Avatar of Dark Cloud


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2 mos ago
Current Clearly you all are wrong. Only real ones drink Mug Root Beer.
2 mos ago
Update: my doctor has told me to stop eating pencils.
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2 mos ago
You are what you eat? Pfft yeah right, if that were true I'd have lead poisoning.
3 mos ago
my life has been rather complicated as of late
3 mos ago
To put this simply my devices were smashed. I had a big thing with my family and it's why I've been gone for so long so I apologize to the people I was writing with.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //

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<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

@Dark Cloud Honestly I could see Rallis and Wormwood having some fun interactions. Like, if Wormwood is good at finding things (I.e. arrow materials or tracking his targets), Rallis could β€œpay” him in food or other stuff to keep him going. It’d be less like a sidekick and more a paid partnership since Rallis could also supply Wormwood with stuff from the Hamlet or possibly give him an alternate residence in his cabin. 😜

Wormwood would appreciate knife-ear tradeytrades, but me like moss in woodbox. Tankubye *stuffs mouth with all the food*

But that sounds pretty cool I like it.
Where I live changed slightly to squatting in toolshed Wormwood calls woodbox.

Sheesh how many of us are just various stages of hobo? 🀣
<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

I could see, maybe, if he was in the immediate area behind the house, like, if he was squatting in her toolshed, he could definitely get away with that, if he was careful enough. And taking bits and pieces of her greens could be seen as wild animals being a pest, for certain.

But, Nibby is far too meticulous to not see anything amiss inside her cottage, and doesn't want her secret getting out, so she wouldn't allow anyone to stay over.

Her Druidic Transformation comes undone while she's asleep.

Tool shed yis yis
Now as for leaving the village, Wormwood wants to be accepted by hoomans and be apart of either a small clutch of people or a community so that could lead into adventure hobo Wormwood so...

@Enkryption I can sense that Nibby might find a Kindred spirit in Wormwood, being their both not close to the village. No that I think about it maybe Wormwood is squatting in your cottage and is often a bit of a pest trying to eat the tasty leafs in your garden.

@TheNoCoKid maybe Rall has come across Wormwood in the woods before and after realizing he is not a threat he come out every do often to check up on the dumb little lizard? Lol

I'm interested to see how all the characters interact, @Crimson Flame and even though Mary is literally Snow White mixed with Cinderella I wouldn't mind her being the baker that is apart of my secret on my sheet.
Also if anyone wants to add Wormwood to their connections I'm pretty sure it's mandatory I say yes. Lol.
@scrawls hehe, at his library you have to BORO the books. But actually I really like Boro, whatever he is he gives me journey vibes with his picture and a bit like a taller Vivi
I have never had a sheet accepted that fast. 🀣
@scrawls he is dumb as a bag of bricks but has a heart of gold. Thanks and a librarian sounds cool. Maybe I should add a new goal of not be illiterate to Wormwoods goals πŸ˜‚
@Mae Well anyways done.
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