Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
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After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
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Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
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Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Sorry for the wait, host post is finished.
@Mangrale@Lucius Cypher@cloudystar@Norschtalen@Eklispe@Ryougu

Khristina turned to her group, though a trip to the spa would be relaxing they had a meeting with the queen to attend to. Maybe after this is over they could have some time to relax, but now wasn't the time. "Sorry everyone, we're going to have to put a visit to the spa on hold, we have business to attend to after all. Loralei, please find some lodgings for the group and take care of Nephele for me, poor girl needs some rest." Loralei nodded at Khristina's orders and walked off with Nephele in her arms.

"Now then, let us hurry on, the queen is waiting." Khristina lead the group on towards a large palace in the eastern sector of the city. A large statue depicting the hero Vargas stood at the entrance, despite being a statue one could feel a great warmth from it as if a fire burned within it. Inside, the group was stop by a woman in armor. "Halt,
state your business here, if it's to seek audience with the queen then you best move along, my lady Salene is very busy as of late dealing with threats against the city."
The woman had two great axes holstered on her back and it was safe to assume that she wasn't afraid to use them.

@Lady Athena@Skepic

Loralei went as far as the western sector before finding a decent enough inn for the whole group. She went inside and booked rooms for everyone in the group before laying Nephele in her bed. "If she wakes up, just tell her to stay put here until my group and I return, she really needs her rest." Loralei informed the innkeeper before heading back to the palace. On her way back, Loralei was taking in the sights of the city when she accidentally bumped into someone. The sudden stop surprised Loralei and caused her to fall backwards, landing on her rear end. She looked up to see a trench coat wearing man with his face covered in a makeshift mask, the color in her face immediately faded. "I... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to, I wasn't looking where I was going..." It seemed like Loralei was scared by Heinrich's appearance, she was shaking on the ground.
It has been a few years since the invasion of the Flame World's devil, Ivlis. The Gray Garden has since seen no conflict, but the traitor who revealed the garden to Ivlis is still at large. The Gray Garden's keepers, the god Etihw and the devil Kcalb, say that the situation is under control but seemingly preparing for something, something disastrous. Hidden from the two keepers, the traitor plans to cause an event that could shake the very foundation of not just the garden, but other worlds.

Today is the Gray Festival, a celebration settled on the day that the bloody conflict between angels and demons was ended peacefully. People of other worlds have also come to the festivities. An annual occurrence, where many worlds meet in one spot, the perfect time for an old crow to put his devilish plan to action.

So, this is a little project I've started thinking over for a little while now. The Gray Garden, Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea, and Mogeko Castle were weird but cute games and I enjoyed playing them. So I decided, why not try to do an rp inspired by the games? This is still very work in progress but If I could get a little help and motivation I could get this done and ready. This is purely an interest check, but I would like for this to be a thing.
Ok, a combination of a sinus headache and waiting for a few people to post kept me from doing a host post. I will be moving things along tonight or tomorrow night so we're not stuck in one place.
Cynthia really didn't have a comment to the captain's claim of her being sensitive, was it wrong that she was a little softer than others? Maybe... Definitely... Who was she kidding, there was a reason why everyone called her a gentle giant. She zoned out a bit with the others chatting, she tried thinking of ways to change everyone's opinion of her. Maybe act tougher? Nah... Cynthia was a pansy, she wasn't afraid to admit it. But that wasn't going to stop her at being a good soldier.

The moment the officer came in, Cynthia got into a bit of a panic and scrambled out of her seat and saluted the officer.

"At ease. Take your seats and we will begin the briefing." without pausing he continued, "I am Rear Admiral Marshall of the United Nations Space Command Navy. Although I am in command of this division I will leave on the ground and deployment decisions to your Captain. Disobeying a direct order from him is the same as disobeying a direct order from me. Now, lets get on with the briefing. The enemy force for this exercise with be a squad of Marines backed up by an unknown number of Marine recruits. They will be protecting a flag on this island and your job, is to recover it. This is a test of your skills as a team, if you hold delusions that you will be able to handle this on your own, you are mistaken."

Cynthia listened carefully to the admiral, no need to tell her twice, she knew very well that there is strength in numbers and to stick with your squad. No questions from her.
You two around, your the only ones left to post
Once the squads had been formed everyone was dismissed. Cynthia followed after her new squadron into a room to listen to the leader of the squad, Atticus. She listened to his speech and took everything to heart, no more freelancing, no more lone-wolf antics, everyone here was part of a team now. "Loud and clear, Captain." Cynthia assured the captain that she understood completely, though it was hard to tell that the others knew, what with a few of them preferring to let actions speak louder. There was one thing that Cynthia wanted to get across. "Pardon any interruptions, but I kinda prefer a better term than "Brute" more my role in this squad. I may fit the role perfectly, but I'm kinda uncomfortable being referred to as a Brute... Only brute I know of is a savage alien gorilla thing." It was unknown whether anyone would comply with her request, but Cynthia honestly found it weird that her role in the team had the same name as that of one of the Covenant species.
Sorry, my post got cut but I fixed it now
Training Day Zero

BRRRzzzzzTTT "Good morning Spartan, Are you ready for your big day? Your assignment this morning is to do your daily exercises and report to the mess hall no later than 8 hundred hours. Good luck today."

Cynthia rose from her bed with a loud yawn. "Morning, Ava..." Training room, hand-to-hand, lockdown paint, the usual. Cynthia was not looking forward to the lockdown paint. After her morning routine, Cynthia started making her way to the mess hall. She didn't bother looking at the leaderboard, in her opinion it really didn't mean much, compared to others who saw the leaderboard as some sorta hierarchy. When she made it to the mess hall, it was like everyone in the facility was here.

She sat down by her serial number and asked one of the others what was going on. Apparently, everyone was getting split into a squadron, in the back of her head she was really hoping for a team who didn't see her as a muscle bound idiot. When she heard her serial number be called, she stepped up to take her position. "Brute... Figured as much..."
@Skepic Ya there? Cuz im about to move things along.
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