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??? — Mosslit Cavern

No tripwires. No pressure plates. Noooooo problem~! Jase's blade had made light enough work of opening the chest proper, which seemed to not be trapped despite her and the man opening it standing there in front of it at the time. All in all, it was not a bad call to be safe....but yeah it had been a bit too much in this instance. Probably. However, what was inside of the chest was something that gave her gut instincts some sort of prodding. That much she knew.

Upon further inspection, the box would appear to have a flute carved of a white-green stone of some sort and left covered in a soft fur pelt of some variety.

The nature of either object was still unknown, of course, but inspecting the interior of the box would make it clear that there was no sort of trick, magical or otherwise, lying in wait.

The knight gingerly put the moss in her hand on the ground, set her sword and shield on the ground, and then gently used her hands to pick up the jade-looking flute in the chest and the soft fur pelt it was nestled inside of. She brought it closer to her shadowed face for inspection, curiously trying to look the item over. It was in a old cavern room, in an old chest, and in some sort of good shape while having been wrapped in a pelt. A religious item, perhaps? Or maybe one of a set of macguffins to cause the end of the world. Either way, she was going to keep the thing close as a 'just in case' in the same way odd items picked up early in some JRPG might end up useful later. Or such was her philosophy about the matter.

Better safe and hoarding than sorry. Or was that the sort of mindset leading to becoming a dragon? Eh, either way~!

"This screams of 'macguffin to end or save the world', or at least something thought well enough of to hide all the way back here."

The slime girl knight would then attempt to open her status, or inventory, or something of the sort. See if there were options to 'put item in inventory' or something, if she could, to magic it out of her hands and into some safe storage spot. It wasn't too farfetched to attempt, right? Plus even if it didn't work, maybe-....well, she'd have to check her info and see if it could be hidden away inside of her or something? Maybe. But also eww. Still, if she was a slime, then couldn't slimes hold something inside of their body for safekeeping perhaps? Eh? Or not? At least in such case she could keep the flute itself safe, and the fur could be a nice cape for now to boot.

Barring the prior two ideas not working in sucession, if it came too that, Nyana woould at least try to tuck away the bundle on her person for safekeeping or something. Then she'd be able to pick up her sword and shield again if nothing else. Though it did remind her of playing flute in high school....hmm. Anywhosies, that was that unless something happend otherwise~

"Alright, the mystery item is at least in our possession. If anyone else wants to grab that moss I put down, we can start trying to find another path to get us out of here. Well, do all of that carefully unless we want to get ganked or stuck in a pit trap or something at the start here.

I'll walk at the front too regardless, though, since I've got some decent starting defenses it seems."

Her tone generally seemed to go into what she'd call 'gamer mode', though to her it felt more natural than the panic of not long ago. Not that said panic was wholly gone or something, but hey having something to focus on and using familiar terms and things would certainly be preferrable to nothing, right? Right! Like totally! All she needed right now was a cold drink, her favorite tank and shorts on, and her streaming setup for a good gaming session! Well, one that was pretty IRL for her now and kinda' serious though....yeah. Yeah that was going to be a thing to need to eventually get adjusted to for sure. That on top of the new body and all.

@PKMNB0Y@Thunder999999@Expendable@Crimson Paladin


??? — Mosslit Cavern

Well, it at least seemed that the poor armored man was aware of the terms a certain 'mage' was using. Then again the mage guy was trying to explain things....not that she felt it was the best way to go about it for people waking up IN ANOTHER WORLD nessecarily. But what was the perfect approach then? Eh. She could've done better too, she supposed, though personally it felt gamelike enough that she didn't feel too much panic or anxiety about it all for the time being. Not much at least. So perhaps an apology was in order then.

Nyana did, however, refuse to acknowledge the gibberish that kinda sounded like Spanish of some kind? She didn't speak it, but she'd heard others speak it often enough to get the gist of it being that sort of thing perhaps.

"Sorry for the fussing then, but...yeah, this isn't pretty normal or anything. Not sure if everyone on that plane would be familiar with this sort of thing or genre at that."

"I agree with the knight, through, we should find our way out of here. We'd better be very careful, though."
Confused Armor Guy

This guy had a head on his shoulders, even if she didn't know his name as of yet. Still was a small comfort to know someone else was wanting to see if they could get out of where they were and to actual sunlight though. Albeit they'd need to be careful, yes, depending on what lived in here. If it was a giant sleeping dragon, though, she was not going to be around for one of them to accidentally wake it up! That sort of stupid aggro-pulling was not her forte, and it didn't seem they had a healer on their hands either for that matter. Yup. A bunch of potential DPS and Tanks....totally the best comp for a spooky cave dungeon.

Nyana would gently run a hand along some of the wall moss as they walked along, trying not to damage it but also to listen to how it brushed against her gloved and armored hands. It was a beautiful litte glow it seemed to have, at least once that meadow was gone, but overall was still just as strange as it could be to her she supposd. It shouted 'unnatural', and yet for all she knew something like this was back on Earth. Hmm. Pushing such things toward the back of her mind as they moved along, however, Nyana took pause and stopped as they entered the new section of the cave. Her shadowed and hidden face, then, swiveled about to look at the details of it carefully before anything else as MMO and game knowledge seemed to kick in somewhat for her.

The other branching path would eventually lead to a small alcove—one that appeared to be rather empty at a glance. The main path from which the two diverged, however, seemed to open up into a more spacious area. This new section of the cave seemed a fair deal more barren, but a quick glance around would little more than the presence of a simple wooden chest and a few odd indentations along the stone wall.

Odd indentations, a wooden chest with a fantasy-esque chest lock on it, and all of that barren space between them and the chest itself. She could already hear the meme describing the whole situation inside of her head at that. It's a trap! Because duh, it looked like a trap to her at the very least. Not that everyoone in the world might notice such, but ah....eh, it was what it was she supposed.

"'Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly.'"

"Unless someone knows how to make a light, I suggest we try gathering some of that moss in the last cave and bring it in here to see if we can find any tripwires. Or don't they have traps in isekais?"

Well, Jase the Cold Water Thrower was aware of what this room looked like as well. Good. The more they were all aware of this, the better they could get past it perhaps. Beause this was nothing but a trap. A trappity trap trap tra-

"Yeah, this is screaming trap, probably something nasty in those indentations just waiting for us to get closer, either that or something triggered by the opening the chest. My new eyes seem to be seeing pretty well in this light and I don't see anything, but the triggers could easily be inside the chest itself, or even some magical sensor. Our best bet is probably to have whoever's toughest walk carefully inside while the rest of us watch their back, if that doesn't trigger anything we can take a closer look at the chest. Before we try anything though, what are we working with if something does ambush us? My skill is Ice Magic, sounds like it could get interesting eventually, but for now it's basically just shooting sharp icicles and jets of frost which could slow something down."

Holy mother of dialogue. Did this guy know how to-....never mind. Never mind. Look, it was good he was seming to think of ways to try to help, but at the same time he could have not just blurted it all out. But even so, the idea of the 'tankiest one walks in and we see what happens' felt like not the best of ideas. It was obvious, yes, but that was what the makers of the trap wanted, yes? For someone to just walk into it? They needed a better plan, though, and so perhaps-

"So shoot an icicle at it," he said with a shrug at Vrelenor. "Something with some heft to it. If it's boobytrapped, we can see what it does."


"I'd rather not do that unless we don't have any other option, if I can hit hard enough to smash the chest, then I'd probably also ruin anything inside it, an it might well be those indentations that we need to worry about anyway."

"Would it be possible for you to shoot ice with less force?"

"If need be, I could prod for triggers from a distance with my weapon. And if I am interpreting my skill correctly, I might be able to jump over the traps, but that wouldn't help if the chest has a trigger or a trap of its own."
Confused Armor Guy

Whew. Blowing the thing apart was one way to perhaps mess things up royally for themselves, depending on said chest contents or the like, though the possibility of a pressure trigger under the chest was maybe there as well? Hmm. They didn't need to overthink it, but perhaps those indentations would be the key. Perhaps have icy guy put his skills to the test and try to plug up those holes, while Jase went and got some moss to light up the way and potential tripwires? Yeah. Jase's less-inane suggestion, to her mind that was, combined with that approach could do it. She just needed to say something.

"What about you?" he asked the knight. "Do you have a skill or ability that might help us here?"
Confused Armor Guy

Nyana quickly pulled up her status screen again to check things, before quickly closing it again with a sigh as she got her answer. Perhaps this guy's skill would be more useful in this place? Though again they'd need to deal with the indenations and such as well. Get some light in here. Etc. So it wasn't too cut and dry, though her 'skill' wasn't going to be a help unless it involved tanking damage perhaps.

"Not unless I want to jump out there and get shot with arrows or such I'm afraid. All I have for a skill right now is a boost to one of my defensive stats. But perhaps-"

"I can certainly try."

A fist sized lump of ice forms in under a second and shoots towards the chest, he manages to hold back enough that it's no faster than if he'd simply thrown a rock.

Amidst all of the uncertainty about what had happened and how to proceed, the decision to launch a ball of ice at the lone chest would prove rather fruitless. Not because the ice had missed—no, it had certainly landed on the chest and bounced off with a 'thunk' indicative of blunt force meeting wood—but because nothing came of it.

"Well I tried, one of you armoured guys gets to go poke it now."

For the love of-...nope. Nope, they were not going to dawdle like this and waste too much time doing nothing or the less-useful ideas if she could help it. If. So, in that vein, the streamer breathed in, slowly breathed out, and then turned to address the three guys in the room. They'd had some ideas so far, yeah? So they needed to make use of the good ones from that pile then. Seemed like a not-bad idea to her at least.

"I-....ok. Ok. Guys, we have a few good ideas going for this that you've already said somewhat already. So here's the plan:

Jase had a good idea with getting some of that moss for starters, so I'll go and grab some unlesss anyone else wants to help with that tooo. Not too much, don't want to lose our way elsewhere navigating this place, but enough to see if there's little tripwires or something carefully. If we don't find tripwires, then maybe its pressure plates or something here instead. Keeps it simple, narrows things down.

Second, Vrelenor, you already mentioned the indentations on the wall, ok? Can you try to fire some 'frost ray' or something to freeze them over maybe? Clog them up if they're holes or arrow slits or poison gas vents or someting like that with an icicle or something like that even?

Then ah-....actually, I don't know your name yet either. Your idea to prod the traps isn't bad, though, and if it ends up being tripwires you might be able to maneuver past them to get to the chest. Barring that, maybe, perhaps with a good enough running start or something you could jump over to the chest...or, well, as close as possible without landing on it maybe? Up to you there, but for now I'm going to get a small bit of glowing moss."

With that, Nyana would head out to gather some glowing moss along the way they'd come. Not too much, or enoough to lose her way, but a small amount to bring back and use to look for things on the floor. Well, if it stayed bioluminescent after removing it from the wall at least. It was worth a try though! And once she got that moss, she'd come back and try to carefully check the floor for tripwire-type triggers....but not step forward onto it in case of pressure plates.

Simple, right? She hoped it would be.

@PKMNB0Y@Thunder999999@Expendable@Crimson Paladin
Banned for your anti-friendliness stance. XD
Banned for not GOING GHOST in ghost mode.

??? — ???

Well, the man on the ground had seemed to finally rouse from his position lying on the ground at least. Albeit he understandbly seemed to look about the place at first, including somewhat at himself, as well. She avoided speaking to him, however, wanting to let him get some measure of things on his own before anything else. Well, unless the others chimed in with their own bit. It wasn't as if the situation they were in was...ah...anything less than ground-shaking to say the very least. Or so it seemed.

"What's going on? Where are we? How did I get here?"
Confused Armor Guy

Nyana began to open her mouth, but soon found another person would beat her to the punch.

"Pretty sure that plane crash Isekai-ed us, remember assigning those stats while you napped? Sure beats dieing horribly, doesn't it. We're either in a surprisingly pleasant fantasy cave or a dungeon, if those are part of this world. I'm Vrelenor and I decided to become a mage."
Vrelenor/The Not Helpful One Right Now

Really? Really?! That's the first crap you tell a confused someone, and after complaining about a towel in this sort of situation of all things? It was so....ugh. Did she agree they'd been isekai'd somehow? For now, definitely. It was the only obtuse thing that seemed to make sense to her for now, unless they all got hitched to some dystopian machine injecting their brains into some hyper-realistic video game above all others. And that, THAT was absurd-sounding enough on its own!

"Isekai'd? You were on the plane, too? All of you? From Tokyo to LA?"

"Well, I'm Jason, and I wasn't dressed like this on the plane," he said, balling up his fist and using his thumb to point at himself, "or looked like this, neither. Thought we all bought the farm, so what's this 'isekai' business? Why are we all here in this cave with the radioactive moss? Did we crash land at the Nevada Test Site or something? And why were you all staring off into space after you woke up, like you had an invisible television?"

...It was so tempting to throw water in the face of the self-proclaimed 'mage' right now on her part. So very tempting. Now the guy who'd woken them was going off a bit, it seemed, and none of this was going to help them right now save it established at least one other among them had been on the plane as well too. That much was useful to note for a moment if nothing else.

"For the love of-...ok. One thing at a time," the knightess said aloud, tone filled with a bit of exasperation at the whole affair as she looked to the guy she'd been trying to help wake up first, "No idea why we are here or how we got here, and we seem to be inside of some kind of odd cave to say the least."

She then looked to the guy who had woken them all up next. Said his name was Jason?

"I can speak for myself at least in saying I was on that flight as well. No, I didn't look like this on the plane either. Also thought I was dead too, and then cold water got splashed in my face quite to the contrary. Also, the stuff we were staring at is apparently a 'status screen' of some sort. Seems we can't see each other's status screen though.

As for the 'isekai' term used by Mr-Not-Being-Helpful-Right-Now over there? Its a term related to anime and manga, a type of story in which people die and wake up reincarnated or something in another world."

Her voice-affecting and face-hiding helmeted head then swiveled over to look at the final guy. The 'mage' of the group, one who hadn't done really anything to help the initial panic of the situation or seemed to be sensitive to the sort for now. That guy. Seemed to be content enough about things as it was on his end, but it didn't mean everyone was going to just take to this oddity of a situation like a fish to water. It was frustrating. Worrying. Etc.

"Look, its great you seem to be taking to this situation better than the rest of us. But please be more aware that this isn't 'normal' by any stretch of the imagination, and not everyone is going to be familiar with the terms you're using. That and this is all a good bit 'jarring' to say the very least, hmm?"

She'd have run a hand down her face if it was all going to be any more awkward in the moment, but perhaps that'd simply be setting up a self-fulfilling prophecy for the time being as well. Rather, Nyana would turn to address the whole of the group after having tried to address each of the individual men in this cavern with her. Because she had no idea where they were, what time of day it was, or any of that. Chock it up to her parents making her join some form of outdoorsy club in middle school for those few years, or watching a lot of survival shows or something on TV, or whatever slse, but they didn't need to sit around gawking all day if anything. That much even she could fathom, she felt, if nothing else.

"So, everyone, we've no idea how we got here. No idea why we're here. No idea as to how we got to be as we look and are now. Seems at least two of us were on the same crashed light as well, and we can see we're in some kind of strange cave with glowing mushrooms, this strange bit of green in the middle of it, and apparently some fresh cold water of some sort.

For now, I propose we work together on our immediate situation for now and try to keep what level heads we can here. We can take a look around where we've woken up, see if we can get out of this cave, and then go from there hopefully before it gets dark outside of this cave. Then we can run with things from that point.

For now, I'm going to start scouting ahead toward the exit if anyone wants to join me."

Unless they wanted to panic and sit in a cave all day and night until they got hungry, ran into some mythical bear or something in this cave, or the like. In which case she'd try to figure out enough to make her own way out of the cave. Either way, she would move to begin a careful attempt to scout ahead in the direction of the cave exit. Nyana would do her best to keep a careful eye out and look for obstacles, test for slippery surfaces, and the like as she went along. She'd pick half a dozen of the glowing mushrooms if she got the chance too, inspect them, and then if found to not be dangerous to the best of her ability would slip them in some hidey-spot in her armor temporarily to store them away before continuing her scouting effort.

However, part of her simply hoped that the others had level enough heads. The happy elf mage guy notwithstanding.

@Crimson Paladin@Thunder999999@Expendable@PKMNB0Y

??? — ???







The pitter patter of water on stone greeted the woman's ears in a semi-rythmnic fashion as she began to wake up a little bit. Drip drop. Dri drop. Like someone had left a sink running, but the echo of the cavern itself was certainly an oddity of sorts as well. For a moment, she even tried to turn over to turn away from the sound. Felt like she was on her back anywho, and beyond that it-




Eh? Ehh??? She felt a lot heavier for some reason, no, she was definitely feeling like something was on her. as she lied on the-....wait, this wasn't a cold stone floor. Sounded like she was lying on grass or something. That was strange. Well, maybe she was lying under some debris in a field somewhere? That'd make a fair bit of sense, perhaps, given they'd been in a PLANE CRASH and the half-asleep drowsiness was still keeping her sense of panic in check. Yet as she mostly sleepily tried to ponder things in her fuzzy waking mind, she found she could hear a voice. Not very manly, but certainly not a girl either to her ears.

"Oh my god," a voice swore, the soft and utterly unfamiliar young voice seeming to have a small cave-like echo to it as well, "I'm a girl...! No....!"
Splashy Water Man

Then came a sigh.

What in the-? Did some guy hit his head so hard he thought he turned into a girl or something? Blargh. Maybe she could rouse herself to ask for help to get up, maybe get out too if the debris was on her or something. But if any of them had survived, perhaps-


"Wake up!"
Splashy Water Man

Cold! Cold water! On her FACE!!! That and the plin and plop of water hitting metal to boot. Still, it wasn't pleasant! It was enough to shock her the rest of the way awake in good time indeed, though as she sat up suddeenly she unthinkingly struck out with a free left hand toward the source. Her voice, notably grumpy, came to life in turn as she spoke as well without much thinking involved.



And then her eyes opened, hew view partly shielded by the view of the apparent HELMET on her head but mostly left unimpeded. Then the sword seemingly gripped in her left hand crashed into the ground with a muffled CLANG of its own. Not enough to hurt the blade, or hit anyone thank goodness, but it was enough to crunch the grass and such she was sitting in a bit at least. It was enough to leave the woman sitting there blinking for a moment. And, well, she felt a little mild jiggling inside of the SUIT OF ARMOR she seemed to be wearing as well for a few moments after having sat up so arbuptly. Beyond that, she seemed to silently begin to look down at herself. She was...certainly taller than she last remembered. Was wearing more armor than she'd ever worn in her life, even if it didn't feel that heavy (if heavy at all) on her body either. Actually, it seemed to be a full set of armor at that.

She also had a shield near her other hand, funny enough, which seemed large enough to properly use or something. Yet as she pulled up her free right hand to feel her face, the sensation as her hand reached into the mostly shadowy face-hiding open front of the helmet was not what she'd intended. It certainly felt human-SHAPED, but more like she was touching jello. Yet the sensation on her skin, or exterior perhaps, felt like she was normally touching her skin or something. Sense of touch was there. Temperature too. Could feel the wet on her face from the water as well even. But....no. It wasn't HUMAN feeling to the touch either.

Maybe she was just a bit in a daze, eh? Dropping the sword from her one hand, she crawled on hands and knees over to the nearest bit of water she could find to peer into. Surely with that fant glowing light coming in from the nearby mushroom clusters she could-....see....faintly....from the reflection.....oh no she was made of blueberry jello now!!! BLUEBERRY. JELLO. And she had some strange orb thing floating inside of her head, which when she thought about it now she could actually FEEL it and seemingly make it MOVE as well. Oh, oh no that was kinda gross....even if it was also kinda cool.

That wasn't her face, these weren't her hands, and yet when she moved they mooved with her. She fould FEEL through those hands, see through these eyes, raise her new eyebrow-things in surprise, but maybe she still was-....was....wait. her name was Hikari, right? But another name was floating around in there, all fresh and new even, alongside that. "Nyana"? Eh, maybe that'd make a nice Vtuber name if she made a new model for-, wait this wasn't the point! This wasn't her, and yet it WAS her at the same time. She'd just fallen in a PLANE CRASH to certain death who knows where, and what the hell was she doing waking up like this in some other body out of the blue?!

Was this some trashy isekai garbage prank someone though was funny to pull on people who had just-...oh. Wait. Wait wait wait. That could be a fair point. Breathe. In and out. Good. Clear her head like it was a work project. She needed to assess her surroundings for now. That was the first step in things. See the water-thrower, what was going on, etc.

Standing up from her position on hands and knees, and after righting herself on her two feet (thank goodness she wasn't a centaur), Nyana/Hikari looked around at the scene about her. The guy throwing water on people's faces seemed to be definitely a guy, even if he looked a bit decidedly less-masculine in other ways. Hmm. She had seen a Vtuber avatar similar to him before, but that guy's avatar wore a maid outfit and-...ahem. Never mind. This guy had normal-ish clothes and such at least, well, at least if one was going to some con or fest or similar function.

Looking down at the others, Nyana/Hikari would likewise take note of the further oddities. One guy looked like he wore armor straight out of an MMO she'd been playing on stream a few days before her Japan trip, seemed to have basic human proportions to her eyes, and that was about it for now for him. Looking to the next, who seemed to rise up after his 'wake up splash' like she had. Longer and pointier ears, so a full-on elf perhaps? Or another type of elf. Something? He had some robes and a staff, so certainly he looked like some kind of mage, though he rapidly seemed to do something else rather than stand up. In fact, he seemed to suddenly be staring at something in the air. Wait. Something in her head was saying 'status screen'? Well, sure, she'd give that a try for herself at least. Oor maybe the other guy was just staring at the air and-


Oh, never mind.

A proper full-on status screen popped up in front of Nyana/Hikari's face on command. The new name in her head was there, stats, statuses, the sword and shield were listed in her otherwise empty inventory aside from her armor-, oooh! She even had the armor listed and such! Even a screen to look at herself in a 360 view, nice~ Wait. That wasn't normal! But unless she and these other people were on some shared drug trip or the like....it seemed they had been isekai'd. By a PLANE CRASH. Or maybe their souls kidnapped from their world? Eh, lot of ways isekai stuff tried to justify how it 'worked' or happened to the protagonist or protagonists. Turning back around, and dismissing the status screen she took a knee and looked super close as she tried to pull the helmet back a little bit to get a proper view of her face once more.

She certainly was cute at the very least. Nice proportions too if her status information was of any indication. Hmm. But that was not as important as maybe getting a move-on for the time being, yes? Or doing something. Because, as she stood up to look at her surrounding environment more properly now, it seemed they were in an odd little micro-meadow in a dreary and dank cave. Seemed to go deeper into another cave farther out, even, before seemingly reaching actual daylight.

"Ugh, was the water really necessary, there's no towels in this cave."
Mage-Looking Prick

Really? There being 'no towels' was the problem he had first with things? Not anything about dying, bringing them here, or any sort of semi-sane reaction? Eh. But she was certianly doing better than she'd thought she might in what felt so far like some isekai shenanigans than she felt she would have been. So she wasn't the one to talk, or do so too much at least, in the end. Still, there were better things than lying on the ground complaining in the middle of some strange cave for pity's sake!

"Let's see if we can get everyone up first, get some basic introductions out of the way, and then look around where we are first perhaps."

She spoke aloud to the others in this odd cavern with her, before walking over to grab her things and hold them temporarily in just her right hand. The knightess/warrior, whatever she was now at least, then walked over to the other guy she'd seen on the ground (@Crimson Paladin). Not sure of the emerald cold water splash had worked on him yet, Nyana/Hikari would take a knee and try to gently shake the guy by putting her left hand on his left shoulder. Not anything big, but hopefully just enough to rouse to poor guy and get him awake if she could? That was the aim at least, even as her right hand semi-comfortably held onto her shield and sword for a moment.

@Crimson Paladin@Thunder999999@Expendable@PKMNB0Y

@PKMNB0Y Ok! Starter skill has been redone, history has been rewritten, and the class thing addressed on Discord has been removed!


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