I'm an Interdiscplinary BA, searching for a job in the current market, and this site has been my introduction to role-play. I prefer medieval and/or sci-fi roleplays and am a fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, RWBY, Fire Emblem Awakening, Superheroes, and Fairy Tail.
Appearance: Long red hair tied back in braids with dark green eyes in a tall, stout figure. Freckles dot her body over her light skin. Her body belies her young age, though shows off the athleticism and musculature that has come from her training.
Lightsaber/other personal effects: Blue lightsaber, the plain metal shines like silver in a classic, but still functional design with brown and white accents where the halves combine and for her grip. The grip fits her hands perfectly without any corners or rough edges from the cylinder impeding her. It lacks wear and tear since she has only had it less than a week, but its well polished and cared for. The lightsaber truly is her most priceless possession, and she takes good care of it.
Also carries a commlink to be able to communicate with others over long distances.
Personality: Adventurous and eager, Alastrina wants nothing more than to become a full Jedi and be a hero like she's always dreamed of being. To that end, she's studied and trained all she can. She's dived into the records, asked constant questions of her master just about any time they have a moment of calm between them, listened intensely to every lesson that she gets, and her own experimentation based on her reading. Her master Quil-sam Buros has had to step in several times now as she tries to accomplish feats that only the highest masters ever have had a chance of accomplishing, yet whereas many of the other Jedi mistake her for being power-hungry, Quil-sam sees in her simple impatience and impulsivity. Not good habits for a Jedi to have, but not actively malicious or greedy ones. He has been seeking to train her to have patience, yet the major hurdle has been her trouble meditating.
She has a strong connection to the Force, and can certainly use it. He's seen that enough times during training when a lightsaber is in her hands. Yet the act of staying still is hard for her. Her body fidgets. Her fingers tap the floor. Even if she can fully become still, her thoughts have gone a thousand different ways faster than the speed of light. Even her attempts to relax and focus just get her attention focused on being relaxed and focused. However, the Caamassi is certain that time will help her learn. She is still young by human standards after all, and so needs the time to learn to calm and mellow. Until that point, he can still encourage her enthusiasm and her dream while helping her little by little to learn patience, calm, and prudence.
Throughout their brief time together, he has found that he adores the way that she eagerly tries to learn about everything. It doesn't even have to be about the Force. It can be something as simple as what's that plant or as complicated as how exactly does hyperspace work. When they're alone and there's nothing else they're doing, he readily indulges her in that. However, he has needed to put his foot down about doing it when it isn't just the two of them. She has enough trouble maintaining proper decorum as it is, fiddling with her sleeves when she has to stand still. He doesn't need her interrupting during a diplomatic summit for a question, again. Alastrina's at least not done that again, but she can get lost in her thoughts at times and so lose some awareness of her surroundings. He hopes very much to train her out of that habit sooner rather than later. A Jedi that doesn't pay attention can harm others, or get themselves killed.
View of the Force: A rolling cosmic sea, each person a star of light glowing within that causes ripples in the air that sing with various tones. The brighter the person, the more in tune with the Force they are, the stronger the ripples they cause in the sea unless they purposely subdue their influence. Areas and animals can also be felt this way if they have a heavy force signature. Things and people corrupted by the dark side of the force become dark and cold, their ripples harsh with ear-splitting sounds.
Backstory: Raised in the temple, Alastrina's only ever known the Order and its ways. She learned with her fellow younglings how to control their powers and what a Jedi's role in the galaxy would be. And for as long as she and the ones raising her can remember, she listened and learned about everything with wide eyed wonder. She tried the hardest with every lesson and pushed to do well in every area she could. Lightsaber combat training especially resonated with her, allowing her to move her body to the will of the Force while imagining herself fighting pirates or slavers.
She progressed well then in all her lessons except in meditation, but she still tried hard at it. It often defeated the purpose, but she knew that a good Jedi needed to be able to meditate, so she wanted to also be able to mediate. After she was good enough, someone would want to be her master and take her as a Padawan! Yet, years passed. She thought it was just because she wasn't good at mediating yet, even as she tried to also read about more advanced techniques to learn to maybe help mitigate that. However, that wasn't the reason they weren't taking her on. Many of the Jedi were wary about her being too eager in her lessons. The chance of someone becoming a Dark Jedi was a concern after all when someone decided that they wanted to know everything and become too powerful in the force, especially without any way to self moderate. Therefore, she started to fear that she would be sent to the Agri Corps. Until Quil-sam Buros came onto the scene.
The Caamassi had been away for some time on some mission or another. Yet now he finally returned, feeling called by the Force to take on another padawan. He looked on at the potential younglings, pondering who to take on, then he spotted her working through her katras. The way she moved, the way she resonated through the Force, her passion and determination, all made him want to see how she would grow. Other Jedi advised him against it, saying that she was too dangerous, but he was willing to take the chance. The two of them together then took like ducks to water within their roles as master and apprentice. It has had its ups and downs within the past months, but neither of them would trade it for the world. And with her now having her own lightsaber, Alastrina is now certain that she will become a Jedi that will make her master proud.
Species: Human (could make a twi'lek if everyone else ends up being human)
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long red hair tied back in braids with dark green eyes in a tall, stout figure. Freckles dot her body over her light skin.
Lightsaber/other personal effects: Blue lightsaber and a commlink.
Personality: Adventurous and eager, Alastrina wants nothing more than to become a full Jedi and be a hero like she's always dreamed of being. Her eagerness though makes her impulsive, something her master was hoping to help train out of her. More often than not, either curiosity or compassion can drive her away from the prudent course of action.
View of the Force: A rolling cosmic sea, each person a star of light glowing within that causes ripples in the air that sing with various tones. The brighter the person, the more in tune with the Force they are, the stronger the ripples they cause in the sea unless they purposely subdue their influence. Areas and animals can also be felt this way if they have a heavy force signature. Things and people corrupted by the dark side of the force become dark and cold, their ripples harsh with ear-splitting sounds.
Backstory: Raised in the temple, Alastrina's only ever known the Order and its ways. She learned with the other younglings, and hoped for the day that she would become a Jedi. Though she progressed well, her impulsiveness made masters be wary of taking her on, until one finally decided to take the chance. Now with her newly made lightsaber in hand, she's eager to take on the galaxy under her master's tutelage.
That's okay. I think it works through the whole 'great power comes with great responsibility' angle, but Jedi already have that. Its honestly not a major part of the character. Its more the fact that I tend to like playing healer, but I could have a more lightsaber-focused character for this rp.
I'd also be interested. I always enjoy a good Jedi story, and am looking for a new rp.
What's your stance on powers? I tend to like playing with the type of padawan that's naturally powerful and good-hearted, but inexperienced and prone to care too much with stuff like Jedi Healing that'll she can be prone to use at the risk of her own life if she's not reeled in. I can have her be average powered though instead. Either way, she'd have been looking forward to continuing on her journey and prove herself to her master, only for the crash to happen and have him die without her being able to do anything to save him.
Rogue Continuum: The Singularity Crisis (A DC and Marvel RP)
| Character Identity | Loki
| Age | 2000 ( about human late twenties/early thirties)
| Character Differences | This Loki regularly uses his sword, Laevateinn, in this au. Also, he quite enjoyed being around humans and would sometimes form friendships with a family that would last generations. From that, he ended up caring about human cares and concerns, helping him to both become a hero among humans and to not be haughty when it came to Asgardians that were beneath him in rank. He still does his tricks and enjoys a good prank. He's still closer to his mother than his father, even with knowing that he's adopted. But people could also trust that he would help them if he could, see him as a guardian of the hearth and home who cared for his own. His time under Mojo though has caused his kindness to fuel his rage, vowing that he won't ever stop until Mojo and Thor are taken down for good.
| Brief World Background | A basically fully Marvel universe with some Cyrano de Bergerac au elements thrown, a major difference is that while this Loki became a hero, Thor became more and more a villain. Thor's banishment then could lead to Asgard's fall, and will lead to the formation of the Avengers. Loki's true biological parentage was known earlier and he use to have a daughter, Cyrania de Bergerac.
| Brief Character Background | For a time, Loki had grown to loathe his life. Thor never wanted to spend time with him anymore. Those that were in the know about his true parentage looked down upon him except for their parents, and Odin still always kept his distance. Only his mother and the time they spent together with lessons helped at all, but he could only brace himself for the other shoe to drop. Sometimes, he'd try to spark it with some of his pranks, yet it only would disappoint and her disappointment was hard to bear. On a whim, he ended up visiting Earth in disguise to a small country called France just to get away from it all. Jeers came up though for his choice in disguise from some drunken fools. Before Loki could reveal himself however, he found himself being defended by a man, so full of bravado and daring that it was somehow enduring.
He soon quickly came to learn that the man's name was Cyrano de Bergerac and from that day on, Loki would sneak down to Earth to see more of him, eventually causing the two to become friends even if Loki had to swallow the bitterness of the wish that Thor could be more like this man. The man's moments though of sometimes being an extreme idiot helped distract him, causing Loki to secretly intervene in many cases where the man's pride caused him to suffer in silence. Overall though, he was a witty, engaging companion that he could enjoy talking with or simply listening to. Through him, he learned about both the highs of what humans could accomplish, and the lows of what they could suffer or do to each other. His times on Earth then started to come with fresh eyes, looking and seeing individuals where before he wouldn't have cared to. He would walk on to find Cyrano, but couldn't help but do something to leave things better in his wake.
Time passed. He intervened more directly to have Cyrano actually marry the love of his life instead of let her stay in mourning for a man she didn't love, but his trips caused him to run into and come to know other people as well. Sometimes, he'd only come as a stranger in the night to aid someone then disappear. Other times, he'd come to know people more directly then come back from time to time. And while there where people weren't grateful or that his help didn't actually end up helping, he still found that he always felt lighter after visiting Earth more often than not. His brother didn't understand it, but he hadn't been willing to understand anything about him for some years now. He wished he could breach the gap between them, but didn't know how anymore.
Then tragedy struck. Cyrano was killed by assassins while Loki was away doing other things, causing Roxanne to succumb to grief. All that remained of them now were their few possessions, and a daughter born the day he died, named by her mother Cyrania de Bergerac. After some time in shock, Loki ended up taking the daughter and bringing her to Asgard. He wouldn't fail this one's life like he'd failed her parents. Many protested him bringing a human to Asgard, most of all his brother. But Loki stood firm, with first Frigga's support, then finally Odin's reluctant support much to Loki's surprise. To his even greater astonishment, Odin helped him to awaken the magical powers that were locked within her and grant her a longer life, though with the stern warning that even with that, she wouldn't live forever. He accepted the fact, but still hoped to have many years with her.
And so she grew up, lively and so like her father. Loki couldn't help but love her, raising and teaching her everything he could. Frigga and Odin also came to love her, but Thor would not accept her, his hatred growing of her every day. Multiple times, he tried to convince Odin to force Loki to send her back where she belonged, but Odin refused, not wanting to cause unnecessary hurt to Loki like that. Thor though took it as a sign that Odin was growing more senile, far too old for the throne. And so over the years, Thor sought to arrange a rebellion that would finally make him king, also vowing to finally kill off all the Frost Giants once and for all since his father had been so soft as to take one in as his son.
When the day came, Thor lead his followers to the palace and sought to overthrow them all. All too quickly though, the revolt was squashed, and Thor was brought in for judgement. Instead of death or imprisonment though, Odin stripped him of his powers and banished him to Earth, also sending the hammer locked with his powers for the one worthy enough to wield them, hoping that his son might become the same type of great man he'd seen Loki come to be. But Thor didn't. Instead, Thor sought for allies in his quest to take back Asgard, and to conquer Midgard to get Loki back for taking everything away from him for the sake of his brat.
As it happened, Loki and Cyrania were both on Earth when he was taken. He always made sure to bring Cyr every so often to Earth to have some ties to her own culture and to be able to visit her parents' graves. The last thing he remembers is coming back from the graves, spending time with her in some small cafe before resting in one of the hotels with plans for the next week to show her the sights and check in on some of his families. He does not know what happened to her, only when he awoke, he was Mojo's prisoner.
For some months now, he's somehow managed to survive the games, feeling his soul drift further and further away with every day that passed, every soul he killed, every twisted puzzle he had to solve. He can't allow himself to die though. Not until Mojo's defeated, he can make sure Asgard and Midguard are alright, and he can find out what happened to Cyrania, every day dreading that he might face her in the arena.
Loki's not want of the martial artist guys, right?
He's going to be the same mostly the illusionist/shapeshifting/teleporting/magic user with some knives that he usually is, just while also having a sword.
The only two real comments/concerns I have here are: 1) Is the age a typo? For a being like Loki, and someone who even in your bio has befriended families for generations, only being 130 years old seems fairly young.
2) All of the bits about Mojo planning with Thor, invading Asgard, and conquering Earth I'll have to ask be removed. This is my fault for not clarifying before, but none of these proposals need to mention the character's abduction or the events leading to them. There's a very specific way Mojo finds his targets, and the abduction itself takes place during the course of a normal day for the character - whether that be while they're asleep, while they're distracted in a conflict, weakened from a fight, or whatever else. The details of what happened for your character specifically will be worked out between us if you're accepted. The only consistent is that all of these characters would have woken up as prisoners, been tortured and experimented on, and forced to compete in various death games. So, if you want to swap out Mojo for someone else that conquered Asgard and Earth, feel free to do so.
Yeah, for the first one I just wasn't sure what to do for the age. I could at least make that more like more like over a thousand years. My basic idea is that this Loki is only somewhat older to the Thor and Loki of the MCU in the first Thor movie.
As for the second point, I had managed to be under the mistaken impression that Mojo had conquered the various multiverses and brought everyone under his subjection. I can easily fix that to fit the actual narrative you have. As for villain!Thor, he could easily be a loose thread potentially allying with the Chitarui or the Enchantress behind the scenes to take Asgard for himself and to get back at Loki by conquering Midgard and being what causes that universe's Avengers to come together (with one main change being that Captain America and Loki actually met during WWII for one of Steve's missions which then would lead to that Cap vouching for Loki to everyone else and him joining the Avengers in the normal course of that universe).
Whatever works for the rp though. I really want to see this one through.
| Age | 2000 ( about human late twenties/early thirties)
| Character Differences | This Loki regularly uses his sword, Laevateinn, in this au. Also, he quite enjoyed being around humans and would sometimes form friendships with a family that would last generations. From that, he ended up caring about human cares and concerns, helping him to both become a hero among humans and to not be haughty when it came to Asgardians that were beneath him in rank. He still does his tricks and enjoys a good prank. He's still closer to his mother than his father, even with knowing that he's adopted. But people could also trust that he would help them if he could, see him as a guardian of the hearth and home who cared for his own. His time under Mojo though has caused his kindness to fuel his rage, vowing that he won't ever stop until Mojo and Thor are taken down for good.
| Brief World Background | A basically fully Marvel universe with some Cyrano de Bergerac au elements thrown, a major difference is that while this Loki became a hero, Thor became more and more a villain. Thor's banishment then could lead to Asgard's fall, and will lead to the formation of the Avengers. Loki's true biological parentage was known earlier and he use to have a daughter, Cyrania de Bergerac.
| Brief Character Background | For a time, Loki had grown to loathe his life. Thor never wanted to spend time with him anymore. Those that were in the know about his true parentage looked down upon him except for their parents, and Odin still always kept his distance. Only his mother and the time they spent together with lessons helped at all, but he could only brace himself for the other shoe to drop. Sometimes, he'd try to spark it with some of his pranks, yet it only would disappoint and her disappointment was hard to bear. On a whim, he ended up visiting Earth in disguise to a small country called France just to get away from it all. Jeers came up though for his choice in disguise from some drunken fools. Before Loki could reveal himself however, he found himself being defended by a man, so full of bravado and daring that it was somehow enduring.
He soon quickly came to learn that the man's name was Cyrano de Bergerac and from that day on, Loki would sneak down to Earth to see more of him, eventually causing the two to become friends even if Loki had to swallow the bitterness of the wish that Thor could be more like this man. The man's moments though of sometimes being an extreme idiot helped distract him, causing Loki to secretly intervene in many cases where the man's pride caused him to suffer in silence. Overall though, he was a witty, engaging companion that he could enjoy talking with or simply listening to. Through him, he learned about both the highs of what humans could accomplish, and the lows of what they could suffer or do to each other. His times on Earth then started to come with fresh eyes, looking and seeing individuals where before he wouldn't have cared to. He would walk on to find Cyrano, but couldn't help but do something to leave things better in his wake.
Time passed. He intervened more directly to have Cyrano actually marry the love of his life instead of let her stay in mourning for a man she didn't love, but his trips caused him to run into and come to know other people as well. Sometimes, he'd only come as a stranger in the night to aid someone then disappear. Other times, he'd come to know people more directly then come back from time to time. And while there where people weren't grateful or that his help didn't actually end up helping, he still found that he always felt lighter after visiting Earth more often than not. His brother didn't understand it, but he hadn't been willing to understand anything about him for some years now. He wished he could breach the gap between them, but didn't know how anymore.
Then tragedy struck. Cyrano was killed by assassins while Loki was away doing other things, causing Roxanne to succumb to grief. All that remained of them now were their few possessions, and a daughter born the day he died, named by her mother Cyrania de Bergerac. After some time in shock, Loki ended up taking the daughter and bringing her to Asgard. He wouldn't fail this one's life like he'd failed her parents. Many protested him bringing a human to Asgard, most of all his brother. But Loki stood firm, with first Frigga's support, then finally Odin's reluctant support much to Loki's surprise. To his even greater astonishment, Odin helped him to awaken the magical powers that were locked within her and grant her a longer life, though with the stern warning that even with that, she wouldn't live forever. He accepted the fact, but still hoped to have many years with her.
And so she grew up, lively and so like her father. Loki couldn't help but love her, raising and teaching her everything he could. Frigga and Odin also came to love her, but Thor would not accept her, his hatred growing of her every day. Multiple times, he tried to convince Odin to force Loki to send her back where she belonged, but Odin refused, not wanting to cause unnecessary hurt to Loki like that. Thor though took it as a sign that Odin was growing more senile, far too old for the throne. And so over the years, Thor sought to arrange a rebellion that would finally make him king, also vowing to finally kill off all the Frost Giants once and for all since his father had been so soft as to take one in as his son.
When the day came, Thor lead his followers to the palace and sought to overthrow them all. All too quickly though, the revolt was squashed, and Thor was brought in for judgement. Instead of death or imprisonment though, Odin stripped him of his powers and banished him to Earth, also sending the hammer locked with his powers for the one worthy enough to wield them, hoping that his son might become the same type of great man he'd seen Loki come to be. But Thor didn't. Instead, Thor sought for allies in his quest to take back Asgard, and to conquer Midgard to get Loki back for taking everything away from him for the sake of his brat.
As it happened, Loki and Cyrania were both on Earth when he was taken. He always made sure to bring Cyr every so often to Earth to have some ties to her own culture and to be able to visit her parents' graves. The last thing he remembers is coming back from the graves, spending time with her in some small cafe before resting in one of the hotels with plans for the next week to show her the sights and check in on some of his families. He does not know what happened to her, only when he awoke, he was Mojo's prisoner.
For some months now, he's somehow managed to survive the games, feeling his soul drift further and further away with every day that passed, every soul he killed, every twisted puzzle he had to solve. He can't allow himself to die though. Not until Mojo's defeated, he can make sure Asgard and Midguard are alright, and he can find out what happened to Cyrania, every day dreading that he might face her in the arena.
I'm an Interdiscplinary BA, searching for a job in the current market, and this site has been my introduction to role-play. I prefer medieval and/or sci-fi roleplays and am a fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, RWBY, Fire Emblem Awakening, Superheroes, and Fairy Tail.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Hi. <br><br>I'm an Interdiscplinary BA, searching for a job in the current market, and this site has been my introduction to role-play. I prefer medieval and/or sci-fi roleplays and am a fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, RWBY, Fire Emblem Awakening, Superheroes, and Fairy Tail.</div>