Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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12 mos ago
Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
3 yrs ago
After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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@Lady Athena
ETA on that post?
@Lady Athena
We gonna get that post?
Luna staggered a bit from the small earthquake, this was getting a bit dangerous but she had to press on with Cici and Tommy. After the ground stopped shaking, the sounds of pokemon could be heard and the three trainers were soon set upon by a group of five dragons. "They don't exactly look too happy to see us." No they did not as the group of dragons started to attack. Luna sent out Rose as she would be perfect for countering the oncoming dragons.

"Rose, use Fairy Wind on the Noibat!" the little fairy shot a sparkling breeze at the tiny bat dragon and got a direct hit as the tiny dragon fell to the ground. There was still the matter of the other dragons as one of the bagon jumped and headbutted Rose away. "Rose hang on! Huh? Luna's attention was taken when she saw a glowing blue light near Cici. Her Igglybuff had actually evolved into Jigglypuff, that may have just given them the edge they needed to counter the dragons. "Ok Rose,
hit Bagon with a Fairy Wind!"
Rose floated a little close to the ground on account of it taking a hit and released another Fairy Wind at the Bagon this time.

After giving her two cents to the Rito girl, Luna hopped into the carriage with everyone else. The ride wasn't long but it did give Luna time to catch up on her book.

Finally arriving at Ordon, Luna exited the carriage with Rin and took in the sights before following him to a toolshop of sorts. "What do you hope to figure out here anyway?" she asked Rin curiously. If they were going to hunt down a serial killer, how was a blacksmith supposed to help them any?
You could've PM me you know
@Lady Athena
No problem
Mind giving Sen something to do ahead of the group? She's kinda by her lonesome.
We're currently following a side arc that is meant to give each of everyone's character more power, then if things go according to plan we will then take the fight to the Fallen Gods.
Everything is good about your post except one thing; Grafl doesn't use gunpowder, his gun shoots bolts of lightning. But that doesn't mean some of the bandits don't have gunpowder.
Just realized that with cloudystar gone we lost our only water hero
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