Avatar of DarkwolfX37


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1 yr ago
Current "I've spent a lot of time thinking about my past... My mistakes... And I've come to the conclusion that I was right about everything."
1 yr ago
"What you know will kill you but you will die laughing."
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2 yrs ago
Hey, you know what's annoying? Being self-centered. Getting mad at people for doing something instead of something else when they're just having fun sucks. Gotta love self-loathing, too.
2 yrs ago
"You were last seen the day you disappeared."
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2 yrs ago
"There will always be shitheads. That's why they'll always try to out-shit them." - yourMoonstone | Reminder that all fanart is illegal. |
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<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

I write a lot of Python code.

Explain without just giving the code how to make a program that determines whether a number is an integer or not.
David you worked with python at any point?
Where's misty right now?
Summer had to stifle a laugh as she entered the Hall of Divine Judgement. What was with Beckoners and the whole "heaven and hell" motif? Not to mention that the tiny judge's wig was adorable. A quick looks around and a wave of her pendant told her that there were in fact Light users in the Hall as she took a seat as part of the jury. Perhaps she didn't belong there, but nobody else could do what she could and the group could certainly stand to have more of a balanced outlook than the fundamentalist opinion that nearly completely dominated it. She pulled out her sketchpad and began drawing the scene, the thought that perhaps she should be the court sketch artist ran through her mind. Deciding against it, she simply focused on the three people the court was most interested in, the prosecutor, the defense, and the defendant.

Shion's copy peeked out from behind the tent to record Eliza. Meanwhile, Shion herself and another clone sat in the computer store they had ducked into. Suddenly, Maura grabbed Shion with her shadow. In less than a second, her copy had her phone on flashlight mode and was shining it at her original's shadow, banishing the darkness that was there. Neither reacted to the threat they heard, they simply walked outside and waited, back to back, recording as if they were tourists.
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

There's a reason nobody uses straighttalk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

<Snipped quote by Ignacious>

Adulting is hard, yo.

Because three companies have a monopoly on phones. :/
<Snipped quote by Webmaster>

Its also help save money for my Dad too so he does not have to keep buying more gigs.

You know you could just get straighttalk and have unlimited for 35-45 a month, right?
Back. Sorry got a new phone. Trying to figure it out. Switched from Android to iPhone

You have made a horrible decision.
Several moments ago:

Shion watched from the phone of her clone as she was taken to a blonde magical girl. Shortly after, the stream went dark, and she noticed that a small amount of mana she was using was returned to her. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to learn much more than the faces of the two who were searching for her, and the voice of the one that seemed to be the underling in their dynamic. Nonetheless, she felt that extra caution would be necessary, so she called back all of her clones to meet at a specific location. She packed up everything she had into a backpack, forming a clone beside her with an empty backpack to carry the rest of her things, barring the tent. Lastly, she made a clone to stay there and record what happened, also setting another phone on the nearby top of the nearby door. She then took her copy in her arms and jumped from the building, using her magic on the metal structuring supports to slow her descent to a manageable speed.

Summer was greatly disappointed as she saw the posters on the walls, but the idea of playing poker perked her back up.

"You're on!" She sat down and prepared herself for the game when she heard the commotion at the entrance. She quickly ran towards the noise to see what was happening, totally forgetting about the girls she was leaving at the rec room.

Shion finally met with her clones just inside the city limits where she had first entered town and reabsorbed them, getting their memories and some experience from what little they did as if she had done it herself. She waited in a nearby store as she watched the streams from the rooftop.

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