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Current Just saw Sonic 3. Looking forward to the next one, already lol
2 mos ago
I found out that Peter Cullen, the voice of Eeyore and Optimus Prime, himself, also provided the vocalizations for the Predator in the first movie. What can't that man do?
2 mos ago
I'm more excited for six days off of work than I am for the birthday I have that week
3 mos ago
Chime just told me my balance has seen better days. Yeah, I get it, I'm poor
3 mos ago
Just finished the last three episodes of Arcane. It was a good finale, but I think I'll need to sleep on it to really figure out how I feel about it


Welcome to Hell (AKA, the mind of an idiot)

Most Recent Posts

Sean Anderson

Interactions: @dreamingflowers @khosmik @Theyra

Sean continued to help Poppy collect the multicolored shards, looking up when Desmond approached. Upon being asked who he was, Sean gave a friendly grin and waved with his left hand. "Name's Sean," he said past his still-burning cigarette. "No need to worry about me, I'm a friend. I've been stopping by here for the last...five years, I think it is, now? You can consider me a kinda travelling salesman, of sorts. I'll only be here a few days, or so, if you guys have need of me." As he spoke, his eyes darted up and down the newcomer, analyzing him. Unless he was born without that eye, I think it's safe to say he's human, he concluded. He's open, but wary. Of course, in this day and age, who isn't? Seems to be something more there, though I can't quite put my finger on it. Kind of protectiveness, maybe?

Sean's eyes then turned toward yet another new face. They appeared young, with strange two-toned hair, most of it being dark with a shock of white. They were also tall, much taller than himself, and skinny enough that it looked like they would fall over at the slightest breeze. What stood out the most, even past the tattoos and piercings, however, was the seemingly lost look in their eyes, a look that Sean recognized very well from his time with the provisional government. A newly awakened revenant, or at least one that had recently dispersed and reconstituted, he decided. Interesting people always seem to flock here.

Thanks to his proximity, Sean was able to clearly hear Indigo tell Poppy there was someone in the woods, watching them. His eyes subtly shifted in the direction Indigo indicated and, sure enough, there was someone or something in the trees. "Well, looks like catching up's gonna have to wait," he quietly said with a chuckle as he rose to his feet. His steel right hand gleamed in the sunlight as he took his cigarette between his index and middle fingers. He took a drag, then removed the cigarette as he exhaled, smoke spilling from his lips as he dropped his cigarette and snuffed it out with his boot. As he did, he told Poppy in a low voice, "I'm no Ajax or Akaia, but I'm sure I can get around them and cut off their escape if you wanna question them. Your call, Pops."
Great! I'll work on my CS's tomorrow, then! Looking forward to writing with you all!
You guys still accepting? I've got a couple of characters I've been dying to use
Vincent Ryder

Interactions: @FunnyGuy @Exit @PigeonOfAstora

Vincent watched Juice for a moment after he asked where they were coming from and where they were going. He knew he wasn't the smartest person, but he wasn't stupid enough to outright tell someone where their home base was. He glanced over to Erik, then looked back at Juice as he said, "Tell you what. We're on our way to see what happened to some traders that were supposed to swing by our place. If it's cool with our boss, here, why don't you tag along and we'll see how things play out? An extra set of eyes never hurt anything, after all."

Sean Anderson

Interactions: @dreamingflowers

A cool breeze blew across the man as he stood among the trees, tousling his already messy dark hair. Vivid green eyes peered through wire-framed glasses, one of the lenses of which sported a hairline crack, as he looked up at canopy. The season has yet to officially change, but even so, he could spot a few leaves here and there that had started to change color. "About time," he muttered with a faint smirk, the hint of what sounded like an Irish accent lacing his voice. "Can't stand the heat."

He adjusted the heavy pack on his shoulders and pulled a beat-up box of cigarettes out of the left pocket of his jacket. Getting low. I'm gonna have to make some more later, he thought to himself as he slipped one into his mouth, then pulled a book of matches out of his right pocket. As he moved his arm, he could hear something inside of it quietly clacking. It had been a while since he last did maintenance on it and given the rough treatment he sometimes put it through, something had probably gotten knocked loose. He lit his cigarette and dropped the used match after he put the flame out, then looked down the path he had been walking as he took a long drag. "How long has it been since I last stopped by here? Gotta be a year, at least," he mused to himself as he slipped his hands back into his pockets. Out of all the settlements he frequented, Crow's Nest had always been his favorite. The people that lived there were always fun to talk with, but even more than that, their base was an old observatory. They mostly used the telescope to keep an eye on the city, but more than once, he had used it for it's original purpose of looking into the stars.

He adjusted his pack again and began to walk, his footsteps quiet on the slightly overgrown path. As he walked, he found himself thinking about how he had found himself on this familiar approach. For the last few years, he had taken on the role of a hired hand, selling his vast knowledge and expertise in return for supplies. A few days ago, he had discovered he was low on food and some medicine that he couldn't easily create. After consulting a map he had made, he realized he was in the neighborhood and decided to pay his favorite settlement a visit. "Wonder how everyone's doing," he thought aloud as the observatory started to come into view.

Almost immediately, he could see a familiar shock of red among the green, surrounded by small, twinkling shimmers that littered the ground. While the Commune could have easily taken in some new blood since the last time he came by, Sean could tell who it was from the wings that sprouted from her back. Unaware of the figure watching from the forest, Sean leisurely approached and called out, "Heya, Pops! Long time, no see!"

He crouched next to her and picked up a shard of colored glass. He looked up and, upon noticing the broken window, asked, "Yeesh, what happened here? A ping-pong game get a little too competitive?"
I'd like to throw my hat into the ring, if that's cool. Are we allowed to have more than one character?
Vincent Ryder

Interactions: @FunnyGuy @Exit @PigeonOfAstora

Vincent wasn't entirely sure what to make of this loud, helmeted stranger. When the newcomer, Juice, teleported over to him, Erik, and the cloaked Akaia, he couldn't help but feel himself tense up. He never did like teleporters, Cerise having been the exception. It was always hard for him to get a bead on them in a fight, especially if they avoided getting within punching distance. If there was one thing he hated more than enemies that didn't stick around long enough for him to punch, it was enemies that never got close enough in the first place. He felt himself relax, however, when Juice adopted the same friendly tone Erik had been using before he disappeared in another dark cloud of mist.

When he heard Juice's voice from behind, Vincent turned to find him admiring the van. Vincent had never been a gearhead, so he couldn't see why Juice was so excited to see the beat-up van. "It gets us from A to B, yeah," he answered as he walked over. He crossed his arms and leaned against the front passenger door as he said, "I'm Vincent. Were you the one making those explosions a bit ago?"
Vincent Ryder

Interactions: @FunnyGuy @Exit
Mentions: @PigeonOfAstora

When Erik slammed on the brakes, Vincent lost his grip and flew over the front of the van. He landed on the ground and rolled into a sitting position as Erik and Akaia got out, talking about explosions, which he could vaguely remember hearing during his mad dash toward the van. He stood and stretched as Erik gave Renee his warning, then followed the revenant and Sidhe as they made their way to a smoking ruin. As he walked, he found himself thinking back to what Erik had told Akaia, about how he could protect Vincent from Poppy. At first, Vincent thought he was exaggerating, but as he thought about it, he broke out in a cold sweat. Poppy was the medic. Sure, medics healed people, but they also knew how to hurt them. There wasn't much Vincent was afraid of, but he quickly realized that an angry medic should be part of that exclusive club. Well, it's too late to worry about that, he thought. You passed the point of no return when you slipped under the door. Deal with the fallout later.

Vincent took a slow look around. He wasn't much of an expert on anything that didn't involve cooking or punching, but even he could tell the scorch marks were fresh. The smoke that still billowed from the gaps were a decent hint, too. He was wondering whether a Lost or another revenant were responsible when Erik told him to yell. Vincent grinned and said, "Sure thing, boss."

He faced farther into the ruins and drew in a deep breath. He cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled at the top of his lungs, "WHOEVER'S OUT THERE, COME ON OUT! IF YOU MAKE ME COME AFTER YOU, I PROMISE IT WON'T BE PLEASANT!!"
Vincent Ryder

Interactions: @dreamingflowers, everyone in the van

Vincent watched Poppy turn away to check on their new arrival and felt himself relax a little. After he crashed through the window, he had felt a chill run down his spine before he realized Poppy had arrived to see what had happened. He wasn't afraid of much, but in that instance, he had been incredibly reluctant to follow the medic into the infirmary for worry of what she may do to him. While she was busy with Indigo, Vincent, displaying a level of stealth even he hadn't known himself to be capable of, slipped off of the bed and peeked past the garden to find the van had disappeared. They left without me! he thought.

He glanced back over to Poppy, who was still preoccupied with Indigo, then looked at his arm as his leg started to bounce restlessly. The wounds had stopped bleeding and were already on their way to closing, now that the last of the shards had been removed, so he decided to follow the "professional" medical advice of a third party (himself) and discharge himself from the infirmary.

Moving as quickly and quietly as he could, Vincent hurried toward the vehicle bay. He briefly thought about stopping by his room to grab his coat and gloves, but figured it wasn't worth risking getting caught by an angry medic. Besides, he needed to see about getting the sleeve of his coat repaired after it had been shredded during his last outing into the city. He did, however, swing by the armory to grab a spare mask. Afterwards, he made his way to the shutter door and took hold of the handle near the bottom. He slowly pulled up on it, his gaze fixed over his shoulder as he watched out for Poppy or anyone that might report him to her. When the door had been lifted a couple of feet off of the ground, he dropped to his stomach and rolled underneath. The moment he was clear of the door, which nearly came down on him as it shut, he jumped to his feet and broke out in a dead sprint.

Sorry, Poppy, he thought as he followed the freshest tracks in the road. I'll make it up to you later!

A few miles of non-stop sprinting later, Vincent noticed the shape of the van in the distance and urged himself faster. When he was close enough, he leapt toward the van, barely registering the sounds of explosions in the middle distance, and landed face down on the roof. He held onto the sides of the van as he caught his breath, then lowered his head in front of the windshield. "Stop the van! Let me in!" he yelled.
Vincent Ryder

Interactions: Everyone in the Great Room, @khosmik

Vincent arched an eyebrow at the...drawing on the whiteboard. It wasn't his first time seeing Erik's "artistic skill" in action, but like before, it left him with more questions than answers. He leaned forward to get a better look at it as he tried to figure out who was whom amongst the stick figures. He pointed at the one that looked like it had balled fists and asked, "Why do I look...angry? I don't think I'm an angry person...Well, that angry, at least."

Vincent's focus on the drawing was pulled away as a sudden, loud sound suddenly split the air and filled the Crow's Nest. He didn't remember much, but that sound put him on alert as easily as if it had simply flipped a switch. An alarm. He thought about why an alarm would blare out like that. Fire? I don't smell any smoke. Was he asleep and his alarm was cutting into his dream? I'm awake, though...At least, I'm pretty sure I am... Was Poppy cooking, again? No, still no smoke. Then, it suddenly hit him.

An intruder.

He grinned. Did the Lost find them? Or maybe it was a group of thieves looking to get their hands on whatever food or blood beads they had. Or...No...not my comics! He shook his head. He didn't care what they might be after. This was his home, now, and he was going to defend it and everyone in it with everything he had. He sprinted out of the Great Room and made a beeline for the heavy metal door that sealed the front entrance. In true Vincent fashion, he didn't stop to think and threw his fist at the door. A loud thud sounded out followed shortly by a yelp of pain. "Who the hell makes a door you can't break down?!" he yelled.

He looked around for another quick exit. As far as he was concerned, there wasn't any time to waste opening the door. His eyes settled on one of the windows flanking the door and he took a few steps back. After he gained some distance, but before he could be stopped, he sprinted forward and leapt through the window, his arms crossed in front of his face. Shards of multicolored glass flew out with him as he crashed through the beautiful stained glass, surely making any surviving historians around the world weep with grief. When he landed, he skidded down the road before stopping a few feet behind the new arrival. He straightened up, looked around for any thieves or Lost, then turned, ready brawl, only to meet eyes with a rather disheveled individual.

Vincent took a moment to take in the person's appearance and, when he decided they weren't much of a threat, he sighed, his shoulders visibly sagging with disappointment when he realized he wasn't going to have any fun. Seemingly unaware of the shards of glass in his forearms, Vincent asked, "So, who are you and why're you here?" He sniffed the air and added, "You need a bath."
Vincent Ryder

Interactions: Everyone in the Great Room

Vincent crossed his arms and silently listened as Erik read Cerise's farewell. He hadn't known her long, but she had struck him as someone he could've gotten along with. Hell, he figured she'd be able to make a thrall a friend if given the chance. He could also tell from Erik's unsteady voice and the expressions on everyone's faces just how much it was affecting them all. He couldn't help but feel bad that he couldn't feel stronger toward her departure, since he had known her for less than a week, but on some level, he could understand why she felt she had to leave. She had something she had to do and he respected that.

He glanced at the letter that Dallas had set down and noticed his name written on it, surprising him. He picked it up after Desmond and read through the short message. Though there wasn't much to read, he was able to get an even better understanding of the kind of person Cerise was. As he set it down, he let out a sigh and found his resolve bolstered even more. If there was a chance she would be back, then Vincent would do everything in his power to make sure everyone was still there to welcome her back. He stepped over to stand next to Lysandra as she stated she'd go wherever she was needed. Over the years, or at least from what he could remember, he had left friends behind on his journey and had been left behind by those who fell or wandered off. In that respect, he could understand what she and the others felt, even if some of them didn't outwardly show it.

He placed a hand on her shoulder and gave it a brief, gentle squeeze before he crossed his arms. He glanced over at Akaia as she spoke and made a note to check in on her, as well, as he said in an attempt to lighten the mood, "Well, it goes without saying that I'm in. I've been stuck inside for over a day, so I'm getting a bit stir-crazy." Slightly more serious, he added, "So, like Akaia asked, what's the job?"
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