Avatar of Dark Cloud


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2 mos ago
Current Clearly you all are wrong. Only real ones drink Mug Root Beer.
2 mos ago
Update: my doctor has told me to stop eating pencils.
1 like
2 mos ago
You are what you eat? Pfft yeah right, if that were true I'd have lead poisoning.
3 mos ago
my life has been rather complicated as of late
3 mos ago
To put this simply my devices were smashed. I had a big thing with my family and it's why I've been gone for so long so I apologize to the people I was writing with.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //

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Vestibulum iaculis urna vel risus rhoncus, et aliquam leo sagittis.
Sed at odio sapien.
Curabitur sed mi id risus consequat aliquam.
Nam porttitor orci eget quam sollicitudin auctor.
Quisque et quam sed justo interdum efficitur nec non magna.
Donec tristique mi nisi, commodo pulvinar elit sollicitudin et.

Most Recent Posts

[ K R I N ]

@ProxyInc and @Lithfangel

”Tell me what you want to know, old man.” Her smile had widened, a toothy grin spread across the ladies face that might have even rivaled the unnerving one the man beside her had pastered over his weird mug, Krin looked at the fancy looking Tarot cards the mousey lass laid out in front of him, an eye brow slightly raised before he got a stupid smile of his own, though it were obviously cause he knew exactly what Ophelia's game was "Oh kid, you gotta think I'm not as sharp minded as I was long ago but if ya think I believe in them cards?" like come on, what was he? A fucking geriatric?

Apparently she hadn't gotten the clue that he knew all the tricks, he fucking lived her life, not the same sorta life but he knew what kind of street magic she was trying to run on him. He went to wiping a particularly dusty glass, still cackling at the ridiculous notion that the girl thought he would fall for drivel like the wisdom o' Tarot cards.
[ A L W E N ]


Gingerly, the necromancer took a sip from the glass sitting in front of him. Shaking his head as he set the glass down "Oh no, if I were expunged from my tutelage I assure you I wouldn't be a member of the living. It is the general public, you know peasants, soothsayers? The like whom cry of the evils that we...Scholars commit." those who make the study and practice of necromancy do not seek studies in the academies, they seek tutelage from others of the art.
@Saiyan no worries I got a short post shat out.


"I'll take the first watch. I doubt I'd sleep right away, anyway. Hey Clive, wanna jump on the first shift with me?" the southern man waved his hat with a free hand as the wind changed and blew the smoke in his and James' direction, coughing he nodded curtly "Sounds mighty fine there..." he smiled agreeing with the fancy accented man, for a second the man's name escaped him then he snapped a finger "Oh pardon my manners, Zell, almost forgot your darn name." Clive chuckled, finishing off the fish and wiping his hands on the leg of his pant.

Their watch had been rather uneventful, though from the other side of the tree where the farmer leaned he was whistling a soft tune, watching the stars without much worry. When their watch was up, Clive rested but his attention was always there ready to wake up when he needed to.
Was about to work on a post but okay lol πŸ˜‚
There posted
@Guardian Angel Haruki I think I might go for that or Magician, but I think I could manage Tower as one.
"The shadows, require no 'camaraderie'" the god scoffed but he did stop to think for a moment, a humming droll echoing neath his hood as the shadowy god crossed the arms of his cloak "I hardly require the company of others..Though.." his vision was trained on the shabby but still serviceable vehicle their troublesome cousin aquired, and he considered that maybe this trip could uncover more things about the odd nature of mortals.

"I see merit in what you say, sister." yes, this...For a moment he almost wanted to solidify the darkness to...touch the strange vehicle, to 'feel' as the humans often said but the cloaked god shook his head. Lowering the slightly shaking arm of his cloak, no he wasn't going to chase these silly sensations like Ki’ryah...

"Uhm, ah yes Ki'ryah?" Aryion shook himself from the malaise that fell upon him to drift closer to the light, he held out the hem of his robes to Ki'ryah and he spoke as soft as he could "My dear sister, do hand me the key I will readily disappear if you drive us into the Primordial Soup." he was less demanding than usual, either tired of the wall of positivity he couldn't get through or his own wall of jaded apathy being cast away by the light. Aryion knew the goddess of light would make a fine navigator, she'd gotten him to the diner pretty quick after all and he had tried to get away several times!

"Dear sister why not allow me to drive and you lead us with your light?" in earnest he was not the most useful at finding his way around, the shadows were ever shifting after all and knowing where or what they were was confusing even for a god. His sister was the best at finding things, even things she wasn't supposed to find..Him mostly but that was besides the point.
Ah I'm sorry, had a rather troubling day yesterday and busy days before that. I'll get to posting
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