Stables -> Tavern
Tidying up the last of his jobs, Valgo took one last look over the stables ensuring everything was in order before turning to leave. Sensing the direction they were heading, Rogh was near silent as he launch himself off the tribesman's shoulder and flew out into the open air.
Following the hawk, Valgo pause to pet one of the horses in passing and then he was out on the road again.
It wasn't too much later that his large hand was pressing against the wooden door of the tavern. Even from the outside he could feel the warmth from with in permeating through. With a slow gentle shove the door groan as it repeat its tedious repetitious motion and open. Valgo was instantly hit by the noise and commotion of the inn. He was not a big fan of the dense busy space, too many people, too unpredictable, but he [i]had[i] come to enjoy the beverages he could trade their coins for.
The concept of currency was still somewhat new to him although having used it now for a couple of years now he still found it all back to front. It gave weak men more and bent strong men to the mercy of their lessors. It allowed babes to starve while those with much orchestrated meaningless offerings to themselves. As wrong and messed up as it was, it was the world he was a part of now. Entering the establishment, the floor complaining under his every heavy step, he cross the room as he dig into his pocket searching for said coins.
He was halfway to the counter, doing a good job of ignoring those around him, when a figure suddenly caught his attention. A young man sitting alone in what the 'civilised' people probably considered fashionable clothing. He was drawn to this Lunarian not because he had seen the man before but because he had been told of his description in detail. Redirecting his path to the young man's table he stood over it and gesture to him with his chin.
"You Desmond Warren?"
He ask in his gruff foreign accent. The words sounding like they were going through a grinder on the way out of his mouth.