"I've spent a lot of time thinking about my past... My mistakes... And I've come to the conclusion that I was right about everything."
1 yr ago
"I've spent a lot of time thinking about my past... My mistakes... And I've come to the conclusion that I was right about everything."
1 yr ago
"What you know will kill you but you will die laughing."
2 yrs ago
Hey, you know what's annoying? Being self-centered. Getting mad at people for doing something instead of something else when they're just having fun sucks. Gotta love self-loathing, too.
2 yrs ago
"You were last seen the day you disappeared."
2 yrs ago
"There will always be shitheads. That's why they'll always try to out-shit them." - yourMoonstone | Reminder that all fanart is illegal. |
Important News
Important Quotes
"Just bearing it all doesn't equate to courage." - "Alones" - Aqua Timez
"Am I the only one who thinks just living is sad?" - "Velonica" - Aqua Timez
"Destiny can eat shit and die." - "In My World" - ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D
"There is a difference between owing someone one's life and owing them one's living." - Mio
"The exceptional is a mental trait. Bodies are easy to remake, skills simple to teach, techniques and powers can be instilled. But for one who values personal freedom above all else, brainwashing isn't an option. So finding those with the mind I want is the only variable." - Dark
"I guess I could grace you with the sexual prowess of a dragon.” - Kiha
"Do you know why people have two hands? It's so that they can hold a sword in one hand and sincerity in the other. Even if they fight with one hand, they can shake hands with the other and make up." - Kaori Takamine
"Everybody deals with grief differently, right? Some people fuck at funerals, I cut off heads." - Travis Touchdown
"See that? Now THAT was a battle! Look at this blood! We humans are alive, even if we are assassins! Doesn't matter if it's a video game, movie, drama, anime, manga, WE'RE ALIVE! People shed blood and die! This isn't a game! You can't just selfishly use death as your tool! THIS is Alice's blood! I bet you've already forgotten she'd existed! Same way you would've forgotten about me! And THAT'S why I'm tearing down the UAA!" - Travis Touchdown
"You are the crownless king, the one who got out. You reached the top and walked away." - Alice Twilight
"With you it's different! You're the No More Hero!" - Alice Twilight
"Ironic Question coming from an assassin! Did you honestly think you could take so many lives and never suffer retribution? Have you never even seen a Kung Fu Movie, spy flick or western? Shakespeare, for God's sake?" - Jasper Batt Jr.
"Remember, freedom of speech is a powerful tool. And when stupid people use power tools, they often get hurt." - TheMysteriousMrEnter (youtube)
*As we get closer, there are many places where you can sense new things that you haven't identified; there is a large concentration of one of these unidentified things at the lowest elevation*
Hmm. IT's not the stuff at the bottom is it? It'd probably be higher up, right?
Nuclear it is! I'm going to fly us around the mountain because it's on the opposite side, but see if you can use your Realmatic Capabilities to guess at what elevation nuclear energy might be in the most use.
*We fall down at half of gravitational acceleration and slow down at the building; I allow you a few moments to study the Transformation harvesting electric potential energy from light* Okay, that's it for gravity and electromagnetism. What particles or forces do you want to study next?
Summer had spent the last week juggling preparations to start at a new school and fixing the church she'd accidentally destroyed. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but as punishment for it she was only allowed to use a small amount of her magic as she worked, so she had barely gotten halfway through. She wished she could be assisting with the Red Coin studies, but she understood the importance of fixing the mess she made and made peace with what she had to do. Hopefully she'd be allowed full use of her magic soon. It was because of this that she didn't hear the announcement of rulership that was loudly stated through Penrose.
In the past week, Shion had managed to get to two Mint "agents" and successfully obtain the coins they had. Unfortunately, this did not include any Black Coins, but instead consisted of five Silver Coins, eighteen Bronze Coins, and several handfuls of the almost useless Copper Coins. As she was now, she was sitting alone in a small cafe typing on her phone, finalizing her findings after some recent testing. Normally this testing would have waited, but being attacked the week prior and the embarrassing failure to destroy the spider girl had driven her to complete it. Her natural affinity for viewing the world around her mathematically had driven her to derive a numerical system for her magic. As she was told by her mentor Makoto, she had a magic rating of sixteen, rather high. As such, she determined that she has sixteen hundred "points" of magic. From her testing, it appeared that each clone of herself that she made required about one hundred "points," while firing a railgun without her weapon required about six hundred. It was no surprise that she had failed to fire one as strong as she had intended. Further, she found that upkeep of each clone required about ten points per day, based on how quickly she regenerated mana.
At the moment she had twelve clones out and about through the city leaving her with a mere four hundred to use against her current target, a girl who often came to this same cafe. From her experiences collecting coins the past week, she estimated that it took about fifty points to scare away the average magical girl, and she assumed it would take about 200 to defeat most enemies in a close quarters battle. This conclusion came from her skill with her magic calculated against her mana reserves, rather than raw magical might against raw magical might. She also found that having a clone or two do the required calculations for a technique for her, while leaving her open to an attack when she reabsorbed them, could vastly improve her fighting capability at the cost of a few hundred points to summon the clones. With all that in mind, she felt much more confident going forward with her plans. She finished typing a memo of this information into her phone and pulled up a recent discovery instead, a supposed news outlet called the "Penrose Independent." Looking at its stories through the perspective of a magical entity led much more credence to it than viewing it as a standard person would. So much so that Shion decided to have two of her clones work towards finding out more about the group and possibly setting up a meeting with one such journalist. Shion knew that she desperately needed to improve her list of magical contacts if she were to meet her goals. Having finished checking for a new article, she set her phone down and waited for her prey to enter. That is, she did until a voice boomed out, declaring itself the new ruler of the town. This would need attending to...
Makoto sat in a waiting room after her interview with a small rabbit Beckoner. Maxwell and Julie walked out of the room she sat outside, the rabbit sitting in Julie's arms as it reprimanded Maxwell. "Our job is to bring monsters to the light, not to use it to destroy them. These two things may overlap at times, but it is part of our jobs as bearers of the light to know the distinction. You are too quick to use the light you wield for violence, Maxwell."
Maxwell simply sighed and looked away. Makoto spoke up, "So can I see Izzy now?" The rabbit creature nodded and Julie gave her a thumbs up.
"Fine, but I'm going with you." Maxwell responded.
@Crimmy From her position at the back of the room, Shion watched as the girl attacked by the drone escaped before looking around, noticing the same security member as before guiding someone around near another wall. She took a moment to think of what they could be doing, seeing as they didn't seem to be looking to escape right away, and came to the conclusion that the tall man must be someone rather important, or perhaps a target of the woman who hijacked the event. Looking around, the obvious answer to what they were doing was "avoiding being seen." Shion decided that she had an interest in knowing who this man was and decided to help, allowing a rather large ball of ice to form in her hand. She took aim at the nearest security camera that she could see and threw the ball at it as hard as she could, hoping to disable it, before repeating the process with other cameras. Even if she failed to do damage to them, the distraction might allow the seemingly friendly security staff member to do something.
@Crimmy Well this was peculiar. Not only were the lights suddenly off, but she could hear someone very confident in themselves speaking.
"Friends of Iguchi! Do not panic! Your lives will be safe as long as you listen to what I have to say!"
... Darn. Shion couldn't see a thing, so she pulled out a small metal lighter and lit it. Perhaps not as effective as a phone's flashlight, but much more discreet. As her nervousness rose so too did the temperature directly around her fall; she was using her ability to help keep herself "cool," literally and metaphorically. She looked around with her lighter, slowly moving until she reached the wall directly across from the stage, where she stayed and waited for the voice to speak again.
"...I could create a Gekota AI to help manage your devices, if you so wish."
Shion perked up. Gekota? An AI? "What's the catch?" Shion asked. It'd probably cost a lot of money for something like that. What kind of things could this AI do, and did she trust this girl enough to let her put some mysterious program on her precious mp3, anyway?
Shion gave a light wave back to the security guard, a simple raise of the hand in their direction before a bothersome person appeared. Red hair and eyes, voice on point... Even in her disguise (cosplay) Shion could tell that the girl was... Aki? Ak... Someone from her school.
"Hello there. Waiting for the show as well?"
Isn't that obvious? ... Being broke again must be making me angry.
"Hello. Yes." Shion stated simply. How much longer would it be until the show? She checked her Gekota sticker covered MP3 for its clock.
In spite of the loud music being played around the convention, a girl walked alone through the crowded space with large headphones on, ironically playing the same music that everyone else could hear. Dressed in her Kirigaoka Girls' Academy uniform, a source of pride for her, she scanned the booths and stalls looking for rare or personally appealing items. She arrived at a vendor selling phone cases and though they were high quality and there were some that weren't too expensive, the girl's passion for Kanamin was very minor. Besides, her phone and prized mp3 player were both already covered in Gekota memorabilia. Still, she knew that there were some at her school who would be willing to pay more than this for the items she looked through, so she decided to sspend 2500 yen on a couple of phone cases.
Some time later, Shion had seen most of the merchandise and found herself buying a ticket for the car before finally finding the diamond in the rough of Kanacon. The preorder for the new album of Kanamin music. It took the rest of her savings, but she managed to part with the money easily enough for what she was getting. And with that singular errand done, she went to the stage to wait for the live performance scheduled for later on, ready to record the live audio for her personal music collection.
[hider=Just the thought of death makes one crave life]
[h3]Important News[/h3]
[hider=Spread the Mediocre Word]
[h3]Important Quotes[/h3]
"Just bearing it all doesn't equate to courage." - "Alones" - Aqua Timez
"Am I the only one who thinks just living is sad?" - "Velonica" - Aqua Timez
"Destiny can eat shit and die." - "In My World" - ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D
[hider=My Characters]
"There is a difference between owing someone one's life and owing them one's living." - Mio
"The exceptional is a mental trait. Bodies are easy to remake, skills simple to teach, techniques and powers can be instilled. But for one who values personal freedom above all else, brainwashing isn't an option. So finding those with the mind I want is the only variable." - Dark
[hider=Corruption of Champions (Text-based 18+ game)]
"I guess I could grace you with the sexual prowess of a dragon.” - Kiha
[hider=Aselia the Eternal]"Do you know why people have two hands? It's so that they can hold a sword in one hand and sincerity in the other. Even if they fight with one hand, they can shake hands with the other and make up." - Kaori Takamine
[hider=No More Heroes/2]
"Everybody deals with grief differently, right? Some people fuck at funerals, I cut off heads." - Travis Touchdown
"See that? Now THAT was a battle! Look at this blood! We humans are alive, even if we are assassins! Doesn't matter if it's a video game, movie, drama, anime, manga, WE'RE ALIVE! People shed blood and die! This isn't a game! You can't just selfishly use death as your tool! THIS is Alice's blood! I bet you've already forgotten she'd existed! Same way you would've forgotten about me! And THAT'S why I'm tearing down the UAA!" - Travis Touchdown
"You are the crownless king, the one who got out. You reached the top and walked away." - Alice Twilight
"With you it's different! You're the No More Hero!" - Alice Twilight
"Ironic Question coming from an assassin! Did you honestly think you could take so many lives and never suffer retribution? Have you never even seen a Kung Fu Movie, spy flick or western? Shakespeare, for God's sake?" - Jasper Batt Jr.
"Remember, freedom of speech is a powerful tool. And when stupid people use power tools, they often get hurt." - TheMysteriousMrEnter (youtube)
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Just the thought of death makes one crave life">Just the thought of death makes one crave life [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none"><a href=""><img src="" /></a><br><a href=""><img src="" /></a><br><a href=""><img src="" /></a><br><a href=""><img src="" /></a><br><a href=""><img src="" /></a></div></div><br><br><div class="bb-h3">Important News</div><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Spread the Mediocre Word">Spread the Mediocre Word [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none"><iframe src="//" frameborder="0" width="496" height="279" allowfullscreen></iframe><br><iframe src="//" frameborder="0" width="496" height="279" allowfullscreen></iframe><br><iframe src="//" frameborder="0" width="496" height="279" allowfullscreen></iframe><br><iframe src="//" frameborder="0" width="496" height="279" allowfullscreen></iframe><br><iframe src="//" frameborder="0" width="496" height="279" allowfullscreen></iframe><br><iframe src="//" frameborder="0" width="496" height="279" allowfullscreen></iframe><br><iframe src="//" frameborder="0" width="496" height="279" allowfullscreen></iframe><br><iframe src="//" frameborder="0" width="496" height="279" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div><br><br><div class="bb-h3">Important Quotes</div><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Songs">Songs [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">"Just bearing it all doesn't equate to courage." - "Alones" - Aqua Timez<br><br>"Am I the only one who thinks just living is sad?" - "Velonica" - Aqua Timez<br><br>"Destiny can eat shit and die." - "In My World" - ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D</div></div><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="My Characters">My Characters [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">"There is a difference between owing someone one's life and owing them one's living." - Mio<br><br>"The exceptional is a mental trait. Bodies are easy to remake, skills simple to teach, techniques and powers can be instilled. But for one who values personal freedom above all else, brainwashing isn't an option. So finding those with the mind I want is the only variable." - Dark</div></div><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Characters">Characters [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none"><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Corruption of Champions (Text-based 18+ game)">Corruption of Champions (Text-based 18+ game) [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">"I guess I could grace you with the sexual prowess of a dragon.” - Kiha</div></div><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Aselia the Eternal">Aselia the Eternal [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">"Do you know why people have two hands? It's so that they can hold a sword in one hand and sincerity in the other. Even if they fight with one hand, they can shake hands with the other and make up." - Kaori Takamine</div></div><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="No More Heroes/2">No More Heroes/2 [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">"Everybody deals with grief differently, right? Some people fuck at funerals, I cut off heads." - Travis Touchdown <br><br>"See that? Now THAT was a battle! Look at this blood! We humans are alive, even if we are assassins! Doesn't matter if it's a video game, movie, drama, anime, manga, WE'RE ALIVE! People shed blood and die! This isn't a game! You can't just selfishly use death as your tool! THIS is Alice's blood! I bet you've already forgotten she'd existed! Same way you would've forgotten about me! And THAT'S why I'm tearing down the UAA!" - Travis Touchdown<br><br>"You are the crownless king, the one who got out. You reached the top and walked away." - Alice Twilight<br><br>"With you it's different! You're the No More Hero!" - Alice Twilight<br><br>"Ironic Question coming from an assassin! Did you honestly think you could take so many lives and never suffer retribution? Have you never even seen a Kung Fu Movie, spy flick or western? Shakespeare, for God's sake?" - Jasper Batt Jr.</div></div></div></div><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="People">People [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">"Remember, freedom of speech is a powerful tool. And when stupid people use power tools, they often get hurt." - TheMysteriousMrEnter (youtube)</div></div></div>