Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
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After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
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Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
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Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Quite a dramatic speech, too bad Sen couldn't care less about what the Warlock said. All she knew was there was people to kill and she was gonna be one of the first to see blood. Halfway through the speech, Sen was already moving out, she wasn't about to be swallowed up in some orc and goblin army. Call it claustrophobia, Sen just saw it as doing her bloody job, scouting ahead, getting a few kills, and then reporting back before heading out to get more kills.

It was all the same for her, she couldn't care less about Fellmore. Sure it was hard, but she was never a surface dweller to begin with, that yellow orb in the sky was annoying enough without all these bloodthirsty, ravenous orcs and goblins running about. In the end though, Sen knew one thing was for certain, her dull red leather armor was gonna be a deep shade of crimson after all this is said and done.

Luna was just about to finish a paragraph she was on before Rin spoke up, it seemed that he was back to business. Ordon village he said? Luna would have to ask him the details later. Looking up from her book with a bit of an annoyed expression she caught sight of the people who would be joining this little investigation. Ritos and a little Deku, well... They could prove useful when they got to Ordon.

"C'mon, I'm hiring a carriage. If we hurry I can still see the finals." Again going back to the tournament, Luna didn't understand the appeal of such displays of brute strength, a match between skilled and strategic combatants was more her style. Mind over brawn as they say. Nevertheless, Luna let out a quiet sigh and strapped her book back onto her belt and followed Rin to the carriage he was renting.
Scouts are way ahead of the pack though, right?
Luna D. Dharc


Upon reaching the pokemart, Luna looked around a bit for items that may be of use later down the road. Eclipse looked from side to side at the different items on display, he knew what was coming, at last he would finally get a pokeball of his own, this would only further strengthen Eclipse's bond with Luna. After grabbing a pokeball that was just right and a Rare Candy to celebrate, she headed over to the register to pay for her items.

"Alright, Eclipse... You can officially be my pokemon partner...
You excited?"
Like she even had to ask. Eclipse cried excitingly and jumped around happily. "Hee hee... Ok... Ahem... Eclipse, our journey together officially starts now." She said tapping the pokeball on the little dragon's head. In a red light, Eclipse vanished into the ball, it shook once, twice, three times, then a sparkle popped on the button. Luna exited the pokemart with a smile on her face and walked over to Cici, holding Eclipse's pokeball in her hand. "Ok... I'm ready when you are..."

So how do we start off?
@Mangrale@cloudystar@Lucius Cypher@Ryougu@Norschtalen
The queen chuckled upon hearing everyone's answers to her question. "Of course... You must forgive me for asking such a... Stupid question... Whatever your reasons, Lucius chose all of you for a reason and I myself do not doubt our Lord of Light, unlike some..." "My queen... I believe in Lord Lucius as much as anyone else...
But these people look nothing like a group of heroes..."
Michele said looking at Viranti specifically. "That's what many thought when the Six Heroes just started their journey, but now look at them... Legends to the very end..." The queen stood up from her seat.

"My friends... The Fire Stone you seek lies within a tomb beneath this very palace... The tomb was built to house the body of my long dead ancestor, Agni himself... No doubt his spirit will challenge your skills,
but I am sure you will overcome any challenge."
The queen started to walk towards a doorway and beckoned for the group to follow her but a guard from outside ran into the room sweating and bearing a grave expression. "My queen, assassins... Right outside the palace, a large group of them!"

Right outside at front of the palace entrance, a large group of mysterious men stood ready to attack at any moment. At the head of them stood Falma and Grafl. "I'm not fond of siding with men like this, Grafl..." "Falma, we get the job done no matter... I don't like it as much as you do but think of it this way... If this oracle's group is really as tough as they sound, then we can just scavenge what's left of the battle... These men look like they have plenty of valuables on them..." "I swear Grafl... Your too optimistic sometimes..."

@Skepic@Lady Athena
"Oh... Your another..." Loralei had to think for a second before speaking again. "Well... The more helping our group the better... Your very welcome to join. Lady Khristina is at the palace as we speak, come on." Loralei held Nephele's hand just to make her feel more comfortable and led her and Heinrich back to palace. Upon arriving they would see the mass of brutes and criminals about to attack. "Oh no...
We got trouble..."
Loralei said as she brought her spear out.

Luna D. Dharc

"Help's always welcome, but fair warning, Groudon might be the one stirring up Entei. Yeah, you heard that right, Of course, I don't know for sure, and I really hope not, but it's possible. If you're still ok coming along, though, we should stop by the mart first." Eclipse looked up at Luna, two legendaries clashing, that's something nobody wanted to be around. But the fact that these two trainers, Cici and her friend Tommy, were willing to go and see if there was anything they could do was inspirational.

"I'll do whatever I can... Me and my pokemon..." Eclipse let out a little "Deino!" just to drive the point home. "I don't mind heading to shop first... I need to get a pokeball for Eclipse anyway..." she said following behind Cici and Tommy.

So I should have 9 TP, 6 CP, a Level 5 Flabebe, and a Level 1 Deino I have yet to catch. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Sorry, I'll see to the edits next post. And I'll see about getting a pokeball for Deino.
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