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5 days ago
Current They put me in a room...A rubber room with rats! RATS?
5 days ago
Nuh uh
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Don't worry guys POOHEAD189 is forklift certifiedâ„¢
16 days ago
Another year of writing for ye, and a happy birthday 🥂
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// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //


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I've only ever played Secret of Mana.
Long rests are for schmucks. What, you guys spent resources?! Pathetic, I merely spent sanity.

Your lucky this isn't Call of Cthulhu then.
@Dark Cloud I'm not going to give a definitive answer on that one, because really...

That's up to your judgment.

Well either we get stranded in the Feywild or go into the Mirror I say the mirror be da better idea
Anyhow posted and done, I'mma go play Dragon's Dogma
We can always rest when we get inside the mirror? right? RIGHT?

As the group came to a halt before the mirror the half-elf knelt by the reflective glass, taking a sip from his waterskin that to his disappointment was anything but liquor as he inclined his head listening to Aurora recount their brief experience within the Hall of Mirrors.

Wiping his mouth with the cuff of his shirt he nodded to confirm what she was saying and then stood before giving the mirror before them a slight flick with his index finger "You should have mentioned the girl earlier my friend," he said, as he hadn't seem the masked child at all when they found the halfling "But it matters little except if indeed someone in the mirror can help with regrets..." his gaze drifted back to the mirror yet it was like he was staring past his reflection "Well we all have those." he shook his head from the daze he put himself in.

"And I too will follow you my friend." Gabriel patted Aurora on the shoulders "After all you still owe me a drink and I owe you a tale or two."

@Guardian Angel Haruki ah kk, I'mma post now
Also isn't the carnival going to like..Disappear or some shit? I was under the impression that was how it worked
@Guardian Angel Haruki Well ye, levels of exhaustion and all that xD
@Ashley Levierre Any specific JRPG you enjoy? My personal favorite is the more westernized Chrono Trigger, very fond memories of that game due to story and the phenomenal musical scores
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