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***Been digging a bit too much into history to try to think up something fun for a noble character with a backstory from Scandinavia, whether it be Sweden, a modern Kalmar Union type thing, or Norway or Denmark or otherwise. Maybe a bit too much digging into history and 'famous noble families' and such things thus far, but I can say the somewhat lengthy gist of what I'm working on for an idea for a noble at least:

"A young scion, a sickly prince or higher noble, with pale hair and pale skin. Often has to walk with a cane, or deals with a slight hunchback, or is just weak and sickly in general because that'd be easier to find a picture for 'maybe' (Note: It isn't, somehow, for me at least.).

He is either the bearer of a large number of curses, or a familial curse, and this all ties back to actions his ancestors took during the 'Christianization of Scandinavia' basically. Killed or did some notably bad things to worshippers of the 'Old Gods', and it led to a strange event where either an angry magic user of old blood (or strange man with one eye who was never seen or heard from again) placed a curse upon them for their actions in the end. A curse that bound the grudges, pain, ache, fury, and so forth of those slain and suffering due to those ancestors to the bloodline, and that it would afflict them every single generation.

Being nobles, the family can't just let themselves die off, but the curse does end up having certain conditions and a deceptive simplicity in its wording that means just 'adopting' isn't going to get around it either. Thus, of course, this character is born the latest in the bloodline to inherit the curse as the one of his parents' children to do so.

From here? It depends on how the family has handled it as to how his life might have been thus far. If they care about him, or have just been using him to 'contain' the curse in a cruel sense of self-preservation. Etc.

Personality-wise? He is intended to be a stoic, as well as generally polite and cordial and formal enough in social situations, person who has learned to handle a lot of pain and matured more in some sense at least due to the suffering of his own life. A sort who looked in the mirror at home, or wherever he was living at a family estate of sorts, and saw the 'visage of a corpse' due to his health struggles in life thus far, and became stoic and grim a bit pessimistic due to this and with regards to how he carries himself. At the same time, he is someone who values honesty and straightfowardness over flowery language, proper action and merit over mere empty words and flashy titles, and is a genuinely kind-hearted person who seeks to be genuinely considerate of those he cares about and for. As a student he is superb, noted as a 'young child genius' from a young age by his prior educators as his innatue sense of curiosity and superb personal diligence/industriousness were honed incredibly in compensation for his weak body and overall sickly health status. A young scholar and mage of a noble, one who gleaned some particular magical skill to the point of being a 'veritable savant' in this specific area by the time he goes to the Academy....and overall has better mental skills than physical ones for certain.

Certainly a fair share of weaknesses, physical mostly but also mental naturally, but still a standout student who could've gotten a scholarship there perhaps if the Academy had such a thing. "

***Meanwhile, for a knight character? Not as much research done into that as of yet, but I have some basic concepts in mind for one. In either case of the two concepts, though, it is a female knight of sorts. So with that in mind:

"The first of the concepts is a knight who is German, and her family is a wealthy and knightly-blooded family of lower nobility who became powerful over time. They became powerful by taking the folklore concept of a "Freishutz" of legend, and originally used to control the production of magical bullets for earlier firearms. Politically they tried to keep 'neutral' to maximize business, but always sought to be amicable with the ruling party of Germany/HRE as well. However, going into modern times, and as firearms and bullet changed to mass production, they had to water down their 'original product' to a mass-producible yet still-quality enchanted product. They also became more 'modern' in some ways, but the fact they've survived and become a 'quiality german producer' among the nobility I feel would be a cool background.

The second of the two concepts is someone who is either Portugese (maybe with tarot magic or something else), or is French (maybe knowing some cool alchemy or such? hmmm)."
<Snipped quote by Crusader Lord>

Like the one here?

To be honest, I had only đŸșDeutschlandđŸș in mind when I was designing Millie, any other territories that's not part of Modern Germany is extra fluff lol

Yes, that was the sort of map I was looking at actually. Though.....that makes sense. Okay maybe I'm overthinking this a little bit. Maybe.

The reason I had the idea I had was because I thought there was like a full-on HRE that made it to modern day or something. Definitely am overthinking again on my end then. So I am definitely going to rethink this now, and find something else then. XD

Thanks for the clarification! And sorry for the sudden ping there.

Also Millie is 10/10 cool, tbh!

I had a bit of a think, and came to the idea that child from the ruling family of the Swedish Empire would be very cool to have exist in this world of the RP potentially. Albeit it would need some slight border reduction and adjustments, mostly because the HRE is a thing and they had slightly overlapping territory in a couple spots based on what maps I looked at. Albeit This would also affect if anyone was attempting to play a Russian or someone from the baltics.

Wanted to tag y'all because I wanted to both ask but also paying anyone I'm aware of currently that is relevant to that thought.

Worst case scenario I figure I get told no. Which is fine. Just want to run things by here to be sure! :D
It also the school that has Vicious Mockery, so Millie can - literally - insult someone to death. Just makes her scolding (or staring at) you a tad bit deadlier than others.

Tfw she gets fed up with a lazy project partner in one of her classes, only for them to drop on the spot after a ten minute verbal lashing from her. Only the diligent shall survive! bad group project members beware!

(I jest, i jest)
<Snipped quote by The Savant>

Home for the day so I likely won't look at this in depth until tomorrow but wanted to let you know as it my immediate concern. The skills are mostly expert or master, which I absolutely expect from a 4th year or teacher, but not something I expect from a 1st year. I would say he can have max skills at journey but no higher currently. Unless there are extenuating circumstances. A character who is already a master or expert at something has no where to improve. I'd consider looking at that again.

I do like the talent, but I'll look at that in more depth tomorrow and might have more feedback at that point.

@Crusader Lord

Glad to have you!

Thank you! Time to do some research on Sweden (or the Dutch alternatively), if it did anything during the American Revolution, and a little Norse Mythology or the like. That and try to dig up a good picture for a 'frail pale noble boy' perhaps.
Oh? Magic? An Academy? Nobles and knights? Royals? Shenanigans of a sort?

Call me interested! :O
Knossos Dreamwalker

Destination: The Hold of Clan Buraq

As the older occultist walked along toward the entrance gates of the city, the little wisp of fire returned to him in seemingly a flash. Turning a brief glance to it, before his eyes returned to the road ahead, the little wisp of fire began to recall to him the return message from Athulwin. While the monk was not seemingly too happy about things, at least to his ears, the little daemonic fire at least had done its job talking. Hmm. He did need to have a more consistent messenger or two he could summon, maybe something the monk wasn't as uncomfortable with? Eh. There was no changing the past, as it were, but later he'd have to ask if nothing else. Give a small list of ideas.

But the wisp seemed a tad frustrated in and of itself still, and after a small puff of smoke and a demand to 'go back home' the occultist would give a wave of his hand. As a result, the wisp would disappear, sent back to its 'home' and no longer running his errands. Better to end things there than risk it trying to go off and set something on fire....though as its summoner he had authority over it in this case. More importantly, however, was the message it had brought back.

Return to Knossos, [and] tell him that he should whisper into the desert wind when he wishes to speak to his Navigator, instead of sending an unholy thing. And... yes, tell him that I said we should keep on eye, magical or mundane, on the more naĂŻve of the Caravan. There are some who have good intentions but too much passion.

Hmm. The two of them had been having the same sort of concern, perhaps, but the occultist would stretch his arms for a second as he tried to mentally gear himself to keep such an eye out. He'd be looking into his own business, but he'd keep eyes and ears out while their resident Navigator sat collecting the usual dust he supposed. Or in this case would it be being buried in sands? Ah, at least they weren't out in proper sand dunes and the like. Nasty things for first-timers to face, those, and he knew that from firsthand experience to boot. Nothing against Athulwin in the end of course, he did his job well. He also did good to send word to them of things farther back in the caravan along the way to boot. Made for some good company at times, even, around the campfire or during dinnertime.

Sometimes, though, the monk just seemed ever so 'tired' to the occultist. Like something more than physical strength was being drained from him. Could see it in his eyes, just about, but only due to his own experience in the field of curses and such ilk. Did this draining have to do with the darker magics seemingly afflicting him? Perhaps, if not most likely so according to his own gut instincts, but he wasn't about to pry either unless Athulwin came to him about the matter for some odd reason.

But what would be better to send a rep-....ah. Aha! That would be a perfect choice in this instance. At least since he wasn't too close to the city gates yet.

Weaving his hands in a peculiar and almost circular pattern, a small chant was mumbled off of the human's lips for a moment. Something that didn't quite sound like it was a real language, or at least aything 'civilized' with regards to many areas he'd been to before, but which made sense in the place it had come from. A nice little backwater, where he'd assisted some local tribes with a couple of cursed items they'd been tricked with in trade in return for learning more about them. A splendid time after all the de-cursing and such was said and done, but some of that knowledge had given him more tools in his 'belt' as it were.

In a light puff of smoke, a small floating mask appeared about two feet from his face. Several colorful feathers were stuck in the top of it, and its mouth was large and its teeth even somewhat imposing. While the things used to make its 'face' overall were a bit odd, though, it happily grinned wide at him as it seemed to bounce a little in place in the air.

"Ey dere, squiddy' mahn! Whatcha doin' in dese' parts?"

....Why had the spirit chosen that as a nickname for him, of all things? It was more natural than anything, akin to conjuring some little nature spirit with a bit of a twist. Or well, it was a sort of local spirit that possessed a mask offered to it that it had also made into its body. A cheerful minor being, he had to admit, always one for the positives and jokes despite whatever circumstances were going on.

[color=B0C4DE]"Er...let's not use that nickname around here please, Kua. I just need you to return to Athulwin and tell him I'll be seeking work in the city after speaking with Gadri soon. Barring that, I'll make sure to keep an eye and ear out for any trouble caused by members of the caravan here.

Once that's done, you're free to remain back at the Caravan for a bit or just return home if you'd like.

"No problem dere' boss man! Kua be' doin' his thing, den', before headin' home after a wee' little look-around da' place, eh?"

Giving him a joking wink with the mask's left eye orb, the spirit wouldn't stick around as he went off to deliver his message to Athulwin. Or, well, as the spirit had nicknamed the monk: "De Grumpy Boi". Albeit he'd only brought this spirit out in the Caravan once before, but bound to the wind this spirit was certianly closer to what the other man had 'requested' than the prior messenger. It would, though, be the first time the spirit would approach the Navigator. But Kua was a good spirit, jovial sort of compatriot, and frankly good for telling stories around camp fires should one need. All just as much as he was a lesser guardian spirit of sorts too really.

Wasn't as if he could summon the desert spirits of a certain people he'd run into in the past. Yet safe to say that bit of the past was before joining the Caravan. Which was to say, in short, that it wasn't a place he'd normally deign to return to by going 'out of the way' for it. Not unless the Caravan was already going to the place would he return there, and there he'd simply try to peddle his services as usual. Nothing too strange there, albeit cetain magic he'd have to keep especially discreet if the scars of that 'event' were likely still affecting the area. Ugh.

Still, with his last response sent the occultist would continue on his way with haste in his step.




It wouldn't be too long before the magic user would manage to catch up with the others. Well, Gadri and whoever else had still decided to linger around before setting off into the city. It was enough to get the older man to visually scan the faces he knew there, though, to see if anyone was showing signs of potentially making trouble. Still, without skipping too much of a beat Knossos would approach the peculiar but welcome presence of the Caravan blacksmith that was Gadri. A peculiar species, but he'd yet to get a good chance to talk to them about things and the Dinnin and so forth more. A lot he'd yet to get to like that from time to time, really, due to business or other things going on in the Caravan and its destinations.

"Gadri! Apologies if I am interrupting anything, but I just need a moment of your time. I was hoping to ask you a couple of things about this area, if I may, as I am to understand you are from these parts. Though what I wish to ask mostly amounts to 'what should I not do here' and if there's any locations I might be able to drum up some business or assist anyone around here...if possible.

Barring any of that not working out, just in case, I'd be curious if there's any good places to visit here, food to try, or the like you can think of to occupy my time otherwise admittedly."

A soft smile of mild excitement was on the older man's face, even if not very beaming and bright. Hard to be with some of the things he and others had seen on the way in, but he was hoping to make the best of the situation and where they were if nothing else. What was he going to do, be the one to cause trouble this time? Heavens forbid that day ever came!

Apes! Apes!


I was inspired by this, and thus wrote the following based on the first bit of a Les Miserables song:

"Do you hear the monkeys sing?
Singing the song of angry apes?
It is the music of the people
With the minds of dead hu-mans!

When the beating of your chest
Echoes the beating of war drums
There is a conflict that will start
When tomorrow comes!"

Clarissa Ryte

Wailord's Rest Cafe, Industrial District, Byjerfal City -> Old Toy Factory, Industrial District, Byjerfal City

(Urban Exploration)

Well, good job on that win there, Missy!” Beryl said as Clarissa would return to her table. The food was still fresh and hot, and Wobby would give a friendly salute and his usual Wobbufet. “Them bettin folk sure are happy. Not every day the Gym Leader fights and not every day someone can beat ‘em so easily. Granted, that matchup was pretty poor once that fightin’ move came out, eh?” Beryl grinned, giving Clarissa a wink. “You need anything else, lemme or Wobby here know. I gotta get back to the kitchen.”

"T-Thank you. Yes, that move is quite handy to have. In that sense we perhaps were a bit lucky I believe."

She didn't want to be cocky in word, even if her face was back to its usual drilled stoicism, but it was a bit lucky they'd faced an opponent so badly weak to fighting moves. Not that she felt the most comfortable accepting any sort of praise really. Even then, however, it wasn't a guarantee that they'd have won anyway with a supereffective move. Their opponent could have been just as prepared! Yet how one of Sir Lopsalot's parents had learned such a movie she had no idea....perhaps a Pokemon released by a trainer somewhere? Either way it had served them well in this instance, and for that she was grateful.

Sir Lopsalot, for his part, would simply keep smiling big like an idiot as he sat in his trainer's arms while she sat down once more at the table. He had taken a bit of a beating, that was sure, but he'd come out on top! That was far from what he'd expected, perhaps, but he ws happy all the same! Still....mmm, hot food~


Clarissa looked down as the Buneary in her arms tugged at her shirt collar before pointing to the food in front of them.

[color=violet]"Ah. We can eat, but before we leave I must apply one of the Potions the Professor gave me to heal you back up."


"Yes, its nessecary. We still have to go hunting after those Murkrow, after all."

"Bun...Bun Bun."

With a sigh of defeat, the Buneary crossed his little arms and tried to look away. But the tone of his voice seemed to say it all really, at least in Clarissa's mind, before she looked back to Ripley. Hmm. It had been a fast battle, but it had felt like ages since the two had spoken despite it being such a short time period. Odd. Even so, she did want to make sure of things before they went onward.

"Thank you for your patience, Ripley. I hope we haven't waste too much time....but once we eat, I hope we can catch up to those Murkrow before it gets too late in the day.

Once it gets late enough, though, I will have to head to the Contest. Likely have to stay the night at the nearest Pokemon Center really. But if you'd be willing to meet me there after the Contest, then I-....it'd be nice to keep traveling in a group, I mean."

If he still wanted to keep on traveling with her, then she was open to it. But if he came to have other ideas, well, then she'd have to make do. Or, if nothing else, see if one of the other trainers wanted to group up if they were still in Byjerfal by then. Hmm. There would be time to think on those things later, especially since she had to steel herself for enduring that Contest and the aftermath.

As for now-

~rumble rumble~


~Not Too Much Time Later~

The rest of the meal would pass without incident, and there wasn’t much else to do in the cafe unless she wanted to go bother what was said to be someone that worked for Keira. Maybe taking a bet could be a good idea? Probably not, really though. Either way, once she finished her meal she and Riley should he want to, could easily head back out. It was getting a bit on in the day, so finding the Murkrow likely wouldn’t be much harder, though they’d still need to keep Beryls words in mind - nesting on the roof of a nearby old toy factory.

Should be fine to go poking around there.

Indeed, Clarissa and Sir Lopsalot would eat up, take the time to apply a potion to the battle-roughed Sir Lopsalot, and then try to see if they could get any further instructions on how to get to that 'old toy factory' that Beryl had mentioned if the other woman knew anything before heading out. The meal itself had been lovely, to say the least, but had been more filling and frankly heartier than Clarissa had expected for the most part. Perhaps that was good, however, considering the time they'd be busy for the rest of the day anywho. Murkrow, the contest, the afterward, and then trying to get some rest at the nearest Pokemon Center (big cities might have more than one, right?) before tentatively leaving the city the next day to continue onward.

Still, were Ripley willing to still come along and help find the Murkrow still, then he was very much welcome too. Even so, Clarissa had made clear she didn't want to rush him and his Pokemon getting to enjoy their own meal either. If he still wanted to join up with them as a group as well, then she had made clear that if he needed he could catch up with her and Sir Lopsalot at the nearest Pokemon Center they'd try to settle down at for the night. Herself and Sir Lopsalot had eaten quite a good bit faster than she'd anticipared in the end,really, albeit they had both been a tad ravenous and genuinely hungry as well.

However, feeling a bit embarassed about the situation she had elected to at least temporarily 'go ahead' to seek out the Murkrow in time to catch a good one before the Contest. It was an odd thing, but Sir Lopsalot had at least gone along with it in the end. Well, her Pokemon had gone along with it after a final goodbye salute to Wobby for some reason. Such an adamantly odd little Pokemon he could be at times....but that was her partner in a nutshell really. And it was something perhaps a bit endearing, in the psychic's own mind, about him to boot.

Still, the duo would do their best to get directions and seek out the factory. They had no time to lose! It was time to catch a Murkrow!

Clarissa Ryte

Wailord's Rest Cafe, Industrial District, Byjerfal City

(Urban Exploration)

As the small steel type barreled towards the Buneary, it’d raise a sharpened claw. Sir Lopsalot would bounce again, and raise its little fist right towards the Aron. Arons claws met Lopsalots torso. Lopsalots fist met Aron’s face.

Sir Lopsalot fell to a knee as the force of the punch caused Aron to skid across the floor.

A moment of silence fell over the crowd as they looked on.

Clarissa held her breath for a moment as she watched on, doing so without even taking notice, as she watched on while silence came over the crowd of sailors and spectators. A simultaneous exchange of blows, a notable impact, and an event that could take them out either way perhaps. Sir Lopsalot just had to hold on a bit longer....she could feel the emotion without even having to read Sir Lopsalot's mind. The palpable tension. The grit as he dug for what strength he had left.


Aron tried to stand once more, but found its legs unable to support itself. Sir Lopsalot would just barely manage to stand.

This was followed by a cheer, and a hearty laugh from Tuule.

“Well now, ain’t that something
” He’d chuckle, recalling Aron to the pokebally.


A victoriously joyful cry from the little Buneary came out, though rather than some kind of brag he seemed to be more just plain excited than anything else. Albeit he was still tired all the same, and it was easy to tell by him still barely being able to stand.

Looking into the mind of her Pokemon, though, Clarissa could feel a sense of grateful relief wash over the Buneary at the same time as the wave of excitement came over him as well. It was bizarre, and yet she didn't feel it was too bizarre because....she somewhat felt the same. The wave of mostly relief washing over her mind, the mild excitement she was trying to hold back as she walked over to Sir Lopsalot and picked up him again in her arms, and even a tiny bit of something else trying to meagerly pop into her thoughts...pride? Pride in her Pokemon partner, at least, if nothing else. But she? She had done little of the work compared to her Pokemon really.

Win or lose, though, it had been their first battle...and while she had tried to brace for a potential loss, instead they'd gained a hard-fought victory! The psychic's face would breifly shift as a small smile came to grace her lips, even if just for a brief bit, though she would soon try to reassert control back into her usual stoic front as soon as she would take notice of what she was doing eventually. Still, Tuule seemed to be approaching her now, and she didn't want to, er, seem like she was bragging or anything either. Or too overly e-excited either really...

“Gahaha, good work lass. That little bunny of yours is a tough fella.” He’d walk over, offering a hand for her to shake. “Too bad that wasn’t an official match or you’d have yourself a nice little new badge for your troubles, heh.

Clarissa paused for a moment at the offered handshake, her back lightly tensing up, though ultimately would extend one of her hands to shake Tuule's back. Not the most confident handshake despite her and Sir Lopsalot's bare win, admittedly, yet it was firm enough as she tried to be professional about things as best as she could. Not that she wasn't having to devote some energy to containing herself a little bit even so. Heh.

"Thank you, but truly I give most of the credit to Sir Lopsalot here. He's a hard worker for sure....and I'm very proud of him," the psychic would somewhat shakily admit as she looked down for a second, lightly squeezing the sore but happy Buneary closer to her for a moment as Sir Lopsalot smiled as big as he could back at her like a big goofy idiot despite it all, before looking back up as Tuule, [color]"As for an official match with you, I look forward to it one day! Though admittedly we've only just begun our journey today."[/color]


*rumble rumble*

A breif flush of embarrassed red and pink came to the girl's cheeks for a moment.

Oh. Right. She had been waiting for food before the battle, and they did still need to get to those troublesome Murkrow! She wanted to catch one, she hoped, and likewise Sir Lopsalot had seemed to want to fight them more since they'd learned of Wobby's poor tale of being bullied by them-...ah. Wait, that last part she'd mistakenkly picked up among his more recent 'thoughts' when looking into his mind to see how he felt. But still, they had to strike while they had daylight! Then she had to be at the contest, then linger afterward, before hopefully reuniting with her compatriot to leave the city the next day. Hopefully.

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