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This looks particularly interesting to me. It's not often I get to see a Sengoku-ish theme RP around here

Locations: Ballroom -> Sorian Library -> Near the Alleyway

Nahir & John

Intermission before dance

After John and Layla parted ways after the first dance, the doctor blended seamlessly into the background before reappearing back onto the balcony of the ballroom a few minutes later. His hands slouched on the balcony rail, carefully hiding the still heightened emotion from what he just experienced. He just had a dance with an Alidasht Shehzadi, and he did surprisingly ok. Dancing had been quite the bane of his existence in social events just because. Though to be completely honest, he was just playing the stupid pole for the Shehzadi to exhibit her true talent. In a way, it is symbolic of his social position. Oh well, that’s the life he chose.

Nevertheless, Layla. He had to say, piquing his curiosity would be at the very least of his impression. It might be a daunting thing to explore for a lot of people, but people also look at creatures that scare them from afar, and that was also what kept John from occasionally glancing at her from time to time from the balcony, not making direct eye contact but still observing. He did not notice her encounters with the Grand Vizier until the very end when they had already separated.

It wasn't long after that Nahir excused herself from the table that the pain in her head began to grow stronger. The added stress of seeing Layla and the Vizier- she shook her head as she weaved through the crowd, some nobles and servants alike moving out of her way once they saw the expression on her face. Thankfully, no one stopped her from reaching her destination. She could already feel the cool air somewhat soothing the growing headache and the tightness in her stomach.

Once she arrived at the balcony, she slipped a small silver case from a hidden pocket from her skirts and pulled a dark rolled cigarette followed by a match. As she walked over to the marble rail, she lit the cigarette and glanced at the man standing there. She recognized him. He'd been standing close to the King and Queen of Varian; he'd also been Layla's dance partner- the doctor. She eyed the man before blowing the sweet smoke into the air. Immediately after inhaling the earthy-sweet aroma of the cigarette, her shoulders relaxed, and she could feel some relief from the pressure in her head.

"I do hope my dear sister did not scare you away from the dancing." Nahir looked at the man as she shifted her weight from one leg to another as she tried to asses the man with looks alone. Layla had said he was only a doctor and nothing more of him. No name, no implication of a title, nothing. So she motioned to the cigarette nestled between her middle and index fingers. "Care for one, Lord...?"

”Oh…” He turned around and were a bit taken aback that before him was not any normal guest but another Alidasht Shehzadi, just as breathtaking as his dance partner, but in a more familiar Caesonian style, one that she adapted very well to her aesthetics rather than just putting on some clothes.

”Certainly not, your Royal Highness. I find her fascinating beneath the daunting veil.” He did not hesitate to give the traditional Alidasht bow to Nahir, his hands still a bit out of posture, but he stood up properly this time, rotating his wrist a little to unwind from the uncomfort. ”Thank you but I’m good. Williamson, but you’re free to call me by my first name John, since I’m no Lord or Duke.“

Not a lord, after all. Interesting. She looked at his bow and wondered if Layla had poked fun at it. "Good," was all she said in regards to her sister. She noted how his shoulders tensed and how his arms shook just the tiniest bit when he bowed. Nahir walked over to him, her free hand gently guiding his wrist so they were eye level and his thumbs faced down. "The Alidasht bow, quite hard to master." She pulled back, hand shaking as she did so, and tucked it under her other arm gracefully before he noticed. John kept the posture for a few seconds, untangled himself briefly and did it again, just to get used to it. Indeed it was hard, but he nodded with a grateful smile to Nahir.

"Tell me, John," She tilted her head to the side. "How does a man who holds no titles come to mingle with such high nobles and royalty?" There was no sarcasm or malice to her question, only genuine curiosity and perhaps a tinge of admiration. Certainly, no simple doctor would be so close to the King and Queen of one Kingdom without some great deed or groundbreaking discovery. The more she thought of it, the more intrigued Nahir grew with the man.

”Oh, well technically I do have the title Doctor, since officially I’m a Royal Physician for the Varian court.” John replied with his hands clasped. ”But when it comes to mingling with the fine ladies and gentlemen here, I am also a member of the Varian Royal Science Institute.” He continued, before shrugging his shoulders slightly and opening his hands. ”Us grumps typically aren’t invited either, but with such a grand meeting between the three kingdoms, I can only assume it’s a show of strength on our part.”

"Ah, a scientist- and one part of the Royal Court." Nahir, seemed pleased with the discovery. "A title indeed, one that could hold power and authority." She bowed her head slightly as she blew smoke out of her nose. "And how did you come to be a member of the Varian Royal Science Institute?" It was fascinating, to say the least, and Nahir made no effort into hiding her curiosity about the man standing before her. Alidasht had their own doctors and Shamans, but most had been born with titles under their belts.

”The Institute’s entry level is a bit more demanding than Royal Physician. It’s a scientific institution so they required concrete documented scientific work rather than just pulling someone from death’s door, but luckily I have one big one.” John walked over and rested himself on the balcony. ”I don’t know if you know, but the town I was from, Kolonivka, was struck with an outbreak known in Varian records as Khole Virus a few years ago, striking pretty much everyone, piling up hospitals and freezing the town’s activities, all the bad stuffs. I was just a country doctor then, but every hand was needed to treat and prevent cases. What we eventually found was an effective oral treatment that can be used for mild cases, and I kid you not…” He continued, his eyes looked up to the ceiling as he reminisced. He did give credits by referring to the participants as ‘we’, but in truth most physicians dismissed his hypothesis until things got dire, citing ‘bad odour’ as an explanation. Only he and Dr. Hunter, his future academic advisor and the man who gave John the recommendation along with Ms. Blackwood, were skeptical of the real cause. ”leaked waste pipe because some guy wanted to save money from the merchants and bought cheap material. My friend and governor, Ms. Blackwood, had some rather contamination with that person later on.” He chuckled. The details were not disclosed, but considering she experienced all that horror, it’s safe to assume that guy was probably banished.

”For me, after finding out the root of the whole mess, the outbreak was dealt with pretty swiftly. Ms. Blackwood gave me a boost into the royal court, but that outbreak and a couple other working projects that I did after being a Royal Physician got me admitted to the institute.” John said. He did realize it got quite lengthy, and perhaps a lot of information and terminologies, so he gave a quick shrug before cracking a joke at the Shehzadi. ”There are more that I would love to share with you, including my current projects, but when I tell this to ten people, nine and a half were asleep by the time I was done, the other half…were just being considerate. So no worries if you wanna switch subjects.”

Nahir waved off with a smile the self-deprecating joke as she leaned against the rail. "It is always quite interesting hearing what others have done in life to get them to where they are now. Your work is admirable, Mr. Williamson." She raised her cigarette as if toasting for him. "I have heard of the Khole Virus; we had a similar case back home."

"I don't remember much of it; I was four at the time." She looked away from him to look at the gardens below them. "The water system had been contaminated, resulting in many people falling ill." Quite a few of the people in the Royal Palace had fallen ill as well, Nahir and some of her siblings included. "After weeks of investigating, the Grand Vizier found what had been wrong. Some of the water waste from the farms had been leaked onto the city's water supply due to a similar situation as in Kolonivka. However, this case was not corruption or negligence. The Beylerbey, or Lord, who had been left in charge of the water system, suffered from an illness that impaired the man's ability to make clear decisions. There were signs in his home that the man was not well." Nahir could remember reading the report when she was younger after sneaking into the Grand Vizier's office to find something interesting to read aside from literature books. "Fortunately, the case was not severe, and many recovered after weeks." Others, mainly the elderly, were not so lucky.

”Oh yikes. That’s very unfortunate.” The doctor rubbed his chin upon hearing. Having spent a handful of times studying outbreaks after the incident, it wasn’t easy for a community to go through one unscathed. Caused by a sick man nonetheless, who might have been punished for something probably outside his control.

Nahir let out another puff of smoke before pushing herself away from the rail. "But I think we should leave such topics for another day," She glanced back to the laughter and music behind them. "We are supposed to be in high spirits today." Court intrigue had, of course, soured her mood but she would not let it spoil the rest of the night. Lord Smithwood's words still range in her ears reminding her of the many adventures the summer could hold- starting with the one that was just a few hours away.

”Certainly.” John obliged, clapping his hands together once. Now their position swapped, as John was curious. Alidasht had always been a land in the books, in the rumors, the gossip, ”Now that I thought about it, I didn’t know much about your Royal family. Your Royal Highness and Layla are Shehzadis, and…three or four more I’ve heard?” but nothing concrete was said. Different people told different stories about the royal family. So he figured this would be a good opportunity to learn more. ”If you don’t mind letting me know.”

Nahir turned her attention back to the doctor, smiling at his inquiry into her family. "Such a big family, is it not? It is a mystery that there are still so many of us." She glanced at him with a teasing smile at the dark joke. "Shehzadi Layla is the eldest, Shehzade Amir is next, followed by me." She didn't mention Kahrem. "Shehzadi Mayet, the tiger tamer, and finally little baby brother, Shehzade Munir." She wondered what would Kahrem would think of the ball and tried to imagine him dancing with a lady from another Kingdom. He would have loved the dancing, the music, the food, everything. "No grandkids, that we know of." If there were any roaming around back in Alidasht, no one would wonder who had fathered such children.

”That we know of?” John’s voice turned slightly mischievous. ”If this is a novel, this would be the drama to come somewhere down the line.” But it was mostly in good sports. ”But wow, it is a big family. How is it like growing up with such a vibrant family?” He never grew up with any siblings, mostly due to not having much interest from his parents, or rather viability. ”Just curious, since I’m a single child.”

Nahir chuckled, "I do not think it impossible," Their life did feel like a drama novel, one with enough of it to leave a reader stunned. Each and one of them had their own problems stemming from the same root.

"Loud, lively, fun even. " Layla and Nahir had never been very close, and as girls, they would often fight over trivial things. Now, it just felt like they lived in two separate worlds. After the loss of Kahrem, she could not bring herself to look Amir in the eyes. Mayet was her little cub, always would be. And Munir, they had shared so many drinks and laughs together it was hard to imagine a life without him- any of them. "When one of us would fight another the whole palace would split in two and it wasn't until our mother grew tired of us that she would finally put her foot down." She smiled at the memory of their mother sitting them down until they all apologized. It was all so different then.

”Oh wow. That does sound fun indeed.” His chuckle followed with a smile. Not as big as last time. It was more acknowledgement of curiosity than anything. He knew all of these, it just never occurred to him. ”Mine’s a lot calmer, as you might expect. I haven’t been exactly the confrontational type.” He said. ”But you guys turned out great shehzades now, your mother must have been relieved to see that.”

"It was more stressful than anything." She looked at him, finally paying attention to him. A simple coat, no jewelry or anything that would signify his position in the Varian court, and nothing that made him stand out. "Must have been relaxing." She glanced away from him once he mentioned her mother. Nahir wouldn't exactly say they turned out great, but perhaps passable at the very least. She would, however, be relieved that none of them had gone down the road of killing each other. Yet.

She stayed quiet for a moment, gathering her thoughts. The cool air of Caesonia tingled her exposed arms as it blew away the smoke from her face. The sound of the music and laughter coming from the double doors almost drowned out her thoughts of her mother.

"Yes, she would have been." Nahir finally said, glancing over to look at John again.

She would have been?

”Oh…” His mind clicked almost immediately. The smile that he had earlier quickly dissipated as he slowly looked away into the distance. His hand leaned onto the rail, clasped together but fiddled with unrest, contemplating if he should have asked that question. An idiot would’ve realized that he just walked into a sensitive topic, despite never knowing what exactly happened. It felt bad.

There was a moment of silence between the two, the music coming to its climax before dying down. It took a bit for him to finally speak, but his hands stopped fiddling as he glanced back at Nahir. ”Sorry I said that.”

She shook her head, "No need to apologize, it is not well known." The Sultan did not talk much about her mother to any of them and he would probably not mention it to anyone outside the palace walls. Nahir would not be surprised if nobles and some royals thought of her mother alive.

She took one last drag from her cigarette before snuffing the cigarette on the marble rail. She pushed herself away from it and offered her hand to the doctor. "Now, Mr. Williamson," she smiled and offered her hand in front of him. "would you care to join me for the second dance of the evening?"

The offer was a bit unexpected. He walked into that but was rewarded with a dance? For such a stuck-up ignoble, he is hitting quite a gold mine with the two eldest Shehzades in Alidasht. Not too bad…

”I would love to.” Nevertheless, he never let his ego got even close to him, but rather the opposite. ”You would have to guide this broom through the dance though, as you might have seen with Shehzadi Layla. I’m quite dusty with my moves.”

"Worry not, doctor, I am sure we can make do." She shook her head.

There, the doctor accepted the Shehzadi’s hand with a happy smile. ”I believe I haven’t learned of your name yet. If you don’t mind.” He said.

Nahir smiled, looking at him for a second. "Not at all," she began to lead him back into the ballroom. "My name is Nahir Aysun Kadir."

”That is a wonderful name, Shehzadi Nahir. I am glad to be your partner.” With some confidence, he paced along.
John, ”Ryn”, Lorenzo

Participants: @FunnyGuy@JJ Doe
Interactions: Count Calbert @princess, Mayet @13org

Despite being in good company… one might argue, great company, Lorenzo stole obvious glances toward Lady Vikena. His smile could not sell the idea he was completely happy and comfortable but it would be rude of him to say otherwise.

“Never had these?” The duke did not skip a beat as he grabbed a serving plate and used a pair of tongs to grab one of the creamy custard desserts covered in caramel. “Count Hendrix. Here.” He quickly grabbed another serving plate and offered the same to John. “Docto- John. Try it. You will love it! I am sure of it.” The duke hadn't even processed how unfitting his actions were. To serve those beneath him in front of all to see. Someone out there might be gossipping about him, once again, especially after what happened, but this time, his company today voided the ego to care about such association. People would forget about poor manners the day after, but not the wonderful taste of food, as John found out with barely a bite. He had started, and wasn’t able to stop until the dessert was fully eaten.

“Hmm…” The doctor closed his eyes briefly, letting out a short hum to savor the last of“his plate of custard. “You know, my father once said that there are no bad desserts in Caesonia. And I gotta say it’s pretty true.” Which would be somewhat true. Caesonia was known for this. “The bad ones are all in custardy.” But not for good jokes, however. From the doctor’s almost straight face as he uttered that line, he looked somewhat proud of it. Lorenzo wore the biggest grin and judging by the snorting sound he made, the count appreciated John’s attempt as well.

“All terrible jokes aside, this is fantastic stuff.” John said afterward.

"I must agree. The… deserts alone were worth the trip!" A wink. The count took another bite out of the dessert, before placing the utensil down on the plate he was holding in a hurry when a servant carrying a tray lined up with various beverages walked by. He raised his hand, "Excuse me, may we have some water?" Count Hendrix turned to the other gentlemen, but his gaze lingered longer on the duke, "... Unless there is something else you would like to drink?" The duke eyed the selection before looking at Count Hendrix with a confident smirk.

“Men, this is too fine a night to simply drink water! These events are always an opportunity to test your pallets to fine wines and cuisine. If you think I'm wrong, just look at your plates as proof of richness being served tonight!” The duke gave a nod to the server while reaching out. “The red wine is calling to me.” Count Hendrix’s smile thinned, but he made no protest, "Of course."

“Uhh…yes, indeed.” Replied the doctor, in a noticeably less enthusiastic tone. He nodded to the server as well, one hand of his pointing at the red wine bottle on the table, but the other one, obscured from both the nobles, were vaguely gesturing his request to tone it down. The servant nodded and left, but then returned with a bottle that sank his excitement into the ground. It was a much heavier variant than the red ones. The doctor cursed under his breath as he opened the bottle and gently, just gently, poured a little bit into his glasses.

“You are far too modest.” The duke smiled as he placed his hand gently on the bottom end of the bottle to assist his new acquaintance in pouring more than intended, going a tinsy bit away from spilling over. The doctor’s grip on the glasses tightened, seemingly about to break the thin spyre in a moment of surprises and dread of his incoming doom.

“I appreciate it, Duke Vikena.” John nodded nervously to Lorenzo, before turning over to whisper to Count Hendrix, his face anything but impressed. “How the hell can I finish this now?”

The count tilted his head for a moment then raised his eyebrows, "Dr. Williamson, do you not drink alcohol?" To which John replied. “Not that I can’t, but I can’t say I enjoy them.” Not just from not liking them in general, but from more…deep-seated disdain for what it could do.

Black eyes studied the doctor, analyzing his face and his fingers that were changing colors from the tight grip. Finally, Hendrix relieved the glass from his hands. "I don't think you should force yourself if that is the case. I’m sure Duke Vikena won’t take offense." He turned to the duke, "It seems Dr. Williamson does not have an affinity for alcohol, is there anything else he can try instead?"

“Oh… well I guess…. Um… Oh!” Lorenzo's solution was simple and maybe unwise. He took the doctor's glass from the count and surprisingly handed it back to the server. “Send this to… The beautiful young woman with the tiger as a pet.” Lorenzo pointed out Mayet within the ballroom and the server walked away to fulfill the random request, but didn't realize he was leaving John without a drink at all. “Apologies, John. If I knew your disposition, I wouldn't have forced it upon you.”

“No no, that’s fine…” John said, a little fleetingly as his hands still stiffened and confused face locked onto the server walking away from the three men. He wouldn’t say that he feels the same kind of doom as with the wine, but judging from how she reacted earlier, he didn’t feel like that would make it any better. “Water’s good for me. Thank you for understanding.” He said, turning to Count Hendrix afterwards ”You too, Count Hendrix” His name forced the count to tear his gaze away from the same servant John was watching.

"It’s no problem. What’s the point of a party if you can't enjoy yourself? Please don’t feel the need to force yourself, Dr. Williamson." He glanced around their surroundings, "Besides, with how wild these parties can get, I have a feeling we will need the best physician in the Northern Kingdoms to be as sober as a judge."

“It always be like that, isn't it?” The doctor shook his head with a dry chuckle. Spotting another server replacing the waters at a far end of the table, John reached for it.

"In the meantime… Duke Vikena, might we start with beverages that are not too strong and pace ourselves? The night is still very young, so many dances to dance, talks to talk, foods to eat. I’m sure there will be plenty of opportunities to taste all the Caesonian wine and then some." The pause was followed by a reminder of sorts, "If your daughter allows it, of course." The reminder was more effective than anticipated as the duke stopped his glass an inch from his lips.

“Well I think you have a…” The duke trailed off as he caught sight of him. Calbert. The duke appeared bothered as he and Count Damien locked eyes before he briefly averted his gaze. The man that had been slowly cheering up was lost to his company. The duke then took a long sip from his glass.

John, who got himself the water he wanted, turned around and noticed the distant worried gaze on the duke. Too did Count Hendrix, who quickly read the older man’s mood. Both glancing to the direction Lorenzo was looking towards, noticing this mysterious figure, quite older than both the men looking at him, but seemingly close to the duke’s. A brief glance back and forth in confusion, the man walked away.

“You alright?” John asked the duke. ”Who’s that guy?” Instead of an answer, the duke remained silent as if he hadn't heard him. When the silence stretched on, the younger men exchanged looks at each other.

“Count Calbert Damien.” Lorenzo's tone was an unpleasant one and though he answered John, his eyes remained affixed on the man mentioned who had found his way to Lady Vikena. “Caesonia's beloved count.” His tone remained the same before he took another long sip.

Count Hendrix watched the duke practically inhale the wine, but his interest did not seem to be on the immoderation of it, "And you disagree with this?" His tone suggested that it was less of a question and more of a statement.

“No… that would be the answer I am sure I am meant to give. Alidasht is known to have many species of snakes, yes?” The fauna and flora in that country might have been the only information he researched concerning their foreign guests.

“...Yeah, as far as I can tell.” John replied from his memory. Hendrix only continued to stare at the duke, waiting.

“Yet they thrive here in Caesonia. Perhaps that is why I am not cut out for this. Why I'm a failure. I could never be such a thing.” He took a deep breath after his cryptic answer.

"Do you…not like it here, Duke Vikena? The count whispered so that the only witness to the answer would be him and the doctor, the implication of which was not lost on the doctor. He too knew this might be too touchy to flaunt in the open.

“I…” The duke was vulnerable now. “Not in a long time. Life was better as a businessman. Not as many luxuries but people were… they were more genuine.” The duke brought the glass to his lips again, this time take a few gulps as if washing down the taste of his admission.

Count Hendrix gently placed his hand on Lorenzo’s wine bearing arm once the glass moved away from his lips, "A wise person once said that 'those who deserve power do not want it'. You being 'here' brings… so much hope to your people. And I, for one, am so glad to have met you," there was a moment of hesitation, "Lorenzo." He smiled. "It must have taken a lot of courage to come to this den of vipers and I understand that you would like to… escape," the hand on Lorenzo’s arm tightened ever so gently, "but if this place is as dangerous as an actual den of vipers… Please. Please. Don’t drown yourself in alcohol and leave your daughter behind. She needs you." Lorenzo dropped his gaze towards the ground. Shame gripped him firmly.

After listening in silence, the doctor felt personal enough to speak up. “May I say something?” The brief attention given was enough permission. “I too was from Caesonia. Like…born here and grew up.” He continued, trying to lighten it up a little for what was next. “Everything was perfectly fine until it wasn’t. To this day I have no idea what’s the reason, but one day the king’s messenger just told us we weren't welcome here. So our family had to leave, all the way to Varian. It wasn’t fun, and on so many occasions we were left to God’s good humor. Believe me, I’m breathing right now.” His words were more casual, but it too was sincere as it went on. “I’m not saying that leaving is a bad idea, but the one constant factor that allowed me to be here rather than…6 feet under, is my parents.” John knocked on the duke’s arm with the back of his hand, and too addressed him informally. ”So Lorenzo, whatever you two decide to do, you might want to do it together.”

Hendrix’s eyebrows rose slowly as he listened to John’s past, as if he was more taken aback by it than Lorenzo’s earlier confession. “You two are both absolutely right. She needs me… Lottie.” Lorenzo’s eyes were on her while he felt he would never be able to truly assist her but at least as a sober man, he could try.

The count patted the duke’s arm before releasing him. Taking a few steps back, he bowed, "I believe we have taken up much of your precious time, Duke Vikena. We shan't keep you any longer from Lady Vikena." He straightened up, "Thank you for spending time with us."

”Same, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” John gave the duke a two-finger salute.

“No, it is I who should thank you both. I'm afraid I don't know what sorts I'd be in without you both.” Lorenzo bowed with just his head and a smile. “If I don't get the chance to speak to either of you later this evening, I hope to do so during this marvelous season.” the duke walked off briskly to go see his stepdaughter

The count’s attention shifted to John, brows furrowed, "I… I can only imagine what hardships you faced, Dr. Williamson, but I think you are also immensely brave and magnanimous to have come here, despite what happened."

”Thank you, Count Hendrix. Well, you have so many cards in a deck, sometimes you gotta deal with the bad ones.“ John replied.

"Even so, I commend you. I fear I wouldn't have taken it…so… with such…" The count looked up, trying to search for the right words, but ended up with, "clemency.".

”Haha, well, that’s not an easy pill to swallow that’s for sure.” The doctor laughed, as he nodded in agreement.
Hendrix’s smile returned, "Will you also be staying over the summer?"

”Yeah, I’ll be here.” John nodded. ”I might go back for a few days to check on my team in the Institute, but for the most part, this should be what I would call a paid vacation.”

"That’s a delight to hear! I’ll be here too, so hopefully we can see each other again soon, Dr. Williamson." The count offered his hand out for another handshake.

”Likewise Count Hendrix, I’ll see you around.” And the doctor eagerly took it.

And with that, the two men parted ways.

Interactions: Charlotte @princess, Lorenzo @FunnyGuy, "Ryn" @JJ Doe

"Thank you, you're very kind." John continued to clasp his hands and lowered his head to the frankly sweet compliment given, even if they might just be courtesy. Nevertheless, Charlotte was more content with being alone with some delicate nourishment instead. Nothing wrong with that. Good food everyday kept you going with a happy smile. "Certainly, my long rambling and terrible jokes shall be certain to drive people away." John nodded eagerly, also not hesitating at all when he mentioned jokes. "Have a delicious one, Lady Charlotte." He waved as Charlotte stepped away leaving the three gentlemen.

It was then when Count Hendrix recognized the doctor out loud, along with Duke Vikena as well. Wow, he never expected to be recognized by so many people. If anything, he might even be more well-known now than nobles. "Ahaha, my reputation does precede me quite far, eh?" John laughed heartily upon hearing both men, as he too accepted the handshake with both his hands enclosing the count. Despite his work, he was still ranks below the nobles, and thus he would express it as such. "Indeed that was a lot of medical supplies sent our way. It turned out to be quite a bit excess, but can't leave the town an empty cupboard afterward, am I right?" The doctor remarked. Kolonivka is a relatively peaceful and cozy town to live in, but being in the mountains and quite remote from Varian capital city, it's better to not get dried up the second some outbreak happens.

The conversation quickly shifted to the men's introduction, to which John was quite pleased to know that Count Hendrix too was one of his people, making his way up to where he is now, hopefully with grits and vigor, and not through some shady family stuffs. John quickly tried to lighten the mood as he heard the duke's self-deprecation, "Deserving or not, it doesn't matter. Warmth is a human right. Especially if you come to Kolonivka, we die without warmth. Also extra comfy blanket if you stop by Mrs. Halland's inn!" meanwhile not missing out on good publicity for his benefactors at home. Not much out of personal benefits, he just found it a great place to be lodging at, and the owner's nice, so why not.

John had no qualms accepting the duke's invitation for some food. John noticed that Charlotte had made it to a food table with some guys, and the sultan's at another one. He certainly did not want to reinvigorate the sultan's frustrations with the duke after just now, so he intentionally but subliminally direct both of the men to a different table, this one with almost no one nearby, before turning for both of them. "It's been...what...12 years since I left Caesonia, so I don't remember much at all the food here. If you don't mind introducing us to your kingdom's exquisite culinary art, Duke Vikena."

Interactions: Queen Rosa, Charlotte @princess, Lorenzo @FunnyGuy, "Ryn" @JJ Doe

"I understood." The doctor nodded to the queen's sensible advice. That was partially why he wanted the royals to make the case for him since not only would they have more sway, they knew the royal intrigues way better than John did. Morally, there is nothing wrong with just offering his assistance, but for wounded egos, especially ones that were proven up until this point to be able to float in the sky like a balloon, he'd just end up getting squashed unnecessarily as it inevitably falls. But it was incredibly difficult to watch. The doctor shuffled uncomfortably multiple times, looking briefly away from the frankly depressing sight a couple of times. He might be a vain man at first, but John could hear genuine terror and fear in those quivering words.

John did appreciate some attempts at saving both the duke and his daughter, though a couple of them ends up being a bit tone-deaf that it ended up enraging the Shehzadies even further. But their valiant effort perhaps contributed to the Sultan's rather tame punishment. Dinner with the family? That normally wouldn't sound like a punishment, but politics meant that this wasn't simply just raising a glass of wine and everybody's happy. There will be more than that, John believed, but he'd abstain from making any sweeping statement, knowing nothing of the Sultan nor Alidasht.

The Danroses quickly jumped on this opportunity, made conciliatory statements, and just forced everyone to get the party back to normal. Some interesting details for his trip, but John didn't have any mind to care about that right now, as he was still a bit shaken from what just happened to Lorenzo and Charlotte. No one was physically hurt, but he still felt compelled to offer them help, if they wanted so. It'd be the right thing to do. And so John slipped away from where the Varian rulers sat, went around the crowd and approached the two of them, along with one of the Varian Count he recognized, in a rather reserved way but he kept his postures open and a friendly smile.

"Hello, if you don't mind me." He said, clasping his hands briefly before approaching them gently. As Count Hendrix was offering Lorenzo his handkerchief, John's focus was more on Charlotte, "Lady Charlotte, is it right?" He unassumed, "I've only heard about you briefly from Lady Mina, but I admire your courage back there." He said, now making sure not to leave out the Duke. "It must have been upsetting for that to happen. Is there anything I can do for you two? I can grab some food if you are hungry."

The doctor briefly remembered his introductions, but he decided to keep it short. "I am John Williamson, but just John would be fine." No titles, middle name, or anything fancy.

Location: The pastry table -> Next to king Alixandre (wherever he is)
Interactions: Kazumin Nagasa @samreaper,Thea @Tae, King Alixandre and Queen Rosa @princess

That nostalgic feeling of his first royal party soon dissipated the moment he actually witnessed this man's table manners. Ok, his first time at parties was pretty awkward too, but never this messy. John was not exactly impressed by the sloppiness of this man's appearance as a whole. It didn't feel like he was wearing clothes, but the clothes were wearing him. His hair's a mess too, but all of that wouldn't bother the doctor so much if not for his haphazard chewing and coughing. For the love of everything that is holy, do not cough into your fist! That's where you touch everything!

Yeah, this man definitely had never attended an upper-class party before, but at least he admitted it. Frankly, after reeling in his instinctual disdain acquired from his experience as a medical doctor, John couldn't really fault the man too much if this was his first time. "No worries. I sometimes joke that chefs are wizards in disguise. They truly do some magical work." He replied with a genuine smile, hoping to dispel his previous annoyed side-glance that came before it.

The two of them spent a moment just getting to know each other, and John savoring a bit more of Caesonia pastries in the meantime. Soon, lady Thea approached both of them with almost sweet greetings that he knew were reserved just for this country doctor. Almost sweet because it wasn't exactly as lovey-dovey as a total stranger might misconstrue. Quite the opposite in fact. Out of literally every single problematic patient he had, Lady Thea is the one who created the most headache for him. And no, she didn't have anything serious.

"Hey, Thea." John replied to her conspicuously informally. "I'd love a glass, but I don't want the duchess to take this as supporting your habits..." Yes, nothing serious, but it will be soon if she doesn't change. "Drink moderately, ok?" He said softly to her, if not genuinely out of worry and kindness for her, it is to keep her from taking over his room later on with a vomit. And this came from nothing but personal experience. The trauma ran deep in his arteries.

Soon, the main guests of the party, the Alidasht sultans and his shezadies, made their way into the ballroom, in what could possibly be described as...inconsiderate pomposity. Pets are one thing, but to get them to basically rip apart everyone's eardrums like that on purpose doesn't really impress the doctor too much. Rumors about them turned out to be quite true. But well, his feelings didn't matter too much in the end but rather the monarchs and nobles. They are the ones who make the policies, who build civilization. He is just some random doctor who saves lives one at a time.

Nevertheless, the man who eventually introduced himself as Kazumin Nagasa did say something that caught John's attention. Is it a tiger that just roared? The doctor let his head lay briefly on the tip of his fingers as he studied the creature that accompanied the beautiful Shehzadi. If his memories served him right, and actually right this time, the Royal Institute did have an observation on an extremely rare quoted dark colored melanistic variant of the tigers, but that was like a hundred years ago. Never again had science sighted one of these creatures again. "I believe so..." John replied to Kazumin unassumingly. Or it could be something else, he didn't know. Now it was his turn to be lost in curiosity, at the behest of that creature and their owner's mysterious aura, temporarily brought back when the Kazumin offered him a handshake.

"Oh, uhh...John. I'm John Williamson. Glad to meet you." He nodded and graciously accepted the handshake, his eyes still held captive to that black tiger. It was only until another appearance truly tore him back down to reality. And not a good one either...

He felt pain. From the collapse of that entire parade to the overdosed amount of second-hand embarrassment. He couldn't help but wince at such a display. John would have felt bad for the duke if it hadn't been for his amazement at his feat of somehow phenomenally destroying both kingdoms' reputations in a span of a few seconds. He really thought that was physically impossible.

"Sorry Mr Nagasa and Thea, I have to head off for a bit. I'm happy to see you both and I'll talk to you two later." John excused himself as he headed off in the direction of the commotion. Regardless of how he felt about the political fiasco that happened, people did literally fall five feet down onto the ground. That kind of fall would hurt and even be fatal if in the wrong posture. John felt the instant need to be assessing the situation, but knew that egos were also severely damaged in the process. A lot of egos. He wouldn't want to touch that hot scalpel right now. So John made his way to the Varian monarchs instead. He went to one of the Varian guards at the side, away from the commotion, letting him recognize the doctor for a brief second before letting him approach the monarchs from behind almost freely. John stopped at a courteous distance from them, before giving them a bow, not exactly what you would typically use to greet a ruler, but the respect was given and likely understood.

"Your Majesty, please let me know if my expertise is needed," John said, implicitly suggesting to the Camille family that if they wanted to offer the Sultans his help, they are free to do so. If not, he would simply be around close by watching.

Interactions: Kazumin Nagasa @samreaper

Amidst the magnificence showcases of the kingdom's national worth, one particular entrance was interesting, to say the least, in that almost none knew who he was. He looked...oddly plain amidst the grandiose that came to define King Edin Danrose's reign. He wore a brown tailcoat over white cravat and shirt, as well as sand-colored trousers and gloves. His manners were nothing less of politeness and respect to the guests of this extravagance, but it felt off. He shook hands but never kissed. He bowed but was not uptight. He greeted the nobles but thanked the servants. He wouldn't have been batted an eye to if not for the fact that he entered right following the Varian monarchs, quite before the nobles showed up. This couldn't have been a servant.

John was quite surprised to be receiving the invitation from queen Camilia herself, so much so that he was willing to postpone his project to be here. He had been going around in the aristocratic circles for a bit since his admittance to the Royal Institute of Science, and frankly, he hadn't been much enthusiastic with most of them. Surely, the pastries are nice, you get to meet more people he could talk to, but it's exhausting and kind of boring after a while. He preferred to be out there in the fields rather with his colleagues. But this invitation was a bit too big to just outright reject. Being a royal physician for the monarchs seemed kinda like a convenient excuse; anybody else could have done that job, and many had already done that job before. So it was probably more than just that. Perhaps this is one exhibit of pride for the kingdom. Not just the endearing kindness of the king, the ethereal beauty of the queen, the stunning enchantment of the prince and princess, but also a country doctor who defied the circumstances to be among these greats. Getting an MD before the age of 24 is no joke. Or it could be to get John to get familiarised with the noble families, so as to help him with his future career prospect. Might as well be both while we're at it.

Nevertheless, John had a strange feeling to be walking around in this polished lavish-clad floor, within the towering walls stood the man who had made the decision to never let John see another light of day in this kingdom again. He's certain King Edin wouldn't be too pleased seeing him again, assuming he still remembered this kid whom he banished years ago. Hopefully not though. Guy probably banish people as a daily chore, so to him, it'd be just a regular Tuesday afternoon. And at the end of the day, it had already been 12 years since. John couldn't get back here nor would he desire to. But he would be curious to see what happened to his family's inn after they had left though.

After his entrance was the Varian nobles. Among them, the duchess that he remembered as Alice, accompanied by her partner, was quite...endearing, as it turned out. He had never met them, only through circulated rumors, but it was good to see them in person being so happy with one another. Quickly, gossips emerged around him followed Alice's entrance about Lord Leo and Lady Thea about their appearance. Oh, they didn't know, right...

As guests began to stop trickling in, like most people, moved to grab himself a snack or two at the back of the room, though not before asking one of the servants for a hand wash. He expected a bowl of water just like in the clinic, what he got was a bowl made of gold with lily scented warm water. Talking about extravagance…but John wouldn’t mind savoring it for a bit. It felt quite good.

Once the doctor was satisfied and the servant thanked, he began digging in. He didn't need much, as it was more for appetizing than the plat du jour, but every bite counted. The trademark Caesonian flavorful culinary, the only thing he missed about the culture, strengthened by some degree of nostalgia and perfect delicate preparation. It left him craving more, but at the same time stopped him from wolfing the pastry down like a wild animal. He wanted to treasure every bite, every wipe of sweet cream, every cherry on top. And from what it seemed, he was not alone in this enjoyment. Another person was also right there, and he was having it more than John did.

"Good stuff eh?" John asked with a casual smile as he slid over to the young man in the dark Caesonian formal wear. Seeing the unusual yet genuine and infectious enthusiasm, the doctor wondered, "Is this your first time around here?"

He remembered his first time as well...

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