Parliamentary Sovereign Secular Democratic Republic with a federal structure and unitary features. There is a Council of Ministers with the Prime Minster as its head to advice the President who is the constitutional head of the country.
India, Jammu and Kashmir
Post-Visitation Through Now
India basically went a bit crazy post-visitation, an amount of religious unrest naturally accompanying the issues at hand. Whilst the adherent of Hinduism seemed to be more able to accept the event and cope with it religiously, Islam within India handled it less aptly than what their neighbor religion was to what might be some people's lack or presence of surprise thereof. Indeed post-visitation India's barely decade-old government was put through the wringer and going into full-survival mode as anomalies, artifacts, internal issues both new and lingering, and external influences tore away at it with zeal. It was a hard time to be sure, one that The new government would come to survive the tide and pull the nation out and upward over the following decades, mainly through aggressive development and peacekeeping plans, especially as big, deep, and rich Langium deposits were discovered within its borders. In current times it stands as the #1 developer and producer/developer of biomedical technologies in the world after 3 decades of internal development and industrialization and such things, both in civilian as well as military areas. Soviet five year plan models were used as inspiration to help this process along at first, akin to basically how India was in the 60s in real life.
But this didn't come without its fair share of scars along the way. Pakistani relations basically went down the hole, the Jammu and Kashmir area was finally annexed after taking advantage of Pakistan's own vulnerabilities during the post-Visitation period, and anti-Muslim violence arose in the 70s as extremist groups to the west began to form and develop. Currently Islam is a distinctly more peaceful minority within India, one that has begun to see an improvement in their rights and such going into the 90s and after decades of rather 'unpopular' issues. Likewise things like women's right and the legal rejection of untouchability have been pushed hard against to help 'speed up the process' of modernization along the way, though with the older generations these sorts of issues still rather linger and the fight against continues on even through now. Yet in return the younger generations are more and more embracing new technologies, progressive beliefs, western or foreign clothing styles, and other such things that would be seen as 'modern' in the current world. It is a generational gap that usually results in parental scolding for many, despite being a sign of real progress, akin to how the children of America in real life got chewed out for listening to Metal in the 80's or Rock in the 50's. But as teens and young adults walk about in jeans and T-shirts, and indulge in other modern conveniences, they continue to push India towards a bright future socially.
Further, India sports a rather large and powerful military in current times. One aspect of their military is the use of cluster munitions and bombs with certain NLC's incorporated into them, which are an Indian Military favorite to use in certain situations. These ones after detonation dose victims in a given area with lethal heavy-metal poisoning, but even so this effect is designed to 'exploit loopholes' in or 'tease' the Geneva Conventions and 'cheat' the regulations on Chemical Warfare. Yet such unique weapons are only used to a certain extent. It is akin to the real life USA and such superpowers to a certain extent, where a nations still uses certain forms of certain weapons but also limit the use of them to certain situations to avoid actual proper sanctions or worse. Even so, things like MLRS or Bomb-released cluster munitions and the ilk without NLC's still remain very much legal and in use by the Indian Military. Any 'nukes' or such 'nuclear options' have, as most likely is the case with the other big nations, been basically kept under lock and key as a deterrent but aren't fired to avoid triggering a MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) situation. However, their own rocket technology has resulted in India eventually by this point becoming a solid part of the space race, and even launching satellites and manned missions and such into orbit!
The Indian Government has long established has trade relations with the USSR in turn, but also isn't a communist state nor wants to become one to be frank. Not to mention the neutrality they have enforced in regards to the major foreign political influences makes them more desirable trade partners for others, and enforcing a form/type of neutrality to a certain extent has paid off in this regard. This has also played some part in their politically Non-Aligned stance when it has come to the USSR and USA, and their nature as both a proper superpower as well as a massive local power by the 1990's. Likewise the British are something India's oldest generations still resent somewhat, despite doing some trade still, and the nation remains somewhat a little wary of simply due to the past. Feelings have begun to soften on that front with the younger and youngest generations, at least, though any chance of close political ties would be still generations away. Yet France's own sudden leaps and stop in decolonization has made India even more wary of that nation over the likes of the UK.
Pressing Issues
1 ) Extremist Islam activities over in Pakistan have also have garnered even greater hatred of such things, but have also been used by India's current Muslim minority to basically make their differences known and distinct and preached aloud in attempts to help improve and curb their own perceptions locally. This "Indian brand of Islam" has been on a rise, at least, though still remains a small minority among other religions that have found their way into India. Even so, anti-Muslim violence is a shadow of what it was in the climax of the 70s, but is still something that is present and continues to go on the decline within India.
2) Whilst issues such as sanitation and education and gender issues have been improved from before, at least, and are still improving, they still linger even in current times. Meanwhile urbanization and issues like water scarcity have been better improved than this along the path of this India's development, at the very least. Finally the issue of medical health is by far the most minimized in an India where the nation has become top-dog #1 in regards to biomedical technologies and practice. Governmental health programs have at least been able to push this last issue to the 'least' among the ones India has internally thus far, and which are still being worked on over the years.
3) Pakistan still existing. Aside from its conflicts with Pakistan in the past, and current measures of sanctions and such leveled very hard against them outside of conflict by India, the desire of many Indians and their government is to one day basically turn Pakistan into a red paste, root out the extremists and get rid of them, then retake and resettle and modernize the land. Especially after refugee tales of extremist actions, anti-Hindi issues, and other such rumors and tales and stories that have passed over into India since post-Visitation and the 70's.
4) The nation has a grudge against China for attempting to spark revolts or communist influence it in the past, which has led to basically a modern-day 'rough border' situation where the Indian border with China has been reinforced and built up and fortified over the decades with occasional 'scuffles' and constant attempts to intimidate by both sides...but nothing to provoke all-out war or MAD or WW3 or the like at least. No one, in reality, would probably want that to happen.
1 ) In the wake of American actions, China's rise, and other post-Visitation issues, Bollywood has actually boomed to become as popular in the world as things like anime and Hollywood movies were in real life. To some this is a blessing. To others this is a cursed alternate timeline.
Kir silently noted as Argos just walked out, before redistributing his portion promptly to herself as a mid-work snack. Wiping the berry juice and blood from the far corners of her mouth, the first rusty sword she'd recreated shimmered away. Letting out a small sigh, the female goblin went right back to work after recreating up a new rusty sword to act as her tool. Of course at this point in her work, arms deep in horned rabbit corpses, one of her brothers walked over and asked what she was using. She didn't even have the time to toss a sarcastic remark back, much less say anything as the brother ate his portion of food, before Grandpa cleared his throat and Kir tuned into his words as she continued her work. She could multi-task this much at least, and frankly speaking Grandpa had a point. No world was nice, and they were being thrust into it without mercy and without warning. A couple of the Hobs were at least seeming to offer help, which she'd keep in mind, but otherwise she wasn't playing at things being easy or deluding herself to think it was all sunshine.
Still, the name 'Kir' wasn't bad at all in her mind. A good place to start, as were these rabbits once she would get done with them. She was butchering up the horned rabbit meat to evenly distribute out with the berries for her siblings and herself, and she'd already eaten her portion and then just now what would have been Argos' portion. She was as carefully as possible removing the sinews from the bodies for her use, and with the same level of care cutting off the pelts of these as best she could for her own use as well. Moving along with this, however, she was starting to keep the bones and skulls in a small pile next to her as well, horn attached and all. (@Jangel13).
As it were, her plan was simply to get a head start by taking advantage of 'assisting' with this last meal brought to them. With the sinews she would work with them to create a bowstring, and then find a good stick out there in the forest to turn into the bow to put the string on. Nothing less than the best wood for this! Nothing less than her best efforts to make the bowstring! Then all she'd need is a couple of the rabbit horns at most, maybe three just in case, to start work on arrow-making at that point. All she needed was one or two horns to practice with as arrow-tips, practice until she made the best arrows she could, and then make one really good arrow. She could see the mental image of such a weapon and arrows among those old hazy images and such, among what very little she had in that regard, to at least base things on in general shape. But this process would take time, and right now she just wanted to get the work on a bow going whilst she still had the means to hunt on the fly otherwise.
Even so, one of her sisters now brought her the final rabbit and handed it over, broken skull and lack of a horn and all. Kir simply gave a nod and a small grunt of acknowledgement before getting back to work. Ah, Lexie, wasn't it? Seemed to have an idea for things, but the suggestion of using her harvested sinews for that was another thing entirely. To that end Kir's attention was drawn right to Lexie as she looked her sister directly in the eyes and silently pulled the pile of sinews even closer to herself protectively.
"Look, I've got a plan for those sinews. So I won't be handing any over to make some spears. But maybe there's some plants out there you could use, like one of the Hobgoblins seems to have used? Or like, find a good thick bone here and tie the horn into the top of it with plants?"
Even so, her sister seemed to just stop there with the sinews suggestion anyways. Good. Though as she continued on with her own work, Kir otherwise ignored Lexie as she continued her work with the rabbits and portioning the meat out and keeping the pelts and sinews a bit closer to and more safely near herself. Another sister would then come over to eat, Aya, before then seemingly trying to chow down on a bit too much and getting bonked on the head thusly with the flat side of Kir's counterfeit sword.
"Ey, don't waste my work, and slow down or you'll choke."
Idiot. But then again the same idiot was turning away and moving over to talk to the others again, getting both her name and another one's name entirely wrong, before running back to her and clamming up. In response, Kir simply continued on with her own work without stopping, before glancing up at Aya again for a moment during the course of this awkward silence. Frankly the only reason she was so annoyed right now herself was the no less than three attempted interruptions, but more so just wanting to get her plans moving, get some information from Grandpa, and get out of the Church so she could get things moving for her own survival at least.
Once she got moving, then there would be time to chill and be a bit more social about all of this perhaps. But it was a stressful nonetheless right now.
"...Take your time, say the words when you can think of em' right," Kir said, before immediately resuming her work once more with renewed focus and care.
Beyond the sinews, she was planning to use those pelts for a rough cloak/armor garment. Of course that would take time and supplies harvesting to make, but again it was in her plans to kick things off for her survival at least. However...this was when again someone came over to where she was to talk. Her sister Yzzi would finally walk over with her own demand after taking her share of food, albeit a demand that was far more manageable in this case. Kir even let out a small sigh of relief. Sure this sister was a grump, but so was she right now to a certain extent and for her own reasons.
"Sure, you can have the skull of this one once I get done. Even the other bones if you want. I've got no use for em'." the female goblin said, gesturing with the recreated sword towards the bone pile next to her before getting back to work as she talked, "All I want out of that pile of bones is a couple of those skulls with horns for myself. Otherwise if you're going hunting with them count me in.
These sinews I'm keeping will make me a good bowstring, just gotta find and shape the right flexible but stiff enough stick for the job, and the pelts a nice cloak, but that'll take time. So might as well fill up some more and get some more sinews and pelts to work with so that work'll go better later."
@Jangel13 Still chill dude! Don't sweat it. For a phone post that wasn't bad, at least based on my own old history of phone posting years ago. I don't do it now, but still. :P
@Jangel13 No worries, yo! Though i do want to note on the side that Kir recreated a rusty sword is is currently trying to basically carve up the rabbits and divvy it out the meat and berries equal for everyone...that and keep the sinews and furs for herself. XD
Last thing imma do this round before the next Jangel/GM post, just wanted to see if I could help us move forward some as well if that's ok. That and get everyone over to eat the food we've been waiting on. If that's ok I mean. (@_@)
I won't be posting this fast after this point though. Too much for me. Too fast. So everyone, please don't take this as my normal speed! And please don't feel pressured to post this fast! XD