Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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12 mos ago
Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
3 yrs ago
After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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I am currently working on my character
Wait, am i supposed to pm you a character or...
Well... This just went to hell real quick. First this old man talking about how the prince was a bad omen, then a few members of the group came back after agitating some varjan soldiers, now they've been caught up in a conflict with one side blaming the other and vice versa on who attacked them first. Eclisse got into a combat stance and prepared for the battle, its a shame, Eclisse really wanted some tea that the apothecary was offering.

Eclisse was about to charge in when the tactician of the group started giving out orders, right, better to have a plan of action when charging into a bloody battle. She was to stay behind the front with the prince and cylus, and take out any stragglers who make it past the front, simple enough. "I wasn't expecting an all out fight, especially right here in the encampments. Ah well... You can trust me to cut down anyone who approaches." Eclisse said in a reassuring tone. On the bright side of things, Eclisse will finally be able to see a manakete in action.
Its been 20 years since what has come to be known as the Grave Eclipse Crisis, nearly drowned the world in shadows. Thanks to the efforts of eight powerful adepts the world was saved from this tragedy and the world of Gaia has seen many years of peace since then. The city of Belinsk has been rebuilt and thanks to the efforts of its queen, Sveta, has made peace between humans and beastfolk.

However, the Grave Eclipse was just the beginning, a spark for something much worse, something far darker than anything the world has ever seen. In time, this new threat will show its face and its up to a new generation of adepts to step up to the plate and combat this darkness. Legends will Rise to Face the Dark.

Its sad that Dark Dawn never got a sequel despite its massive cliffhanger ending, but I'm here to fix that, Golden Sun RP anyone?
@Polaris North @Lady Athena
Eclisse was beside herself, most of everyone were chatting amongst themselves or doing something else entirely. Rule #1: Get to know your fellow warriors, know who your working with and whether or not you can trust them with your life. She could list off all ten of her uncle's rules on how to be a successful mercenary, even #8, but hopefully she wouldn't have to go over rule #8. Might as well get rule #1 out of the way, though mostly everyone was already chatting amongst themselves, all except for Taka, that outlaw who went to most likely "get" more food, the two manaketes, one of which seemed a bit sheepish around Eclisse, the apothecary, and that other noble, Angelise.

If she were more into the money, Eclisse would've tried talking with the noblewoman, though getting to know the more... Unique members of the group might be more beneficial. So she decided on the manaketes, though she may have to be a bit slower with the sheepish one, Nyx. She started with the other one, Myno. "So... I've heard many tales on how powerful you manaketes can be. My uncle introduced me to a manakete once but I never actually got the chance to see him transform, maybe once we're out on the field or training you could show me how your transformation works?" She tried to sound as non-threatening as possible to show Nyx she wasn't to be afraid of, though she was curious as to how Myno would answer.
Interested, also i have a suggestion for the guild name, Iron Rose
Eclisse stood by in silence as each member of this little meeting introduced themselves. In all honesty, she was expecting a diverse group of warriors, but nothing this diverse, the manaketes were definitely a surprise to her. The outlaw however, made Eclisse very cautious, she had her fair share of bandits and rogues and none of them were particularly friendly, so you could say her suspicions were justified, but only time would tell if she will come to trust this outlaw.

After everyone else had introduced themselves it seemed that it was Eclisse's turn to introduce herself. She wasn't nervous in the slightest, this could be their very own little mercenary group. She hefted her blade, Blackfang, onto her shoulder and proceeded to introduce herself. "You may call me Eclisse, I'm a mercenary from Archanea, though thanks to my profession I've been to many other kingdoms besides my own. You have my blade, if the pay is good."
Ok, ill catch up on the story and then post tomorrow morning
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