It felt natural; His fingers against the metal strings. He didn't know why, but there was just a certain soulfulness in the way that they sounded. Mama Bear told him that the guitar, especially the acoustic, was a very special instrument. From an early age, he wasn't sure why, the sounds of this wooden box with a tail soothed him like nothing else.
Theo had been sitting here for a good fifteen minutes, just jamming away in his room. He could go on like this for a while, that is, unless he was interrupted. Which he was; his door was knocked upon. Teddy rested his palm on the strings to silence them.
Brother Bear knocked the same way every time. Every person's knock sounded differently, even if only slightly, Teddy noticed. Different patterns, sure, yet the same amounts of pressure per person. The younger bro mimicked the knock on the body of the guitar in answer. The door opened and his brother smiled, leaning on the doorframe.
"Mornin bud." Terry chuckled and Teddy nodded in acknowledgement.
“Y’know, school’s don’t have to be up this early.” The elder continued, knowing the younger wouldn’t speak back. Theo shrugged, even though he knew why Terry had come in here. It was early in the morning and his older brother worked nights. Which meant that he was trying to get to sleep now. Of course, he never came out and said when Theo was doing something to annoy him, just tried to give him other things to do.
"Well, since you and the sun are up...Carpe Diem?" There was some silence.
"...Is this another furuitless history lesson?" Teddy asked bluntly.
"Well, Dad did say that 'Every action you take makes history.'" Terry hinted, doing his best impression of their father, and they both laughed a bit. Well, Terry laughed louder, Teddy’s was more of an airy chuckle.
"Clawright.""Good." His brother commended, placing fifteen dollars on Teddy's dresser. "Since I know you're gonna stop by the diner at some point, pick me up one of their bags of coffee, will you?"
Teddy nodded and Terry started down the hall. The younger exhaled some, putting the bear luna vista on a lower stand of his guitar wall. After that, he went to the first drawer of his nightstand to pull out a black and white mask with cartoon bear facial features on it. Tugging the straps around his ears, Teddy pursed his lips behind the fabric.
It didn’t take long for him to have gotten showered and geared up. Teddy took his tricked trike and rode around aimlessly for a bit. Instinct would have sent him to Gar’s place, but the lad decided against it. Knowing his old friend, he was out and about already.
So, instead, he went to the local pet store he volunteered at earlier in the year. He went to go visit Otis the five-legged turtle. Apparently during development in the egg, something messed up and his tail ended up with toes that he moved sometimes. The guy had been there awhile, as most folks didn’t really like turtles as pets in these parts. Seemed boring, even in a town like this, but Teddy never gave up hope. Otis would find his home eventually.
After that though, Theo pedaled on to the diner, deciding breakfast was probably a good idea…Or at least a bit more than a bacon stick. As he came up on Greasy’s though, he noticed two figures perched behind a mailbox peeking forward towards the diner.
As he got nearer, he stopped briefly to give the jolly giant and slender Sid a once-over. Teddy let it sink in how awkward it looked to be spying on the diner from their hiding spot, then rang his bell in acknowledgement. Without giving much room for reply though, he swerved around and locked the trike to the bike rack before heading inside.