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Same, I don't mind moving on
Steffen Gravinir

The joke was taken a little seriously, he thought. But a reminder here and there of the prestige wouldn't hurt. Besides, it's Dame Tyaethe, the First and Youngest, the serious, no-nonsense founder of the Iron Rose. If there were anyone who would want to keep the knight's image proper, in this case for a good reason too. Steffen simply just let the matter fade away naturally.

As the issue, or so it seemed, about Merilia returned to the picture frame, Steffen began to stagger in the amount of information to process. "There has been talks about Merilia, yes, since the painting came over." He said, scratching his chin. "But I don't think I hear anything about rabbits?" When Tyaethe mentioned Akitsushima and Merilia's concubines, his mind defaulted over to those far eastern princesses that he had heard from the collection of Vos Korvungaand tales, it reminded him a lot of the Hundis. He had never seen them in person before though, so if one were really going to show up this week, he'd be willing to greet them. Both out of curiosity as well as empathy that a foreign person likely knowing little of the local language would be quite a scary prospect. He had been through that before.

"She has her charm, but you have a point." Trying to steer clear of Tyaethe's statement of her popularity as much as possible, Steffen simply nodded. "I'll keep my eyes open. If there's any lost rabbit or anything on discussion, I will certainly let you in on it." A small smile turned up on him. "I'm sure it's not that serious."

@Raineh Daze
Steffen Gravinir

"I certainly hope some creative folks can come up with a good use of that painting. Because I cannot." Steffen replied with an amused headshake.

Now he imagined that thing being used as some sort of decoy in case some thief decided to take chances with the Roses. Give or take, those paintings would still be expensive just by the owners alone. Or better yet, a prank to counter-prank some certain knights in the order. Or even a shield of some kind too on the battlefield, as long as one went through a very severe and thorough ego death before wielding that into battle.

"Concubines?" Steffen looked up with a confused look, before opening his eyes wide and gazed away. "Oh right right." His hand rubbed his temple, a little embarrassed he didn't know the word at first. Maybe it was him, but he wasn't aware that having mistresses seems to be more common in these area than from where he lived. Or maybe it could just be Merilia. But what's the big deal with having her mistresses come over? Are they troublemakers?

"I don't know anything about that yet. But if they're here, they'll make themselves known soon enough." Steffen said, leaning his head slightly. "Is them coming an issue though? I can always help them out if needed."

@Raineh Daze
Steffen Gravinir

A cough brought the Ingvarr back from his subtly meditative state, enjoying both the view and also making sure the plants and flowers get to do the same to anyone who visited in the future. Turning around, he was met with another sight of pink, one not that far off from the roses he just watered earlier. It was Dame Tyaethe inquiring something about a painting. While the subject matter was quite out of the blue that it took Steffen a few seconds to register the question, her phrasing of it really drove it home to him.

"...You're talking about that one, right?" He said, with a finger raised.

The prestige of the Iron Rose were hard to dispute, and thus some artistic folks would occasionally send in their work to show their gratitude, and maybe other purposes as well. A lot weren't exactly displayable, not always necessarily because of the skills of the artists. Those ones he'd gladly send a letter of appreciation for. But no, that was likely not the one Tyaethe was asking about. This one was...let's just say even Steffen, who was quite liberal with his standards of artistic expression, was a little hesitant on calling it so. He really wasn't sure what kind of thoughts and feelings that portrait was supposed to arouse to the bystanders.

"Yes, we did get a painting like that." A slight tint of exasperation came from Steffen. "And no, no one approved it. It was just there somehow."

Seeing the Tyaethe being a bit twitchy about the sun in front of her, Steffen looked around and extended one of his arms towards a bench nearby, one where the sun is behind it instead. If the conversation were to continue, the vampire probably would like to be sitting to face the much taller Ingvarr rather than standing, not to mention the sun too - annoying for anyone facing it and not just vampires.

"Dame Merilia's getting...more creative I'd say." He said, trying his best to soften his real feelings about the painting. He had seen through the hallways full of these work, and her work had always had a distinct look to it. The choice of material, the shockingly realistic brushstroke, like if someone just take a sword and cut the scenery out from reality. It wasn't hard to infer the artist once he was introduced. "It's in the storage if you're interested. Truth be told, I'm letting Dame Liliana decide on what to do with it, when she's free."

@Raineh Daze
Steffen Gravinir

The pain in his hip was gone. That was when he knew he was actually in the real world. In the comforting support of his wool bed he laid, his hand careening on his vitals. All were just the sensation of a cold morning palm. His chest lowered from the air escaping his nose and mouth, finally calming down from the previous night.

A few unusual yawn glistened his eyes with tears. It was quite rare that Steffen would be tired from a night of sleep, knowing the importance of rest after each hard day of work. If physical deterioration wasn't good enough for everyone, a clouded mind attracted negative thoughts. And he didn't need more of those to ruin his day. But his rest yesterday wasn't necessarily rest either. Maybe he could take the day a little easier.

Upon finishing his normal morning routine and heading for some breakfast, the Ingvarr decided on what to do for the rest of the day. His paperwork were to be delayed a little back further in the day, or even the day after depending. Training would be nice, and quite necessary, but it's a quiet morning, it's better to enjoy it a little. He also wondered where Lein had went, having not seen the Hundi bugging him for a whole week, but Steffen was a bit too busy to ask. He trusted that this troublemaker knight would likely be back at some point. He wouldn't just get up and leave without saying anything to him right?

Now that he overthought about it, he did get a little worried.

Steffen chose to retreat to the Candaeln garden with a pair of scissors and a bucket instead, tending to the flowers and plants growing there. He always loved the garden. Having visited and tended to it quite often, the different flowers brought into this world a serene and delightful fragrance. Adding in the sounds of chirping birds, the delicate butterflies swirling in hues, it wasn't difficult to see that this would be his favorite place for a calm quiet morning.


He heard someone calling out for his name. The next thing he knew, he was slumped against his arm. His eyes opened to the concerned look of Alina.

"You fell asleep again?" She asked. "Did you take your medication?"

About that medication. John scratched the back of his head, wondering what to say. After a bit, he decided to whisper it to her.

"Oh alright. Well, I will get you a refill then. Next time don't do that out of nowhere, ok?" She said, as John stood up from his chair. "Are you finished? Feel free to go back to your quarter for some rest."

John rubbed his eyes and temple a bit. "I'm fine Alina." He said. "I'll go take a walk. You can leave the meds in my room."

He didn't want to screw up his sleep schedule by trying to nap further and not being able to sleep later. He'd have to take it through the day. Wandering around the streets of Sorian, he hoped to find something or someone interesting enough to keep him company for a bit.

The vague phrasing of both the woman and her apparent translator were yet to calm the two pilots, until one of the German soldiers mentioned the word Noble Arms. Ah, she was one of those folks. Cuong curled his lips a little, nodding with nothing but impressiveness. He had worked with Noble Arms users before, but he never was tired of seeing them and their powers. Each and everyone of them were so unique and frankly quite cool-looking. It's a shame a lot of them ended up letting that go to their heads. For what it's worth though, Sgt Marlena didn't seem like one of them. She looked like a chill and nice person.

"Senior Lieutenant Cuong Hoang Van." Cuong returned the salute with his own, as he spoke with a clear anglicized pronunciation of his name. Even then it might be a bit hard to pronounce the first time around. "Yeah, you can say it however you feel. No one has really gotten that right." He laughed it off, mainly as a jab towards people who kept insisting on getting names correctly and offered Marlena and the soldiers a handshake.

"Lieutenant Nikolay Phan." The Russian airman, after calming himself down, shadowed his partner.

"His was pretty easy though, just 'Fan'...ya know." Cuong's hand swirled back and forth, imitating a hand fan. After making sure the lads understood his point, he gave them a smile. "Well, I certainly do not want to disturb the special forces on their duty, don't I? But if you're free for some quick snacks, you can find us here. Or visit us at the airbase. Always glad to receive a friend or two."

The pilots glanced over at the owner of the vandalized store, whose confusion was masked behind his tended injuries. For his horrors, he would be treated well with some fancy purchases by the pilots, with good tips to go with it. It spoke much to their hospitality, and to the pilots, it was supposed to be a nice meal of respite before their next mission, and this incident would not affect that mood. They willed it.

Well, their peace and quiet lasted almost two weeks. It was a good run.

It was not because of a mission that got them tepid responses, it was because it was from the so-called 'Task Force Obsidian'. The victory at Lingayen was great, and a perfect demonstrator of how destructive and useful Noble Arm individuals are in combat, but it still wasn't enough to shake off the impression of disorganization that they got from the group. It felt like the high commands really were just putting all the eggs in one basket, poke it with a stick and hoped that it does something.

Lotus Squadron was not technically part of this, but it seemed like the Filipino high commands really found them to be the salvation of the country, so they put as much support as they could around this ragtag group of Noble Arm users. Which is quite ironic due to this government being literally called the Government of National Salvation, and this task force is overwhelmingly foreigners. When that name was mentioned by Noel, the some of the pilots simply turned away or covered their mouth, clearly trying to suppress their laughter. They had heard of this new name for quite a while now, but it still would never be unfunny hearing the mundane Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore right next to the PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT OF NATIONAL SALVATION. Somehow it actually made this whole QRS being supposed Qing dynasty supporters who wanted to return the days of the Mandates of Heavens seem quite sane in comparison.

Speaking of the QRS and their operations, so it seemed like Obsidian was there to relieve the QRS of their siege, and Lotus was just helping with air combat. The details were pretty vague, and the squadron's personnel's responses were indeed quite lukewarm. Discussions and doubts were raised, and the most concerning one was actually brought up first by Miss Qingshe, the apparent PLA defector and QRS member in the auditorium: there were no mentioning of other squadron support involved.

"Miss Qingshe is right." Nikolay stood up and spoke. "We only have eight aircraft in total. We may be used to fighting outnumbered, but we are not juggernauts."

The squadron was also more capable fighting in a more 'insurgency' doctrine, but that was not too big of a deal to bring up. The more pressing point would be the concern that the high commands were thinking that this supposed ace-squadron was deemed so successful that they thought they could survive without proper support.

"Please tell us that we're not the only squadron in the air." They better hope that Noel had more to say because otherwise this would be a very pitiful display.

Cuong simply let his partner spoke for the squadron, as he eyed other members of the task force in the auditorium. Many of them absurdly young, one of them, Nil, sitting close by him. She looked a bit familiar.

"What's up?" He casually struck up a conversation with her. "Have we met before somewhere?"

@Gerlando@Letter Bee@Lewascan2@KaiserElectric
Irian Sinewell

"Lirrah." Irian nodded. "New friends are indeed worth the effort."

Lirrah would be continuing what she does best if it hadn't been for Kayliss, which caused the Nem's attention span to shift straight to trying out discounts on her. Truly a merchant indeed. He decided to listen to the ongoing discussion around the strategies they were going to employ. Baiting out enemies were more in the minds of the soldiers around here than he expected. The only disagreement that the group was having was more of the methodology of doing it, which Irian found a little amusing that it was more of how much they could trick a suspicious opponent. To him, if the opponent was suspicious enough to not take the bait on the caravan strategy, then luring out their entire group with a raiding party would just be biting on rocks a little harder. The difference there would just be the degree of the cultist's arrogance. If anything, what would concern him more would be how devastating the Lions can inflict on the enemy and to that Irian believed more on Velvetica's initial strategy. Caravan ambush is a lot easier to envelope and completely decimate the cultists rather than relying on good warriors to lure enemies out through fighting capabilities.

What the Steel Princess decided on was more trying to offend the cultists instead to actually lure them out into a fight, which made sense too. Pretty much an element from both of their strategies combined, without the need to risk the Nem merchant and their supplies. If they took the bait and walked directly into an ambush, then perfect, one less enemy for Velts. And if they were competent enough, well now they knew. The elf simply followed along with his arms crossed, his silence conveying his agreements.

"I'll ambush." Irian said tersely. "It's better, and I'm certain the princess wants archers at the backline anyway."

Steffen Gravinir

Steffen was fully expecting an attack, if not certain death, from the witch. For such a dangerous gambit, having no intention of just keeling over and accepting death, there wasn't much hesitation or fear both from appearance and actuality, something unlike previous fights that he was a little surprised afterwards, as the surge of the moment faded away and that she decided to spare him. The woman's words struck vaguely on him, but her fury went into the necromancer instead. Not to give this man too much credits, but he went down like a necromancer: a stubborn, undying fool.

The witch also ceased any form of resistance. It was her heart that crumbled rather than her body, and really, who could fault a person for this. A warrior fights for what she loved, and that she had failed. Alfrid had died, and, as the battle died down, the undead returning to their resting place among their ancestors, the fighters recovering, his last words got to Steffen more than any battle wounds he received from that fight. Victory was had, it was total for the Iron Roses, but he felt hollow,...unwhole.

Behind the glory, justice - true justice - was not yet served.

He knew that the knights and the crowns would not be happy letting her go free, just from her participation alone, but also her statement implying there is more to the story. She and the Nem sisters may not see true peace for a while, despite their unwilling participation.

"Sir Fleuri is right." Steffen readily stepped up to affirm Fleuri. "If there were to be arrests, I am willing to appeal for more lenience...for all three of them." Glancing over to the witch and the nem, his eyelids hang loose, his inner eyebrows raised. "And I suggest patience for now. We already killed her loved ones. Let's not kill her will too."

@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR
David Liang

"Haha, I do not know man. I feel a bit weird hearing the rattling within me. But at least I look on point." David laughed, holding his hand out open to make the point. Indeed, he was the computer guy according to everyone, informatics were his undisputed best subject, and someone would say that he was a bit too serious for his own good. A robotic avatar would be just as expected as Odaya going around town causing trouble.

He did appreciate his friend's genuine compliment though, and as a result his strides grew a bit more confident and firm. Looking over at the item that was given to friend, the tin-covered David leaned his head a bit.

"Yeah, it does give that vibe." Was his response, before Eckehart explained the items given, though it leaned more towards giving an overview instead. The item changes color depending on luck? It's purple at the moment. What the hell does that correlate to? He had no idea, he was never the superstitious type. If only whatever his brain is equivalent to (hard drive? SSD?) had that information at hand, but the transformation probably did not affect much body functionality in all the important senses.

"Hmm, that'll be useful later. I hope I can read more on that somewhere." He said to Eckehart. Knowing the luck of the moment was indeed a very princely gift, as risks and rewards are always tied to the fates. And thus David put away the stone, albeit in a very typical fashion. A small part of his lower arm parted outward, opening a small storage space for him. It felt a little harrowing knowing that this would have been his flesh and blood if it hadn't been for this transformation, but he had to get used to that too.

Turning over to William who got the explanation of his item, David nodded with his lips curled.

"Given that, you look more like those angels in movies. They always have a holy object without fail."

The wings look very much on point as well too.

The bustling city view gradually shifted upwards, the scenery soon to be replaced with a gigantic palace, piercing through the skies, it was so high that David couldn't even see its end, and he would lose his balance in trying. The Song also began to clear itself of the disturbances of the city, growing louder and louder, but yet not deafening or uncomfortable. It was as if something about this palace here resonated much with it.

It was the palace of the royals, according to the informative tour guide, and there lived a princess longing for a friend finally. He could feel a little bit just from hearing that, but he still knew very little of it. Taking the group away to be her friend is a little questionable though, as it was clear from Audrey's voice.

"Let's not jump to anger, shall we? Despite all the reasons to." David said. There's nothing worse than antagonizing the one who could bring you back home. "We'll see what the princess has to say. And who knows, maybe the way home is as simple as just asking nicely." His words weren't directed at anybody, but it could feel a bit like a jab.

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