Avatar of Dark Cloud


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7 days ago
Another year of writing for ye, and a happy birthday πŸ₯‚
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7 days ago
Awww when's the wedding?
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8 days ago
Sir, this is a Denny's.
8 days ago
Nah don't feel bad, you lost something important to you and that sucks.
5 mos ago
Shout out to tomatoes. The most real fruit.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //


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Most Recent Posts

Wordage: Less than 250 (+1 points)
Experience: 5/10 EXP
Location: Gutsford -> Dystopiascape
@Lugubrious as Atropos and Co. & @Double as Roxas and @TruthHurts22 as Razputin

The keyblade wielder, while obviously skilled with his strange weapon, was also the easiest to anticipate. The boy fought without strategy, blindly swinging at Benedict only to be halted by Atropos who stepped forward to shield the Turk. Instead of repositioning himself, Benedict stayed behind the demon ignoring the boys questioning.

Benedict took a second to assess the situation, two fights were taking place; on the school bus and the convoy, if they could somehow separate the trucks the enemy would be scattered the question was, how? Benedict used his skills as a strategist help his demonic bodyguard see the inconsistency in their foes strategy, boosting her ability to handle the martial aspect of the situation as she was toppled to the side, clinging to the bus.

The convoy was dealing with the Trumpeter, at least that was until said instrument came hurtling towards him. The enemy could learn a thing or two about calling out after an attack or during to sow confusion as Benedict simply sidestepped the projectile just as it was thrown "I am doing my job, nothing more." he kicked the trumpet aside, to the rocky road and turned slightly to face the weird looking child if the boy was a child.

Benedict's gaze was as emotionless as his tone except for a glimmer of red behind his spectacles. The Turk kicked Raz in the chest toppling him and retreating a step backward holding the point of his sword up to the sprawled out Seeker "I do what I must, no matter the cost. Only the results matter."

I'm just really exhausted rn. I had an awful sleep and a bad reaction to my flu shot. It hasn't been a super fun day.
@Lugubrious I'm just doing a few last minute edits, do you want me to just post after the update? My sleep schedule is fucked rn btw so I was pretty much dozing all day.
Can ya'll slow down a bit? I keep needing to edit my draft post xD
Powers back up but it's like 10pm and clocks are being set back so I'll be losing an hour of sleep. I'll definitely be working on getting a post. It'll be ready by tomorrow night.
My power is probably going to get knocked out, the wind is howling outside and my lights are flickering. So I think I'll need to delay my post til tomorrow or Sunday.
@Double does Roxas have superhuman strength or some shit? Or just really good with a keyblade?
I'll be working on posts today anyways, Fridays are my best day to get er' done. :D
Gabriel is pretty much nonexistent in the IC rn. But that's probably cause I haven't posted so that's on me. And I apologize.
@Lugubrious damn when I saw the Roxas post I nearly broke into a sweat. Thank goodness for demon bodyguards. Not suuuuper surprised his attempt at reasoning fell on deaf ears.
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