Avatar of Dark Light


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I'm so Fuckin' broken...


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How would a slime eat a goblin?
Does it just sit on part of its body and slowly absorb/dissolve/digest that part or would it spread thin and envelope him whole?

How would raw yellow slime taste?
Do the different colours have different flavours?
After all other failures Reshy will now either eat or be eaten.

*flips coin*

Failure after failure, it stung as deep as his hunger pains. Reshy stared up at the bright blue sky, bathing in its warmth with a tired resignation. His eyes affixed on the branches above him. It was a beautiful day, why did he think that? Also why did he seek to climb the tree or even think he could? What told him safety was up there.

He could smell a sweet aroma and after a moment of enjoying it glanced over to see the source, a yellow slime coming at him, then with a defeated sigh his head fell back down. He was too hungry, too tired, too confused. He was going to die.

That thought had the strangest feeling of déjà-vu, like he had it before. The whole situation was filled with a sick familiarity. Laying helpless with a severe pain in his leg, waiting to die. The slime was already over his foot and halfway to his knee, the pain it caused mimicking that of an impossible memory.

Not again, something snapped inside Reshy and he opened the flood gates to that desperate viscous hunger burning within. The sweet aroma only wildly intensifying it more. Savage and mindless he gave up thought to animalistic desire.

This slime was trying to eat him, but not if he could eat it first! With unknown speed and strength, all at once he curled his leg and the slime came towards him, he wrapped his arms around it and opening his mouth wide he bit in. His ravishing hunger consuming him.
@Dark Light Actually, yeah. If Reshy wants to go solo, I'm cool with that. If so, I can add on an encounter for him.

He’s gonna have a go at climbing.

...That or I might make a crossbow,

Reshy stumbled out of the burrow confused and slightly distraught. He was not comfortable with being compelled to leave, not that he really understood what just happened.
He found himself outside and alone. He raised a hand to shield his watery eyes from the bright light above him while his pupils slowly adjusted, tightening to new levels for the very first time. Tilting his head back he sniffed, welcoming the peculiar fresh air into his nostrils. There were wisps and untraceable trails of his brethren that had already left before him, besides that it was all strange and new.

Somewhere in amongst all the newness and first time experiences, there was a faint recognition of certain things that had no right to be there.

Bewildered by the tall trees reaching to the open sky, a vast contrast to his closed in dark den, Reshy seeks the tallest most inviting one and starts to climb. Steady and slowly at first, testing the branches and himself. Maybe there would be food up there that the others missed. Perhaps the vantage would let him see what the others didn’t. Either way, he didn’t care. Hunger pains now a constant dull ache. His clawed fingers scrapping on the bark.
So his climb started.

Are you gonna keep a creature tally with skills absorbed from them?

And do you want me to go with Cull or can I go my own way?
Ya know, why stop now.

Reshy simply grumbled and rubbed his scuffs and injuries as he sat up. The words ‘traitor’ and ‘coward’ might as well have fallen on deaf ears because they held no impact to the young goblin in any regards.

He didn’t hide his wounds nor did he cry about them, he didn’t jump up, run or hide. He just sat there and awaited the elder. Yelping and kicking at him if need be.

Regardless of what he may have been, Reshy was a goblin, a child goblin at that, and the only thing more prevalent than his self serving nature was his curiosity. So again, he kicked the elder in the back with his good leg.
Blood still trickling down the other.

@RC3 Fixed it up
Oops should have mentioned you in the above post but Reshy is gonna try lock you into his bad (or good) decisions.
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