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This is an example of speex, an audio compression codec specifically tuned for the reproduction of human speech.
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lmao, even


I'm sure there's a lot of stuff I could put here but I'm blanking.

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The situation once again spun out of control. Lise was about to handle the issue, but then from nowhere Andreim burst into her room - while she was changing - and the distraction let the original intruder grab Lise before she could react. She was actually somewhat astounded at the speed and precision of his actions. He managed to bound out of the window without any issue.

So for the second time since she had arrived in Rhea Lise found herself falling. It was a small comfort that there was someone carrying her, but in the end she'd have preferred to not be dropped from her own window. She closed her eyes as she dropped towards the ground, bracing for a hard impact.

Instead she found a somewhat familiar feeling - like her own shadows. But she didn't think to call them to catch her. So who could it have been...? She barely could think of the possibilities before she was set down. On something decidedly not similar to the shadows - it was too warm.

Lise opened her eyes. Her eyes were even with a pair she recognized. More surprisingly, Lise was being kissed. Or rather, given the situation, Lise was kissing the other?

Lise pushed herself away, immediately recognizing her cousin. Lise's expression was a mixture of embarrassment, indignation, and surprise. She had not seen her cousin for years - she was, deep down, happy to see her. Though, the situation was far from a normal introduction. Lise could think of a few explanations for her cousin's behavior.

Lise covered her mouth with her hand as she stood to distance herself. "Elise! Y-You cannot try to court me in such a forceful manner! Have you at least talked to Uncle before this?! T-T-There are rules about this, you know!" A shadow servant quickly materialized, and grabbed her towel just before it fell from being loosened.

A wreath of steam from her shower followed Lise as she stepped from the bathroom, wrapped in a towel. For a brief moment, her haughtiness, pride, and royal status seemed gone, lost in a serene yet simple moment.

Of course, then she saw someone she didn't know in her room, and it all was evaporated in a flash of indignation so intense that it could have only been spawned from someone of immense pride. She pointed at Mitya, glaring. "W-W-W-What are you doing in my room?!" She caught her towel just as it started to unwrap from her body. "Get OUT!"

One shadow servant rose between her and Mitya, and another appeared at the window, opening it. She could recognize the intention of throwing the intruder directly out of the window in a single motion.

At the same time, Lise wasn't sure why they had such good coordination for this maneuver. It seems like they'd thrown someone out of a window before, but Lise would never have done such a thing until recently, when she had moved to Rhea and had to deal with so many ruffians. Unless, way back when she was a child...

'Is that why Cousin won't talk to me anymore?' Lise had a small realization unfold as her true servants sprung into action towards Mitya.
I'm super sorry for not posting anything, the holiday has made things hectic for me. I'm almost done with my character, but I wanna post the WIP so I can prove I'm not ded. Hopefully everyone else is still in?


Andras turned to face Nas, somewhat surprised that someone else was approaching her. She actually had a slight hope that it was about her vision, but... of course he asked about the party. Not that Andras wasn't happy that he approached her for this to begin with, but she would have preferred if people took her story more seriously, THEN asked her about going to a party together.

Andras confidently put a hand on her hips. "Of course I am!" Andras caught herself immediately, and clarified: "Um! I mean I am okay with you coming with me! Sorry, my mind didn't register the way you worded your que-"

'Huh?' Something was off. Everything froze for a split second. Her vision was flipped, and she was falling into the sky-

"-stion...?!" Andras grabbed onto Nas to prevent from falling over, the sudden wave of vertigo almost overcoming her. She took a deep breath, chills running up her spine. It was for a single moment, in the middle of her speaking, but something just happened.

'First the encounter in the Root, and now this...? This is... Kind of perfect, isn't it?! I kind of feel like I'm gonna throw up, but all of these strange magical encounters are happening around me! Just like my stories!!' Andras felt a slight giddiness, which mixed oddly with her fading dizziness.

She looked up to Nas, which she had somewhat thrown herself on to stop herself from falling. "I'm... guessing I'm the only one that felt that...?" She hesitantly asked.
Sorry, I've been very busy for the past week. I should be clear of this current workload in a few days - I've been brainstorming stuff so hopefully it will come together easily when I finally get some free time to do it.
My two initial thoughts were a speedy flyer/scout with decent offensive harassment abilities and a sapper-type engineer support. I'm probably going to go with the engineer (unless VILKAS needs an air bud) and I have a question:

Would explosive demolitions charges, mines/minelayer devices, etc count as grenades or some other kind of equipment?
Nice! I'm going to read all this and try and think up a character in the next few days.
Robot girls and/or Mecha Musume? Consider me interested.

@rawkhawk64 (and anyone else at the Vigilante HQ I guess?)

"And so I was just standing there, in the landscape of my own mind, amongst the millions of spells, raw magic contained within the Root of All Magic, before me a mirror image; a reflection not of myself, but a reflection through myself. While she looked like me, I could tell that I was not dealing with any normal dream - this was really happening, and my spirit was contained within the Root of All Magic, and I was confronted by the one of the gods that presided over it!"

Andras was standing in the main entrance of the Vigilante's headquarters, giving some kind of (probably) blasphemous sermon. She had tried to tell plenty of people what had happened, but most of them simply thought it was a strange dream. Andras hoped that telling the people that filtered in and out of the Vigilante's church would have worked, but for some reason all that happened was the people within shuffled away, turning their heads as if to avoid eye contact. Almost like she was being a nuisance.

Luckily, Andras had collected her thoughts a little more since the first time she told about her dream. She didn't need to include that the apparition looked a lot like one of her characters she thought up herself, like she did with Vera. After all, that was just a silly coincidence. She wouldn't have said it anyway if she wasn't so distracted with everything else that was happening at the time. Looking back at the details of what had happened, Andras was surprised that she managed to get out of Vera's house alive. Had it happened a few months or so earlier, Andras would have surely been killed by Vera. To prevent anything like that from happening again (and Vera perhaps not being as kind as she was that one time) Andras had worked out a living situation with Wolf for the time being. She still was apparently sought after, so Wolf's house was a fairly safe place. Provided that Andras didn't, in Vera's words, "run off without telling anyone to a kidnapper's convention."

Andras decided to stop her recounting of the near-god experience, at least for now. It seemed like it wasn't getting through to anyone either way, and if she got King mad again for making a scene then she'd probably be doing janitor work for the next few weeks. The majority of the people filtering in and out of the headquarters were reading leaflets and talking about some kind of party. Her curiosity piqued, Andras stepped outside and saw the outside littered with white pamphlets. Grabbing one, she read the invitation. A masquerade ball. Costumes required. (Probably) free food? And it was close to her birthday! Andras laughed aloud, perhaps too loudly. "Ufufu. Finally, this world is bending to my whims. Prepare yourselves, mortals, for I shall be the shining star of the ball!" Andras let out one of her well-practiced ominous laughs.

As she got her phone out to text everyone she knew about this new development, she spied her partner, Brutus, on the grounds of the Vigilante Headquarters. She put down her phone for a moment, dashing towards the boy. "Brutus! Have you heard about the ball?! What are you going to wear?" Andras's train of thought derailed for a moment as she remembered something. "Wait! Did you get my texts about my dream? I saw a god and the source of all magic in this world! You believe me on that, right?! Everyone else isn't really convinced for some reason!" Andras took a gasp of breath after delivering a barrage of questions on the hapless bystander.
Liselotte and the City-Wide Invitation to the Masquerade Ball

All across the campus of Laurels, innocent students were walking, chatting, studying. All of them completely unaware of the storm that was coming. The days of planning. The sweat upon the brows of the workers. The absolutely exorbitant amount of money that exchanged hands, both to pay for services, and further under the table as a bribe to deal with a spoiled child's whims.

That was, until the PA system rang out with a burst of haughty laughter. "Ohohoho! Students of St. Laurels, listen well! The illustrious House Valois-Saint-Remy is holding a charity event for the brave souls that helped keep Rhea safe during the recent crisis that unfolded! Enjoy the hospitality of true royalty for once in your lives! See your invitations for more details! Ohoho-" The PA thankfully cut off the next bout of laughter.

Throughout the campus of Laurels, snow began to fall to the ground. Or... Rather, like snow, hundreds of pamphlets filtered down from the sky, dispersed by a passing helicopter.

Of course, this was only the beginning. Lise knew that the other schools also were to be invited; and in order to plaster the great name of Valois-Saint-Remy all over Rhea, she had also taken out tracts of advertisement across TV, radio, on billboards, newspapers, buses... Everything.

Of course, the ball was also to benefit the town's emergency response teams, but Lise directed her focus mainly on the part for the schools. She suspected that some other representative of Valois-Saint-Remy was handling the adults' side of the ball, which she didn't mind. Adults already understood her position, but for some reason those of her own age seemed to be unaware. That would change after this, of course.

As Lise confidently walked from the main office, her phone began to ring. Pulling it from her bag, she had trouble with the screen for a moment, before finally answering. On the other end was one of the organizers for the event - Lise remembered his voice, though she couldn't be bothered to remember his name. She had more or less worked out the majority of the ball, but she still was receiving calls now and then about inane aspects of her choices. "Ms. Val- I mean, Lady Valois-Saint-Remy, I understand you have an orchestra scheduled for this high schooler's ball?"

Lise nodded, despite the coordinator not being in person to see her do so. "Yes, and I know for certain there is enough space in the floor plan to have them. So what is the issue?"

"Well, wouldn't something more modern make sense for a high school ball? The venue has an excellent system for a DJ-"

Lise cut the man off. "This ball is not some filthy dance party for peasants! I will hear nothing more on this matter. Goodbye." Lise would have hung up, but she struggled to do so with her new phone.

The man continued, unaware of Lise's struggle to handle a phone. "All right. We're going to leave the equipment there just in case you change your mind. Again, thanks for working wi-"

She eventually managed to turn the call off. Of course, now her phone's screen was far too dark to see. Lise wondered for a moment why her parents wanted her to have one of these 'phones' so badly. They never seemed to work for her.

Lise picked up one of her fliers that had now settled in the Laurels courtyard, looking at it to admire her work.

Lady Liselotte Castellan de Valois-Saint-Remy invites you to a masquerade ball, provided to you by the generous donations of House Valois-Saint-Remy. Benefit those brave men and women who helped Rhea in its time of need. Students of St. Laurels, Mephisto's School, Rhea Tech, and members of the group 'The Vigilantes' are all invited.

A spacious venue ballroom will be the focus of the event, with the outdoors park reserved for ball guests only. Carriage rides through the spacious park will be available.

Entry will not be allowed without a costume befitting a masquerade ball. No exceptions.

Fliers like these were being dusted over all of the invited schools. 'Now... They will all have to recognize how great I am!' Lise swelled with pride as she walked back to her dorm room, all the while ignoring the chatter amongst students who were reading the fliers.

"A masquerade? That just means a costume party, right?" "It is the time of year for a costume party, so that would make sense." "How did she get that place AND the park area reserved at the same time?!" "Are you going to go?"
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