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Alexander Kherol

The High School Lecture Meeting

ANS Manfred von Richthofen. Conference room.

The room was tranquil quiet, as the last of the civilian crew members left the room to their next assignment or stood at attention by the door outside in case any issue evolved throughout the meeting. A meeting between some of the Ascendancy's most powerful men and women.

One by one the key members logged into the conference room, the time of arrival varied perfectly reflecting their personality. But despite everyone there, the Grand Admiral was still not yet content to begin the meeting.

"Uhh, still waiting on someone?" His captain Carina Sansonetti poked Alexander in his arm.

"Yeah. I didn't expect him for today, but why not let him join as well. He should be here any minute now."

A proud warrior and youngest man in active command in the Ascendancy military. Quite a peculiar fellow, but enthusiastic and very loyal. Kotaro Winterborn

Any Admiral in this situation in Kherol's fleet would be walking into their Grand Admiral's ship proud and eager to report their success. The Rebellion on Plenty was just about over, Their leaders gone, their soldiers outgunned and forced to surrender, and all while also rounding up escaped convicts from an unexpected crash landing of the most infamously secure prison ship on the entire Ascendancy fleet. There were a few escapees - some of which escaped right before his eyes - but he already sent two of his unit to chase them down and round them up as well, and third only to his fellow Admirals and Grand Admiral Kherol himself, the Paladins were those he had nothing but faith in the talents and quality of.

It wasn't a perfect, supreme victory, but it was a victory nonetheless.

Yet, it's been a while since Kotaro felt this down. Peaceful negotiations failed, the criminals stole from and killed innocent people who were already having a rough time trying to live peacefully amidst the civil war that transpired, and more soldiers and rebelling farmers died than necessary. Some of them died right in front of him thanks to that gun-slinging traitorous bastard, Joseph Albion, and he couldn't even capture them.

The other Paladins, particularly a trio of what can only be described as clowns wrapped in Dazzle Camouflage cloaks of Red, Green, and Blue, were essentially pulling a comedy act in front of him as he walked to help cheer him up, the shortest of which banged the other two's heads together to silence them, the yellow-cloaked boy appeared beside him as they walked.

"Look, Boss. I know this turned real sour after the fact, but you can't let it get to you, ok? We're only human after all, we all make mistakes, and we all can't always be at the right place at the right time." The boy said, before another cloaked boy, one with a Cyan cloak clearly around his late teens, looked towards him.

"But this is war, Crys. People were bound to die, whether they deserved it or not. Our Lord has to accept that, not just as a Vice-Admiral, but as a Soldier." He bluntly said. The yellow-cloaked boy, "Crys", simply looked disapprovingly at him in response, with a Magenta-cloaked boy also looking at them, holding up his hands as if to quell the potential fire that could ignite between the other two.

"I think what Seidon means is, be thankful we saved who we could, and mourn for who we couldn't."

"That's not-"

"A lot more people could have died from this rampage if it wasn't for you managing things in the place of that psycho. I'm almost certain he would have let those crooks steal from and kill those farmers and villagers if not for you taking command away. We did all we could and prevented the worst case scenario...So please don't beat yourself up over what you couldn't do, Lord Kotaro." He said, that gentle tone of voice you don't often find in soldiers these days.

"Talk over me again, Ein, see what happens!" the blue-cloaked Seidon said, a fearful smile on the magenta-cloaked Ein's face. The shortest of the clowns, about the same size as Crys, dressed in a green dazzle cloak, jumped up and slapped both Seidon and Ein to stop their little conflict. They were about to be in the presence of their superiors, after all.

Still, Kotaro couldn't help but crack a smile at his comrades...Seidon may have been blunt, but he and the rest of them said what needed to be said. This was a Civil War, the neutralizing of a rebel force made worse by the escaped inmates causing further havoc. People were going to die no matter what he did; he can't save everyone, but his actions kept further deaths as low as he possibly could.

"My oh my, I leave for about a day or two, and you lot are already at each other's throats. ...I suppose it is acting within your ages though." A voice said as the girl from before, Nuletta, and her partner Zebul, appeared to them as they walked. Well, not necessarily to them, though they were moving with them, they weren't moving a muscle, their translucent bodies simply floating still at the same speed as the rest of them. This is because they were holograms, moving thanks to a rail on the ceiling of the hall moving the projector to match the speed of the group.

Zebul was still covered in a white cloak, while Nuletta seemed to have placed a black cloak over her dress. Now, they both look like cultists...but she supposes the same could be said for the rest of them.

"Oh, Hello Nuletta, Status report?" Kotaro asked her.

"I arrived some time ago at the last location of our targets. It seems they made their way to the Galactic Bazaar. I don't quite understand why they'd come here of all places, but sure enough, I happened upon three of these lowlives already."

"Any trouble?"

"Well, aside from being unable to find the other prisoners as of yet, things were actually quite smooth, a certain someone had a beef with them and essentially rounded them up for us. ...Now I got your signal, what's this all about, M'Lord?" Nuletta replied.

"Grand Admiral Kherol arranged a meeting. He wanted us to come along for it. It might have to do with a report regarding what happened here."

"I see...Very well, If the Grand Admiral asks for us, we must heed the call. We don't have much of a lead at the moment anyways, and our targets haven't made their move as of yet, so the timing's quite perfect." Nuletta said. With that, all of them took a position side-by-side with each other, and moved onto the Conference room of the ship.

Eight of them walked in first, two lines of four with a space in the center, before each one made a step in front of the others, making the lines go from horizontal to outer-diagonal, looking towards the Grand Admiral and the other members of his fleet. They all took off their hoods, and bowed to them. Walking in last at the center was Kotaro himself, walking towards the front and saluting to the Grand Admiral and to those gathered here for the meeting.

"The Paladins have assembled, Sir!" Kotaro announced.

The Paladins of Kherol... A group of nine outright superhuman agents and enforcers, loyal only to their leader, Kotaro Winterborn, and to Kherol and any he deems worthy of loyalty. Unlike the other members of Kherol's inner circle, and save for Kotaro Winterborn himself, the paladins have no military authority beyond their agency to Kherol. They are rankless, and - with exceptions - are nowhere near the level of tactical or strategic prowess as Kherol's admirals. Instead, their role is to be the enforcer, hunters, and frontliners of his will and the secretive destroyers of his enemies. Under Kotaro's command, they often protect civilians from the shadows, and destroy elements that pose a major threat to them. Hence the name Paladin, they are essentially honorable knights who swore their proverbial sword to Kherol. It got to a point where they've become essentially an urban legend among the Ascendancy.

Each one was sired by Kotaro, and given a different name, according to their specialty, and under a pagan god of ancient earth as a symbol of what could be watching over them, and a colored cloak.

“Hmm. Just in time.”The Grand Admiral gave the nine individuals a nod to acknowledge their timeliness. “Come. You might have heard or even worked under these fine ladies and gentlemen.”

One by one, in a clockwise manner, the admirals and generals gave their introduction, to each the variety. Annette and Faro were just a quick nod/salute and stating their names, while Antony, the most gigantic in the room with curly locks, gave a rather elegant and extravagant bow, along with his usual flowery language. Lan introduced last, and she seemed rather itching curious.

“So you guys are the Space Circus, eh? Heard a lot about ye.” Was the first word out of her mouth after letting her names be known. The others immediately glanced at her as if she had committed some cardinal sin. “What? It’s true. Look at how colorful they are! A circus can still be good at its job.”

As strange as it was, the vanguard general of the fleet had never actually commanded any of them throughout the Rau’ve war. She’s heard stories, but a little rumor wouldn’t get in her way of making up funny comparisons. And she was filterless enough to let it echo. The same applies for everyone she knew.

“But didn’t you say this is an officer meeting? Are they involved somehow?”

“Well…” Alexander replied, shrugging his shoulders. “Not really. It’s kinda a coincidence that they’re here the same time as Kotaro, so it’s a good time to properly introduce them.” He then turned to the colorful collections. “You guys can stay if you want to.”

The Paladins nodded, saying “Sir!” in unison as military acknowledgement.

"Right, I'll cut to the chase so as not to waste your Friday evening." Alexander opened. "The rebellion on Plenty has been put down, the rogue remnants of Berkeley's fleet destroyed, but I fear that the crisis might not be over."

The admirals all exchanged glances at the statement. All except for the most hot-headed of the bunch.

"You mean more rebels? Sure. Tell me where they are and I'll collect their payments for existing!" Lan declared, slamming her hands on the table.

"Well, I appreciate the enthusiasm." The Grand Admiral chuckled at the joke, but he promptly calmed her with a handwave. "But we are not sure of the status. This is me extrapolating from gut instincts."

"Then what's the logic?" The coarse voice of the old general and instructor echoed, as demanding as ever.

"Two things. One is the dubious presence of this Windsor's Autonomous Trading Fleet. Their fleet size is quite, to be honest, concerning. And their attitude has been increasingly hostile towards the Ascendancy thus far. Lately, their members have been attempting to crash the stock markets of the Ascendancy. Now I know this is FAAARR from concrete evidence, but it's worth considering." Alexander said. "Second...well Kotaro go ahead."

“...So essentially, the tax was what started the wind, and some fools turned it into a storm.” Faro was silent for quite some time, summarizing the presentation for the others, who had now made themselves comfortable in their seats, before turning for Annette. “I assume you have this in our system.”

“Yeah. It’s new, but the intelligence sector is making progress with them. Hopefully we’ll have something soon.” Annette replied. “My and Kherol’s concern is mostly on that tax loophole. This is no religious or racial issue.”

“The system’s rigged.” Faro could not say he was surprised. If anything he should know this the best. “Anything else?”

If the first half of the presentation already took a while for Faro to compile and summarize, midway through the second, the commanders were visibly struggling to keep up. Lan was overwhelmed with the logical progression that her head was basically on her arm. Antony was throwing his legs on the table. Annette already knew everything and was just counting minutes on her watch at this point. Faro, the only one maintaining his elegance, was stoically listening and trying to put the rambling together. Alexander was the only one unreadable, thankfully as his eyes were never seen. But Annette could feel his unseeable gaze. She nodded quickly and stood up just as Kotaro finished.

“The abridge version is: This ship is deliberately sabotaged. In the investigation, we uncovered suspected connections to rebel organizations. Moonstrike, and maybe a gang of pirates. We’re not sure as of yet. So...”

The light-haired woman was in the midst of a hand gesture as she said that, and repeated it several times, staring intently at her colleague lying flat on her table on her flagship.

"So...from this I assume," Lan said, finally awakened from her stupor. "we will not be demobilizing our newest 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th any time soon." To Alexander and Annette’s nonchalant nod. "I mean not that we'd want to do it anyway."

"Yes and this would be a perfect excuse to stick it to the Senate." Faro smirked, a sideway glance to match his contempt.

"Ok, so to quickly cap this off...Lan, your work here is the simplest of us all." Alexander, too having felt the length of this, began with the one whom he knew were only good for the dirty work, but was really good at it. "Just get these green greens into real soldiers. Also keep the rest of your Battle Groups in top shape. Same goes for everyone here with a command."

"Aye." The general in question gave a salute, yet accompanied with an informal tone.

"Faro." Now to his most trusted chief of staff. "How long is it going to take the cartography team to materialize the operational map of the Ascendancy?"

"The Ascendancy..." The Old Guard bit his lips for several seconds. "Since info is a lot more up to date and transparent with Ascendancy maps, I would say 2-3 days."

"Perfect, as soon as it’s reaady, have them submit the maps to Antony, Annette." As their names were called, the other two stood at attention. "This is going to be tricky, but..."

Alexander reached for the computer panels and forwarded several files to the two individuals. "After the maps are submitted, you're going to formulate formal legislation. And make sure this doesn't die in the Senate House."

Leaving the two a moment to digest the whole thing, the Grand Admiral turned to Kotaro and the remaining Paladins and gave each of them a salute.

“Thank you for the report. You’re free to go.”

Sir Yes Sir!” The Paladins all said. Nuletta and Zebul switched off the holograms and the Paladins - some aware of how the Admirals treated the report, some weren’t so - walked out of the Conference room, at least one of them seemed to be chuckling and cracking a joke at Ein’s expense. Not that he or Kotaro minded. Ein never really managed to read the room around him when it comes to his passion, this was known, and some- Seidon especially - saw it coming. In Kotaro’s case, it was more that he raised himself as to believe that he needed to report with as much detail as he could. Admittingly, it’s more become a habit than anything else.

In any case, with this report, the rebellion he has been witnessing for two weeks was officially over. As much as he wanted to stay and help the planet recover, it was best to leave it for people more capable… The farmers are likely not wanting help from him anyways after all that transpired. Besides, there were things he now needed to look into. As for the rest of the Paladins, except for Nuletta and Zebul, they were essentially on stand-by until he, Kherol, or any of his Admirals, had a need for them, choosing to make good with their moments of relief.

Meanwhile, the two commanders in the room exchanged glances with one another again as they read through the files. Annette was quiet, but Antony was visibly concerned. From a little head scratch, head tilt then a palm on his temple, the dashing looking flamboyant commander finally turned away from it and got serious.

"I won't lie, my dear Alexander." Antony shook his head as he leaned his hands on the table. "If there's any rumors in the Senate before that you're trying to buy yourself a crown, it certainly is clear now."
Alexander Kherol

The Last Ascendancy Commander

Everything's Alright

2454 AD


He was only twelve. But his demeanor, his posture, the jacket hung over his shoulder and the neatly-combed white hair didn't tell the same story. Every stride was him growing up before age, breaking boundaries, meeting everyone's high expectations of the genius kid. His last one was through the gates of the University of Mortier.


Before he even realized who that was, he was already jumped on, to the curious gazes of the passerby, all almost a decade older than the boy. He felt her arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders, her body weighting on his back like a hanger, her fragrant reeks of dirt and grass as she edged her cheeks near him. After hours studying and working in the disinfected labs with these cold mindless equipment, this feeling was a bit overwhelming.

"Sarie?" It didn't take him long to recognize who it was. "How did you find me?"

"I asked!" She replied almost immediately, her tone unusually cheerful, as if she had just brushed a huge weight off her shoulder.

"Who did you ask?" He knew he was quite a sensation in his neighbourhood, but he doubted if they'd just outright tell him where exactly he'd be.

"Your mom." She replied. "She said you're done in the afternoon, but I didn't know when in the afternoon, so I just came here early. Didn't expect ya to be this late."

"How long did you wait?" Alexander asked.

"Four hours."

Four hours?!

"What did you do?!" Alexander was very much perplexed. He quickly prompted his friend to get off his back. He looked at her in that emerald eyes. She seemed completely oblivious to her actions, even proud almost. "How do you wait for me for so long?"

"I was in the field right over there!" She pointed in the general direction. "I just ran around, catching some cicadas or talked with the birds."

Geez. She didn't need to do this. Didn't she have friends who she'd rather hung out with. He was the closest one sure, but he's probably not the only one. Unless she'd have to be very lonely to keep hanging on him like that. She didn't seem like that kind of girl though.

"Why though?"

So why?

"...You didn't show up at the park to play for a while." She said, her tone went down significantly. "So I was curious to what ya up to."

"Oh I see." He patted her on the shoulders. "It's mostly schoolwork. I just have more than usual." He gave her a warm smile. "I'll come when I'm free. You don't need to do this."

Her lips curled uncomfortably. "No I do. It's not fun anymore." She confessed. The white-haired boy looked at her worryingly. "I have many friends, but you're the only one who's fun to hang out with."

He was the only one who didn't look at her the same way as people do: a collection of funny labels that resembled her. Rustic. That girl with a comical accent. The shameless one. None of that he ever said to her. Despite being pretty much out of reach for her to be around a boy of his stature, he was a nice friend, never belittled her for her status, never made fun of her for her looks, how she acts, respected her thoughts, and always one to laugh at her antics, even if he was on the receiving end of it. Even though she still had other friends willing to play, she never had one willing to appreciate her presence.

Alexander stood there, silent. The gentle autumn breeze continued, as if to rush those busy commuters home to the warmth of the setting sun.

"Do you want to...uhhh..." It never took him this long over a math problem in comparison. "...get something to eat?" He stumbled.

"Sure!" Sarie replied, her enthusiasm seemingly on the recovery, but it didn't feel the same way again.

After indecisively wandering through the food district, having too many snacks to choose from, both of them decided on some chocolate cookies. Classic but delicious and quite nice for growing up kids. To add the icing on it, they were just passing by a beautiful beach. It was artificially made, but the scenery and authenticity was great enough that the two didn't really care if they were fake or not. They just wanted some company, after having drifted away from each other for long.

"You know what...thanks, Sarie. Thanks" Alexander said. Sarie was a little confused. "I didn't know I needed this." He sat down on the grass above the walkway parallel to the beach. "You know about the Prodigy Supplementary Program in our city?"

"Nay. I have no idea what that is." She shook her head, to which Alexander laughed. He forgot this wasn't a college student, a professor or a school teacher he's talking to.

"It's something for people like me. I excel in schools. They decided I could be better if I have a different curriculum, so my time at school will mostly be at...well...where you waited for me. Studying high concepts that you don't wanna know." He said. "It took a lot more time than others my age."

"So that's why you've been off." The orange-haired girl caught on. Alexander nodded.

"I like the atmosphere, the people are great, smart and respectful, but...it just isn't the same as this." He said. "I've always found you a unique friend."

People usually keep to their own groupings when it comes to friendship, especially as it was just as cool to people as it was disgusting to hate on those who aren't them. Rich kids on rich kids. Poor kids on poor kids. Kids with their addictions to that one FPS shooter. But Sarie? As shameless she was sometimes, that confidence and her obliviousness to this was appealing. He didn't need to approach her to connect a diverse group of friends. She approached him, not with drools of being with the cool kid, nor begging for attention. She just did, because she liked him.

"I can ask my program advisor. They probably would let up on me." He said, smiling warmly to her. Considering he was still doing better than others in the program, it probably isn't much to ask. "So we can play together more often."

Sarie, upon hearing this, gave the young Alexander the biggest hug she had. A hearty laugh was shared. It was as if their friendship was once again blooming.

"Alex. Are those your friends?" Sarie said after breaking away from the hug, looking behind him. Alexander looked behind him as well. There were two men in black suit and sunglasses walking in their direction on the walkway.

"...No. I don't know them." He knew a lot of adults in the university, but none of them resembled these two. None of them had that edgy aesthetics.

"Why'd you ask?"

He didn't get a reply. Because before she could, those two men were already right next to both of them. The girl is interesting, but the boy was their main target. The renowned prodigy of Alexandria. One of the man grabbed Alexander by the neck from behind, his arm choked him, a knife's edge placed right near his face. The warm happiness just earlier turned into terror, but their fear only just registered. Alexander was just suppressing the tremor in his arms and legs, while Sarie was just paralyzed. Her arms wrapped around herself, her lips too trembling to even scream. Her knees pointed into each other as she battled herself to look away with her wide eyes and shut them tight.

"I got the boy. You go grab her."

The other man in black nodded and approached Sarie. In plain view of the also shaken Alexander. He didn't know what was going on. Just a few seconds ago, they were eating chocolate and chatting, now he was being choked. She was going to be choked too. What's going to happen to both of them? What's going to happen to Sarie? He didn't even run the possibilities. He was terrified. But what could happen to her was even more terrifying. That was not to sit. He might be choked, but he was not choking.

Alexander felt the stinging pain running across his palm as he suddenly grabbed into the knife itself by the edge, his hands bare to feel the metal on his flesh. His other hand grabbed onto the handle of the knife, around the man's hand. Briefly submitting to his animal instinct, his teeth mounted onto the man's hand like a predator sinking its fangs on its hapless prey. Blood spilled out of both their hands. In a sudden and bad pain, the man let go of his grip of both him and the knife, which went right into Alexander's hands then right back into the man's abdomen. The other man realized what happened, turned back and impulsively lunged at the boy. A quick slash through the hand, coming close to almost severing his fingers clean was the price to pay. Their task had met unexpected disaster.

The spine-chilling stare, blood dripping from both his teeth and his other hand, gently laid on his dear friend nudging her to back away. This is no soft-spoken child.


The commotion had alerted the neighbourhood. The two men could see people running to the two kids’ aids. Their initial attempts at stealth had failed. The boy was too resistant. Normally they would switch to stun weapons, but they were both quite badly injured beyond their expectations. With time rapidly closing in on them, the two men decided to retreat, their hands gripping on their injuries.

As the adrenalines died down, the knife slipped from his hand and fell onto the dirt. And soon after, himself.

Thankfully, it was just simple blood loss.

But Alexander wouldn't know how close he had come to losing his hand right there.

The next thing he knew, he was in the hospital, his hands well-patched up with several stitches. Outside of a blood transfusion, he was fine. His parents were here, having cried pretty much the entire night, even after knowing he was ok. What was more entrenched was that they had taken actions. They knew of the missing prodigies. They knew what would happen to them. They knew now he would be next. He made it out alive today, but what if they came after him tomorrow, the day after, when he wasn't ready to defend himself?

But they weren't the only one to sob for him.


The hospital door slowly opened, then halfway through swung open violently.


Alexander couldn't muster a response before being smothered. She clinched him in her arms, pressed him onto her chest, his head pinned in one spot, his hand raised in concerns. Her hold was so tight they could feel each other's breathing. But she wasn't ready to let go. If hugs could heal, she'd do it all night.

"There there. It's fine, see?" He raised his arms, trying to laugh it off before returning her hug.

"I thought I lost you..."

He saw the blood stain on her shirt, still there. It all happened so fast, he didn't even remember what happened exactly, but there was only one man close enough to her that moment. It was his blood. Blood given to save his best friend.

"It's ok. It's ok..." His bandaged hand, the hand that protects her, now patting her from behind. He softly whispered. "Everything will be alright."

Everything will be alright...
Alexander Kherol

Masked Off

He didn't even need to arrive on Plenty to know their work was already done. Behind a successful man is always a group of other successful men and women. What concerned Alexander a lot more were those involved.

"So what you're saying right now is that thanks to Laguna, this rebellion has gone under our noses for months on end?"

"...Yeah." The blond haired woman settled on the blunt response. "I don't know how she kept the situation so well-shut. When we sent Kotaro, I thought it's just a recent thing."

"He said the same thing to me as well. It takes way longer wrestling over responsibilities than actually dealing with the rebels."

Alexander thought it would be simple. The rebellion occurred, Laguna was right there and she got involved. When specialized teams under his command comes to take over, she'd just simply hand over the keys and the rebels would be just a footnote in history. But nooo. Apparently someone just had to have it all for themselves and drag an already bad situation into a mess. Of course, there are chances of her doing it out of some other reasons, but who is he kidding? It's Laguna. She's a cowardly fascistic dictator. Of course she is going to do this for personal glory. Nothing is more important to one of those kind than showing power.

"I'll deal with this myself. Thanks for your hard work." Alexander said, preparing to end the holographic call. "Oh and one last thing. I'm pretty sure you're aware of the current situation?"

"Oh that?" Annette immediately replied. "Ay, I'm already on it. Way before it became trending."

"Really?" Alexander sneered. "Don't tell me you have some stakes involved in this?"


That was the guiltiest reply he had ever seen.

"...ok, I made some profit out of it. Don't blame me." She quickly admitted. It wasn't something of a particular concern for the Grand Admiral anyway, since he doesn't do stocks. "But thanks to it, I have some interesting information you may wanna know."

"Oh?" He liked the sound of this.

"Obvious info out first. It started from an internet forum called RealAscendancyStockBets. Instigated by a member on the forum, these group of disorganized random strangers held the stock price to the point where several hedge funds of the Ascendancy went poof in a single day." Even though both had heard the story before, they couldn't help but gave a laugh at the sheer absurdity of the situation. Hearing the seething contempt of these rich oligarchs brought joy to their ears. "So that's that. What people probably don't bother with is the identity of the instigator. The name changes often, but other forum users have connected this member to this elusive figure known as the 'Wolf Cub of Wall Street'. Apparently a prodigy at stock trading, this is not the first time he has done this. Companies and regulators were finding ways to regulate this guy but to no avail."

Prodigy eh?...

"We already have our suspicions, so you can expect some more info on them soon." Annette gave a sly smile. "What's more interesting is the amount of coordination this is happening. Our AI ran a searching algorithm and mapped out a series of connection between these random internet users. I don't trust this map 100 percent, since users can lie or just create some throwaway accounts for the fun of it. But..." Alexander could see her eyes lit up as she read the next line. "The key word with the most user association is: Windsor Autonomous Trading Fleet"


That's not a pretty image now.

It's not a smoking gun of course, but given the rapid expansion of that organization's space fleet, their strange demand for resources, Windsor's very shady behavior when meeting with Alexander on Nevivsky, and now this, it didn't take a lot of thought to recognize the potential threat they're facing. But it took a lot of effort, so he didn't expect any of the higher-ups to go into this. Looks like Alexander had to do this himself.

Perhaps it is time.

After a whole minute of silence, the Grand Admiral said with a stern and decisive countenance.

"Can you arrange a meeting between all of us? All us admirals. The sooner the better."

It might be the most important decision he had to make.

November 21st - Home

The trip home had two parts. Two completely opposite one. The first was the boat trip. Cramped, crowded and cold. The bunks were humid and reeks of sweat from god-knows-how-many previous occupants there were. It would be hell if Michael hadn't gotten so used to the stench of the trenches and rotting flesh before this. To him, it was respite. If anything, people weren't groaning about their misery, since everybody here had something to look forward to. And too did Michael. The first time in months yet it felt like years had gone by. War had obviously taken its toll on him, regardless how short it is, not only mentally but also physically as well. Within months, he already got himself two very ugly purplish scar on his right arm, still healing and still required some attention, after the heavy actions at Amone opened the old wound. Thankfully, it wasn't his dominant arm, so he could still write and do his sapper duty, to which he still did diligently until he was given the break.

The second trip, however, home from the port were different. As the troopships docked and the soldiers began to disembark, a figure was already there. A man still lush in his prime, donning his black suit, high white collar and a bow tie, yet salt and pepper tint began to appear on his neatly combed hair. Time and weather had also chiseled some crow's feet beneath and above his eyes. His job was made fairly easy today though, as it didn't take long for him to spot Michael, for his short height was very hard to miss. And even if he doubted his skill as a valet, the hat tip coming from the young master was enough confirmation. Both men, now having seen each other, maintained eye contact as they navigated their way through the crowd of expectant soldiers and relatives.

"Victor! I see you have been early today!" Said Michael as both men approached each other with a gentleman's handshake and a short firm hug, the scent of black coffee lingering in the chilly grey clouds of the upcoming winter.

"Oh how can I be late young master? A hero comes home today!" The middle-aged servant replied. Today would not be a chilly day no more, for the happiness he felt right now, there would be more to come a few hours from now.

"Ahaha, I wish. Right now, I'm hungry." Michael said.

"You're hungry?" Victor asked. "How about we go to this restaurant over here before we leave? It's the best sausage here in Tyrella."

"No I'm good." A little hunger meant nothing to him now. "In fact a hot bath is more preferable right now. I smell disgusting!"

The valet gave a hearty laugh before leading Michael to his car, a black Gallian 4-seater with a brown leather roof. A fairly old model already, quite prone to some problems, to which the Daunte family was considering buying a new one, if the market hadn't been quite stingy due to the currently going on Europan War. And it did break down a few times during Michael's trip. But having a companion made a lot of differences. Despite the lengthy trip home, Michael never felt bored. They talked, talked and talked. Like old friends. Well, they were old friends. Victor had been there throughout most of his childhood. The man is diligent yet witty and fatherly, dutiful yet not machine-like, kind and compassionate. If his parents hadn't been the closest people to Michael through his entire life, Victor would be.

Alas, through the rain, fog and occasional snow, both men arrived at the doorstep of the Daunte household. A mansion coated in dark red sandstone, born out of an architect of the previous era, and laid bit by bit by their owners to completion. The stones that stood greeted the winter storm and summer heat with dignity. The white fence settled in front of the flattening green lawn, the acrid botanical smell meant it was freshly cut. All added to the anxiety Michael felt as he trotted through the stone walkway to the wooden dark oak door. The man hesitated a little, calmed his nerves, breathed a long sigh, filled his eyes with life before knocked on the door, thrice.

The door opened.

And right there, without a word uttered, he fell right into her embrace. Norms be damned. He just defied death to return to his mama. He'd not let go.

The sky was still grey, the weather slowly sinking to freezing temperature as the sun settled for the day. But he felt warmer than ever before. Dinner that day was something beyond him. It wasn't made by butlers or maids, but rather by his mother himself. It wasn't the stale, diluted, bland and tasteless processed food of the trenches, nor the first-class meal of the professional cooks in his household either. It was imperfect, the pie she made was a bit too sweet but very well-cooked, the sourness in the cream, the soft layer of butterscotch. It was the most perfect meal he ever had.

Then the house servants all turned out for a talk with their young master. Work was off for them as soon as Michael arrived. Some were newly hired, curious to meet the Viscount's son, others were interested in the story the man had to offer. The Viscount himself was all too proud with the praises, but Michael himself led the conversation this time. They talked way into the night, Michael almost forgetting the leisure of the hot bath he said and wearing something other than the tight and dirty Edinburghian military uniform. As the day ended, Michael was in a cozy bed, in her arms.

"We haven't done this in a long time, have we?" Elizabeth said, as she wrapped her arm around his shoulder.

"Hmm...I don't think so." Michael replied. "It just feels so long."

"My poor boy. It must have been terrible." She said. "Having no one to be like this together..."

"Actually I do." He said. Her crystal green eyes lit up in curiosity, then realization.

"Oh yeah, that girl you said. Lucia, right?" Michael nodded. "Does she loves you?"

"...I think so." Michael, after a silent thought, said.

"And you love her back?"

"...I think so too..." An even longer thought, and a sheepish reply.

"What makes you think so?"

"...The scar I had here. My right arm...it's her work. Well technically there was another but nevertheless. She stayed by my side pretty much the entire time at that inn, holding my hand until I go to sleep." He confessed. Here, there is no need for embarrassment or reservation. "She even saved my life one time as well."

"My my. She is quite a girl..." Elizabeth exclaimed, her hand now turned to cuddle his cheeks. Indeed she is. "...though can't you say the same for the other soldiers out there as well?"

"What do you mean?"

"From your description, it seems like a normal response to someone dear to you being hurt." She said. "I'm glad you've made such a positive impact on her, but I don't know if that is actual romance."

Michael was a bit taken aback by the response. It was gentle, kind just like his mother usually is, but she didn't always push back on him this way. If anything his father would do this more often, so Michael couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. Not love? The gestures Lucia showed him, the shyness, gentleness and care she gave him. But mama knows best. She didn't say this out of contempt for Lucia either. There is a tint of wisdom within her words that made him think.

"In that letter of yours, apparently she was abused?" Her tone switched.

"Still is."

"Then you might want to consider if she's doing it because she's desperate for affection?" She said. "I'm not saying it's bad. At 16, it is very traumatizing to be both at war and be abused. But she probably doesn't know what is love and romance, and rather is seeking a missing piece of her heart."


Her words cut. She was right...

"I am proud of the compassion you showed her, but romance is something else. You can want to show her affection and kindness, but not be physically intimate at the same time."

By the hands of the Lord she was damn right. But it was difficult for the young Michael to fully accept this. It was confusing, way more confusing than the technicality of engineering or the politics of the world. It also didn't help that Elizabeth wasn't being definitive on her answers either. Who can blame her for this really? His feelings are his alone. Only he could understand it.

"Come here..."

Feeling the silence her son left by her words, she pulled him into her warmth again. Michael really has grown up. She still vividly remembered him fit right in her arm's embrace, and now he's so big. Grown, mature and brave, ready to take on the world. But despite everything, he shall forever be her precious little angel.

December 30th - Observation Post

“Thanks. And thanks for the feedback too. I’ll keep it all in mind.”

Elliot had some great points. It likely would be so that marksman, already having all their specialized equipment already, wouldn’t bother with this mediocre mish-mash that did none of the other’s equipment better. But marksman were only a small minority of soldiers, so it is better if he’d focus on the other majority who would have loved to look at a creeping Imperial shocktrooper more closely. That might end up saving a trench sector one day.

On the other hand, hearing the curt reaction from the brown-haired lady...kind of tickled him. Oh god, is she another one of those stuck-ups? There were no shortage of these ‘soldiers are meant to kill not relax’ machines in the army, but she thankfully doesn’t seem to bother with him not doing it. He understood their rationale though.

Suit yourself miss.” Michael gave a fuzzy smile as he replied. He wouldn’t bother with her for the next hour or two, nor for Elliot, respecting their duty. Instead, he worked even further on the design for the next half an hour before occupying himself with a good book and writing letters home. It was getting a lot easier to write compared to the first few months of his enlistment. Now that he stopped with describing how wet and full of rats the area was, or how great his friends are and that they are his strength and all that cheesy stuff, he suddenly found himself having a lot more to say. Like the stale food, the cute dogs in the squad and how Michael would want to wallow in their fluffy furs, or some random rambling about communication technology.

With the conversation having died down, Elliot soon settled into the rhythm of sweeping the area with his own periscope, detecting nothing in the initial sweep, and then sweeping the area once more, this time with the scope of his rifle. Peeking out of the safety of the trenches to get a better look at things with his scope was always a risky prospect, but if there was an enemy marksman lying in wait, Elliot would have spotted them long before.

Or he’d be dead.

...But seeing as neither of those things were the case, the boy settled into the monotony of his job. Thankfully, a marksman was nothing if not patient. Two years of war experience had desensitized Elliot’s perception of seemingly boring jobs-- as disinteresting as they were sometimes, they had a purpose to serve.

Soon, Michael found his hunger becoming more and more unbearable. The growling in his stomach were getting more and more obvious. Having no reasons to not eat anymore, he packed up his things and trotted down the trench line back to the reserve line for some good ol’ packed rations, the marksman seeing the young man off with a tip of his hat. It was a nice enough diversion, but Elliot supposed the sapper had no reason to stay for much longer if they were going to be quiet, which was reasonable enough. He would’ve done the same thing, in his shoes.

And thus, Elliot went on to do sentry duty...

After grabbing his portion of the meal, Michael was finding himself a seat at the tables, but he suddenly remembered both the sentries, wondering if they had had lunch yet. They might have already, and it would be a waste of time, but eh, it wouldn’t hurt if they did anyway. It would also be nice to have some companies. And so, Michael went back into the soup kitchen, and, with a little bit of modesty and politeness, convinced the soldier in charge to give him 2 more rations for ‘his friends’. And he wouldn’t betray their trust in him to do what he was told either. He went back to the observation post with them in hand.

”Anyone want some food?” He laid them out at the spot he last sat a few moments ago and sat down and took one for himself.

Elliot was surprised when Michael had returned, with food in his hands. The marksman had planned on getting lunch after his shift, but seeing as the sapper had gone out of his way to do this much…

”I’ll take some.” He said, the faintest of smiles on his face. ”Thank you very much.

The marksman placed down the meal before him. As far as army slop went, the food was still better than the claylike rations given to him on extended trips away from the trenches. Water, a small teabag, stale biscuits, dry bread, tinned meat and some kind of soup, the kind of which Elliot could not identify.

The marksman set a nearby kettle to boil-- the thing likely left there as a small reprieve for watchmen and sentries assigned to the observation posts. As the water began to heat up, he couldn’t help but ask. ”I would’ve figured you’d have preferred to spend your off-time back in town.” He commented. ”Why return to the frontlines?”

Elliot certainly wasn’t complaining-- anyone willing to bring food back for someone was a good enough sort in his books; he simply wanted to hear the sapper’s reasoning for it.

Michael put his fingers on his chin. He tried coming up with whatever reasons like he wanted to work on the periscope more, which he could just do it back there, or he wanted to work on the trench, which he wouldn’t get to do so without authorization, or he just wanted to talk...which sounded dumb. At the end of the day, he’d just give a light shrug as he picked up the cup of diluted tea.

”Well, I don’t know…” He said. ”I figured it’s not noon yet, so maybe you guys haven’t had lunch yet. I don’t think it hurts being nice.

If they already had lunch, he would be handing them to someone else anyway. Not everything is for personal benefit.

The sapper then took a sip of the tea. Although freshly boiled, it was still bland and watered down. Pretty tasteless and if he paid too much attention he’d probably appreciate just a cup of water more. But it’s wartime, he wouldn’t demand more than this. He’d treat it like any first-class meal he once ever had: with some delicate touch beneath the cup.

”How very thoughtful of you.” Elliot said in response. It was unclear whether or not he believed it to be so, but he looked thankful enough. ”...Well, you were certainly right about one thing: I haven’t eaten yet.”

With that, the marksman mixed in his own bag of tea with the newly heated water. He took the metal cup in both hands, holding the handle with his dominant hand, and using his other as an impromptu saucer. Elliot curled his fingers inwards, letting the warmth of the tea run through his hands, before raising the cup to his lips.

All things considered, the tea was bland and not nearly as sweet as he would’ve liked. He had heard that sugar rations were issued early in the war, but by the time he had enlisted, those were reserved for officers. Still, even despite the lack of taste, it was suitable enough for warming the body.

After taking a long sip, he set the cut back down on the palm of his other hand. Normally, this was done on a table with a small plate or saucer, but both things weren’t strictly necessary in a war like this. Elliot enjoyed his tea (or what passes for it) in silence, letting only a small sigh escape his lips.

Too Michael let out a sigh, as he grabbed the biscuit and held it by the very tip of his finger, biting it small and careful not to let crumbs stick on his lips. If any was left on, he would wipe it off with the given napkin. On the while, he was quick to notice the same exact posture carried out by Elliot. The palm beneath the cup, the fingers and especially how he didn’t have the next sip without putting it back into his hand. It might be just confirmation bias on his part, but Michael recognized these social gestures.

Whether or not he’s right, he let himself loose a little and asked, his head tipped slightly sideway.

“Y’ new mahney?”

His accent changed suddenly. It was no longer the neutral intonation that everybody across Europa were taught, but a distinct Tyrellan one. He was taught to be proud of his heritage, which was kinda dumb, but it helped recognizing people.

Elliot looked up at Michael, somewhat surprised, though he did his best not to show it. He took a moment to parse that Tyrellan accent back into the more neutral tone he had grown accustomed to, before letting out a small exhale through his nose, as if slightly bemused.

If Michael was going to hang a little loose, perhaps it wouldn’t hurt for Elliot to do the same.

”Aye, something like that.”

Unlike the sapper’s Tyrellan accent, the marksman’s own accent was distinctly Castletonian. Elliot gave the young man a knowing glance, before shifting back to a more neutral tone. “...money’s a little tight nowadays, though.” He let out a shrug.

”What of you? Old, or new?” Elliot figured small talk like this was fine, as long as he was careful. Besides, it was better that he start making new friends and acquaintances in this platoon sooner, rather than later.

”Eh...Kinda both.” His eyes glanced up, ”We inherit our wealth, but our grandfather kinda squandered our wealth through...variety of means,” And rolled around, exasperated. ”So my father had to patch it up like a sinking ship. He did well though, professorship gets good pay so we’re doing just cozy. A nice house and some good academic opportunities.”

It was nice seeing an upper-class (somewhat) Castleton brother around. Despite Michael not wanting to look like a spoiled rich kid, he couldn’t help the pre-imposed impressions of these people in society, so he tended to keep his status hidden, only letting loose when he was around familiar territory. New money might sound derogatory, but if anything he even respected those hard working people. People underestimated the strength of the manual labourers these days.

Elliot nodded as Michael went on, the marksman occasionally snacking on a biscuit. It was interesting-- he didn’t expect a blue-blood to be working the trenches, but he’s seen more than his fair share of surprising things in the war. Still, he couldn’t help but ask another question.

”...So what are you doing here?” Elliot asked, not unkindly. ”I ended up being drafted, so I didn’t have that much of a choice-- not that I mind all that much, mind you.” He quickly appended. ”...but forgive me if I’m presuming a little much: you don’t seem like the kind to want to go to war.”

From behind a sniper’s scope, Elliot’s seen plenty of faces. Michael’s own countenance just happened to be the kind that didn’t seem like the kind to enjoy fighting overmuch (though in fairness, there were very few that did). It made the marksman wonder about the young man’s convictions.

”Oh I don’t have a choice either…” Michael sighed. Well, it was not necessarily right. ”W-Well, I do have a choice. Go to university and be considered a reserved-skilled worker, which is what I’m into anyway. But... He snapped his fingers several times, getting irritated by each. His accent changed once again. ”Some tired old codger in the Board of Admission prob’bly slept during the job or somethin’. Got the admission letter a week late, and got called. So ‘ere I am.”

To be fair, he wasn’t too used to the new admission process either. Most of what he was referenced to was from his father, who studied in Vinland instead. So it took him a bit of time to gather the documents. Probably served him right he should’ve checked early, but hey, whatevs.

”To be fair, it does make me a lil more plucky than if I stayed home, He said, which is true. His Amone experience really toughened him, but nevertheless...”Don’t get me wrong though, I hate this fecking war regardless. No disagreement is worth millions of deaths.

And whose disagreements anyway? Some worthless kings’ on the throne? All the while people die like dogs. People that probably don’t even know the country, let alone the soldiers, they’re fighting if they hadn’t been subjugated under so much propaganda.

Michael put the cup of tea down for a long sigh. He doesn’t often get riled up.

Elliot calmly sipped at his tea, giving Michael an apologetic look. The marksman didn’t seem to mind the sapper’s sudden turn of mood. ”It’s a damn shame.” He simply commented. ”The world is a beautiful place, made darker by the war.”

Was the world beautiful, and the war ugly? Or was the world ugly, and the war merely a byproduct of that ugliness? Elliot pondered this for a moment.

The marksman set down his cup and looked to the sky. Though bleak and overcast, there was a certain beauty to its dreariness. He then turned to his compatriots: the sapper and the rifleman. This moment, as fleeting as it was, was likely to be the calm before the storm. It was best to cherish it while he could.

Elliot then reached for some of the dry bread, cutting it crosswise before putting some of the tinned meat between the loaves. Impromptu sandwich complete, the marksman took a bite. It was lacking in many things, but it was still better than nothing. He ate in silence for a while, occasionally pausing to take a sip of what little remained of his tea, or to survey the area with his periscope.

Michael let the talkings die down a little as they both enjoyed their lunch, while Michael cooled himself as well, relatively quickly though. Thankfully with Elliot here, he wouldn’t mind releasing the valve a little. He wasn’t one to hang on too long onto negativity as long as he could just say it to someone and someone understanding. It gets boring. Better to hand it to someone so both can bury them into the Earth.

Once he was done, he briefly cleaned up and prepared to get back to the reserve line. Some bloke coming to replace the two here informed him they were probably gathering soon.

For a while, he also wondered about the idea. The world. A beautiful place? He didn’t really see it as such, nor he saw it otherwise. He just...didn’t really think about it a lot. He’d really love to think it is, for there is beauty he wallowed in. His family. His sickly yet gentle mother. His stern yet kind father. As of now, he fought the war for them, because he is an only child. He is their future.

What about Elliot?

”Also, if you don’t mind me asking something as well. It might be intrusive, but you have someone at home you look forward to seeing?”

People who love the world probably have someone to fight for.

The marksman gave the visiting man a nod. Elliot hadn’t even realized it, but it seemed his shift would be over soon enough. The man said that they were probably gathering soon, prompting the boy to wonder as to what kind of operation they’d be doing soon enough.

Michael’s question snapped Elliot out of his reverie, though. Someone at home he looked forward to seeing… He pondered the question for only a few moments, before continuing. ”I’ve got family back home. My mother, father, and brother.” He started. ”It’s no exaggeration when I say that a big part of the reason as to why I signed on was to protect them.”

”...Truth be told… I don’t know if they’d be glad to see me.” Elliot admitted sheepishly. Going behind their back, breaking off a betrothal, and generally making a mess of their plans tended to breed more than a little bit of resentment, even if his intentions were good.

”...but when the war’s over, I’d like to see them again.”

And that was the truth of it. Even if he had left out a large part of context, Elliot was content with that answer.

”Ah I see.” Michael nodded firmly, and gave a genuine smile. Thinking for a couple of seconds, he reached for his pocket and took out another piece of paper. This one not the weary yellow notes he had for his designs and other random things he needed to write down, but a pinkish-white one, slightly marred by the dirt, but still looked modest enough on its own.

”I have someone to see too. My mother. Basically the angel of my life. And she wrote me this. He unfolded the paper and read. ”I swell in pride in hearing your accomplishment. But please don’t get carried away. I don’t care what you did or how many battles you won. All that matters is you coming home...”
He stared at the paper for a little, held it out then folded the paper and put it back in his pocket, laughed a little. ”A little dramatic I know. But those who stayed always have strong feelings.” He then patted Elliot on the shoulder. ”So I hope everything will work out for you.”

Elliot looked on as Michael read out his letter, and soon, in spite of himself, the marksman revealed a genuine smile of his own. He knew his own family might not have approved of him disappearing, but he knew that they wished for his safe return as well.

Thoughts of family tended to make the world a brighter place.

”That they do.” Elliot said in reply. ”...thanks… I hope everything works out for you too.” He smiled.

The boy then reached into his pocket, retrieving a simple, brass pocket watch with just a little bit of tarnish. He opened it, looked at the time, and then looked to his companions, the sapper and the rifleman.

”Looks like our shift’s done. Shall we head back?”

”Let’s go then.” Michael said.

"I am Michael. Last name Daunte." He returned Elliot's introduction with yet another slight nod, more as a formality but he rather took it in with grace. Nevertheless, even before his life in the trenches, he had long preferred the rather down-to-earth commoner address to most of his peers. If anything it made him feel a bit more relatable to the rest of society than the relatively few stuck-up individuals up there on the upper echelon. "Just call me Michael. There's no time for titles in a place like this."

He's also not that old anyway, but chances are Elliot was just being formal as well. Speaking of whom, Michael noticed the little tube jutting out of the ends of Elliot's rifles. It's thin and barely, if not outright otherwise, bigger than the rifle thickness. Curious. People don't tend to put accessories on their rifles since they get turned in quite frequently to higher ups, so he wondered what that is. Maybe he worked this out on his own as well. He may be a marksman, but who can say that he doesn't have backgrounds in engineering or mathematics. Elliot does look a bit young for that, but hey, the existence of the one and only Michael himself was enough proof that looks can be very deceiving.

Michael waited a little bit anxiously as Elliot peered the periscope over the parapet, both for him and for the feedback on his latest invention/innovation, although if it hadn't been already apparent, the way he handled it and positioned himself indicated he knew what he was doing perfectly. Actually that wouldn't really relieve him much, considering he was asking for feedback from an experienced veteran, whereas he only just partook in the war for a few months at best. Like his university or job interview, he stared at literally everything, every small detail, Elliot does, up until he turned around. Whew. It worked, and while not exactly glowing, it wasn't scathing either. It was exactly what he expected.

"Yeah, it's optical lense. It was a binocular from a dead Imperial officer that I found a few weeks back. I have to redo the magnification because the saw-off point is right in the center." Michael replied as he took out the sheet of paper he had folded in his pocket. Unfolding it, it showed a rather crude but geometrical drawings of the design. "The binocular is rather short, so it leaves not so much room to work with." He gave a small laugh afterward. "I do have a bit too much time on hand."

Now that Lucia wasn't on his back the whole time he does. He wondered if she was doing alright, but personally, he did find her absence somewhat liberating, not having to babysit her. Was it down to his normal etiquette or his complex feelings towards her and her current predicament was up for debate, but it was nice being a free man for once.

His discussion with Elliot was followed quite abruptly by a lovely lady at the entrance. Unlike neither the marksman or the sapper, she was tall, and had this rather...weary aura to her. And the custom for a gentleman is to never leave a lady unattended.

"Are you alright, miss? Are you here for the observation duty? Come, join us in our work." Michael cupped his hands in front of his stomach. "Make yourself comfortable."

He was meant to go back for some food after this, but eh, he could wait a couple of hours.

For all that's worth, the silence and relatively remote location of the observation post meant a little bit of personal time for Michael. It reminded him of the time in his father's study or the school lab, minds drifted away in deep introspection or concentration, sometimes crossing his legs crudely in his armchair. Which is kind of what he was doing right now. His tools were a bit all over the place on the ground next to him. His hair was unadjusted from the various head scratch he had as he figured out the periscope. Most of the time once he was done, he would get back to his usual self soon enough. But he forgot time today as well.

When a boy popped up at the observation post for his shift, Michael looked up almost immediately and, out of instinct, uncrossed his legs and went into crouch with one knee firm on the ground. His two hands put the periscope to the side and tugged down his lower shoulder's shirt areas. Normally Michael would have stood up for a greeting, but he knew he wouldn't stand up again if he does that. He still greeted the comer to his recently fitted out observation post like a guest to his house.

"Good morning!" Michael returned the boy's nod with his own nod and a spirited yet firm voice. When prompted about the shift, he took a moment to compose an answer as he briefly glanced at the periscope again and adjusted his hair. "It's not really my shift actually. I was really just setting up the last of the things for the post. The I just kind of...toyed with this periscope for a while." He said as he pointed at the sentry. He would be a little bit proud of the work he had done as the work on this trench were mostly relegated to him (and Anna as well) if it hadn't been back-breaking from all the carrying and digging he had to do, even more so if he ran into those pesky rocks to break.

"So yeah, hope you'll enjoy your stay..." He joked a little as he asked. ...if you don't mind me asking how may I address you?"

Also, while the young man was here, Michael did not hesitate to ask him a little favor, picking up the periscope. "Also, if you don't mind, can you test this out for me? You can use a periscope right?"

He didn't intend to come off as disrespecting a veteran's experience, but after a few months of misery in the trenches, newbies look exactly the same as the established. He didn't want someone fumbling the thing and got themselves killed as a result.


Michael thought he'd get overwhelmed by the sight of the trenches after the respite break where the Viscount's son basically went back home to a quiet yet warm welcome by his neighborhood. But it turned out well actually. Mother was correct. Of course he missed the hot bath at home or the maids/butlers giving him pretty much every good meal he deserved, but the recently returned Michael found himself instead immersed in something other than the constant groaning of wet feet or rats crawling around munching at the woods of the parapet.

For a few days, this rugged-looking mixture of a binocular and a periscope had been Michael's project. After meddling with the binocular found on a dead Imperial officer in a raid a week ago, Michael had managed to crack open the thing with his sapper tools and place a tube, or rather two tubes, perpendicular to the binocular, each with mirrors placed at each end perching 45 degrees. It might look like just a poor attempt at replicating something that already existed, but a unique trait of this periscope that Michael was trying to get it to work right is the ability to zoom. That's what had been keeping him occupied for the entire day, as he sat tugged in beside the parapet with the tools either in hands or on the ground next to him. It was way past his shift time. He could feel his stomach poking him to go and have some food in the reserve line, but he suppressed it as he held his breath at yet another plier grip.


This should hopefully work.

He flipped over, being careful not to straighten himself while he was on the parapet out of instinct. Otherwise he might risk getting shot by a sniper's bullet. It doesn't matter how brief it was he might show himself, he had seen people being all cheery one moment and a corpse a second later. But being short does have its advantage that he had more rooms for mistakes. After adjusting himself, he rested the periscope on the dirt, letting the lens peer over No Man's Land. He could see the mounds of dirt and barbed wires, along with puddles of mud water reflecting on the sticky situation both sides found themselves in. But the moment he was waiting for was when he slid those lens beneath forward and backward...


He gripped his fist in pride. It worked...somewhat. The zooming wasn't very good, not the best amongst the periscopes, and far worse than what a binoculars can afford to magnify, but it worked regardless. He could adjust how much he wanted to see with (relative) ease, and without having to expose himself to sniper fires. Now Michael felt the urge to have this be tested. He probably won't need to wait for long, as this is an observation area, so naturally there should be one or two observers at any given time. They should arrive soon. For now, he'd keep trying to make sure this sloppy patch-up of a tool didn't fall apart when roughly handled.
He's back!

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