Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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12 mos ago
Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
3 yrs ago
After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Wow, now he is someone I can see in Brave Frontier. Consider Ein accepted, I'll talk to you later about when and where he'll be placed.
@LuckyBlackCat I think that would be best, sorry I've been very busy as of late
Sure, the more the merrier.
The queen looked confused. "Soldier... Did you even catch sight of these assassins?" "They are a large group my queen, they axes and swords and..." The queen cut the soldier off there. "That makes no sense... Assassins wouldn't attack in such a group like this, this group is too brutish, too straightforward..." The queen stopped when Rochelle spoke to her, she hung her head low when Rochelle pretty much summed her up as a coward. "Well... Your right... I always sat back and let my guards handle things... But when there is a legitimate threat to the city... Then I must act!"

"Soldier! When this is all said and done, I want to know how this group of brigands got into my city." The queen stated as she pulled out a blade that was as black as obsidian. "Of course, my queen!" The soldier ran off to gather more guards as the queen walked beside Rochelle. "I have the blood of a great hero flowing through my veins... I'm not about to let it go to waste." She said with a confident smile as she headed outside.

@Mangrale@Lucius Cypher@Ryougu
Michele glared at Viranti as she called for GX to follow her. "I'm not about to get shown up by a lizard, c'mon Crabby!" The two charged outside and GX started to open fire on the brigands, who immediately retaliated all at once. Three bandits tried to take on Malkai, swinging their axes in an attempt to break his armor and one with a spear charged at Elise in an attempt to run her down. A rather sneaky bandit had maneuvered around Viranti and had slashed at his back to try and bring down the large dragon warrior. "I'm gonna make a nice pair of boots out of you, lizard!"

In the back line of the group, Khristina was chanting a spell that soon took shape. An aura enveloped her allies, giving them the strength they needed to survive this encounter. "Everyone be careful! Whoever these goons are they're not after the queen!"

@Lady Athena@Skepic
As the battle started, the brigand that Nephele had attracted pulled his axe back and was about to swing it down on her. The loud battle cry of the brute soon turned into a death moan as Loralei's lance was plowed into the man's chest. "I got you, Nephele! Let's do this together, as always!" She said helping her fellow maid up from the ground.

Grafl groaned as he noticed Heinrich in the midst of all this chaos. "You have got to be kidding me! You know what, never mind. We have a job to do and I'm sorry but... You get in our way then your as much of an enemy as that Oracle chick." He said aiming his gun at Heinrich, the barrel of the gun sparked with electricity as it could fire a shot at any moment.
Sen is currently way ahead of the pack so good luck getting a name from her.
Well I haven't gotten a reply from cloudystar, so I guess for the most part they're gone. I feel as if everyone who joined are just dropping like flies. I'll see about getting a post in the next few minutes.
Just making sure, I've been busy with real life stuff. @skepic until I get a reply from @cloudystar your the last one who needs to post
Is everyone still here?
Sounds good, once everyone posts I'll have the brigands charge at the group. So you'll have plenty of time to think of a battle plan.
Luna D. Dharc


"Before we go, how about a quick battle? We'll most likely be facing something pretty tough, so a training match beforehand might be the best way to go about this. How does a two-on-two double battle sound?"

A battle!? Luna's eyes sparkled at the opportunity to battle. This would be her first trainer battle in this region, and a double battle at that. How exciting!
"That sounds great, I practiced back in Unova... Though those weren't really battles... Either way... A double battle sounds fun." Luna said with her usual smile. Taking both pokeballs in hand, Luna tossed out her pokemon. "Eclipse! Rose! Battle time!" In a bright blue light, both pokemon were released and appeared beside Luna. Eclipse let an excited cry and the little Flabebe, Rose, floated around gently on her red flower. "Eclipse knows Dragon Rage... But I won't use that if it's a problem...

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