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2 days ago
Current Another year of writing for ye, and a happy birthday πŸ₯‚
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2 days ago
Awww when's the wedding?
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3 days ago
Sir, this is a Denny's.
3 days ago
Nah don't feel bad, you lost something important to you and that sucks.
3 days ago
Finally I am one with the PC


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //

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Most Recent Posts

It wasn't intended to ban homebrew.

It was intended to force homebrew to follow their ideological limitations...

But mostly it was intended to make any IPs developed with their systems into their IPs, and to give them a chunk of the profits for whatever books companies like Paizo or whatever might sell.

Well fuck.
I don't think it would work all that well as a running joke. I don't trust folks to do it subtly. It would get annoying as fuck if they were cracking too many jokes about "what do you have to say on the matter Link" and "ohhh the strong silent type" and that type of shit. I wouldn't mind if they went with like non-word noises and body language though.

Maybe get a Morgan Freeman type narrator to explain what Link is probably thinking or talking to folks about. Or say stuff like "Now he must have felt scared and very alone there, on the top of Death Mountain, but Link, well, he did t let that stop him."

The narration idea sounds good, instead of showing him speak it would be through narration of what he is saying. I just don't want another LoZ cartoon moment.
Honestly I think Clive doesn't drink alcohol, it seems more interesting if he just doesn't drink it but he enjoys that others drink something people worked hard to make.

Olympics? Aeroplanes? who in sweet Jesus were these people? If this wasn't some kind of weird joke, it weren't getting any funnier that's for sure. Clive shifted his hat a bit revealing a pair of bright sea-green eyes that passed gaze over the other folks in the town square, his attention snapped towards the direction of a growling voice barking for the crowd to disperse.

Clive recognized the kind, authoritative and not too patient probably pissed off most of the time cause they ain't had their morning coffee. The man had a steely-eyed look to him, old and grizzled in his suit of what the southern man could only guess was authentic armor; the kind them medieval folks wore.

Scratching his forehead Clive tipped his hat to the angry looking man "Mister, I ain't even sure where in gods name I am." in earnest he wasn't very sure if any of this was real but he sure felt it was, the air was filled with the strong smell of fish, something like animal shit coming from far off and Clive wondered if maybe he hadn't just blacked out "Listen sir, I ain't nothin' but a simple farm man this is all confusing as...Pardon my language but it's confusing as heck."

A frown pulled at the side of his mouth, scratching the back of his neck with a gloved hand Clive looked a little concerned with the way the commander was standing like he was about to come out swinging with that weapon at his side. Though Clive's attention was drawn to a soft glow in his worn old work gloves that distracted him a moment. Must be the sun, what fried his brain he dismissed the glow as nothing but his imagination for the moment returning his gaze to the man circling the lot of them.

"Now, let's all just get our darn britches untangled for a second here mister. This is most like a big ol' misunderstanding I reckon." trying to be a voice of reason Clive held up a hand for the guard commander to stop, maybe see they were all confused and shocked just as he or the other folk gawking at them were.
Anyway, also @xenon the guard commander wouldn't have seen the crystal on Clives hands, he's wearing gloves. So this post I'm working on is gonna go with that. Lol. He hasn't even noticed it himself yet.
@Dark Cloud

Where Kyouka got her sass from.

Does Kyoko speak mainly Japanese or another dialect or also English? Clive just knows English. Interesting question, wdy think @xenon?
All of this would go right over Clives head, anyway I'll be working on a post in about half an hour.
Inb4 Kyōka makes a damn fine lie-acting:

"I dunno these people, I'm just a wanderer, I came across these hoodlums" type of deal.

Clive is now our official meme.

"Now there miss, judgin' people by there looks ain't too kind." said Clive wondering where the hell his pickup truck is and why a lady wearing a fancy oriental dress and face paint was calling him a 'hoodlum'
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