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Current Another year of writing for ye, and a happy birthday πŸ₯‚
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Awww when's the wedding?
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Sir, this is a Denny's.
2 days ago
Nah don't feel bad, you lost something important to you and that sucks.
2 days ago
Finally I am one with the PC


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //

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<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

*Leans against Prism, breathing lightly*

Hm, that is game set and match I believe. Shall we play another?
@rocketrobie2 the book just came out a while back. Are you on Discord? If you wanna chat about it my dms are open. But I tell ya it's actually a really cool book. It has Stat blocks for bosses from the 1st to 3rd game but it also gives the starting class selection from dark souls actual class stats in the form of pregen characters and every single piece of weapons, gear and armor from the games as items in dnd.
I'll post tonight

Wordage: 488 words (+1 points)
Experience: 10/20 EXP
Location: Detroit
Zenkichi's @MULTI_MEDIA_MAN and Giovanna's @Lugubrious

Wincing slightly at the swift jab he felt, Benedict silently cursed himself for allowing his ambitions to outweigh his sense of reasoning. But the former inspector knew better, as he cast a withering glance in the secret agents direction he couldn't hide his contempt at being called an old man. He wasn't a doddery old fool and his former colleague would know that all too well almost as well as the fact Benedict wasn't one to joke.

Allowing himself to breathlessly sigh, the Turk knew he was going to hear no end to this after the fact so he had no option but to play along. Benedict however had no intentions to deceive the detective, Zenkichi could see through deceit like a hawk thus he had no options but to explain what he had in mind since meeting the Seekers without allowing his own virtues conflict with his words.

"Allow me to apologize Mr. Hasegawa," he began, collecting himself as he began to explain in earnest what he had been thinking even before he had been assigned to Gutsford "Though she may have embellished the details in rather..Colorful fashion." Benedict's word sounded civil but to the secret agent she could tell he was mildly annoyed by her rather lackluster attempt to cover.

"She is much too young to be talking of retirement, and her attempts at humor juvenile but on that topic." since he had been appointed to track down the redheaded woman and even before, Benedict had began to have reservations for the line of work he was in. At times he had considered like others, to go rogue and other times resign but his eyes were always veiled by something driving him into his work and nothing else. He buried himself in his job, often to his own detriment but he couldn't really understand why.

"I am in no shape to work the field," he told Zenkichi, Benedict nodded to the cane next to him "Though I'm no 'old man' as the fair lady put it, I am not a young man like you. I am not as skilled a fighter, I was made to do other things." nobody would know better that this wasn't as easy for Benedict to say as his colleague but it was the best explanation he could give.

"I have decided I must retire from Public Security, I need to keep a promise I made a long time ago. These people decided against my wishes to throw a unprecedented dinner party to celebrate the fact." it was a lie but, it wasn't too far off by the circumstances they presented and he wasn't thrilled to be here, he hardly had touched his salad "My words were merely an attempt to get out of this unnecessary get together after hardly knowing most of these people." again he would have rather eaten anywhere else and as far from the dirty streets of Detroit as possible.
I find the adaptation of DS into dnd interesting especially at how it deals with death, you don't die permanently but each time you lose what humanity you have and if you lose too much. You lose all sense of self, you are no longer you and become an empty husk of the person you once were.

That makes it interesting to see and I will allow players to start hollow like I did before if they wish.
That may steer people off but I think it could work in the setting and it helps me actually speed up adding more lore. Or I'll use the book as a source for inspiration. I'll be purchasing it in the coming week so I'll keep ya in the loop.
@BigPapaBelial@rocketrobie2 well if I got you guts, and you both are still in it to win it I recently found a dnd book or a dnd 5e compatible that I've been considering to adapt to my story.
@GN FOREVER he might be lost in the shadow realm for all we know.
@Ambra@AlternateMan when the Alt Man takes his break from posting status to join your rp..You know he's serious. Good job.
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