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[ A L W E N ]

Alwen crossed his arms, glaring quite annoyedly at the creature as it completely ignored him so the other customers got their orders.

Hmph the necromancer grunted as he swept the coin he placed upon the table back into the pouch that he had at his side 'How rude,' he thought to himself as he placed the pouch back 'Oh well not like it's the first time, anyways.'' shrugging the necromancer pulled a leather-bound book from the satchel slung over his shoulder and began to engross himself in it.

The shadow imp seemed to be growing distraught, it was looking at Alwen and bobbing its head as though talking but he heard nothing. When Alwen took the coins back the imp reached for him. There was a crackle of white light as the creatures movements were halted by an invisible barrier. Black blood dripped from its finger as it looked around wide-eyed in fear.

A judging a questioning gaze fell on the necromancer. The small trapped creature before had a slight tremble to its thin frame. It’s tail was raised at its side however, tense and ready.
@Dark Cloud
Ah! So sorry I missed that, thankyou for the reminder.
I’ll get something up right away.
Dorian was, well, out of sorts today. Not yet quite settled back into things or his role here and a bout of loneliness had him sharing perhaps more than he should. He reaches over and takes a single silver bar, feeling it’s weight he studies it for a moment.

”I take all currencies, but would prefer not to get out the card scanner. Doesn’t do with the aesthetics of this place.” He says looking up from the silver with a small smile.
”A single silver is a bit short for our best tea but as its your first time that’s ok.”

He leans in a little close and almost whispers.
”Truth is the exchange is completely unnecessary, it simply offers a bit of normalcy and regularity. It ties people to where they’re from, it’s a single expectation that remains true. A small semi-constant that I can offer.”
As he leans back he continues, still holding the silver.
”Something I believe a travelled man such as yourself doesn’t need.”

But he didn’t give the silver back. Instead with a nod he turned and walked back to the bar, heating some water for the tea when a new patron approached.

”Of course we do.” he said, pulling up a bottle and preparing a short glass with ice just as quick as he replied.
”That will be 31 cents.”

Meanwhile @Song Book
Mollusks” it repeated, echoing Ethodi’s words as it stood staring at her, still leaning in closer, its eyes full of, curiosity? Adoration? There was a moments awkward pause before it said ”Right away!” and flew off.

No sooner had the shadow imp disappeared behind the kitchen door, another came fluttering over to her table. It flew somewhat slow and carefully, it’s attention on the steaming cup in its hands. This imp was slightly different from the other. Slimmer features, longer head and it had a small satchel around it’s waist. It placed the aromatic dark liquid down on the table, emptied the satchel beside it, (contents were a tea spoon, sugar cubes and little milk containers) gave Ethodi a look of disgust and then flew off.
@Song Book

The shadowy imp-like creature seemed delighted at being able to be of service.
It jumped to the task, descending to the table where it quickly swiped up the coins with its long clawed fingers.
”This will be more than enough.” it said without speaking, its wide eyes watching her intently. It inched ever ever so slowly.
”Oh, what about a snack? I’m not sure what your kind eat but I’m sure you’ll find it here. There is a steady supply of Gru bugs if you’d like. I’m happy to share.”
The small creature was quite animated as it spoke telepathically. Always shifting its weight or tilting its head.
Apologies for the days absence, I've begun a new job and with it a new schedule so I have had to adjust my hours for many things.

No apology needed :)
Hope the new job goes well!
@Dark Cloud

Still waiting for something since my intro post.

Was all the sword said, short and sharp. Amused even. For a moment it seemed like it was going to speak again, to share its thoughts, but it didn’t. After a small walk in silence where the sword replied to nothing, it suddenly and urgently blurted.


Then, ignoring the urgency of its past words it casually continued.
”Tell me of this crown seeker, what did it look like?”
Noticed your character was learning Revidian.
Spend much time in Revidia?

”Of course. Sir Vendril, pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Dorian Radshaw ”
Way lines” he repeated softly, amused but understanding.

A slight smile tinted with pride took his face at the following question. ”You are currently standing in the nameless tavern. A place in many lands, yet none. I think the best way to understand will be to look out a door or window occasionally.”

Although for windows, there were not many and all had thick rich red drapes covering them. Soft light prying at its edges.
So, @Dark Light, do you want a sister? Because that CS is how you get a sister.

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