited and sanitized for my visit. The chief scientist probably wet his bed when I announce my arrival."

"Wait. I thought those are classified. I couldn't request entry if I wished to."

"I kinda abused my Admiral's position. And seeing that I was making a fuss about not letting army generals know the details about their own troops that they would be assigned, they relented."

"Jeeeeezzz." Carina turned around to give a mixture look of bewilderment but with the knowledge that this is exactly the type of thing Alexander would say. "For a fascist dictatorship, it's borderline insubordination what you did."

"And that's politics, my dear Carina." Alexander merely shrugged as he let out a laugh. "But I only see what they want me to see. But that much is enough already. These kids are potentially very dangerous."

"That's why these scientists want them, I guess." Carina sighed heavily as she was quickly reminded of her. "I don't wanna see what happened to Sarie again."

"Sarie..." Alexander rubbed his eyes before applying lubricant drops he had readily in his pocket. He shook his head firmly. "They better not."

He would not let that happen. Not under his watch.

"I'm gonna go down to Plenty as soon as we arrive." He said.

"Sure." Carina just nodded. It was probably unnecessary, since he could very well send in an experienced ground officer for inspections, but considering Alexander had already expressed personal interests in these Star Marines, there's no way in hell he wouldn't be directly on the scene. The smells, the sights, the sounds, the senses. Everything is just more vivid when in person. And most importantly is personal control. When in person, it felt as if everything was in hand's reach, that he could let go what he needed to let go, and grip what needed to be held. Because if it really came down to it, it would not only be his duty...

It would be his personal responsibility.

"Of course sir. Men like us are all subjects to our beloved."

Takeda let out a low chuckle at the wife joke. In a way yes. Men like him were bound by responsibility. Yet it was never a regret. Having a family is a great thing, yet many did not want to pay the cost for it. And that's perfectly why they never got involved in this political mess that he was in, nor did they ever get anywhere significant enough as citizens to pose a threat to these parasites of the country. The appeal for that kind of life was great for Takeda, but for someone like him, he had work to do. And to that, like a daimyo to the shogun, an accomplishment was promised.

"But yes, when Wednesday comes, you need only ask." The Director bowed politely but firmly as Mashai left the room. Three days. He only needed one, if everything goes perfectly to plan. But then again, this team was new. Freshly formed, they contained a surprising amount of foreign agents or mixed-nationality. It is a cause for some raised eyebrows, but Takeda found nationalities pretty much irrelevant, only national interests. One of those members that Takeda found particular curiosity was this former FBI agent. She was to serve as Squad Operational Manager, which means she would share some degree of control over what personnel Takeda had at his disposal. Her professional dossier is impressive, but her medical history is the true glimpse to this woman's strength and character. Takeda more or less found something more than just mission completion to look forward to.

Once the details of the task was fully downloaded to his personal devices, Takeda quickly gathered his accessories and filed out of the office. He made his way up to the main lounge, where some of his operatives were lingering for a good conversation, his cane accompanied his every step, in the same rhythmic pattern of one normal step one sluggish tap of wood on the floor. The most distinguished fraction of his identity, and yet to outsiders, it somehow gave a strange and mildly unsettling vibe. Like there was something crawling behind their backs. This unassuming middle-aged man with his chiseled face and a limp in his leg, there was definitely something to it more than that.

He eyed some of the people around the main lounge with a stern and steely gaze before making his way into the briefing room. There, after uploading the data onto the machine to be displayed, a message was broadcasted to every room in the building with his voice.

"All Operational Personnel. Report to the briefing room with your name and rank as soon as possible. I await your introduction."
Yeah, I'd wait a little as well.

Also it would be hilarious if Tova hiding behind Goroth is going to be the trademark when they both appear together.

I mean, anyone would shake if they get stared down by an 8 feet tall orc in full armor and weapon XD.

Also I switched the naginata to the guandao just a bit yesterday. I hope that isn't something too significant.
The sight of a shaking and bumbling faun would be a little funny if she hadn't been a faun. One of those creatures he viewed good when dead, since their meat was admittedly delicious, their furs made great coats and blanket, but after his departure from human settlement and became a wanderer, he gradually find less pleasure in the slaughter of these naturally cowardly creatures. Not even as warriors to warriors. So lucky for her, he had no intention of making her his snack. Given the letter she also showed him, this probably meant both of them were in on this offer, that they would live together in this manor, in peace, fending off humans if they show up. The orc too signed up for this deal, though more out of curiosity than anything, but that still meant he was bound to honor his end. What the actual purpose of this letter was also a matter of concern, though if he thought clearly about it, she probably is too much of a daisy to actually plan harm.

"Hmph. Artistic director." Goroth scoffed at the euphemism. If she meant being the boss that told him what to do, she'd be better off outright saying so. He had been a slave for almost a decade, then a mercenary to be bossed around for over one. He knew the hierarchy. "If that's all you're good for, then so be it." Though he didn't have much intention on actually following her advice if she said anything. He wasn't going to snoop around looking dumb. He'd approach the manor directly. If these people had no intention of upholding their end of the deal, then he'd have the honor of having their head. And oh boy, someone was already down for the test.

This skeleton, having clearly been under the earth for too long, with his rusted armor and battered targe, was observing Goroth from afar. The orc didn't need to look him in the eye to know he was tensed up. Every minor detail in his body screamed that. In turn, as the orc neared the skeleton and the group of creatures gathering outside the manor, his walking stance shifted from normal walk to a slow forward leg shuffling along the ground. His red eyes stared locked at where the skeleton's eyes would have been, while the letter was held out for everybody close by.

"Who's the mage who sent this?" He curtly asked, assuming they knew the details.

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