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Rendyl - In the Solaris keep.

Passing the door to Drakus’s personal greeting room, Rendyl is alarmed to hear hush whispers coming from inside the masters quarters from behind a closed door.
Two swift voices flew back and forth in some sort of swift nervous altercation.

The Avian blinked in confusion, no one should’ve been using the Master's greeting room. She stepped a little closer to the door and listened, trying to figure out what was being said.

The whispers continued back and forth, short and sharp, carrying forceful determination while trying to be as subtle and as quietly as they could..

“Take it!”
“No I don’t want to.”
“Please! Just do it.”
“No, I’m not getting involved.”
“Shhwehfde hmmmble” the voices hush before stopping.

Rendyl straightened, tucking that old book she hasn’t let go of since returning to Solaris under one arm, before pushing the door open. She was the head of the guard, so she had every right to confront whoever was meeting behind closed doors. She stepped in, holding beside the door frame to take stock of the room.

It was a lovely room, small and extravagant with lush chairs and a fine dining table in the center. Everything was in place except for the two intruders standing next to a bookshelf, huddling around a dim candle light. A fearful expression of shock suddenly caught their faces as they turned to face Rendyl.
The avian recognised both of the young servants. One was the maid who had accompanied Abbie to harrows tower. She still wore the bandages of her injuries and nursed a broken arm.
The other was a new court bard of the acrobatic field, who upon discovery quickly retreated his hand from the maid and shoved an object into his inner coat.

Both just stared at rendyl, dumbfound and silent, a streak of fear running through their expressions over a terrible guilty smile.

The guard looked sternly at the maid, then sent a scathing glare to the bard. She didn’t participate in politics very much, but even she knew what the bard’s guild was up to nowadays. Raising her voice, she spoke with a hardly used authority “Why are you using the Lord’s greeting room? No one is allowed in here without permission.”

She looked the bard up and down, noting his attempt to hide something in his attire “And what is that? A weapon? I will remind you that only House Guards may carry arms in the castle. Show me what it is you have.”

With an open mouth and trembling knees, words failed to escape from the young bards paling face. With obedience he removed a thin sealed unopened envelope and held it out.

“Nn, no miss. Not a weapon. H, here miss. I found this.”
He eventually managed to stammer, his words nearly shaking more than his hands.

“Found.” She rolled her eyes and reached her hand out to the bard to grab the envelope, the tone obviously unbelieving. Rendyl examined both sides before looking back up to the pair, her attention diverted to the maid for a moment “And why are you here exchanging hushed words?”

The envelope was plain and of simple parchment, an unmarked wax seal held it closed.

The maid looked to the bard, her eyes apologetic as she spoke. Not knowing what else to say she spoke the truth, putting loyalty above friendship.
“He dragged me in here.”
She said softly, her eyes falling to the floor.

“Hmm….restraining a young woman in a room reserved for the Lord, and an envelope you ‘found’. Let’s see what’s inside, hm?” The Angel of Sol used a fingernail to dig under the lip of the envelope, tearing the top neatly across before looking inside.

The wax seal surprisingly melted away into a slimy sludge when torn, it marked all that it touched as it slid down the parchment and would leave a red stain if coming into contact with skin.
The note inside was written with in the most basic and neat lettering.

-Meet me at the arena gardens tomorrow morning at the extinguish of the first lights.
I don’t wish to be your enemy, all I ask is for you to deliver a gift.-

((The arena gardens are a shady open area situated behind the grand arena between the slums and the graveyard. During the day children rough-house to the sounds of distant cheers while at night, less savoury dealings occur free from the scrutiny of town guards.))


While still somehow appearing somewhat composed the structure and leadership of Solaris was clearly cracking, behind the fissures in its walls brew sights of displeasure, unrest, undermining, distrust, plotting and fear.

Pleasantries came from behind jaded smiles, while conversations grew fake and of devious self interest. Secret meetings were happening around every corner and whispers abruptly stopped when ever a room was entered.

It didn’t take much to put Eliona at the head of the table but in her condition appearances and commands were scarce. There were still those that sought to defy her, especially since she was aided by an avian and a technologist.

Despite his charming support it was Roth Ivek-Patchel, head of the bards guilds, that seemed to be conspiring the most. Hision seemed to side with him along with Tholn.
The two large men creating an intimidating entourage beside the knowledge keeper.
His bards were spread far and wide, masters of rumours and culture they had ears everywhere. Roth however seemed to be carefully choosing what to share, when and to whom. Wielding this knowledge like a weapon.

Even the citizen began to grow divided, splitting into seperate sects and growing with unrest. Hision quelled their concerns with entertainment but his good deeds only seemed to cement his authority over them.

In the castle the servants seemed divided. Unsure who to follow some seemed to choose their own masters. Reluctant eye-rolls and poor, slow obedience was given to any lord who was not their own. Many found new positions within the house or were often found mid a secret or odd errand.

Still, no word of Drakus reached anyone’s ears. Tholn had spent much time scouting the wreckage with his wyvern rider forces, they brought back much for examination. While no proof was definitive, even he suddenly gave up.
I’ll give this a go
@Dark Light

While I agree that snail powers are top tier, Deviltry covers black magic, wickedness, mischief and deals with the devil.

If you want to play on the Devil aspect or vague witchcraft but escargot has so much more!

There’s the lubricant, crawling up walls, ability to lift ten times their body weight, the obvious shell. They also can carry leathal parasites but are immune to them themselves.
Or maybe I could take on the cooking process and generate heat.
The snails need to be removed from the shells so I might have magic that removes things from their protections.
It’s a delicacy to some but the thought deters others. A repulse attract angle.

Oh! And nearly forgot, the obvious snail pace power but on enemies :D
@Lugubrious Escargot 🐌 haha,
It probably has more applications than deviltry tho
List me please! :D
Make it a short list...
3 words
Is ‘technical damage’ something we should be aware of or consider?

Also, anyone know of any good ice demons/devils?

Can we start with a gun ability? I noticed it was a higher sp than the other basic magic abilities
I’m unfamiliar with persona, is there somewhere I can read up on it and the available abilities?
How do ppl know their abilities?
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