I would also be interested if this is still available.
Here's an immediate entry though if she wouldn't work, I could come up with someone else.
Edited: Now has Wonder Women as her connection and joined the JL Europe force.
Here's an immediate entry though if she wouldn't work, I could come up with someone else.
Edited: Now has Wonder Women as her connection and joined the JL Europe force.
Name: Jane Brierton
Alias: Lady Stephanie
Age: 28
Personality: Compassionate, Aloof, Restrained, Proper, Determined
Powers: Plant Manipulation, Healing, Flight (if allowed, Light Manipulation would also be nice)
Weaknesses: Is no good at hand-to-hand combat/physically weak, needs time, concentration, and energy for her powers to work, needs living plants to be around to be manipulated.
Background Hero: Wonder Women
Former Team Affiliation: JL Europe
Appearance: A Victorian-esque Sleeping Beauty; tall with an angular face, shoulder-length golden blonde hair, green eyes, and white skin; costume is a rose pink dress in an Aurorean style with white lace and gold trim, wears a string of pearls. Wears bloomers under the skirt. Has white flat shoes.
Potential Storylines: A bit of a defrosting the ice queen/earning the trust of her teammates arc. She's someone that's hard to get to know and I'd imagine that would make her especially suspected of being an Durian. If a reluctant teammate to friends to lover arc could also exist, she's definitely the type who would like to gain a superhero boyfriend/eventual husband.
BRIEF Bio: Jane is a British general doctor. Her parents died during a break-in, leaving her alone with the family cottage. While gardening her roses, she discovered her powers. Initially, she tried to suppress them, not wanting to deal with any more changes in her life. However, when she found herself caught at the scene of a supervillain attack, she tried to heal some civilians caught in the crossfire and failed. After that, she decided to fully embrace her powers and become a heroine, taking the name based off a Victorian romance character she liked. From there, she ended up joining the JL Europe until it was disbarred and covertly continued herowork until answering the call to join JL Unlimited.
Notes: Definitely an original character.
Alias: Lady Stephanie
Age: 28
Personality: Compassionate, Aloof, Restrained, Proper, Determined
Powers: Plant Manipulation, Healing, Flight (if allowed, Light Manipulation would also be nice)
Weaknesses: Is no good at hand-to-hand combat/physically weak, needs time, concentration, and energy for her powers to work, needs living plants to be around to be manipulated.
Background Hero: Wonder Women
Former Team Affiliation: JL Europe
Appearance: A Victorian-esque Sleeping Beauty; tall with an angular face, shoulder-length golden blonde hair, green eyes, and white skin; costume is a rose pink dress in an Aurorean style with white lace and gold trim, wears a string of pearls. Wears bloomers under the skirt. Has white flat shoes.
Potential Storylines: A bit of a defrosting the ice queen/earning the trust of her teammates arc. She's someone that's hard to get to know and I'd imagine that would make her especially suspected of being an Durian. If a reluctant teammate to friends to lover arc could also exist, she's definitely the type who would like to gain a superhero boyfriend/eventual husband.
BRIEF Bio: Jane is a British general doctor. Her parents died during a break-in, leaving her alone with the family cottage. While gardening her roses, she discovered her powers. Initially, she tried to suppress them, not wanting to deal with any more changes in her life. However, when she found herself caught at the scene of a supervillain attack, she tried to heal some civilians caught in the crossfire and failed. After that, she decided to fully embrace her powers and become a heroine, taking the name based off a Victorian romance character she liked. From there, she ended up joining the JL Europe until it was disbarred and covertly continued herowork until answering the call to join JL Unlimited.
Notes: Definitely an original character.