Avatar of Dark Cloud


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9 hrs ago
Current New Wallace and Gromit movie baybee yeaaa
15 hrs ago
So it's just Seinfeld?
1 like
6 days ago
They put me in a room...A rubber room with rats! RATS?
6 days ago
Nuh uh
1 like
6 days ago


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //


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@Cao the Exiled I don't think so, other than just appearing by the cart it's up to you.
@Cao the Exiled I was thinking, of a trait that gives Kender additional dice when trying to pick a lock or disable traps (something like that)
@Mae No rush, I was just wondering. (I feel smort for having the idea that the gems could be a light source :D)
@Cao the Exiled May I take a different thing instead of a spell? Possibly a trait? If so to balance things a negative and positive trait? I'd rather Kender not immediately know magic.
Has everyone posted?
So...Are we actually starting?
@Guardian Angel Haruki Making fairy small was categorically wrong, WotC went against tradition (that's my take tho)
@Phrincut greetings cultured hooman
Yes! worship us mak us GoDs muhahaha
Regardless of what that typo might have you think, no, Jub's perception is nowhere near good enough to hear people's expressions changing, especially over an applauding crowd.

His Wisdom has no bonus, he is not proficient in Perception. Even if it was possible to hear someone gaping, Jub would not be capable of doing such a thing,

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