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A pat on the head from Miss Calra. It brought a small flush to the Mothraki's face at the tie, as in all honesty Nylah hadn't expected it as she had gone about trying to help clean up in the aftermath. Blood soaked up from the floor and table, gathering used cloth to wash the next day, putting up the unused herbs and taking care of the fire, but nothing she felt would get her such accolades. Well, something a simple as a pat on the head and a 'good job' anywho. She'd just been doing her own job to save a life, and it had been Miss Calra herself to really do the major work. All she'd done was support, which was something she was glad to have been able to do at the very least.

Yet her teacher seemed to be in good spirits, and it was enough to ultimately put a small smile of gratitude on Nylah's face at the time.

Simply to watch Calra work had been something she'd admittedly done a lot more of than she'd expected, all as she'd primarily gone about making the potions and poultices and such things to provide as best as she could. Stitches. Bone setting. The exposed muscles and tissues and any kind of organs that could be seen from where the Mothraki had worked. Like she couldn't totally look away...or perhaps didn't want to. She wanted to learn more, and this in part was true for why she'd been looking, but likewise she'd felt like keeping an eye on the injured oni still too. Out of habit. Instinct. Care. Haruno had been her patient to stabilize and get here, and it was a miracle she'd been able to.

It had made her think back to those days she'd been first learning all of this, and the first sight of blood and viscera of even some small kind. She'd nearly fainted on the spot! But she'd gotten better. And better. And better at seeing it and working around it at least. Learning to focus when it came into the picture, and to keep her mind on the tasks. Or, well, perhaps in reality 'numbed' was the particular word that described her adjustment process thus far into her learning. Desensitized, but not ignorant or uncaring by any means. If that made any lick of sense.

Safe to say she'd been happy to head home, the caress of the moonlight on her skin a reminder of the peculiar situation she had with the moon goddess herself. She could see this display and these things, and even a tiny goddess she could interact with in her head! It was crazy, like madness, and yet it was real and something she only knew about her own situation of having to deal with. Were there others? She had no idea. Yet was that not fitting in the end somehow? A mystery, shrouded in moonlight in that little regard when it came to the whole span of things.

Whatever was to come, she had gotten home as soon as she could to finish caring for her mother. Sleep was good, but to reduce the fever and such using a small humble bit of the leftover herbs was mandatory in her mind. Ensure a cool cloth was nearby. Make sure she was as comfortable as possible. Wait until she fell asleep before Nylah herself went to bed. In short, the nightly ritual ever since mother had fallen ill.

One more day. Please. Keep hanging on until she...until she could find the solution for this. For this illness. For all of this stupid mess!

This was the only parent she had ever known, for better or for worse, and she loved her dearly. She didn't want to lose her, nor would trade her for that matter, for anything in this world that she could imagine or dream of.




Wood. Food. Enough to get them through the next few weeks at least. And a plan to take care of the fishing issue? Perhaps that would even more so help the food matter, though at least that giant chameleon hadn't been a waste of an experience after all. Maybe.

Even though seeing the meat-removed remains the next day had left the Mothraki feeling uneasy anywhere near the tongue of the thing. Felt like it was going to shoot out and eat a moth salad at any second! But she'd wanted to collect some poison from it in a few vials to keep with her, and that was what she'd gone out to do the next day after getting up especially early.

Not a pretty sight to watch it get butchered, but she'd seen that sort of things before with her mother.

And beyond taking care of her mother, and heading over each day to check in on and try to help Haruno, she'd tried some lesser excursions to replenish her own herb and poultice and potion supplies. She'd given all she'd had at first to Miss Carla, but with time and some patience she'd at least been able to get a personal stock back up. Just barely enough though.

But today? She had an idea, but first...


The light hammer of justice would come down toward Vammy's head from behind once more, sound and fury erupting from the silence as it brought a hopeful end to the waist grab. It had become a habit of trying to improve sneaking up on the strange girl in service of saving Lazhira. Almost like a game, even if Nylah herself did not find it openly funny.

"Give her room the breathe, you lecher!"

With a simple but visible 'humph', the Mothraki would look to her childhood friend with a smiling face despite the small amount of concern easily read in Nylah's eyes otherwise. She would gently take the other girl's hands into her own for a moment.

"Don't listen to her, Lazhira. If anything is troubling you, we can talk later if you'd like! Same spot we used to go, like always."

Nylah spoke as reassuringly as she could, if nothing else.

She couldn't just let a friend look troubled and not offer help, not when she seemed so concerned over something or troubled. She could tell after all these years when Lazhira had something on her mind well enough. But she didn't want to force herself either. Whatever the case would be though, whether she would get a response or not, the Mothraki would eventually bid Lazhira a friendly 'farewell' before heading to her next target. She had serious business, and it was not going to be easy to say perhaps.

Not that she'd get to talk to Enli before he seemed to get dragged off by Atzi. The same Atzi she'd shouted at after seeing her with only one arm now! What in the world had happened?! She had no idea, and any chances to talk in-between had been taken up with so many things going on in general. It was frustrating, to sum it up in one word. But watching the dragging-away did make her stop and raise an eyebrow to say the very least.

Nylah would keep an eye out for Lissa, though ultimately would head on over to where Haruno and Calra were before standing next to them. Her eyes glanced again over the bandages and other wounded parts she could see of the oni, carefully so, her brows furrowing for a moment before she spoke:

"I know Miss Calra is helping you as well, but...please, please be careful."

She tried to put a hand on the oni's shoulder for a moment, touch as worried as her face was notably concerned. Even so, Nylah did hesitate for a moment. Like she was trying to formulate words in her head, but was afraid to say it. The right words? No idea if they would be that. But she had something she wanted to ask regardless. That much was visible and apparent about her as well.

"I want to ask you something, but if you don't wish to tell me then I will respect this. I do not wish to bring up anything you are not comfortable with.

However....could you tell me anything about the situation at Mie's camp when you left? Injured persons, supplies, umm, if the Yaga and Krysa said anything useful. Anything that might help give us more of an idea in detail."

Anything that could make a potential rescue that much more viable. How long they might last, how bad the pressure from the attackers was, how much medicine might be needed to help the wounded. Things like that. It was a desperate stab into the dark, but if they could learn something, anything useful at all, maybe it would create an opening to help somehow.

She'd already thought about bottling containers of her own scale dust, but trying something alone would not be a good plan either. Lissa she knew had been out to help with her before, but even then after the incident with the chameleon...ugh. She was trying to think of something. Anything to help after something else had gotten her thinking.

The moon goddess is watching a rat, a fox, and a hound chase each other in circles.
Tiny Moon Goddess

If all else failed, all she'd have left to try to do alone would be talking to Akala and seeing what a magic user like herself could do.

Things were going on beyond this, she could tell. So much to do, so little time, and she was only one person. The best she had was light magic and herbalism on her side, among any other things she could try to learn maybe to help the village. Even Lazhira seemed troubled, one of her best friends, and she wasn't sure if she could do anything to help.

But focus on the next task. Get the next thing done. Yes. This would work, as it was all she could do somewhat.

@Rune_Alchemist (And @ERode secondarily just because of a small Atzi mention in the post)


As Nylah watched Haruno be undressed, the sheer extent of her wounds beyond what she'd been able to see made the Mothraki's bite her lip nervously as she worked to make the anesthetics and as many salves and healing potions as she could. Her hands would become sore just trying to grind some things down in the first place, not to mention the drain from pushing her magic so far and so fast to get back to the village. And yet her own ache felt somewhat secondary, the focus shifting to the injured oni on the table. Just what had happened to her? What events had sent her into a battle, against animals, and then running all the way to Dawn?

She had no clue, but she hoped to be able to ask the oni girl later at the very least. But for now? She had to keep working.

Wait, how many herbs had she just gone about crushing? No, wait, that was likely enough. Yes.

Ok, put them in the fresh water as the base. Good-


A small, quiet peep from the Mothraki came out as she nearly dropped the herbs she crushed so far.

No, don't fumble-fingers! Almost lost some of her ground up herbs Thanks the gods she hadn't been near the fire-

"When you set your mind to something, you need to focus. See what you are doing, but don't become blind. Control your breathing, and let your hands do the work."

...Yes. That was right. Just like mother had told her when practicing. Similar to what Miss Calra had told her when training in this in prior days. Don't let the other thoughts of what happened get to her. This was what she needed to do, and someone's life was on the line. Yes.

Breathe. Controlled. In. Out.

Get some of the crushed herbs mixed with the water, and get that water over the fire to boil into a broth. Remember how long it took to make a salve while the water is boiling over the fire. Get more of the crushed herbs she had and grind it into a paste without the water. Keep an eye on the fire, let the water turn the right color for the broth. Good.

Bit by bit, Nylah would make the medicine she best she could for Miss Calra. Indeed she seemed to gradually become more focused. Serious. Calm. Just like she was back in the woods trying to help Haruno stabilize to get back to the village again.

If she wanted to help her mother, if she wanted to make her better again, she had to do these things to her best ability. No matter what.



Date/Time: November 11th, 2022. 6-something PM.

Location(s): Redline PRT Headquarters

Redline PRT Headquarters, her destination...finally!

Whilst the paperwork issue had not stalled her much, thankfully, traffic had been another matter altogether when she'd been inside of the taxi. The trip had been long, the time she had short, but to pass the time and avoid getting too antsy she'd begun to try to talk to her driver. An older, easygoing, friendly, and even-tempered gentleman who was rather familiar with Redline named Gus. His grandkids were going to be visiting for Thanksgiving, and coming back for Christmas later in December. He'd been driving taxis for over forty years, and hadn't left it since he enjoyed the stories and conversations he could have with those he was driving around. Wife had died fifteen years ago from a form of throat cancer due to her smoking habit, and it was enough to get him to kick it for good himself in the aftermath.

By the time they had rolled up to the PRT Building, she'd found herself enjoying talking to the older man. Yet with the sight of the building and the taxi pulling over to drop her off, Eleanore found heart racing as she looked over to the taxi's clock. She was late! Not too late, but very late anyway!

"Thank you, Mr. Gus, but I must be leaving now! I'm late!"

The elderly man simply tipped his flatcap at her in return with a knowing smile as she hastily got out of the taxi cab, her bag with her mask in it in her right hand, and rushed toward the building. Her prosthetic leg would make its usual 'click clack' as she hurried along, almost overlooking the relatively imposing and grand stature of it before she ran in to the reception desk. What was that phrase agai-...ah.

"I'm a victim of crime. I'm here to complain that your mom has been hypnotized by the League of Door to Door Salesmen into planking in the post office!"

The receptionist sighed for a second in response, but silently motioned for her to go on in deeper into the building. Her eyes could likewise catch a glance of a boy heading deeper in as well. Ah. She wasn't the only one to arrive like this, was she?

Eleanore lightly grimaced for a moment, before giving an appreciative but quick nod to the receptionist.

"Thank you, mam! And sorry!"

With that, she could take off running down the hall after what actually seemed to be...two boys?!


Arriving with a smaller delay after Lito would enter the room, Eleanore would find herself amidst the throng of other Wards. The girl then reached to pull out her mask, holding it in her hand, before looking about at the others. Apparently they were already both in-costume and not. Wait, was that power armor? Was that also a floating blade in the air for a moment there? Things were also getting a bit crowded as well from her angle of things as well. That and she boy she'd followed seemed to be shrinking away some and rubbing his wrists.

She would, however, at least speak aloud to the room to make her presence properly known.

"Apologies for being late, the traffic kept my taxi from getting here quite on time..."

It's Dangerous To Go Alone, Take Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis!

The shield had been a good idea. Lissa jumping off to defend had been a good idea. Slowing down with someone who was bleeding out on the stretcher below was not good, however, and as much as part of the Mothraki wanted to stay back to help she had to move the patient. Then the Giant Enemy Chameleon could be returned to. Maybe. Hopefully. Maybe it would not eat up some people. Or hit them with...the...gunk...oh hell. This was not a good situation. Not good at all. First the thing had snatched up wolves, maybe even deer earlier, with its tongue. Now it was approaching the village. And Lissa was fighting it. And any hunters around were fighting it sooner or later. And people running and shouting.

Oh No Oh nonononono.

The Mothraki would send the shield flying back like a projectile, attempting to send the small light shield off toward but not to hit Lissa so the TotallyNotA!Raam could pick up. It even a had a little proper handle to hold, for what it was worth. However, Nylah did not exactly stop the stretcher to do this. Thus as she sped along Lissa and the hunters would hear her voice calling back as she rapidly moved over the ground in direction of where Miss Carla was supposed to be (Enli's hut, where people were being treated).


The stretcher would continue at full speed, the Mothraki having returned full focus to the matter as she pushed herself. Adrenaline and such coursed hard through her veins, and she could frankly almost hear her heart thumping in her ears. But it didn't matter. She had to get her charge to safety before she bled out. She had to.

Thus she would aim to arrive as soon as she could, so she could shout for Miss Carla to get help for the patient. Also to deliver the herbs she had...crap Lissa had the rest as well. Ok. Drop of the patient and herbs she had collected, and then return to the battle as soon as possible. Yup. Totally a good plan.

...It was also the only plan she had at the moment as well.

All else the Mothraki could do was pray again, hard, in her mind that Haruno would be kept alive to get the care she needed to live and survive. It was no formal prayer, mostly just being a desperate plea spat out from the Mothraki's mind as she desperately sought to get to her destination and calm down. Something to help occupy her mind for the most part, which would likely would not get an answer like last time.

Come on. Just enough to get medical care for Haruno to keep her alive and recovering that way, enough so she could hopefully turn around to help the others.



@Click This@Rune_Alchemist



If I need to fix anything, just say the word! At the very least I think I have the formatting right if nothing else. Hopefully the app does not disappoint though. :P

“Gaaah…! Nylah! Stop provoking it!”
One Smol Raam Ally

"How am I supposed to know it isn't coming for us next anyway! Both of you hang oooooooooooonnnnnnnnn!!!"

No time to use magic. No way to hold some kind of weapon. Looking back for a second allowed her to see the glimpse of the giant...lizard?! Chameleon??? Whatever it was, the image of how it looked was burned into her mind by the raw panic. Truly a visage of predatory death it was. With all of this in mind, the Mothraki in her desperation began to emit as much of her species' {Enthralling Dust} as she could, even shaking her wings along the way to kick off as much as she could. This whilst clinging to the stretcher for dear life as she looked forward and it zoomed like a blazing hot rocket across the terrain and toward the village. She would push herself to the bone to make this thing zoom faster than the gods themselves if she had to.

The {Enthralling Dust} would hopefully help the problem, rather than make it worse. Then again, shouting something else in desperation was also a thing, as she would do in the following seconds-

"Oh gods of this world, please help us move faster so we don't dieeeeeeee!!!"

Was there a deity over winter snow? Or maybe a death deity would help, that'd be nice to give a prayer of thanks for later. Maybe Delphiti would help expedite their journey in safety, as that would perhaps be amusing for her? Nylah had no idea, and didn't expect the loud and desperate call out for help to do anything. Then again, the gods were fickle and could do a lot of things for amusement or whatever. Or simply not do anything at all.

Either way the hope to not get eaten and maybe drug up the pursuer was high as Nylah continued to push her magic and self to the furthest extent to keep the stretcher safely zooming along at mach speeds.

@Click This@Rune_Alchemist

@LostDestiny Thanks! :D

Edit: Sent the PM here on the guild! Whew.
@canaryrose Gotcha! But wait...how do I contact Mintz over DM there like I was asked to do? @_@
<Snipped quote by Crusader Lord>

Glad to hear it! Yeah, if you'd like to talk more in-depth on the matter, feel free to get with me on Discord via DM; me and my Co-DMs could help you iron out a solid concept. And I'm happy to hear you're interested, more the merrier! lol


Got a link to the Discord? Am browsing through the tabs to look for a link, but asking just in case. (@_@)
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