Avatar of Cyrania


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I'm an Interdiscplinary BA, searching for a job in the current market, and this site has been my introduction to role-play. I prefer medieval and/or sci-fi roleplays and am a fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, RWBY, Fire Emblem Awakening, Superheroes, and Fairy Tail.

Most Recent Posts

"I am glad you were able to relieve his worries then. I wish I had more your temperament when it came to other people." She dug into her stew as well. "If I ever want to be half the wiseman you are, I will need to be able to do that as well. And yes, I know Lutter is basically better now. Haven't you said yourself though that it's better to be cautious than let the worse befall do to neglect?" She smiled, then sighed. "I mainly going to have a bit more practice with my, talent. No one would notice if he was as well as he ever was a touch sooner than he should at this point. And we both know the more I practice now, the more I can help when a situation is truly dire."

And given how the villagers reacted to anything out of the norm, like with that man Arn, the ability to practice when no one would suspect it was an utter requirement. Lutter's lingering wounds were so minor that it would not take much energy to coax the healing along, meaning there would not be any awkward questions. Perhaps there would be gossip of her longing for an affair with the man with how much she had taken care of him in his recovery, he would soon be out of their care where the obvious nonsense those rumors and ideas were could finally die the death they deserved. Because really, why would she, who really wasn't interested in marriage at all at the moment, find herself attracted to a drunkard that barely cared to know more about the world than what his day to day life required of him?!
I'll get out my post either today or tommorrow.
I thought it was still the night before. Whoops!
"What?" Gwendolyn turned around. "Oh father! I didn't see you come in last night!" She rushed forward and hugged him. "How did the meeting with the chief go? Any news? Wait, you really must be starving." She set down the healing supplies and got out bowls. "You were called for in such a hurry last night." She then moved to the pot and spooned out the broth, her golden hair starting to glimmer in the morning light. "I hope it's still good. I was keeping it warm for your return after we tended Lutter, but I must have dozed off in the night..." She hadn't even realized it was day yet! It'd still been dark when she woke by the fire, holding her lute after many hours of waiting and practice.

She had so wished that she could have been allowed to join the meeting, but the chief had only wanted her father there, even though she was her father's apprentice. She couldn't even tell at this point if he just thought her too young or that the meeting was 'no proper place for a women, especially one looking to marry'. Pft. She had enough of that from the other village women when they came in for ointments and treatments for their children, trying to push their elder sons at her, even if those sons were clearly as pleased with the idea of marrying her as she was with them, which was, not at all. Maybe someday, but there was so much for her to learn right now...

She then took the bowls to the table and set them up, wooden spoons joining them. Then she brushed the wrinkles out of her dress and returned to her father. "Come. You can tell me what you can over breakfast."
Posted. If you need me to write more, I can try to expand on it.

Gwendolyn stirred the pot again and sighed, glancing up at the outdoor sky. Surely father would be home soon. Meetings with the chief never lasted too long. Though given that it probably revolved around the injuries of the hunter that the wiseman left in her care...

Sighing, she pushed back her hair. Worrying over much was not productive, yet she couldn't think of what else to do. The herbs were all cleaned and sorted. The stew was about done. The hut was swept. The only thing left that she could do was check on their injured man, again. She took bandages and herbs and went over to visit him.
No that's perfectly alright. I was expecting that.

Excited to see this getting started!

I'll do my post tomorrow when I'm more awake.

I was thinking the healer was part of the village of Norn, so that she was born and raised there.

I'll edit the rest based on your input. I'm glad you overall like the character idea.
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