Avatar of Dark Light


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It's a Chuck Palahniuk quotes kinda night.
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I'm so Fuckin' broken...


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18 isn’t fair, any average Joe is gonna eventually get a 20, people yank on prison doors all day long and in groups. They’re made to hold.
3.5 had the dc at 28
@Lucius Cypher
Thanks, I was just curious where the weapons came from.
More curious about how easily all the doors are falling off their hinges...
I got nothing till there’s a GM update.
Did I miss the part that said our stuff was outside our cells?
What’s at the other end of the hall?
Memories seeped into the growing consciousness and brought with them a flame of rage and disgust inside his heart, burning with a fierce anger that was aimed at who ever or what ever unknown creatures had done this too him. The indignity of it all! His utter helpless. Still, he quelled his rage, he didn’t stir, he didn’t panic, he just slowly opened his eyes.

The dim lighting was perfectly adequate for Azzen’s infernal eyes, he saw his surroundings clearly but unlike Najila, as he awoke he stirred very little. Instead he chose to keep still and silent, soft steady breaths mimicking his sleep as he subtly assessed the situation he was in. There were other cells and other people too.

Of all those he was traveling with he was glad to find it was Najila sharing his cell, for he had began to grow fond of her during their short travels. Intrigued in equal parts by her obvious beauty, latent talent for music and her truly alluring clandestine mysteriousness. She was a puzzle and Azzen liked puzzles.

Not all puzzles though, he found little joy for the one they were in. Where were they, who did this to them, how and why. The thought hung in the back of his mind as he watched realisation hit Najila, they took her book. he thought to himself, what was it called again, ah that’s it.

Her panic was just part of her mystery. Just what was in this book of clouds that made it so important he wondered to himself. Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted and with the sound of a solid metal door snapping from its restraints, there was no longer reason to continue the sleeping ruse.

The man who had removed the door did not look exceptional, clearly some sort of savage. Either magic was at play or the doors were of a poor quality. The later idea gave Azzen a sense of relief.

Azzen stood, putting the crying tiefling behind him. He had chosen not to acknowledge her yet as her presence and condition stirred a myriad of emotions within him that he wasn’t ready to deal with.

Standing up he spoke tauntingly with a sly obvious smile.
”Bet you can’t do that again!” he said to the barbarian, gesturing to his own cell door.

Dammit, posted in wrong place. :/
Are you open to new bio androids with mixed DNA?
Name: Azzen
Race: Tiefling
Class: Bard
Background: Charlatan
Likes: Indulging, fine foods, clothes, wine, women, jewellery and entertainment.
Dislikes: Getting dirty, being silenced, being ignored, being man handled, being poor, being a no one.
Are you the > < character or the other?
Also super keen, when can we expect an OOC?
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