NAME: Pride (He wears his curse a little too proudly and has since proclaimed it as his name.)
AGE: Early 20's
SIN: Pride
HEIGHT: 5'8"
WEIGHT: 190lbs
EYE COLOR: Light Blue
HAIR COLOR: dark brown
Gender: Male
A well kept and presented, finely groomed young man. Bright ambitious and ready to take on the world. Smooth skin, strong jawline, piercing eyes, white teeth and a killer smile. He holds himself with an air of confidence, stature and authority. He is in fair physical shape.
By most accounts he's considered a handsome and desirable man. If not for his charm then the wealth he appears to come from. His attire always making him seem as one of the more important people of any room. His persona reeks of affluence.
BRAND APPEARANCE: The silhouette of a manticore backed by a raising (or falling) sun. Located on the centre of his chest.
Level headedSlightly impulsive,Charming,
Untrusting, Sociable, Proud, Determined,Competative,
He is ever slightly OCD with a strong drive to be in control of every situation.
BACKGROUND: "I, uh, I can't remember..."
WEAPON: 2 Ornate Bladed Flintlock pistols. Even before the Arc ability these were a thing of technical ingenuity and marvel.
For pride, at the peak of his sin, he wouldn't even consider accepting anything less at his side.
The Flint lock pistols, the first of their kind, are extremely powerful, accurate and efficient.
The blades, also known as the 'manticore's tail' hold the true magic of this marvellous item. These deathly sharp blades can change in size and shape. They can shoot off freely from their gun tethered only by a long thin chain trailing behind connecting it to the guns trigger guard. It can extract and recoil with great speed and strength.

While mostly wielded as a knife whip or rope dart, in its chain state it's movements and control are at times clearly of a magical influence. Almost moving on its own it can snake off from the rest of the weapon, bound to the handle by a trailing chain that extends and controls it's whip like movements.
(Think Kusarigama with the pistols being the handles.)
He undertook a perilous and long journey to find a great being capable of conceiving such items worthy of himself. More risks were taken to acquire or create the necessary materials and magics.
It was a lengthy and trailing process. Many would call it a fools errand but none can be more foolish than pride. Many enemies were made as friends and acquaintances were used or betrayed in his selfish pursuit.
Even when his only ally left was the near godly creature who made these gifts for him, Pride could not risk or bare the thought of another owning a similar marvel. So he used his new creations of killing to ensure the creator of them could never again create another. He used his new creations to kill their creator.
ABILITY: Shadow travel (Portals)
A tear in the fabric of space connecting two distant locations with a dark ominous portal. As a perverse unnatural defiance to nature any solid interaction or firm force with the outer edge or 'ergosphere' causes the singularity to instantly collapse and inwardly implode with the shock and volatile energy of nature rectifying the mistake. (Nothing lethal but highly deterrent)
To protect the ergosphere and prevent collapsing a portal can be placed on a wall or other sturdy flat faced object.
The greater the distance of the two locations the smaller the openings size can be.
If something is reaching through the portal at the time of its collapses it closes around the obstruction tightly and painfully as a large force expels it to which ever side held the greatest mass. Anything not truly connected to both sides, like an object held in a hand, or a piece of jewellery, will remain on the other side.
The direction and shape of a portal is variable however altering either further limits the restrictions on size and distance limitations. A straight forward human sized portal can only extend about 15 meters, after that the size gradually decreases to that of a small chest at 50 and less than a fist at 80.
They can only connect known familiar spots or that which is visible.

NAME: Pride (He wears his curse a little too proudly and has since proclaimed it as his name.)
AGE: Early 20's
SIN: Pride
HEIGHT: 5'8"
WEIGHT: 190lbs
EYE COLOR: Light Blue
HAIR COLOR: dark brown
Gender: Male
A well kept and presented, finely groomed young man. Bright ambitious and ready to take on the world. Smooth skin, strong jawline, piercing eyes, white teeth and a killer smile. He holds himself with an air of confidence, stature and authority. He is in fair physical shape.
By most accounts he's considered a handsome and desirable man. If not for his charm then the wealth he appears to come from. His attire always making him seem as one of the more important people of any room. His persona reeks of affluence.
BRAND APPEARANCE: The silhouette of a manticore backed by a raising (or falling) sun. Located on the centre of his chest.
Level headedSlightly impulsive,Charming,
Untrusting, Sociable, Proud, Determined,Competative,
He is ever slightly OCD with a strong drive to be in control of every situation.
BACKGROUND: "I, uh, I can't remember..."
WEAPON: 2 Ornate Bladed Flintlock pistols. Even before the Arc ability these were a thing of technical ingenuity and marvel.
For pride, at the peak of his sin, he wouldn't even consider accepting anything less at his side.
The Flint lock pistols, the first of their kind, are extremely powerful, accurate and efficient.
The blades, also known as the 'manticore's tail' hold the true magic of this marvellous item. These deathly sharp blades can change in size and shape. They can shoot off freely from their gun tethered only by a long thin chain trailing behind connecting it to the guns trigger guard. It can extract and recoil with great speed and strength.

While mostly wielded as a knife whip or rope dart, in its chain state it's movements and control are at times clearly of a magical influence. Almost moving on its own it can snake off from the rest of the weapon, bound to the handle by a trailing chain that extends and controls it's whip like movements.
(Think Kusarigama with the pistols being the handles.)

He undertook a perilous and long journey to find a great being capable of conceiving such items worthy of himself. More risks were taken to acquire or create the necessary materials and magics.
It was a lengthy and trailing process. Many would call it a fools errand but none can be more foolish than pride. Many enemies were made as friends and acquaintances were used or betrayed in his selfish pursuit.
Even when his only ally left was the near godly creature who made these gifts for him, Pride could not risk or bare the thought of another owning a similar marvel. So he used his new creations of killing to ensure the creator of them could never again create another. He used his new creations to kill their creator.
ABILITY: Shadow travel (Portals)
A tear in the fabric of space connecting two distant locations with a dark ominous portal. As a perverse unnatural defiance to nature any solid interaction or firm force with the outer edge or 'ergosphere' causes the singularity to instantly collapse and inwardly implode with the shock and volatile energy of nature rectifying the mistake. (Nothing lethal but highly deterrent)
To protect the ergosphere and prevent collapsing a portal can be placed on a wall or other sturdy flat faced object.
The greater the distance of the two locations the smaller the openings size can be.
If something is reaching through the portal at the time of its collapses it closes around the obstruction tightly and painfully as a large force expels it to which ever side held the greatest mass. Anything not truly connected to both sides, like an object held in a hand, or a piece of jewellery, will remain on the other side.
The direction and shape of a portal is variable however altering either further limits the restrictions on size and distance limitations. A straight forward human sized portal can only extend about 15 meters, after that the size gradually decreases to that of a small chest at 50 and less than a fist at 80.
They can only connect known familiar spots or that which is visible.
Dalatgar forest path.
Bandit territory
It was not an unusual occurrence in these parts. These roads that stretched between towns winding through the notoriously known forest, home to all manner of brigands and cut throat thieves.
It's why the roads, despite being the shortest path between locals were now barely traveled, at least not without a strong guard company.
What was unusual was the single fine carriage lead only by an old coachman and his young stable hand. Unarmed they sat atop the seat behind a marvellous shiny-coated black draft horse. It was dangerously clear that a horse and carriage of this calibre didn't belong anywhere near here. One of this stature had probably never even set foot along these treacherous paths before let alone travel unaccompanied. It's clear worth and status was reserved for the safe halls and pathways of royal and noble estates.
Despite the growing commotion and impending danger circling around them fast, all three remained perfectly calm and still. The old man, the young child and the majestic beast. Had greed and stupidity not gripped itself so tightly around the hearts of these bandits, maybe then they would have seen the situation for as it was, too good to be true. Yet desperation and a black heart gave them a false hope.
Hope for a naive lost noble travelling with wads of stolen riches.
Hope for a carriage of bratty young damsels fleeing off in emotional defiance against their parents rule.
Hope for an easy bounty to end their sufferable miserable ways of life.
A cruel, sadistic, gap tooth smile spread across the growing leathery dirt ridden faces like a disease as they seemingly appeared from nowhere, emerging from the surrounding bushes and shrubbery, forever increasing in numbers and confidence as they closed in circling their easy prey.
Either a bandit leader of sorts or simply an over eager and impatient participant, one man struts forwards more further than all the rest, casually heading towards the carriage door. A thin sabre swinging loosely in his main hand as his tattered and torn simple tanned clothes flap on his every bouncing step in the soft quiet wind. His smile, acting as a reflection of his desire, much larger and fouler than all the rest. He ignores the driver instead focusing on the large wooden surprise before him. As the man raises his boney frail hand to tatter on the carriage door, beside him the air begins to shimmer and distort as a mysterious dark energy swirls into a strange opening.
Now no longer smiling the curious bandit intently stares into the shadowy disk, trying to make out the image hovering in its darkness.
A sudden thunderous roar screamed out of the portal and was followed by a loud thud as the main thug dropped to the floor like a heavy sack.
Silence and confusion swept the battlefield as the sick smiles faded and were replaced by worried open lips. Then the new silence was interrupted by the slow steady creak of the opening carriage door. All eyes quickly fell to it, staring in anticipation. A large heavy leather boot was the first thing to evacuate the carriage, followed by another. One after another they descended the steps carrying on them a well kept calm handsome young man. In his hand he held a strange dagger that expelled a thin wisp of smoke. His face was expressionless as he surveyed the scene.
With a nudge from his boot he shook the lifeless bandit sprawled at his feet. It was that action that triggered a response from the other bandits. A wayward spear flew towards the coachman. Too faraway to intercept it Pride reached out towards it with an outstretched open hand. Just before piercing his driver the spear vanished into a black hole and a scream of pain echoed out from the tree line far behind them. An archer quickly responded by drawing back his bow but as he released the arrow a dark circle opened before it. As the arrow left the bow it emerged from the archers chest with a sickening squelch and spray of blood.
This continued two or three more times before a large burly man came thundering towards him with a powerful axe raised high over his head. Pride stood still and unwavering before the ferocious might of this stampeding half giant. The strange blade at his side seemed to droop and grow ever so slightly under the weight of gravity.
As the mighty axe cam plummeting down with all its weight and the full force of the giant brute behind it, Pride effortlessly caught the attack mid air with his slightly lengthened and curved gun blade. The clashing metals rang through the air hiding the gasp that swept the bandits.
Skipping back with a fast step Pride spun on the spot holding his composure and posture. Mid turn the blade whipped free of the pistol and came slashing around past the giant brute before him leaving behind multiple streaks of red across his chest and arms.
The chain clunked as it fell to Pride's side. Still attached to the pistol it weighed it down as he raised it and pointed the empty barrel at his stunned opponent. The two locked eyes intently both unsure of the others next move or intentions. The brute cared not of the barrel pointed at him but the chain running from it and the knife bound to it on the floor bellow.
Now it was Prides turn to smile. With his thumb he cocked back the hammer. Meanwhile from somewhere in his carriage small portals we're opening and connecting within his pistol.
Enough time and suspense had passed, the large bandit swung again.
He was too slow, mid swing his head jerked back and he fell to the floor lifeless.
Now this was enough to startle the weaker willed of the bandits. But Pride could not stand by and allow them to flee so easily. A new darkness grew before him, larger and taller than the rest. Large enough for him to step through. As the chain retracted back into his pistol Pride reached into the back of his belt and pulled forth a second bladed pistol. Identical in intricate shape and form it was only the colours that differed. As if inverted to each other they were opposite with alternating highlights. Like day and night or light and darkness.
Job still incomplete Pride stepped into the darkness and behind his foes. The old coachman and young child huddled together in the clearance. The man desperately trying to cover the child's ears and shelter him from the ensuing screams that slowly traveled through the forest around them.
Bandit territory
It was not an unusual occurrence in these parts. These roads that stretched between towns winding through the notoriously known forest, home to all manner of brigands and cut throat thieves.
It's why the roads, despite being the shortest path between locals were now barely traveled, at least not without a strong guard company.
What was unusual was the single fine carriage lead only by an old coachman and his young stable hand. Unarmed they sat atop the seat behind a marvellous shiny-coated black draft horse. It was dangerously clear that a horse and carriage of this calibre didn't belong anywhere near here. One of this stature had probably never even set foot along these treacherous paths before let alone travel unaccompanied. It's clear worth and status was reserved for the safe halls and pathways of royal and noble estates.
Despite the growing commotion and impending danger circling around them fast, all three remained perfectly calm and still. The old man, the young child and the majestic beast. Had greed and stupidity not gripped itself so tightly around the hearts of these bandits, maybe then they would have seen the situation for as it was, too good to be true. Yet desperation and a black heart gave them a false hope.
Hope for a naive lost noble travelling with wads of stolen riches.
Hope for a carriage of bratty young damsels fleeing off in emotional defiance against their parents rule.
Hope for an easy bounty to end their sufferable miserable ways of life.
A cruel, sadistic, gap tooth smile spread across the growing leathery dirt ridden faces like a disease as they seemingly appeared from nowhere, emerging from the surrounding bushes and shrubbery, forever increasing in numbers and confidence as they closed in circling their easy prey.
Either a bandit leader of sorts or simply an over eager and impatient participant, one man struts forwards more further than all the rest, casually heading towards the carriage door. A thin sabre swinging loosely in his main hand as his tattered and torn simple tanned clothes flap on his every bouncing step in the soft quiet wind. His smile, acting as a reflection of his desire, much larger and fouler than all the rest. He ignores the driver instead focusing on the large wooden surprise before him. As the man raises his boney frail hand to tatter on the carriage door, beside him the air begins to shimmer and distort as a mysterious dark energy swirls into a strange opening.
Now no longer smiling the curious bandit intently stares into the shadowy disk, trying to make out the image hovering in its darkness.
A sudden thunderous roar screamed out of the portal and was followed by a loud thud as the main thug dropped to the floor like a heavy sack.
Silence and confusion swept the battlefield as the sick smiles faded and were replaced by worried open lips. Then the new silence was interrupted by the slow steady creak of the opening carriage door. All eyes quickly fell to it, staring in anticipation. A large heavy leather boot was the first thing to evacuate the carriage, followed by another. One after another they descended the steps carrying on them a well kept calm handsome young man. In his hand he held a strange dagger that expelled a thin wisp of smoke. His face was expressionless as he surveyed the scene.
With a nudge from his boot he shook the lifeless bandit sprawled at his feet. It was that action that triggered a response from the other bandits. A wayward spear flew towards the coachman. Too faraway to intercept it Pride reached out towards it with an outstretched open hand. Just before piercing his driver the spear vanished into a black hole and a scream of pain echoed out from the tree line far behind them. An archer quickly responded by drawing back his bow but as he released the arrow a dark circle opened before it. As the arrow left the bow it emerged from the archers chest with a sickening squelch and spray of blood.
This continued two or three more times before a large burly man came thundering towards him with a powerful axe raised high over his head. Pride stood still and unwavering before the ferocious might of this stampeding half giant. The strange blade at his side seemed to droop and grow ever so slightly under the weight of gravity.
As the mighty axe cam plummeting down with all its weight and the full force of the giant brute behind it, Pride effortlessly caught the attack mid air with his slightly lengthened and curved gun blade. The clashing metals rang through the air hiding the gasp that swept the bandits.
Skipping back with a fast step Pride spun on the spot holding his composure and posture. Mid turn the blade whipped free of the pistol and came slashing around past the giant brute before him leaving behind multiple streaks of red across his chest and arms.
The chain clunked as it fell to Pride's side. Still attached to the pistol it weighed it down as he raised it and pointed the empty barrel at his stunned opponent. The two locked eyes intently both unsure of the others next move or intentions. The brute cared not of the barrel pointed at him but the chain running from it and the knife bound to it on the floor bellow.
Now it was Prides turn to smile. With his thumb he cocked back the hammer. Meanwhile from somewhere in his carriage small portals we're opening and connecting within his pistol.
Enough time and suspense had passed, the large bandit swung again.
He was too slow, mid swing his head jerked back and he fell to the floor lifeless.
Now this was enough to startle the weaker willed of the bandits. But Pride could not stand by and allow them to flee so easily. A new darkness grew before him, larger and taller than the rest. Large enough for him to step through. As the chain retracted back into his pistol Pride reached into the back of his belt and pulled forth a second bladed pistol. Identical in intricate shape and form it was only the colours that differed. As if inverted to each other they were opposite with alternating highlights. Like day and night or light and darkness.
Job still incomplete Pride stepped into the darkness and behind his foes. The old coachman and young child huddled together in the clearance. The man desperately trying to cover the child's ears and shelter him from the ensuing screams that slowly traveled through the forest around them.