As Alisa's enhanced strength tore the vent from it's screws, with it came the sound of metal on metal. Talon flinched at the sound. It was louder than he would have wanted. He was about to say just that when Cybergirl apologized to him. He must have shown his irritation on his face. Luckily, Mirage had used her ability to dampen the sound. It was quick thinking on her part, and Talon was grateful. When it appeared that no guards inside had noticed the noise, he was relieved. So far things were going okay. Recognizing that his leadership would require him to be more supportive than he was probably coming off, he took the time to speak to both Cybergirl and Mirage.
"Thank you, it was good work. Let's move."
Mirage lead the way first, and gave the rest the okay to drop down into the room below - it was clear. Talon was impressed with her natural ability to handle the mission - she was someone he respected and trusted, even if they hadn't had much of a chance to spend time together. Still, when it came to the field, she was coming off as incredibly dependable. She returned after only a few moments, Talon momentarily startled as her camoflauge dropped to reveal her standing an inch away from him. When she told them about the guards, Talon nodded seriously.
Things were going easily enough, she was a natural at stealth. Was it possible that room number one would be the key already? The thing they were seaarching for. He turned to Zatara.
"Zatara. Can you enchant that room? Make it look like the two guards are still standing around normally? Mirage and I are going to clear them out."
He turned to Mirage.
"Take the one on the left. Start cloaked, the second the other one moves I'll-" Talon had a flash in his mind. Slashing the exposed skin beneath a guard's chin, breaking a man's back before they even noticed someone was in the room with them. The violence dripping from the metallic talons of his gauntlet...
"I'll...disable the other."
He dropped down into the vents behind the others as they began their infiltration.