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"Remember to look at the stars not down at your feet." Inspired me ever since. Rest in peace Professor Hawking
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I don't know why, but the boredom is killing me slowly
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Locations: Athletic Arena
Interactions: Leo @Helo, Mina @Tae

From what Leo described, it seemed like Mina had a heat stroke. Quite serious one if she was actually convulsing while unconscious. John didn't think an execution could have caused the kind of heat that would cause someone to go into that state, even with the barbaric method of burning, though he never know for sure.

"No no, it's completely understandable." John replied to Leo with a hand wave, his head leaned slightly left. "We too are aware what happened, and are on alert." Is it possible that Mina was drugged? He couldn't leave it out, but chances are probably not high. He couldn't know for sure unless he had an actual look, but nevertheless appreciated Leo's help with narrowing things down for him.

"Good day to you too, Lord Smithwood." He smiled back before turning back to Mina, who he was still quite concerned considering her headaches. "Let's get you back." John called for a carriage back. He'd normally let people walk back to clear out their mind, but this is heat-related exhaustion, and very little shades were around for them to take advantage of. Not to mention she also had that outfit, which was rather concealing. Speaking of that.

"It's quite a warm attire, is there anything you can take off?" He asked Mina, handing her a handkerchief from a bag he had, containing other various medical tools. "For if you're sweating." He was still under the assumption that Mina had a heatstroke. The carriage would arrive shortly after.
Thanks for the response, I assume it's good to go? @VitaVitaAR

Also is there a Discord server for this?
@Conscripts: Ah sorry got a talk in with my co-GMs, and ultimately we agreed he needs to have done a bit more to earn his spot in the knights? I had meant to post this the other day and it slipped my mind, I'm sorry. ^^;

Thanks for the follow-up! I'd take it that a bit more would mean more distinction, so I changed it that he took part in some battles afterwards. Maybe that might be enough? Let me know if I misunderstood or would need more than that!
Hey there, happy holidays.

I hope all is good on your side. It’s been a couple days, would it be possible if I can have an ETA on my CS and that I need to change anything? No rush since we’re all enjoying the holidays, I am just eager for the next step.
Thanks for the info, and thanks @VitaVitaAR for going over my Ingvarr idea in DMs before the making of this CS. I tried to follow along and dropped several ideas in there, and here is my CS.

Though I do have a bit of initial reservation. My Ingvarr doing bookkeeping tasks. Not sure if this is unfeasible for Thaln society who are human-dominated and if they would let this guy be doing some of the paperwork. Also I'm not sure if Ingvarr is a tribal society or not, since I didn't get to ask.

Also let me know if he's a bit overtuned as well!
Alright, gotcha. That's fine for me. I'll do a bit more reading to see what I want exactly.
Oh so genetically violent and dumb? Since I did have an old idea from a faraway RP that died of an orc who's been enslaved by humans, and thus being more human-like in their behavior, much less violent than typical orcs. Though I assume that being orcs do make it really hard to join the Order.


Awesome, I'd like to hop on the train ride then. Was thinking of playing a monstrous race, though I wonder is there a particular reason why the Orcs, Goblins and Trolls are not playable even with special requests but the Nagas and Harpies are? If you wanna discuss a bit more, we can go into DMs or Discord.

Thanks for the conversation regardless though!
Hello there, is this RP open? Is it a good time for another player to join?
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