Avatar of Crimson Flame


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Current I’d prefer a fatherfucker
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Marvel vs Capcom Fighting Collection!
10 days ago
You need to get doused in chemicals if you’re hoping to become Daredevil.
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Hey, wanna RP?
12 days ago
Wendy’s, this is a sir!


Gay, he/him, Autistic

I’m Crimson Flame and I’m addicted to RPing. But sometimes ADHD kicks in, and it takes me longer to reply to things than it should. If I’m taking too long to respond, feel free to say something. Just don’t be rude about it.

There are a bunch of RPs I like. Pokémon, Digimon, Fantasy, Superhero, it would take too long to list them all. I’m not a fan of Horror or Apocalypse settings though.

I have a particular type of character I like making. Look through my Character Sheet thread, and see if you notice what a lot of my characters have in common.

Most Recent Posts

I’m still here, I’m just not sure how Ryan would respond. ^^
Dani knew this whole stopping Ultron thing was serious business, but she was excited to be doing some superheroing on a big stage like this. She had already gotten suited up, and was now anxiously waiting for their cue. In the meantime, she talked her sister’s and Liz’s ears off. “You know, I’m not going to be 12 forever. Maybe I should use a different codename besides Spider-Girl. Maybe Spiderette? Spinderella? Hmm… I’ll work on that. You know while were at we could also use a Team name. Ooh, what about The Spider-Sisters!” And then she looked at Liz, and remembered she did not share DNA with them, nor was she a Spider. “Uh… it’s a work in progress.”

Just then, the Ultron Bots sprung forth. That was obviously their cue. “Let’s gooooo!” Dani did some springing forth herself, and kicked an Ultron Bot in the face. Then spun a pink web to grab two more bots, and smashed their heads together.


Chase was determined to do something special for Danny's birthday, especially after everything they had been through. With the help of the team, he planned a small surprise celebration in one of the less-used rooms of the Hostel.

As night fell, Chase gathered everyone together. He led Danny to the room, insisting that he had something important to show him.

Danny followed, a bit confused but curious. When they entered the room, the lights flicked on, revealing a makeshift party setup with a small cake with pink frosting, some decorations, and a few hastily wrapped presents. The team shouted “Surprise!” Danny's eyes went wide.

“Happy birthday, Danny!” Chase exclaimed, a wide grin on his face.

Danny couldn't help but smile. “You guys did all this for me?”

Nico nodded. “It was Chase’s idea. We all figured you deserved a little celebration before things get really serious.”

Molly added, “Yeah, consider it a morale booster.”

Danny chuckled. “Thanks, everyone. This means a lot.”

They spent the next hour enjoying the simple celebration. Danny opened his presents. There were an assortment of items. Chase got him some upgraded Webshooters. They shared cake, and for a brief moment, it felt like they were just normal teenagers having a birthday party.

As the celebration wound down, the mood changed. The weight of what lay ahead returned, and the team knew it was time to focus on their mission.

Chase pulled Danny aside, his expression more serious now. “I wanted to make sure you had a good birthday, especially with everything going on. But we need to be ready for tonight.”

Danny nodded, appreciating the gesture. “Thank you, Chase. I needed that. Let’s go save the world.”

The team gathered, going over their plan one last time. Alex took the lead. “We know the ritual is happening tonight. We need to be in position before it starts. Remember, our goal is to stop The Pride and prevent the Gibborim from coming through.”

Cloak added, “I’ll use my powers to get us there undetected. Once we’re in position, we stick to the plan. No improvising unless absolutely necessary.”

Nico nodded, her staff glowing faintly. “We’re ready. Let’s do this.”

With that, Cloak enveloped them in darkness, transporting them to the location of the ritual. They arrived silently, their presence hidden by Cloak’s abilities. Tensions were high as they waited for the right moment.

I might be interested.
I’m still here. Just been distracted
What’s the region?

Zach was starting to get tired from maintaining this magical lighting storm. Which is why Zach barely had time to react, before the blonde guy punched him in the gut. Despite the nature of the attack, it was surprisingly weak, and Zach wasn’t particularly hurt by it.

Instead of physical pain, a wave of uncertainty washed over him. He fell to his knees, and clutched his stomach as if he were in agony. Doubts clouded his mind. Why am I even here? I’m not helping, I just get in the way. The others can do this better. Am I really cut out for this, or am I just trying to play catch-up to my cousin?

These doubts paralyzed Zach, making it difficult for him to think clearly. He had never felt so unsure of himself, and the sensation was crippling.
I might be interested.

If I join, I’ll go for pink. Because pink is my favorite color, and I will be damned if someone uses a girl for pink.
I’ve been playing The Sims 3. I’ve missed The Sims…

Yet despite all the punishment this Green Goblin was put through, he still kept coming back for more. Going so far as to breathe fire in Spider-Fisk’s face. Fisk knocked him out, but he still wasn’t dead. Danny kept close to Sam. “Be careful! He could wake up again, and breathe fire in your face.”

Then he turned his attention back to Fisk. “And yes, we are from a different universe. The story of how we got here is… unbelievable to say the least…” He looked at the unconscious Green Goblin. People in this universe were probably used to unbelievable things. “But, the important part is, more Spiders from other universes with less than noble intentions are supposed to be coming, and we were sent here to stop them.”
I kind of want a little back and forth, just to establish the relationship dynamics of the group. But I’m good with whatever everyone else wants to do.
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