Time: Afternoon Location: Apartment #405, Northern Residential Area (East of the University) Interaction: Dante @FunnyGuy
As the confusing patchwork landscape of shifting scenes and various abstract parts of the overall mindscape sat splayed out there, it was easy to see how much the component parts vastly differed. Some were grand castle estates mansions, lavishly adorned or armed to the teeth or even grown over with vines among other such varying scenes. Others 'deeper' in were simple cottages or homes, huts sitting in the middle of dense and dark forests or amidst clearings or near facades of villages, and some were even homes that would look in-place stuck in crowded ancient cities and town of varying sizes. Some, frankly speaking, even further and further back began to show signs of being simply vast landscapes of nature that played out before Dante's sight. Great rolling steppes covered in sparse grasses, beautiful lakeside vistas untouched by man, and even a glimpse of the Loch Ness so long ago were at least perceptible from where Dante was.
Even so these mindscapes seemed to go farther and farther and deeper and deeper, as if one was going back further and further in time itself. With such in mind, to try to dig to the very 'root' of it all and travel to the oldest parts would be a daunting task to say the very least...if at all possible depending on what resistance if any arose.
Among these, however, the one closest to the surface and sitting most in front of Dante was a simple scene in and of itself. A grand bedroom, with a massive bed topped in fluffy pillows that seemed like a royal queen's bedchamber taken to another level...albeit with modern amenities. Toilet and sink. Widescreen TV. Magic performing setup on one side. A gigantic bed covered in the most silken of sheets and plush pillows. It was here a visage of Charlotte herself could be seen, sitting at the edge of the bed in loose-fitting pajamas and rubbing her eyes sleepily. The visage would then look over at Dante, rather directly so, before her eyes widened.
"W-Wait!!! Why are you suddenly in here?! Oh no, oh no no no. Ah, ok, maybe they knew before I did you were coming in here," Charlotte's visage said, visible panic in her voice and expression as she looked about the overall mindscape and back at Dante again, motioning him over with haste as she scrambled to grab a hoodie to pull on over her pajamas, "I have an idea. Just come over here near me, ok? We can talk here or something, umm, it'll be safer in this part. They'll be coming to you very soon, just don't try anything cra-"
Dante's actions did not seem to go unnoticed. Much the opposite, in fact. All of a sudden, cutting off Charlotte with a great rumble, the mindscape in all of its peculiar and abnormal entirety seemed to invisibly shift, giving a sensation as if an untold amount of pairs of eyes and focuses had just turned upon Dante simultaneously. Like he'd stepped into a stuffed room, and the crowd crammed inside had just all taken notice of him at once and turned their full attention to him at the very center. Except not all the stares were 'positive', nor were they all outright 'hostile'. Yet they all bore down on him, almost exerting a passive but incredible 'pressure' in some manner of speaking.
"Well well well, what do we have here? An intruder into our mindscape?"
Another visage seemed to appear before Dante, albeit not in the same space as Charlotte, floating there and sitting upon a throne of ice in a Russian military uniform. Her pale skin and blue eyes and highly voluptuous/curvy build were something to behold, and she even held what looked like a glass of wine in her hand. Even so, her rather long blue hair was...alien, abnormal to those who weren't familiar with how witches and warlocks could change the color of things. Regardless, she seemed to regard him with an amused smile and yet a jarringly contrasting cold stare akin to the throne she sat upon.
"You have no idea what you have stepped into, young man, nor whom for that matter. But you had no way to know. Charlotte tells us you haven't sought her further harm so far, so I will overlook this display as long as you keep in line."
Despite speaking in a calm and rather disciplined manner, the final line seemed to be delivered with no small amount of venom as it cut through the non-existent air like a hot knife through butter.
"Restrained for zis situation, aren't you?" another voice chimed in, another figure appearing near the first and glancing at the first before looking to Dante with crossed arms, light clearing her throat before speaking again, "Pardon her, she eez...well, a fan of theatrics in times like these. Not often vee get to speak with another like this, az usually intruders have such intents coming into here zat zey never get zee chance."
This one too seemed to don a likewise 'interesting' visage. She stood with a lovely older style coat hung about her shoulders, green eyes and green hair and obtuse haircut standing out on their own as she glanced over the intruding astral projection with a softer gaze. The nature of her attire seemed to be very distinctly 'French', though the obvious aristocratic air about it all was telling of other things in turn. At the same time, however, she seemed much more modest in her dress and manner than the former by a notable amount.
"Please, let's not get too soft on this one. He is still simply an intruder, and if he wishes to speak and converse then he may speak and converse. If not he may leave. If he tries anything, I will take great pleasure in crushing his astral form alongside 'her'. She won't shut up since the whole mention of the 'Circle of Ancients' anyways, so she'd love to take a swing right now."
"Dear, your heritage eez showing itzelf again at zee end zere. Weren't you purposefully practicing zee English accent too not zound so Irish-"
As the now three figures talked among each other, the third dropping all pretenses of a more 'proper' accent as she eventually appeared wearing armor and a weighty one-handed blade already unsheathed. She was visibly scarred over one closed and likely lost eye, though her remaining blue eye shone with ferocity as she barked and brandished her blade by her side. She seemed rather tall in height, armor covering up her notably more curvaceous parts to hide them as her remaining musculature shone through. Her fiery red hair was cut to about shoulder length, and some amount of freckles visible on her face.
Her gaze was turned to Dante with a look of incredible hostility and fierceness, as if she wanted to just kill him, though the figure on the ice throne and the green-haired woman both seemed to shoot her a glare in turn. Likewise the warrior woman seemed to then grudgingly restrain herself back and keep the sword at her side...albeit the blade was still held in a furious and barely-restrained death grip. Like a roiling volcano lying underneath what might be an otherwise disciplined frame.
"Dear, hold yourself back please. Some of us had better interactions with the Circle, and we know you do not like them for your own reasons," another and final voice chimed in, causing the green-haired French woman to tilt her head to the side as if she'd been called out specifically.
As the final 'voice' appeared before Dante, he would see a woman with long, flowing blonde hair and a figure akin to that of a goddess. Her form was simply clad in a lengthy, old, Greek-style toga. Her eyes seemed to be like the color of pure gold, a small golden crown adorning her head, though she seemed to hold herself more humbly and calmly. Frankly, she didn't even present an accent as two of the other visages had already. Even so, her hands remained clasped together in front of her as she gave a nod of general acknowledgement to Dante.
"Ah, none of the others will be showing up by the way. However, if things go south I've no doubt they will act."
The toga-wearing woman turned her head to the other visages, including the panicking one of Charlotte, her voice carrying over like the gentle tones of a mother as the others simply gave a brief nod to acknowledge her words in return. Nothing formal, but noting that they had at least heard her.
"Of course they wouldn't show, we are the four that actually keep involved with the girl these days. Though hearing from 'her' today was nothing short of a miracle."
"...Zis eez true, zo many of us haven't heard from her in zo very long a time. It eez a surprise, and yet it eez a mystery."
"She only ever speak when she desires to these days. In my day she spoke with me only ever a few times, and-...ah, let us not get distracted from the matter at hand."
"Ah' agree wit' her fer' once-. Ahem...Mine anger hast not been dulled toward the Circle by the passage of time, but for the girl's sake I shall hold mineself back. Be not at ease though, oh worm, for thine life hangs in the balance most precariously....damn dirty Connacht hoor..."
"Zere is zee accent again!"
"Póg mo thóin!!!"
"Will two stop it for one second and let us get on with this!"
Charlotte's visage seemed to warily walk over to Dante, now donning a comfortable oversized hoodie over her pajama-clad form, giving a nervous small hand wave as she stood before him. Nervous glances back at the other figures were taken, however, before she looked back at Dante with a look of semi-defeat.
"This must be a very strange sight for you, if you've done this sort of thing before I mean...but umm...welcome? Err...you did just trap me in my blanket though, got salt in the carpet, and...ah...ugh...this is going to be hell to explain."
Charlotte sighed in front of Dante, as if unable to formulate any real words to get her message across, whilst the other visages seemed to silently turn their attentions to them. It was more than awkward having her mind invaded like this, though she was far from defenseless. Actually, perhaps among the best defended if anyone tried to make a mess in here. She wouldn't be ungrateful for that, though the pressing situation itself was alarming and unnerving to say the least. So was taking a werewolf trying to kill her and plastering his insides and outsides all over the...well...'outside'. Literally. Very literally. Criminally so, it seemed, based on what had just happened to her and in her apartment.
Time: Afternoon Location: Apartment #405, Northern Residential Area (East of the University) Interaction: Dante @FunnyGuy
...Wait, the guy broke into her house and was arresting her?! Sure the whole recording on a phone was convenient, but why didn't he just say it in the first place? Wait, could he even talk? She had no idea, but she began to feel a bit of ire bubbling up at the fact her telekinesis idea probably wouldn't work on some actual warlock. But who was the Circle? That wasn't enough of a name, as the term 'Circle' was (she supposed) not too uncommon among covens perhaps. Yet she hadn't read up on any covens in the area, though admittedly her mother had just sent an email about it yesterday. Plus there was the whole-...wait, OH NO!!!
'Well, zee' girl is not resisting at least. Though to hear of zee circle again eez bringing back memories! Not all zee best, not all zee worst, but memories nonetheless!'
'Don't scream you idiot, or frankly get us in even more trouble by trying to fight. Idiot didn't put up defenses or anything, just let herself sit there and be salted like...eh, some kind of preserved meat?'
'I am not some slab of magical slab of jerky! Besides, if he was just some intruder I could have handled it! But apparently this guy is a warlock! Besides, who's this 'Maeve', and any advice on how to get out of this?'
'Just go along with it for now sweetie, you're already basically captured at this point. Don't listen to the shouting, however, because SOMEONE decided to fight the Circle some hundreds of years ago after they got dumped-'
Well, that was one way to ruin her stay here so far. Arrested by the local coven for turning her attacker into red paste and char on the cement and nearby walls. Curse the magical legal system! She had a right to protect herself! Viva la Revolution-!
She made a noise as part of a handful of salt hit her mouth in some part, before the witch went about trying to spit out the offending amount of sodium chloride with a light frustration. However, even she had to admit she was fitting feeling like a 'salty blanket burrito' right now for sure.
"Wait, are you trying to turn me into human jerky for transport, or is this some cool magic-dampening ritual for criminals? I mean, either way you just had to put on the message on or ask and I'd come along anyways. At least instead of knocking me off the couch and getting salt in the carpet.
...Can I pet your dog along the way at least though? Or grab a cup of hot coco for the road? Both?"
As she spoke, Charlotte did her best to sit up on the ground again with her blanket. A hand came up to brush some salt off of her face, before rubbing her eyes a bit to wake herself back up a bit more. As much as she'd flopped around like an idiot, which was embarrassing enough for a witch of her family and especially for many of the past lives in her head as it was, she also wasn't a total idiot. Just surprised and tired and trying to calm down from a potential near-death experience and the fear of being arrested by the...local...coven...ok so maybe being a bit sleepy and still coming-to had helped in her not freaking out as much to that realization.
Either way, she wasn't resisting being escorted along. That would just make things worse. Albeit one of her past lives seemed to have a bit of audible frustration towards this "Circle of Ancients". She could ask about that later, however, though she'd need to sober up some more along the way. A cup of travel coco and/or petting a cute dog if possible would help her calm down enough for that perhaps.
Valya simply gave a light nod to the woman, whom she assumed was the bartender, before walking over to take a seat. The crowd seemed well enough for a local hole in the wall like this, but she didn't mind either way. Besides, a young 'pup' like that breaking down a door and the bartender having to call to get money to repair a door was almost right out of a human movie. Or comedy skit. Either way it was entertaining enough to make her smirk as she glanced at it all once more before taking her seat near the Nordic-blooded woman who seemed a hair taller than her. Seemed friendly enough, raising a drink in invitation at that, though as she got closer Valya paused for a moment...only for her smirk to perk up on either side of her mouth just a bit more before finally letting out a low chuckle.
"Heh, been a while since I last had a glass of Akavit. Of course last time I did was with a good friend in Sweden, right before they got married I believe. Was a wonderful wedding outdoors, though most of us were nursing a hangover admittedly. Even the groom and the priest! Haha!"
A light peal of laughter rang out of the wine-haired woman's mouth, before she settled down once more and let her arms casually cross as she leaned forward on the counter before her. She then looked over to Ylva again, a look of amusement on her face as she regarded the other woman with a curious glint in her eyes.
"I'm always traveling, of course, so safe to say I've had my fair share of coincidences and spirits both. I am far from a local here, however, though with the 'dog eat dog' world out there I've learned that sharing a drink with others is one way to try to make friends in a new area."
She let the phrase 'dog eat dog' draw out slightly, not hiding it as she tried to drop her own hint. It was almost hilarious she'd run into some of her kind at a bar and the scene of a bar fight, both equal parts fitting as well as interesting. Of course there was a lot going on these days to be worried about, so she had to make clear she was a traveler who had come into the area. Less chances of stepping on the toes of locals initially that way, though she'd be going about her business as she pleased regardless. Still, to see someone of a strong stock here was very curious indeed...every so slightly reminiscent of a part of her own life so very very long ago.
...Watching the ocean? If only. However, the thought almost amused the catgirl as she let out a low chuckle at Narkissa's invitation. If only. She had what could be considered a swimsuit on at this point, or perhaps some kind of faux-Egyptian sexy wear, so either way she was seemingly prepared for the heat in a sense. Plus no nagging museum director, no car wreck, and frankly no big murder-robot-golem-magic-thing trying to grab her and make her inside her new outsides. Almost dreamlike, really, with those things in mind as well. Also so very tempting, something that could easily allow her to hunt and fight and vacation for however long she liked until she died!\
But that all side, she had to focus on the matter at hand: Getting moving. They couldn't sit here forever, as much as it seemed like a survivalist's wet dream, and a good place and shelter and potentially finding other reincarnates or locals would be better than doing nothing. Especially by the time it got dark, as there was no indication what fantasy insanity might be lurking around dusk and through the night to find itself some food.
"Donovan was going in a different direction from us, so at this point I'd say there's always the chance. Seems like the type to not just sit down and die," Leannah said with a sigh, putting her right hand on her hip and running her left hand through her hair and between her (admittedly fun to touch) ears, before letting her left hand come down and onto the other side of her hips in turn, "I'd say we need to get moving to find either a good spot to camp, maybe some locals who don't want to kill us, or a friendly face who might've left before us before dark. Not sure which is best, but if we sit exposed we'll be vulnerable to anything that might crawl around here come nighttime."
Leannah looked farther down the beach, before glancing back toward her two current travel companions. A man who she was convinced was a cult leader, her belief in him pulling off some stupid but admittedly miraculous and admirable stuff by now aside, and a book-y woman who to her gave off an air of self-interest and book-loving tendencies (as far as she could toss a guess or two based on things so far). It wasn't perfect, but at the moment she had no other options and neither did they unless they all wanted to go solo and risk it. Frankly if they wanted to just sit here for some reason then going solo might be a good bet for her personally. However, groups were safer than going it alone in a general sense...right?
"Since we're by the ocean, let's walk down the beach some ways and see if we find anything or anyone that could be of help. At least that's what I'll be doing if you two want to come along. Of course we could always head to the mountain and see if we can get some high ground to get a better view of this place."
With that and a tired shrug, Leannah began to walk to go further down the beach. If the other two didn't come, they didn't come. She somewhat hoped they did to be honest, but was prepared if they didn't. They were 'burning daylight' as the old saying went!
Time: Afternoon Location: Apartment #405, Northern Residential Area (East of the University) Interaction: Dante @FunnyGuy
Charlotte didn't seem to snap awake as her very apartment was broken into, though as Ash tugged on her blanket the sleepy witch was roused from her unintentional slumber bit by bit. Whilst tightly wrapped up in her cocoon of comfort, however, she reached a hand up and rubbed her eyes before looking at the source of the tugging. Without skipping a beat she reached over to try to pat the dog on the head before sitting up on the edge of the couch and letting out a casual yawn. It seemed she either hadn't registered what was going on, or perhaps she thought she was still dreaming? Either way, however, as Charlotte looked about herself and back towards the door her gaze paused heavily on Dante standing there...with a gun...and her door wide open.
"What the hell is going on?! Why are you in my apartment??? Cops, somebody, police!" the suddenly very startled girl exclaimed rather aloud, reeling back as the tugging of the dog pulled her back a bit too much and caused the blanket-clad witch to fall back onto the carpeted floor with a light 'thud', "Oww..."
'Called it. Someone came looking, and the dolt didn't put up any kind of defensive barrier...not even something for werewolves. Just passed out on the couch. But SOMEONE had to keep her busy with pleasant dreams.'
'...In mine defense, eet vas helping her rest more easily.'
'And where did just letting her sleep idly by get us? Unprepared and caught with our pants down.'
'...Did'st thou change thine accent once more?
Regardless, this argument was only prior valid, thus thine discussion beest wholly unnecessary in this particular predicament. Mayest I direct our attentions to the intruder so brazenly in the room?'
'THERE IS SOMEONE WITH A GUN HERE GET OFF YOUR ASSES EVERYBODY! You too Charlotte, sweetie, so please don't go and die on us or yourself (same thing really...) right now, ok?'
She had no idea what was going on, but it was something not good. Not maybe if she could untangle herself from the blanket she could make it to the phone at least. Just like any normal person would maybe try if someone was in their apartment. Then again he was also armed and not talking...maybe magic? She couldn't borrow from the others again in this case unless she wanted to be homeless or more pressingly passed out again in sleep the moment after casting.
Telekinesis! That'd do the trick, she just had to toss something at the guy! Freak him out like any 'normie' could be, get him running and declared insane by the cops! Maybe that would work...again. Albeit last time it had happened elsewhere, so it wasn't as if this wouldn't be a new claim for 'some rando' to make to the cops here(hopefully).
Valya Karaznov
Time: 5pm Location: Alexei’s Interaction/Mentions: Vivian @Pink Khione, Finn @Milkman Ylva @13org (I hope i got this format right! XD)
...This area really was getting to be more interesting by the hour.
Despite her classy enough attire, a beautiful silken black dress with the accompanying jewelry and long sleeves, the idea to find a nice local bar had come to mind after swiftly wrapping up her time at the park. She'd been there a while already to soothe the need for fresh air, but all the same the sights and sounds and such of human civilization had their own charms that she couldn't stray too far from. Plus she'd tasted enough local brews and hooch to know America at least had some entertaining flavors going on with their alcohol. Albeit she had missed the whole Prohibition-era things going on in the past, so this was the perfect time to see if the alcoholic tradition here was developing any! It had to beat anything super-ancient grain beer had going for it, at least as far as the ancient 'middle east' had ever been concerned.
However, on her approach Valya raised an eyebrow at the scene unfolding just outside of her destination. Primarily that of the broken glass door. Not something she assumed was too out of place, or too old of an incident at least, given the lack of police sirens and cars pulling in right now. Either way it spoke to this place having some 'character', and was enough to interest her a bit more than she already was. She'd picked this place at random anyways, so this just made it all the better!
The six foot tall woman poked her head through the door, giving a simple wave towards the bar as if the whole scene right inside wasn't that concerning to her at all. In fact, she only at all lightly clicked her tongue, shaking her head as she looked at the unconscious man before looking back up with a generally pleasant expression on her face.
"Is the bar still open? Heard it has some good local drinks...though it seems I missed some of the fun already. Booh."
Leannah, dazed and rather tired as she was, did her best to sit up in the puddle of water she found herself in. Her clothes, what little she frankly wore at least, were intact at the very least. At least it initially seemed so when the sky stopped spinning before her eyes and her sight had recovered well enough. More so, she was most definitely outside of the now seemingly-disappeared ruins...wait, the ruins were totally GONE?!
The catgirl blinked slowly in surprise before a light shake of her head and gentle slap on her right cheek proved it wasn't a hallucination at least. It was all just rubble on a cliffside, with a suspicious black obelisk with a far too coincidental moon that happened to be carved at the top. Looking around, there were mountains that pierced the heavens, a beach in the opposite direction, and then east and west having a great forest and otherwise nothing but the expanse of the ocean otherwise in whichever direction. Also, that girl who'd hidden up on the second floor shelf had a sword and was trying to get a book from Malphas it seemed.
So those two had survived, it seemed, though Donovan was still missing...dammit. But they couldn't go back in, and she had to make sure she didn't die back there either to a big stone giant. It left a sour taste in her mouth at the thought of the man left behind, but considering he'd run in a different direction then perhaps he'd found a way to escape too? It was a potentially overly-optimistic thought, but all the same she held to that hope...even if it was for her own sake.
Still, escape from that place was only the first step here.
"Well, that was a hell of a first flight. Catgirl rocket booster, magic-powered edition."
Leannah muttered to herself as she shakily got herself to stand and looked over at Malphas and Narkissa. She then began to calmly make her way over there after getting her footing and such back.
"...What are you two doing?"
She'd keep walking towards them, but hell if she was going to sit around till' nightfall. No idea what would come around on this island anyways.
Time: ~4pm A short while later Location: Apartment #405, Northern Residential Area (East of the University) Interaction: (Soon) Dante @FunnyGuy
If she could do anything about, she would be a couch burrito for the next few hours.
Such was what Charlotte thought to herself as she sat on the old couch in her apartment, donning a baggy sweater (Note: See her profile pic) black-and-white-striped sweater and wrapped up right in a thick, warm, tan blanket with white edges to ward against the cold. To her the whole arrangement was like a thick layer of comfortable heat, the sort of sensation she got when the bed was warm and she had to get up early in the morning. The kind of comfortable that made the body untense and relax, enveloped in sheer comfort and kind of radiating warmth that people had to ultimately give up to go about the day. It was the least she had tried to do, after putting a cup of comfortable lukewarm hot cocoa into her fresh out of the microwave albeit, after the whole incident and how tired it made her feel. It was like someone had sapped the strength out of her limbs by the time she got back, and frankly the prospect of a nap was enticing and yet too late to give into at the same time.
In front of her the TV was on, and at that currently playing some kind of mindless reality show. Something about a Bounty Hunter? Probably was a re-run, footage seemed early 2000s to boot, but it was something she knew would keep her mind busy and off the crap still prodding at the back of her head.
'We are all still right here, you know, and if anyone got trail of that 'accident' then you won't be alone for too long.'
'Zis' is true, preparations or at least a circle would be good at zee' least, though do please continue to take your time. If anything eez' on your tail zehn'-"
'Stop, all of you! Let the poor girl rest for a moment. It has been a rather long time since 'she' spoke up, and a few of us at least know how draining taking something from her can be. Or from the rest of us at that.'
That one voice did have a point, or rather she simply wanted to agree with her at this point in time for the sake of her exhaustion. Meh.
Whatever that one voice that had lent her something back there, however, she was different than all the rest by a long shot. So quiet and simple, and yet so soft and tender she'd almost wanted to cry. Like an understanding mother, of all things, who was trying to offer assistance without all of the fuss or bravado some of these voices could have. It was...ah...how should she compare it? Like the other voices were rays of sunshine, all tied back to the root of it all that was the sun. In that case, the voice was more like the sun, even farther back in time than the others. She hadn't heard some of the oldest voices much if any, though all were equal parts draining to tap into when they gave her some kind of 'help', but while she couldn't pinpoint this one's point in the 'timeline' of her past lives she could tell it was among the oldest. Such was the sway she felt it had back there, one which had a magnitude of respect and reverence that almost commanded it despite its nature.
As much as she tried to mindlessly watch a bit of TV and let the cocoa soothe her nerves, this question more than the other weighed on her. Sure there was the raw anxiety and panic and fear, but that was another matter she was trying to remedy at the same time at least...er, somewhat. It was a mess, and she'd already burnt those old bloody clothes in the bathroom and used plenty of smell-eliminating aerosols to try to not smell up her whole apartment with fire. Or in other words, she had taken the painstaking anxious route to try to rather hastily and quickly clean up after the mess out of raw worry that some other werewolf would be coming after her soon.
Though with the attack on the University, that was perhaps the least of her problems if there were other forces at work here on 'that' kind of scale.
...Maybe she should make herself another packet of cocoa?
Time: ~4pm Location: Long Alley between the Hospital and Church and such other buildings in that area. Interaction: n/a
Today was not going so well for her.
"Get the hell back here you bitch!" the man growled, his eyes faint with a yellow glow as he darted into the alley after her.
...Really not well, actually. The kind of not well you get when a visitor in town asking for directions turns out to be a werewolf with a hate-boner for witches. The kind of not well when you are running for your life, trying not to expose yourself to the general public the day after a domestic terror attack on her University. So far she'd made it down the street and into a long alley before bolting, and her pursuer only picking up the pace after getting into the alley as well. Between the Church and the Hospital and alleyways between the buildings there was, of all places, perhaps one of her worst choices to flee...though depending on things might not be the worst idea for a place to be found dead in terms of sheer, raw irony.
"Fuck you!"
She did her best to telekinetically toss a few things in her pursuer's path, including some bags sitting near an open dumpster as she ran past. It wasn't much of anything to deter the man, however, as he seemed to just get angry and tear them to the side or apart as he seemingly now began to shift.
She'd only moved here a couple months, trying to get herself settled more before college kicked in next spring. Online classes were the way to go in her book, at least in making it easier to lock herself away and get cozy or otherwise multi-task with her spell training. Likewise she was thinking of trying to get a part-time job at least somewhere in the local area, maybe as a cook in some place? It seemed more appealing than some kinds of jobs, at least, but she'd yet to look after the exhausting move left her just trying to get comfortable here and in her apartment. But no, she had to move to the insane place where campus got attacked before she could even begin classes and now a werewolf from out of town had stumbled in and was trying to kill her!!!
'You know you could ask us for help, yes? Please don't be one of those other lives that died very young.'
'Our latest self doth inherit it from thine side of the family! Back in mine day our might wouldst have already turned this dastardly beast into naught but ash!'
'And exposing yourself in public by using blatant magic is an ok thing to do here? This isn't a tribe of ancient Bretons you can just mystify and lead on, you idiot! Even if she survived it'd probably lead to her death by human hands.'
'Says the one who got herself beheaded in France during the Revolution.'
'Don't hold zat againzt her! Vee are goink to be dyink' if you cannot stop zee bickering und help!"
Ah. The usual chatter within her skull had been somewhat ignored as the threat of impending death was looming over her. However that one past life with the German-French-Russian accent (she could not tell which even after 6 years) did have a point. She didn't want to die, and the bickering wasn't helping anything either. Plus she had yet to properly hit the right skill level with the 'fire' spell either.
'Do any of you have an actual ideaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh ssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttt!!!'
Distracted for a moment as she tried to internally talk to the past lives in her head, literally so, she was looking back at her pursuer before running body-first into the hood of a parked car. Wait, what kind of idiot parked their car in an alley like this?! No matter, as it sent her bowling over to the side and onto the ground before she clutched her stomach briefly. Yet even from her position she could undoubtedly see her pursuer running over with a bloodlust in his eyes and mouth already baring fangs to take a chomp.
There wasn't time to run. There wasn't time to get back up. Her mind scrambled for an answer as even the voices also tried to debate what to do, time slowing down before her eyes seemingly...until eventually something cut through the noise seemingly out of the blue. It was familiar to her core, and yet at the same time foreign to her like some kind of long-forgotten memory. As calm as a peaceful, cloudless day, and yet with the subtle power of a mighty storm.
Even the other voices immediately shut up when it rang out from the deepest confines of her self.
'Please use this.'
Charlotte didn't even think twice as the past life shared its experience with her in the form of a spell, the information seeming to seamlessly flowing in like a smooth liquid honey. Her hands rose up off of the ground as she did so, as if she'd done this a thousand times before, and a certain familiar yet alien sensation of self set in. It wasn't a new thing to experience this info-dump from a past life, and yet at the same time it felt...older, more primal in her hands right now. Like she could smell dusty plains, and the damp shores of rivers, and feel the heat of the sun baking the ground beneath her feet for the briefest of recognizable moments.
Then, without a single word uttered, the car and power lines nearby arced with electricity as it was forced out from it. Like a wellspring of Zeus' fury it poured forth from around them both, catching her pursuer in such surprise his eyes could only widen in the moment before-
...As her breathing slowed back down, the tiredness began to hit her body in a familiar dull ache. From the intensity of the feeling she'd really let loose something this time, as it wasn't this draining before to make use of the knowledge/experience sharing with her past lives before. Yet as her senses began to return in the aftermath of the knowledge sharing, at the point it became clear her body froze cold as she looked at the scene that lied before her. A cold sweat formed all over her back in an instant, and the thumping of her heart began to ring in her ears.
What...ah...what was left intact and not covering the walls and ground and car and even her clothes was a nightmarish scene straight out of a horror movie. No words except 'charred and uncharred all over the place' came to mind, and resisting the urge to retch she scrambled up to her feet in haste. Without a second thought she bolted away, running as fast as her tired body could manage. By the time she rounded the corner and stuck herself to the wall, she heard a couple of doors open and a shrill scream of terror go out into the air. At least one person, for better or for worse, had just come back to check what in the hell had happened...and come upon a scene Charlotte was loathe to even look back on.
Dammit all. Ok. Ok. No, she could handle getting out of this. She could take a hot bath after getting back to her apartment. She would have to use Cloaking to hide, and Change to try to turn the blood spatter on her into something that could be passed off as paint or such. Simple stuff, yes.
With that, the 19 year old silently cast her first Cloaking spell of the day and began to dart away towards the right in the direction of the area to the south that the Arcade was in. It would be a while before she got back to clean up properly and get rid of these clothes to be safe, but she prayed that nothing else supernatural and menacing would have noticed it. Especially other witches.
Valya Karaznov
Time: ~4pm Location: Park Interaction: n/a
It wasn't that the flight here had been terrible, but more so that the need to get out into some open air was even greater after she arrived last night. Ah. Of course with the news telling about a 'domestic terror attack' and the lingering smells of so many 'off' things it was easy to tell it was a hub of some supernatural activity. Vampires. Werewolves. Witches. Probably Hunters as well based on how she'd seen things go in other places. It was equal parts frustrating and exciting, tantalizing and yet troublesome. So of course her old friend had moved here into such a place yet again, whether intentionally or not.
She'd heard from the girl's parents that she'd moved here, and that had been enough of a lead to go on so far. Had taken her far too long to even find her family, much less anyone from that secretive coven that would spill the beans or knew. Far too long. Years too long, and yet it was fine all the same. She was here now, and she would be able to at least see how this incarnation behaved and was like. Hopefully friendly enough to actually have a chat, unlike...four lives ago? No, three, it was three incarnations ago that was somewhat of an asshole for a while. Regardless, whether they were active friends in this life or not she had to see her at the very least...she'd promised.
"Another lovely day," she mulled quietly aloud as the edges of her lips drew up every so slightly, all whilst her arms and legs crossed as she sat on the park bench in a lovely dress.
Her eyes were drawn up toward the sky, looking out in the blue void for a moment before letting her eyes close. It always looked the same since those days. Always had been the same all around the world, and she liked that just fine in her opinion. Could almost taste the dates in those 'cakes' they'd eaten back then. Heh.
But still, this place would be interesting. All she had to do was find her main goal here, and then she could look for some mischief or action to watch...maybe get involved with even~
If nothing else, the clubs and bars would provide ample basic entertainment for her regardless.
Full name: Charlotte Amber Wardwell Age: 19 Date of Birth: March 15th Gender: Female Where are you from?: Ember Grove
》A p p e a r a n c e
Height: 5’8” Weight:134 Hair Color: Black Hair Length: Lower Back Skin Color: Pale Caucasian Eye Color: Very Dark Brown/Black Tattoos, Piercings, etc skin markings: A tramp stamp in the design of spread dragon wings, one which she once got against her parents’ wishes during an outing with a friend back home.
Sexuality: Bisexual Relationship Status: Single Any predetermined friends?: Has none locally (yet), had a small friend group from high school before (won’t be showing up in-person in the RP). Siblings' Status: Alive (Has 4 other siblings) Parents' Status: Alive Pets: None How open is your character to friends from 1 to 10?: 9 How open is your character to romance from 1 to 10?: 10
》I n t e r e s t s
Likes: ✡Video Game/Anime Music ✡Classic Rock ✡The Beach ✡Cake ✡Nighttime ✡Mythology
Dislikes: ✡’Controlling Assholes’ (in her own words) ✡Smoking ✡Seagulls ✡Politics
Hobbies: ✡Cooking ✡Magic ✡Swimming
Skills: ✡Photoshop ✡Her cooking skills are actually rather good for her age ✡Quick on the fly and on her feet ✡Determined
》P e r s o n a l i t y
Charlotte as a person is the kind to come across as a relaxed person when in casual, donning comfortable clothing constantly in her personal life and an attitude of wearing what she wants when she wants to without care. Even with her impetuous ferocity in treading her own path, since her emergence from high school she’s become a bit more tired and exhausted by life and goings-on and has become more ‘chill’ than she was in high school. She can talk to someone new without skipping a beat, but likewise expect her to state her mind without a second thought if she wants to say something. However, when she does become attached to someone her softer side tends to show more around them as time goes on...and in truth she isn't a 'bad person' at heart.
She can, however, be passionate about her interests in magic and travel and cooking. Despite being financially trapped from dreams of seeing other places and returning to her comfortable new apartment, however, she at least has the maturity to understand she’ll have to work her way to that point over time. She won’t claim she is a master of either of her passions as well, though at times her cooking can be odd with the occasional ‘ancient recipe’ that one of her past lives pushes for her to make in her less-supernatural hobby.
Though regarding her situations as a reincarnation, and the presence of all her past lives within her own head, she has what could be best summed up as ‘a lot of mixed feelings’ about it all. On one hand they terrified her when she began to hear them at 13, trying to guide and direct her or commenting on things or even bickering with each other and sounding like they were standing right next to or behind her the entire time. Even her own mother’s attempt to explain things to her only went so far, and it came down to her and them having to work things out internally. A few of the voices are most prominent, however, and stand out among her past lives as the ‘strongest’ and likely to be able to hush the lesser others or hold sway on them....and these are ones she generally has the best relations with among those past lives all fluttering about in her head all the time.
》H i s t o r y
The history of the Wardwell’s is a thing that few people know. To the mundane public they are but another family whose old ancestor immigrated to the USA, setting up a life there. Then they moved about a bit, before their second youngest child moved to Ember Grove far from home after graduation and a long beach vacation with some friends. Yet in truth, their bloodline is a magical one steeped far back in history and shrouded by mystery even from many of their own. Their ancestors on a far larger scale have ranged from ancient Mesopotamia all the way to the modern day USA and in-between.
It all began with a girl born into a well-off family in Sumeria with oddly pale skin, deathly white hair, magical potential, and heterochromatic eyes (one blue and one gold respectively). She was seen as a fragile thing, and equal parts “blessed by the gods” as well as an inauspicious sign by some others. She would ultimately be trained to be a priestess of Inanna, as well as seeking to hone her gift and build it for the sake of the people. And yet when a new king took the city she lived in, she and many were cast out of their positions and sent out into the plains to die. Living among the afflicted she became an outcast, even, and as her former fellow priestesses withered away and cursed the gods she continued to walk onwards. Even until her feet bled upon the river banks and upon the plains she continued to walk, and all the while decided to push her craft onwards.
In her journey she saw suffering. She saw war. She saw pain of an incomprehensible kind. She saw the pride of those who lauded themselves on high. She saw the humility of those who had lost all and barely clung to a sense of self-preservation. Yet in all of this as she came to terms with her own loss of purpose and life...she saw something, something she deemed to be ‘more beautiful than anything else’. It became a purpose as she moved onwards, even beyond her lands of birth and away. To see it all, to see the joy and the sorrow, the pain and the pleasure, she wanted to witness this world forever. She used her gifts to extend her life, as well as to heal and to hurt, and ultimately to continue her journeyings. She continued to push onward from place to place even beyond the span of a normal human’s lifetime for so long as she moved and saw and learned about the world.
In a sense one could call her motive ‘pure’ at it’s very core, the desire to see it all that had become her new purpose in life. She swore to witness the struggles of mankind until its bitter end, even if she had to continue to travel until she could move no more. Along the way she made acquaintances, at times a friend who might travel with her for a time, and at other times enemies that sought to spill her blood upon the ground until it ran no more. It was a long life, and yet one that she sought to treasure every second of despite everything. Perhaps it was madness that drove her along, perhaps it was hope, though in the end she would work to make her dream a reality as she came upon an idea of how to do so.
To see through her own two eyes was a view that, in time, would only grow duller as she extended her own lifespan through the use of magic. To see through the same eyes over and over was one thing, however, and perceiving the world through the eyes of those from each age was another. It became her grand plan, gathering friends and research and bearing her own children until she forged a ritual that would make her dream come true. At the sacrifice of her own life, ‘immortality’ as she wanted would be achieved through reincarnation. To each generation after her would come her knowledge and memories and self to guide them from the background, and yet through their eyes she would see the world as it changed and be able to learn more of it anew.
That would be a most exciting adventure, wouldn't it?
Charlotte was born the only magically-able child of 5 to a witch mother and an ex-military (and in the know) human father. Despite being the second youngest among her siblings, Charlotte proved to be the one in her generation (as with apparently every generation of her family for longer than she knew) to inherit the magical capabilities. Her mother taught her the magical arts of a witch, drilling her as best as she could whilst letting her daughter live a life as cover for her magical nature. Of course there were incidents here and there, but also scattered ‘family friends’ (read: related same-coven member families) who helped cover those ‘little mistakes’ up and smooth things over. Of course her family had to move a few times due to these incidents, which made her somewhat sad, though in the end she was still pushed to be the best witch and person she could become.
At the age of 13, however, she began to hear ‘voices’ in her head. They were faint at first, but became clearer and clearer as she got older. It frightened her somewhat, though her mother simply calmed her and sought to explain. Even so, it was hard to handle a life where one of your own past lives could just pipe in at any moment and sound like they were standing right there next to you while you were in class or otherwise. Yet she still managed to acquire friends of some sort in her last three years of high school, ones which she considered herself ‘blessed’ to have all in the same place and school. She also managed to get generally good grades, learn some more about the voices in her head somewhat, and even made plans for doing online college after graduation. Of course her plans to simply move far away after graduation became a contention point with her parents, which led to some ‘teenage rebellion’ more so as she neared graduation, though in the end she promised to at least call home and keep contact if nothing else.
At the age of 18 she left her senior year in high school, before going on a month-long beach vacation (courtesy of a donation from a friend’s wealthy relatives) with friends...all as she made plans to move into an apartment in a little cozy old town called “Ember Grove”. After that it would take a little time for plans to move, and a bit of ‘family friend help’ to expedite the process, to get her moved there in final by the time she turned 19. Admittedly it was a tiring process that took a lot out of her, but as of late she has begun to finally stretch out her new independence! With her first semester of online college beginning next spring as well, she has hopes to live her life as she wants to and keep up the family practice!
However...an incident soon to happen will force her into the world of Ember Grove’s own supernatural. Whether this is for the best or the worst, only time will tell.
》C o v e n
None (Never formally entered one. Her mother otherwise part of a highly diffused coven called ‘The Winding Paths Coven’, which is loosely scattered across all over North America and generally is helpful to its own to make their lives easier.)
》S k i l l L e v e l
Intermediate (just entered this level, has learned a few on this level [primarily Telekinesis and Soul Sliver])
(Due to her past lives’ presence within her, she has the ability to rather temporarily exert other ‘intermediate’ and even ‘advanced’ stuff and the like that her past lives knew/learned. This can be done by them ‘loaning’ her knowledge/experience temporarily. This ‘loan’ process does drain Charlotte of stamina and strength in the aftermath, however, which is a penalty...the more potent the ‘loan’ making the draining side effects that much more potent in return.)
》S p e l l S p e c i a l i z a t i o n
-Soul Sliver (A unique spell originating from the reincarnation research of the Wardwell’s founder/ancestor, and practiced by their bloodline, it allows the caster to insert slivers of their soul into target things/objects and turns them into a ‘golem’.
While the spell is active, the caster is able to see from the perspective of and communicate through their golems. From a living tree or plant, to statues and park benches, to drones or cars, to even the skeleton hanging up in a high school classroom, this spell is highly versatile and able to transform the world around the caster into a potential tool or weapon.
If cast on something like a pool of water or patch of earth, the resulting ‘golem’ takes a vague humanoid shape. This sort of golem also might need to reform again if hit hard enough, due to parts of its body breaking, though provided enough of the ‘material’ it was made of is around it can continue to reform when damaged.
Once a golem is fully destroyed or the spell is canceled, the sliver of soul automatically returns to the caster.
At the Basic level, a witch/warlock can only make one ‘golem’ at a given time. At Intermediate and Advanced levels, however, this spell can create more and more golems at the same time. It is also acceptable to use this spell on a dead animal body or dead plantlife, though in regards to the former this is seen as distinctly creepy in this particular usage.
However, the specific use of this spell on a slain vampire, dead werewolf, or dead human/witch/hunter is a blatantly possible but forbidden magic and has the associated social and personal ramifications of forbidden magic in this case. [Does not work on still living sentient things though.])
Valya Karaznov
*Human Form*
*Werewolf Form*
》B a s i c s
Full name: Valya Alexandra Karaznov Age: ~4770 Date of Birth: Vaguely around June 2750 BC/BCE Gender: Female Where are you from?: Ancient Siberian Wilderness (originally, at least, has lived in various places around the world at differing times otherwise)
》A p p e a r a n c e
Height: 6’0” Weight: 162 lbs (due to dense muscle in her case) Hair Color: Dark Wine Red Hair Length: Butt-length Skin Color: White Caucasian Eye Color: Wine Red Tattoos, Piercings, etc skin markings: Two piercings in the right ear, one of which holds a longer hanging earring on a silvery-colored chain and the other right above that which holds a smaller gold ring earring. Detail your werewolf form: Whilst her aging has stopped, her growth as a werewolf continued on for some time after. Her werewolf form stands at the staggering height of a whopping 10 feet, packed with rather dense muscle, bright green eyes, and powerful claws. Whether she is the actual ‘largest’ is a total unknown, but she is among the largest members of her kind.
Sexuality: Bisexual (leans distinctly more towards women) Relationship Status: Single and Available Any predetermined friends?: Has some varied connections over the years, mainly in the form of the descendants of young she had in the far past that are scattered about the world in a few places. Siblings' Status: Dead Parents' Status: Dead Pets: None How open is your character to friends from 1 to 10?: 8 How open is your character to romance from 1 to 10?: 10
》I n t e r e s t s
Likes: Three minimum. ✡ Interesting TV Shows ✡ Rare Steak ✡ Firearms ✡ Skinny Dipping under the moonlight ✡ Beers and Fine Wine ✡ Nature
Dislikes: Three minimum. ✡ Soap Operas ✡ Overconfidence/Arrogance ✡ Coffee ✡ White Chocolate
Hobbies: Three minimum. ✡ Drinking ✡ Traveling ✡ Video Games
An ancient wanderer who enjoys seeing the world and occasionally settling down here and there for a time, which for her is longer than most, before setting off once more. The kind of person who holds memories of those they connected with close and dear to them, but also is willing to go out and make new memories and enjoy it all. One could call her a bit of a hedonist in regards to her passion for enjoyment and self-indulgence at times, though she can rather easily switch to being serious and otherwise back and forth seemingly on a dime. In fact, her anger can be something fierce when stoked...and even worse if one considers the dedication this 4000+ year old immortal can exert after more than a fair share of practice. However, even in her long years she is the sort of long-lived being who has kept enough in touch with mortals and learned enough in her past that even now she generally looks at the value of even a simple human life with a keen and empathetic eye.
》H i s t o r y
As a pureblood werewolf she was born long, long ago to the alpha of a great pack living in the woods near a primitive village amidst the Siberean Wilderness. For much of the first part of her life, she was raised with the mind that her people were the strongest, bearing a lineage and might that no human nor other being could match. They were one with the wilderness, with their senses, and with their pack. She was raised in a harsh manner, lending to her combat prowess and learning of self-control and discipline to become a productive member of the pack...and a potential future alpha in her own right due to her parentage.
Yet one day, a strange traveler would approach the small village and seemingly bring its people under her sway over the coming days. Almost like an allure beyond the natural...something that indeed would end up being entirely unnatural. To her father, it was like the stranger had intruded upon their grounds and their area. It was seen as an affront, and so her fathis and the pack went to ‘deal’ with the intruder as she was left behind to protect the more vulnerable parts of the pack. It was a decision that, ultimately, would save Valya’s life and lead to her seeming ‘destiny’ as she first phrased it as back then.
By morning the fighters of the pack had not returned, and with the pressure from her mother to seek them out she went to go find them. She ran through the woods, hoping that her fathis and the others were alive, and yet when she arrived in the village a macabre scene lay before her. Mauled bodies, twisted looks of pain, severed heads and limbs, and the corpses of her brethren and myriad humans covered the ground in an array of carnage that made even her stomach turn to its core. Even the permafrost-covered ground was stained, nay seemingly drenched almost entirely with crimson red blood. What had once been a place of people and territory of her people was now the very grounds of death itself, nothing short or more than that, and at the center of it all sat the stranger as she cooked around a fire.
The stranger turned her head to her, smiling as if nothing was wrong and motioning her over. He, for her part, was left stunned and filled with a swirling vortex of pure rage and the most primal and deep-seated instinctual terror she had ever felt in her years. Only after a few moments of staring did her legs even allow her to move, before she took several steps forward and stopped cold in her tracks once more.
The woman only seemed to lightly sigh back before she spoke.
“You must be a member of that pack from last night! Truth be told, I came here to hunt for some rare herbs and plants I heard were about here and study your people, but in the end I had to defend myself from your people it seems. Nothing much to do about it but do what I had to.”
She seemed to regard the scene about them with a certain neutrality, as if she had been simply held at a mild inconvenience by it all and yet regretted that it happened at all.
“You grew up learning to become strong to survive, yes? At least I’d assume so with how these ones fought. Strong, mighty warriors of the wilderness, but ones who underestimated the people here and their own will to survive.
...But being from a pack, you know the price of trying to kill that which ends up stronger than you? Right? It’s very simple when you go by the rules of nature. Only the strongest come out of the battle for survival.
Though I’d add that knowing when to fight and when to not fight is just as great a strength...one that these ones don’t seem to have learned before it was far too late.”
She couldn’t believe it, but even as her instincts willed her to fight and flee she felt herself drawn in by the stranger’s words. The woman’s appearance was one of incredible beauty, that much even she could tell, and yet the carnage about her was undeniably tied back to her and the people here by her own admission. Still, however, she found herself still unable to even so much as move still. The stench of death seemed to linger about like a torrential miasma whose sheer pressure stopped her limbs and physical being, as if she’d stepped into the underworld itself, even as her mind raced and battled to get her to do something.
“People, animals, vampires, your kind, and every living thing is put under the very same bar when it comes to surviving. You do or you don’t, and that is the cold truth that these lands seem to hammer into those who live here in the most harsh of ways. Animal or human, or otherwise really, it still holds true...yet even so I still mourn the lives lost here. It...it didn’t need to happen.
Those who lived here had so much potential, and yet they spoiled it on stupid things like ideas of superiority and refusing to adapt to what was going on around them! They could have worked with people here and been something better!
But you seem...hmmm...how do I put it? Different? Different! You recognize the danger here, even if those others didn’t last night. Even as they died their companions only kept coming at me, even as the bodies piled up they lashed out with claims of being ‘superior’ and a total lack of self-preservation. But unlike you, they refused to learn and at least listen for a moment.”
The woman smiled at her again, before starting to walk towards her in a relaxed manner. Yet even so it caused her instincts to flee to finally cry out loud enough to win over the swirling twister of emotions within her.
In a heartbeat she began to turn to run, her body pushing her to enter her werewolf form simply to give her the strength to get out of this faster. Run. Flee. Escape. her very flesh pumped with the one thing she could process at the time: Survival. She had to survive. The remainder of the pack didn’t even come to mind at that very moment. She had to get out of this.
...Yet as she tried to flee this time, her very body shook as something stabbed into her turned back mid-transformation. Poison coursed in her pulsing veins and arteries, flowing through her heart, and even her desire to live couldn’t make her body move as it would finally collapse limply to the ground.
“Don’t worry! You won’t die, but after all of this I still need someone to study from your people. Bit of a pain, but you’ll do very nicely regardless! I promise I won't let you die either...gets a little lonely being by myself and all. So let’s be friends!”
After that day her life became that of a servant, bound with a number of enchanted items and poisons and such. She was taken around the world as a traveling companion by the witch, and at first she loathed every moment of it. She tried many times to escape, to her own self-admitted credit, and yet each and every time it didn’t get much of anywhere. Yet the witch seemed to regard these attempts as ‘funny’ for some reason! So much she tried to get back to her people, and yet all the same she was harshly denied and continually pulled around. It was infuriating, and yet at the same time she found herself ultimately giving up on a quick escape after some time.
As the decades then began to pass, the witch would talk to her more and more...and more and more she found herself listening to her. At first it was a desire to learn about her in some manner, and perhaps use that to escape. Then it became a simple curiosity about her mindset regarding the world at large. Then it became normal to talk to and learn from her. Bit by little bit, part by part, the desire to go back began to slowly but surely be whittled away like an eroding hill. Even when passing an area bordering her old home, she knew she wouldn’t be welcomed back anymore. In the eyes of anyone descended from that time, she had died long ago and they had probably moved on or otherwise dashed themselves to death against the harsh truth they refused to accept.
She’d been kidnapped from her home, her mightiest kin slaughtered, and yet in her travels with the witch she found herself. To her it was a journey that in the end brought her to terms with her life and family, and allowed her to think for herself for once. A new perspective created through tragic circumstances and being forced to stop and listen for once. Her fathis and people had been fighting with the mind that they were the strongest, the best, and the most powerful beings in all the world. Perhaps that explanation was exaggerated a bit, but even so that was the true ‘gist’ of that old mindset. All else was lesser than them, and in the end that had come back and taken their lives and kept them from coming back home. They had died savages among savages, in some twist of irony, and it had been someone that destroyed that world who showed her what else was out there and what it was like.
In the witch she found someone who she came to understand more than anyone else. An individual that wanted to see the progress of life until the bitter end, someone whose drive was fueled by witnessing great misery and death before taking some time to come to terms with it. Someone who had seen life and death over and over, only to decide that she wanted to see it through to the end with her own two eyes. Or rather, see it herself through the eyes of others. A stupid immortal dream, an old man’s fantasy, and yet she found herself admiring the witch’s zeal to witness things through the very end in her own way.
In the witch’s experiments for ‘true’ immortality, one that defied her meager mortal coil, even her own werewolf flesh would be warped and twisted into something ageless. She could still be killed, that much was frankly true, but hell she hadn’t expected as much as that to come about. Yet when the witch ultimately found compatriots and settled down, she came along for the ride as she always had. No magical bindings or the like needed this time.
But when the witch eventually enacted a ritual she hoped would make her desires come true, Valya stood there and felt like a part of herself died that day. The person she’d cared most about, came to care the most for anyone, shared moments with that she had with no one else...ultimately burnt out like a final spark of fire in the dead of night. Even so, she knew she would be back among another generation, and she would find her again. Every single time she would find her, every generation, every era. Though she was another person, and those moments of the past could never return, she’d always remember her somehow when they finally met. In this they could talk about the world through new eyes.
Hopefully this latest reincarnation would be willing to at least talk to her. Besides, Ember Grove seemed like an interesting place to by anyways!