Avatar of Dark Cloud


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2 mos ago
Current Clearly you all are wrong. Only real ones drink Mug Root Beer.
2 mos ago
Update: my doctor has told me to stop eating pencils.
1 like
2 mos ago
You are what you eat? Pfft yeah right, if that were true I'd have lead poisoning.
3 mos ago
my life has been rather complicated as of late
3 mos ago
To put this simply my devices were smashed. I had a big thing with my family and it's why I've been gone for so long so I apologize to the people I was writing with.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //

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There was singing, swearing and all kinds of squawking with different levels of their own charming irritability, Gabe deadpan stared as the satyr broke out in song with a look of utter bewilderment and just a level of- "What in the actual fucking Nine Hells." he was impressed, astonished and all around confused by the satyr as he danced and sang his way to Jub, he was like some sort of story book character in fact this whole fucking place was like a giant storybook come to life and he was starting to get sick of it.

Shaken from his stupor by shouting and swearing coming on high the half-elf couldn't help but smirk as he faintly heard their bugbear invoke the Rule of Reciprocity "Well I'll be," Gabe muttered to himself, his street twang of an accent barely noticeable with a snort he looked up to Jub as he foisted the keys "Good work, now do hurry I would love to find out how in all the worlds we ended up here."

Once he and Zavakri were out of their cage, he helped the sorceress out of the metal prison first then stepped out himself, he had the time to sort his items and put them back in place while they were left to wait as Jub got the animated and over the top Vansel out first.

"So you said this is Bavlorna's cottage eh?" the half-elf gave Vansel a sideways glance as he dusted himself off before resting a firm hand on his weapon "If I'm memeberin' right ain't she the lady who stole all that alcohol?" Gabe didn't really wait for an answer from the satyr, stepping past him and Jub to casually walk towards the doorway where he could see Brutrumukk and some old hag with a cleaver.

Blood everywhere, it was a sight that made him want to gag but he didn't he stared down the old woman with a hand on his weapon not making any threatening moves yet as he didn't want to break the Rules yet.

"Who are you," he stood at the doorway silhouetted by the light that came in or out the room "Where is the alcohol and why does everyone sing and dance at the most inopportune of moments?" he had it up to here with all this feywild bullshit.

He just wanted to get the stupid alcohol, find wherever Agdon was and cut off that rabbits ears for taking a keepsake his old mentor had given him.

"A most kind host should introduce themselves before they eat their guests I presume?" he added trying to cover his annoyance, with a lopsided smile.
She do be the one who took all the booze member'?
So are we killing this old crone?
<Snipped quote by rush99999>


*Looks at Jub's post again*

Ah! There it is! ...I need my coffee...

@Dark Cloud I stand corrected! Gabriel and Zavakri are free!

Cool beans
@rush99999 Brut nodded his head and tapped his foot.

@Guardian Angel Haruki is Gabe still stuck in the cage?
Be the real pizza lover you are
@All Might its as real as you make it fellow piezano enjoyer
I'll make a post too.

Wordage: 933 words (+2 points)
Experience: 8/10 EXP
Location: Valley of Ruin ➑ Army of Ruin
Rust Crew's @Lugubrious, and Zenkichi's @Multi_Media_Man
An entire armies worth of metal soldiers marched slowly towards the lower city, where all the folk living in the shadows of Midgar spent their days scraping by any moment their homes and maybe even their lives would be forfeit, everything gone in the blink of an eye. They came in all shapes, and sizes though none as reminiscent to the form of beasts as the Primates back in the Valley of Ruin. Partitio wasn't no soldier, but when he saw the scrappy little engineer and his artificial Blade leap into action a fire burned in the chest of the Wild Stallion.

There wasn't no time to think, not when so many folks livelihoods were at stake so with a hoot and a holler the merchant beat his fist in the air cheering on his allies as both engineer and his metal maiden tore through not one but several bipedal and even four legged metal baddies. Partitio laughed heartily, before giving a sideways look to the sound of Marshall's gun clicking "How bout rustling up a spare one of your fancy hand cannons partner?" not that he didn't appreciate the fancy doodad he'd nabbed back in the city it just weren't no good against a machines metal hide, Partitio turned the nailgun over in his gloved hand still keeping the overlook in his peripheral in case a stray bullet decided to come his way if he could even anticipate that.

He'd already proven to them he was a capable man, hauling twice his weight of salvage to the trucks earlier with the goal in mind for the folk in the slums to get the medicine and clothing he'd found in the downed flying machine. So appealing to them shouldn't have been hard, they were in a darned war zone! He'd be deader than the ghost town back out in the valley if he was caught, he whistled appreciatively when he was handed a big looking gun, a rifle they said it seemed alien to him but he'd already figured as much that a trigger fired a round from these sort of things "Thankee kindly." the merchant armed with his fancy new rifle slung the gun over his shoulder by its strap and tipped his hat to Marshall and his gang.

"Ho there partner let's not stand here like sitting ducks, nows your time to cover me!" the merchant brandished his machine slaying spear with a little spin as he stepped towards the overlook, slapping the older man he fought with earlier on the back "How bout it? Let's give these metal bastards something to remember bout the folk down here in nowheresville!" he did not wait for an answer, hooting and hollering he leapt over the overlook and into the fray sliding down he could he heard shouting all kinds of anecdotes as he spun his machine spear striking a biped that came at him striking high as the merchant went low and struck a blow to its head causing a buzz of electricity to spark as it fell dead as a doorknob.

Metal scrap was everywhere, bashed and burnt, possibly everywhere in between from Tora and Poppi's onslaught, he couldn't take on as many as his allies but a brave and possibly foolish plan "Come on old timer!" bullets whizzed by bipedal and Goliaths alike stomped his way and yet he didn't show signs of fear, there were greater things at stake here, he took a deep breath and slipped the rifle from his shoulder and said a silent prayer to the Flame. He wasn't a good shot, heck he was shit but boy there was something electric about that moment. The gun rattled, loud as thunder as he pulled the trigger muzzle flashing as it loosed a volley of bullets raining hell it made the merchant laugh like a giddy little chickadee, it missed more than it hit but it packed a punch to the machines that were rushing him. He nearly got trampled by a four-legged robot in his moment of candor but it was exactly what he was hoping for, it looked big enough to be considered something like a horse but it didn't look like none.

A Goliath came swinging, the merchant barely ducking in time to evade a bone crunching punch. He used this momentum to take a leap off its leg joint, using all his strength to essentially pole vaulting as he planted his spear into its arm, it was a fools errand but damned was it glorious to behold as the stocky man cleared its arm and as it raised its giant joints he hopped as it carried him upwards dislodged his machine spear and carrying him over...

Right on target, his outstretched polearm drove into the neck of the four-legged robot that had nearly flattened him. His weapon had dug into its joints causing it to spark but it stood and bucked trying to knock him off but he was no stranger to the kind of ride this was about to be, Partitio held his hat and wrangled an arm around the things neck joint or wherever it's head was connected, he unintentionally moved the lodged spear and the damned thing moved! For a moment it stopped bucking and that was enough for the merchant to shift the spear to turn it towards the overlook almost rearing he looked something like a modern age cowboy "Get on mister! We got a whole boat load o' metal to scrap!" he waves his hat around as he directed the robot to rush towards the overlook so his ally could join him.

Small Biped x2, Medium Biped x1, Large Biped x1.
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