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"Remember to look at the stars not down at your feet." Inspired me ever since. Rest in peace Professor Hawking
8 yrs ago
I don't know why, but the boredom is killing me slowly
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Robert didn't fully understand the quest given, but then again he never understood that tower anyway. A group of individuals being zipped out from another world now awakened in a body that who knows what picked for. And he was expecting them to help? There's no guarantee that they'd actually be nice enough to do so, but they wouldn't even understand to begin with. But urgency clouded all logical judgement, as the man in the black gambeson hastened through the tower corridor to the coffin chamber. They should have already awakened, and to his guess confused, scared. He was pretty much right, to no one's surprise.

Approaching the four newly-arrived was a rather sharp-looking young man in black gambeson and breeches, huffing a little from his travel to the tower. He quickly brushed his hair over his forehead with his hand, gave everyone a quick glance, before letting out one last puff before speaking, in a hurried but seemingly casual tone.

"Everyone up? Everyone good? Functional? Hmm?" He glanced across the rather diverse group of individuals, before cutting right to the chase. "This...never has a good explanation, but I'm going to need you to ready to fight, soon. Yall familiar with it?"

Also you might wanna put a bunch of them in a hider or something. It's a huge wall of text to read
Tentative CS. It might change/expand depending on the lore created

Hm. Yeah, I'm liking the concept, but I can see why fleshing it out would be a challenge. I think your signature is relevant here - he needs to have some burning desire in life, I think, in order to be a more compelling character.

Oh! I just had an idea. What if he discovered a technologically advanced, ancient, organic battle-golem, and his life's work is to restore it to full power so he can marry it? It would give him a reason to learn both magic and technology, and love can be a powerful driver.

I've got a bunch of lore behind those things, too...

Oh that ones cool. I like the idea of being obsessed over this thing, but not gonna lie it sounds a bit creepy when put that way. Not to worry though, I do have similar backstory ideas to justify this obsession. I can go into PMs if you guys wanna know. Thanks though! Brainstorm I shall continue.

<Snipped quote by Conscripts>

I feel like Newt would be your characters A) Best Friend or B) Biggest Pain in the Ass, because your magical and he would constantly be "O great wizzy magiker, how cast boom magic?"

How about both? Being the only friend that he doesn't want.
Character-wise, I'm looking at an eccentric, maybe a little paranoid, but quite cocky and witty 'magical engineer'. Basically he incorporates magic into equipment and machineries, or the other way around, creating all sorts of weird but practical stuffs like magic sensors or magic-powered automations. Power-wise, he's nowhere near the magic power of the strongest witch/wizard/magician of the world, but his pragmatism can bridge that gap. I'm considering between him being a native or a computer-programmer isekaied, but just throwing it out there for now.
When I slept yesterday, it was page 3. When I woke up, it was page 7. The activity around here is insane.

In terms of lvl mechanics, I don't have any experience on that as well, since all my previous RP have all been narrative-driven, and if there's any 'leveling' in those RPs, shall we say, they're mostly like the Zelda-ish style you mentioned: as the characters go through trial and tribulation, they get experience and can do things with better efficiency. So I'd vote in favor of that.
Things are slowing down on my end, so I'm interested. Kinda leaning towards the intellectual type, probably a chemist or alchemist. I'll decide fully when there are full details of this RP

December 30th, Rear Trench

"Damn, looks like you all are well-prepared to make someone's ends as painful as they can be."

Michael said, trying to hide the distaste in his voice for such nonsense. He can probably put up with Victoria's somewhat aggressive hint of actually burning people alive, but not this Darcsen's lust for torturing. This was just beyond it for him, but then again, enjoying this wasn't a sign of a normal human being. Either she's just a complete psychopath or something contextual was missing here. But either way, bringing only a machine gun to a trench raid? First of all, it's a stealth mission. Second of all, it's heavy. Michael handled some of them before, he was no slouch when it comes to heavy-lifting, despite the looks. Third of all, if you ran out of your clip, you are just one lame duck sitting there to be shot or slashed. But oh well, she knew her purpose there. Let's just maybe hope that no one really crossed her path, one way or another.

But there are valid advices coming from all three, mostly to pack it light. That is indeed true. He would not certainly want his personal things be handed over to some Imperial troopers who probably would just toss them away once they fed him to the worms. At least maybe his side would have enough courtesy to send them back to his family. But it appeared that they were a lot lighter than he was.

"You people have pistols? Man, it must be so cool." Michael put away the hatchet, cleaned the carbine one last time before swinging it on his shoulders, then had his spade handle attached firmly onto the blade. "I'd just shove this down someone's throat instead." He said with a straight face as he span the spade around effortlessly a couple of times. If anyone met his gazes in response, he'd simply lift his eyebrows suggestively. He had no bayonets, no pistols, no fancy tools. He had a carbine but it was merely for ranged fights. Otherwise it's simply shovel. A hatchet would be better for killing, but the spade for knocking someone cold. And besides, he made it out of the Amone tunnel with this spade, so he sort of considered this his lucky charm.

"Looks like nobody's worried about it to begin with." Michael finally turned to Alex as he leaned himself on the table with the shovels still on him. "It's funny that they expect a sapper and a sniper to do this work for them instea of...you know, dedicated shocktroopers."

For him? He certainly had his worries and fear, but given the experience he had been through with Amone, he was confident enough to not show anything about it.


December 30th, Rear Trench

The observation post was then handed to two replacement soldiers, as the three returned to the rear line to get themselves some rest. And by rest it's more like boredom. Such is trench life. There's no running, jumping, hopping around, nor was there books to read or games to play. Everything is just so limited. As a result, all what Michael did were mostly just having a bit of cleanup in Trebin village and then just wandered around the village ground admiring the snow. For all he knew, it was rare seeing snow in Tyrella, despite how cold it was during this time of the year. If not at all, it would be a few days of light snow, so seeing how much of it today does tickle his curiosity. But it didn't take long until he was summoned by a Sergeant, not that he needed to go anywhere anyway.

Before he thought of what he was summoned for, the quick briefing indicated a mission. A trench raid. And apparently he and his group were supposed to capture at least 2 people for some interrogation. All the moral worries about what would they do to those two or even the danger of going into enemy trenches asides, how was he going to even do this? It was easy to kill someone intentionally. It was easy to spare someone intentionally. But it wasn't easy to knock someone out to drag them back intentionally.

The mission would start in 2 hours. Michael would spend most of its time in the village inn, figuring out what he needed to bring for this. Aside from his gun for ranged combat, his hatchet for close quarter and some grenades, he wasn't sure what else. He probably would want his spade, even though he wasn't going to dig things, since in case of someone screwing up, he could dig himself a hidy hole in the midst of No Man's Land. It wouldn't be a good solution for that matter, but it was the best. But other than that, what was he going to bring? Satchel charges were probably impossible to get, so that's out of the equation.

"I don't know what to bring..." He rubbed his temples as his equipment is laid out on the table in front of him. "What do you people bring anyway?"

He said to those few people nearby from his task group, whether they be just chilling out or were also preparing themselves for the mission.
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