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So joining the group seemed to be an issue last time so I’m happy to start off ‘with’ anybody if they are keen!?
Traveling companion ect;

15th day of Anais
1 day before the talks
Location: Reason - Harrows Tower
(outline: Drakus, Rendyl & Abbi meet Eric

“How has your swordplay been?” Drakus asked with a daring smile. “You appear to still have all your fingers and eyes, you must be practicing with servants, if practicing at all.” He taunted and teased the older man in good jest.

“I still await for you to honour my people and take on a real challenge in my grand arena. Think of all the people that will see you then. The ladies of Solaris just love a good swordshow.”
Drakus bated the man's ego, deliberately and obviously layering his final words with innuendo. He turned to the three women surrounding him and looked to them for final confirmation.

Rendyl had been keeping a posture that lent itself to her slim frame, her feathery limbs tucked firmly into their grooves. She looked up demurely and nodded "Yes, Master. A good sword fight between two skilled opponents is a marvel."

Eric smiled amicably, not seeming to catch on immediately. Then, his expression turned to a pensive frown before he burst out laughing. ”Oh, Lord Solaris! Why, you sly devil, you." His hoard of servants had paused, but he gestured for them to continue inside without him. Even though he was in the presence of so many powerful people, Eric seemed very much at ease. “I’ve been doing my best to stay- well, sharp. Indeed, I have had many opponents from all over Croania, though you’ll you'll find that it is my superior swordsmanship that leaves me in one piece. As for your arena? I may just have to take you up on that.”

Eric patted the sword at his waist. The guards had given up on confiscating weapons almost instantly. Dealing with lords was quite the hassle. “So, how about you? You’ve had quite a hectic time as of late. Not to mention…” Eric trailed off, eventually continuing in a hushed voice. They’re here as well, are they not?”

Drakus’s frustrated sigh and knitted brows was answer enough. “Sadly it’s true, the duties required to forge and defend a new house do not afford me much time for the endeavour of such a noble art.” he instead replied with what Rendyl knew to be a lie. Despite the heavy burden of his contested Lordship Drakus always made time to practice his sword play, but should he duel Eric again any time soon, he’d rather him think his form was lacking.

He twisted his neck, and shrugged his shoulders, trying to relieve the tension thoughts of them brought to him. “Thank you for the information.” He said softly on a side note. “I know it did not come from your hand directly,” he began but then let the rest trail off unsaid. Drakus’s homework of the talks had come from Eric’s people, at a fair cost of course. “This will be a momentous event for house Solaris.” Drakus added to no one in particular, musing on his own thoughts and concerns, despite his best acting, he did not share in Eric’s nonchalant ease towards the upcoming events. Rendyl slowly maneuvered herself to Drakus's right side and one step behind, listening intently and looking attentively at her Lord.

“Miss smith, please tell Lord Eric of our self playing music box. Eric, we will have to send you one.” He said, changing tone as the long steps came to an eventual end.

Rose gave a bowing curtsy that she had been practicing with Rendyl, whom had been helping her perfect for most of the trip. She had been doing her best to be seen as a decoration as her maid had informed her that Lord Drakus preferred in these types of situations. “My Lord,” she said blushing from being around nobles. She reached into her messenger bag and pulled out a book. She flipped open to a page with her design notes and drawings to show him. “As you can see there is a mechanical drive that is propelled by a spring that has a catch when the latch is closed. This moves the gearing that drives the cylinder that has pins that deflect the tines on the comb that sound the notes. When I am able to access to some better metal and milling equipment. I will be able to produce a much higher quality music box.” She paused, “I think you will like the portable pipe organ we brought as a gift,” she said not sure if that was to be a secret or not.

Fearing Abby’s excitement and detailed information was beyond Eric’s interest, Drakus gave Rendyl a slight subtle sidewards look that she would instantly understand. The Avian slave nodded slightly back and stepped forward, reaching up and gently resting a hand on Abbi's bicep. She leaned close and whispered "A lady must be precise and never babble."

The words would echo back to parts of her lessons Rendyl had been teaching to Abbi, as they were similar to her own rules of conduct. With the bit of advice given, she stepped back into her place at her Lord's shoulder.

Eliona, exceptional in the games of nobles, hid the exchange by drawing Eric’s attention to herself. Being mostly blind led to its own array of accepted social norms. With the stairs having ended she placed a hand around the Granis heirs forearm as she moved close for support and spoke gently.
“I hear there is a nice amphitheater here, will you be visiting, I have never see… visited it before” she corrected.

“Self playing? Why, how wonderfully Northern,” Eric beamed. He didn’t seem to be saying it like it was a bad thing. “You know, our Quan back home would adore one of those. He’s always been rather into music, but it is such an inconvenience to get decent musicians to come over. I keep telling father we should sponsor some, but they- oh, never mind.” He cut himself off mid-way through his rambling. “As for the amphitheatre? I’ve been before, it’s quite wonderful. The benefits of your house being right next to here, I suppose. While you’re here, you really should go down to see it. A beautiful place, it is.”

Abbi’s smile shined the the sun and her cheeks glowed like rose buds in the morning dew, as she bowed again. That was the problem of being a pale skinned redhead, she wore her emotions on her skin. She was pleased enough that she didn’t even think about how much entertainment she was providing with this dress. She was also grateful that Eliona, helped her save face and she thought that Eliona might be a good ally and tutor on the art of the court.

She also felt a little awkward and annoyed. Lord Drakus had asked her to explain about the music box and she had kept it simple. She could have gone into detail about the gearing ratios and how she dealt with the power lost in the drive mechanism. It gave Abbi the feeling that this was going to be a very painful learning process.

Abbi was also delighted she had her first opening at upgrading the university, Lord Drakus had said the northern provinces, but she understood what he said as he wanted the best university. Atleast, that was what she was telling herself. Abbi would work to make arrangements for sending a music box for Quan, with a few different cylinders. It might be a way to get a couple people sent to teach at and students for the University and maybe something for her the lab space. If she could work it out, send some entertainers out on tour as a goodwill gesture. But that part was up to Lord Drakus to decide.

Eric continued speaking. “Introduce me to these lovely ladies, will you? Such a… colourful entourage, I’d have to assume there’s more to them than eye candy - that isn’t to say they aren’t beautiful, of course! Why, that dress is simply bewitching.” He smiled at Abbi, though he gave her and Rendyl an odd look too. “Quite the combination, especially knowing your brother’s… opinions of some kinds of people.”

“I am not my family.” Drakus sharply reminded all. He knew there would be those who attacked him for his company, and even though Eric was not one of them, the notion still set him on guard. The great lengths he had been through to change the people's opinion of Rendyl meant very little here.
“I would not have a lessor guard or inferior item for the sake of old frivolities and out of date customs.” He announced. The condescension and disdain towards his families ways evident in his voice.
“It is in both the Antecedent and the Contemporary, written by the mage Queen herself, we all have a part and a place. There is no reason this wouldn’t include the akeshan or technologists.” He argued, his voice filled with the same vigor and conviction of an argument that had been had a hundred times before.
Still through it all he managed to maintain a smile as he studied Eric’s reaction.

“I truly hope you don’t share my brothers views.” Lightening the mood back up he daringly added “From your reputation I can’t imagine you wield a discriminating sword.” He chuckled in jest patting the man on the back playfully, leaving it all unclear as to if he was being at all serious or not. Eric blinked, but he didn’t say anything.

Moving on, he turned to his companions one at a time as he introduced them. Rolling down the hierarchy.
“This is Lady Elonia, one of the greatest songbirds in all Croania.” She curtsied on time and with more prim and proper grace than most others of the court ever could muster. Every move elegant and smooth, despite her dresses restrictive nature. Even though part of her face was permanently scarred and her eyes of a milky hue, the blind bard held her head up high and proud. Owning her obvious flaws in such a way it leant to her overall appearance and who she was, reflecting them in a much more softer and accepting way.
“She manages many of Sols affairs and is head of the bards college.

“And this beautiful creature is Miss Abbi Rose Smith. Hailing from Young I’m still inclined to believe she may have even more brains than she does endless beauty, so you can understand why I had to appoint her as my technological advisor. She now oversees much of my bookkeeping and production. She has brought great improvements and efficiencies to my city.”

Abbi bowed like an engineer, happy that the dress stayed up, her shoe stayed on, and she did not fall over. Her bag swung around her though shifting her balance. Nerves can do that to a girl.

“Lastly the winged one is Rendyl, captain of my personal guard. She has proved her loyalty and worth more than enough times. There are songs sung of her achievements in the arena. No magi could ever be as suited to her tasks as she.” Drakus made an odd hand gesture, a small seemingly meaningless flourish that at first none would understand.

Rendyl did however, and she obeyed dutifully. She bowed at the waist low, fluffing her wings a bit to make them noticeable, then raised with her fist pressed against the center of her chest. On the back of her hand was a brand in the shape of the Solaris emblem.

Eric quirked a brow. To brand your own servants… even though she was a beastman, it wasn’t something he had the highest respect for. “A capable group, I’m sure. House Granis doesn’t have anything of the sort, though that may have to change.” He frowned, an unusual expression for him. “It all rests on these talks, doesn’t it? We just have to hope the results are favourable.”

He checked behind him. “Ah, I’d better catch up with the rest of my servants. A pleasure meeting you, as well as your ladies.” Eric gave them all a short wave. “Thank you for your time. Oh, and,” he looked Drakus in the eye. “Let’s all work hard to maintain order in Croania, shall we? Infighting does naught but hinder, as my father would say. I’ll be off, then.” He twirled on his heel, walking proudly into the tower. His cape fluttered in his artificial breeze. Eric looked like a bit of a fool, but he really didn’t seem to care. Soon, he vanished into the doorway.

”Peace comes at a price.” Drakus mumbled to himself under his breath as he and lord Eric went their separate ways. It was a lesson all Immolis heirs knew.
Then, giving Abbi and the servants orderly commands he sent them on their way leaving just Rendyl to follow him as he took a casual stroll around the tower, to acquaint himself with their new temporary residence.
So... Solaris has some nice gardens, I think Drakus Might be interested in checking them out first. 😬

Then probably see Elise Dalris in town on the way to the Amphitheater

12th day of Anais
4 days before the talks
Location: Solaris - the Lidicrum
(outline: Drakus gives orders. Rendyl & Abbi get ready and leave for Harrows tower.)

When the sun had just hit the tallest towers of Solaris and shone brilliantly through the heavenly reaching statue overlooking the grand arena in the Lidicrum. Once the deepest of shadows were chased away and the servants had something other than candle light to work in. Drakus had stepped out onto his balcony and peered down from his vantage high above, bare chested he basked in the sun as he watched the hustle and bustle of his subordinates down below. Three golden carriages, crafted just for this occasion, were hurriedly loaded and checked while a string of fine horses were fed and attended to.

"Double check! I don't want Master to be without his favorite food treat at all on this trip!"

Rendyl was coordinating a dozen workers as they loaded the cargo into one of the three carriages for their journey to Harrowed Tower. It wasn't a bad morning all things considered. It was a bright, crisp morning, and Rendyl was reminded of a life long passed where such mornings meant a beautiful day to sail the open seas…

"Miss Rendyl?

The voice pushed her out of her reverie, and she blinked at one of the workers who was looking at her with a funny expression on his face. She realized she had been tracing a few fingers across her golden necklace, a gift from Him after being inducted into Drakus's personal guard unit. The Avian shook her head slightly and pointed at a trio of bags "Why are you standing around you lazy good-for-nothin'? Get the last of it loaded up!"

"Yes miss! But there is a message from the Lord. He says to go on ahead and he will catch up."

Rendyl instantly looked up to where Drakus's balcony was, seeing if she could catch sight of him in the morning sun. Again? She wished he would take her on his outings...
A sudden whistle pierced the air. It held a familiarity to most in the house. A particular pitch in a particular tone. Drakus, the lord of Solaris knew that this meant Rendyl would soon be at his side. He exited the balcony and disappeared back inside his room. Already growing impatient.
Rendyl upon hearing the whistle leapt off the box she had been using as a stool, tossed a clipboard to the man she had been speaking to, and called "Remember the treats!" Before she turned a corner of an archway and disappeared into the building.

She found Drakus in his large lavish chambers, half naked and in the process of being dressed. His maids, two young female’s, identical twins and an exceptional singing duet had only recently fallen into his employ from some no-name family. While still training in etiquette he had taken a fancy to their almost eerie disposition and peculiar personalities. In perfect unison they turned their heads to stare at Rendyl and simultaneously put their thin frail frames between the lord of the house and his respected head of personal guard.
For reasons unknown they had grown exceptionally protective of Lord Drakus, almost as much as they seemingly disliked the avian.

Rendyl didn't seem terribly put off by their actions. She was used to some of the staff being guarded around her at this point, if not outright hostile for the fun of it. She gave a bow to Drakus, her wings tucked close to her back "Your guardian reporting as requested."

A smile crept across his lips ”Tell Rebbeca that Abbi is to wear a dress, non negotiable.” He ordered as he shooed off his maids. They stared daggers at Rendyl as they reluctantly left the room.
Drakus resumed his earlier position with his arms to the side and his head slightly tilted up as he waited assumingly for his shirt buttons to be completed.

Rendyl walked forward past the maids, ignored their stares and stepped up to the tall man, reaching up to resume buttoning his shirt. Drakus spoke once she began "Ensure Abbi is kept safe and comfortable. She is critical at these talks so keep an eye on her and the servants she favours.”
"Yes Master." Rendyl replied in a quiet voice, smiling slightly as she slipped the last button in place. She stepped back and held her hands together in front of her, awaiting further instructions.

“Look out for yourself too, these people will try to trip you up and get you to say things they can use against us. I have made you strong, don’t let them.” His voice grew stern and serious towards the end. “Are the guards all ready and in place?”
"Yes Master. They have been assigned and at the ready for the last half hour." His avian slave had known Drakus would expect only the best.

“People, reputation, cargo. That is your priority. Now, I will meet with you again on the day before the talks” He announced firmly dismissing her. His eyes flicked to the balcony briefly, that small notion granting her access to use it as an exit as he turned to the mirror to inspect his attire.
Rendyl bowed "Yes Master I will remember." She replied, and when she was sure he was done with her, Rendyl started walking slowly towards the balcony…

Then without much protocol she sprinted out the open balcony doors and launched off the railing. She allowed gravity to grab her and pull her down before she slowly unfurled her wings, easing them out into the wind to catch herself. She slowed her fall and gently glided in a lazy circle, relishing in the sensation of the wind in her feathers.
Landing meant a graceful curved approach, running as she met the ground near the carriages. Rendyl raised a hand "Let's hurry! It is almost time!"


Abbi rolled over and groaned as the maid came and woke her. Her room had the smell of the bleach of paper, leather, and grease. The maid was a sweet eighteen year-old that had been raised in the keep her whole life. So she knew the routines and the comings and goings that needed to be attended to. Rebbeca had been a housemaid and been promoted to a lady’s maid when Abbi arrived. Now she was diligently trying to perform her duties as Abbi wanted to sleep for another five minutes. She had spent the evening on a special music box, one that had a needle that pushed out. It was a precursor for the music box that would be a gift for whoever had killed her parents, when she found them. At least that is what she intended. The music box made a fairly effective timer but it was not as accurate as the electronic things back in Young. But give or take 15 seconds was not bad for something made from metal springs and wood. The mechanism needed some more work as it tended to bind. She had been working on this along with the portable pipe organ Lord Drakus was giving as a gift to the Queen. She had made a larger one for the keep.
Abbi had been sponsored to the university by an unnamed benefactor after her parents were killed in a fire. Abbi had been given to study what interested her, which were most things. Her status as a minor magic user gave her a little credibility, her ability with math and the sciences were more impressive. Growing up in a mechanics shop with a mother who made paper and bound books was a good place for Abbi. She was reading at an early age and helping her father. Since she had graduated and her advisors suggested strongly that Abbi get out and see the world, Abbi has been working as the new Technological Advisor for Lord Drakus. He in turn he seemed not to upset by her experiments or wanting to learn things, books and equipment being her big weaknesses. She was hired to help with issues and advancements of technology.
Abbi was not much higher standing than Rebbeca. Rebecca had been calling Abbi, Lady Smith. But Abbi had negotiated it down to Miss Abbi, not wanting that someone would assume she was a noble. The queen could make her a lady or she could marry into a title. For now she was a commoner with an education.
As she rose from bed, the maid insisted that Abbi had to wear a dress for the trip. Abbi had insisted that pants and her working clothes would be better suited if a wheel broke or if something needed to be repaired. The compromise was that Abbi would wear pants under her dress. So, if the men needed her help her dress would not get muddy. The dress showed off more of Abbi than she wanted seen. Abbi’s opinion was that Rebecca’s job was to get her married off. But the house was known for its display, pageantry, and arts. Rebecca said that “A woman is like a fine glass of wine to be enjoyed by the eyes and drunk slowly.” Abbi was more worried about someone wanting to put a hand in the glass.
She was also more concerned about the practical issues of what would happen if a wheel broke. Abbi decided that would wear pants under her dress.
At the carriage, three chests containing the portable pipe organ, a box of tools, chests of clothing, a small selection of reference books, and two of her messenger pigeons were loaded in the carriage. She had two more chests with things she wanted to bring. But she figured Rebbeca and Rendyl were working together to limit the weight. Abbi’s guard helped her into the carriage, by lifting her up and carrying her as she was having a hard time figuring out how to get up or down to get into the carriage.

15th day of Anais - early morning
Half a day away from Harrows keep.
Location: Reason - trade roads
(outline: Drakus meets up with Rendyl & Abbi)

Rendyl was on top of Master's carriage, taking the time to stretch her wings wide and full. Her feathers after six years had finally grown back in full, and it was so good to feel the wind pushing into them again.
Yet as her head hung back to stare up at the sky she heard the telltale flap of wings. Separate to their scouting wyvern escort. She slipped down and through the open carriage window, tucking her wings close into her body to fit, and quickly grabbed her guardian shield
"Miss Abbi stay in here. something is coming."
When Rendyl pushed the carriage door open and leapt out, she flapped once to help her get back on top and looked around, prepared now to intercept a possible attack…

Daystar was unmistakable, large for a gray wyvern and anything but gray. It was more of a yellow to brown with beautiful spots on its wings that the sun illuminated when it soared or glided. This was Drakus’s personal pride. The creature was fast, very fast, also quite rare. Rendyl recognized the color of the wyvern once it was in sight, and a wide grin split her face "Friendly wyvern landing!" She called, and let go of the hilt of her sword.

There was a loud screech as Daystar announced their arrival before diving a bit and swooping back up. They were positioned perfectly with the bright sun silhouetted behind them, glowing through the beasts magnificent wide arching wings. Then it came down with a few heavy flaps to land a small way up the road inside front of the carriages where Drakus dismounted and waited.

"Master!" Rendyl called and hopped off the carriage to alight near the landed wyvern. She was genuinely happy to see him, but she knew not to say anything further. She stood in her 'lady in waiting' posture within grabbing distance, her shield held at her side.
In their time together the two had learnt to speak volumes in silence. Something only gained by years of close proximity and awareness.
A slight rise in the eyebrows, a hanging pause in his gaze, the posture. He questioned how things went. Her uninterrupted resolve and assured steadiness replied that all was as planned. The faintest relaxation on a small exhale and a slow turn away was a semblance of a ‘good, well done’.

Abbi had spent much of the trip going between the carriages. No matter how much she tried, the servants did not want to call her Abbi, even though she was of the same social class. The queen could bestow the title of Lady on her. That would have impressed her parents. When Lord Drakus arrived, she curtsied as the maid had been teaching her as they stopped. She had been learning the court dances as well. There was more to being an advisor than she originally thought.

“Lower, more weight on your front foot.” Drakus instructed lightly as he approached, Rendyl in tow. He casually removed his leather flying gloves. “Otherwise looking good miss Smith.” he congratulated as he held out the gloves for a servant to appear and take before disappearing.
“And nice dress.”
“Still you must keep up you’re training, you represent house Solaris now. There will be a lot of people looking for any reason to disregard us, we must be strong on every front. Avoid those who oppose technology, they will trap you with their words, share our knowledge and interest with those of house Young and Kothlin. Hopefully we can cement some allies.”

He gave a confident smile and small nod. “But for now we eat, I’d hate to arrive with an appetite.”

15th day of Anais
1 day before the talks
Location: Reason - Harrows Tower
(outline: Drakus, Rendyl & Abbi arrive at the tower)

Drakus, Rendyl, Abbi and Eliona were all in Drakus’s comfy carriage. They discussed the information they already knew and that that they had purchased from Dalris. Possible allies and enemies, existing friends and foes.
“I could just kill him.” Drakus said referring to his older brother as his name was mentioned. Trying to remain nonchalant but clearly growing tense at his mention. Eliona was the only one who could raise the concerns of his family without coping a scolding. She was also the only person who could tell him he was being ridiculous.

Abbi listened intently to the conversation trying to take it all in. She would make notes later, for now she needed to listen. When Drakus mentioned the possibility of killing his older brother, Abbi was a little shocked. Technically, she knew she had the ability to assassinate someone, mage or not. She carried proof in her messenger bag. It would not take much more to modify the box into an explosive device. “Pardon me, as someone who lost family members to death, I would recommend that my Lord keep that as a last resort plan. If it goes wrong there are major issues to be dealt with.” she said. “Mainly death.“

There was the faintest nod and a dismissive flick of his of his wrist. “My ‘family’ is my concern, you focus on getting a representative from each of the technology houses into our schools. To teach, study or research, I don’t really care. As long as they produce something beneficial to our house. You will be responsible for them so choose wisely."

Rendyl held her tongue through the discussion, even though she was in control of a few ports, she was a bodyguard and servant first. Her Master had made sure of that.

Drakus was now peering out the window. They were finally here.
With the grand structure towering far above them, impressive, awe inspiring and full of history, Drakus instead paid it no mind as he scanned the grounds for the other lords and ladies to arrive. There were northern vehicles, southern carriages and just ahead of them there was the unmistakable black armour of a darksteel Knight. House Balaur, an old neighbor and country Drakus had visited in his youth. While most of Immolis might frown on Balaur’s methods for labour Drakus took note from the tomes, everyone had their place…

Rendyl was the first to step from the carriage, making certain to move to one side quickly and stand at attention for her Lord, shield held at her side. She was dressed in a decorative uniform specially designed for her, with the primary theme being wings.

Abbi exited the carriage and moved to the other side and back a little. She knew her place was decorative at the moment. A couple days travel made the getting in and out easier. She was grateful she did not fall as she exited the carriage. She admired how Rendyl knew her part and how regal she looked doing it. Abbi felt like a farm child coming to the city for the first time. She did her best not to look around and play her part. She wanted to go check the gift for the Queen but protocol dictated her need to be on display.

Following behind Abbi Rose was Eliona, the blind bard. This woman of weak noble blood held the appearance and stature of a full noble woman. During her days serving house Immolis it was hard to see her not as one of them. The once fierce deliverer of justice had lost her eyes six years ago at the event that kickstarted the reclamation of Kvat, the place that would later become Solaris. Today her elegance and grace was boundless, seemingly unimpaired by her condition. Taking the current styles from her new house she wore a long tight sleeveless dress that reached the floor, cinched at the waist by a glittering silver belt and was adorned with fine yet simple jewellery.

Drakus was the last to leave the carriage, his well trained servants ceased all movement and stood at attention beside the carriage as he did. Here at this place he was battling for lordship and house rights, he could not present himself as anything less. The bustling of commotion and unloading continued only after he made his way up the steps empty handed.

He led his small entourage up the great steps, catching up to a recognisable figure in his signature cape fluttering about despite the absence of a breeze.
“Lord Eric” Drakus announced formally before, offering introductions and light small talk of the travels and weather.

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