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i need to read up and make my character available for season 2 :)

Name: Miranda 'Miri' Taplin
Age: 19.
Powers: Atmokinesis. (Weather Manipulation.)
Often referred as Weather manipulation by some, Miranda has the psionic ability to sense, Create, Shape and control the weather in its various forms like Meteorological patterns and temperature changes thus creating rain, wind, hail, lightning, snow, sleet, fog/mist, blizzards, thunderstorms, tornado's while supposedly being able to dissipate weather to clear skies. Although Miranda has yet to exhibit or show all of her mutations various uses, the potential is there. Miranda has however shown some of this potential, having good enough control over her power so far to use it in highly concentrated areas like inside a room and naturally of course outside in her immediate vicinity effecting weather up to a few miles around her.

Miranda's Psionic power of atmokinesis can also be effected by her emotions, one consequence of this connection to nature is her emotional state could result in violent weather where her ability could manifest unintentionally depending on her mood at the time where a thunderstorm could form in response to extreme feelings of rage or fear. Miri can also aim lightning from thunderstorms and or from herself by channelling ambient electromagnetism through her body to generate lightning at others with the added potential of putting this into atmokinetic combat as Miri is a capable hand to hand fighter but not trained, She has not shown any evidence of being able to levitate or fly thus far and her mutation does have natural limits of her body plus other factors of distance, mass, precision are dependent upon the knowledge, skill and strength of Miranda which can affect her ability to generate the weather effects.
Weapons: Escrima Batons.

Escrima Batons.
They are a pair of Escrima batons based on the well-known Escrima sticks that can be used for duel wielding in combat, these batons have a setting which can be switched on to administer a low to high voltage charge upon impact depending on the setting, they can be used as a standard duel wielding weapons that can subdue people, they can also be connected together to be used as a staff weapon.

Dreams/Wishes: Her biggest wish or dream is freedom, it is something she would love to enjoy and feel once again. To be able to see her family again, to escape Miss, Dawson's home, even if it is a nice big place. Or even just bring the force field down.
Evil, Good, Walking the Line: Mostly leaning towards good, despite her experiences that lead her to being stuck in Miss Dawson's home, she may tend to walk the line at times depending on her moods and situation.
Siblings (If Any): A single Brother. ( Normal.)
Pets (If Any): A black kitty called Squiggles.
Am certainly looking forward to this! glad to see it back :)
@Lost Whispers with the powers as i cant remember from last time, did you just need it listed or a description to go with it? i found the character from last time round although she'll look a little different this time.
@Lost Whispers I'll see if i can find my character from last time and lookse into her. :)
@Lost Whispers do i need to reserve or PM you the power for my character?
@Lost Whispers Is it the same concept as last time? i think i still have my character saved.
Peeked in to have a look and saw my name on the main page! I remember this place :)
Just an update, my net is finally back on!
I would like to state interest in this been following for ages, just not joined yet as im in the middle of moving homes at the moment, but if there is space still going once my moving is done and sorted i be happy to apply. :)
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