Avatar of deegee


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3 mos ago
Current =W= forever. Today's jam: Jamie (acoustic.)
4 mos ago
Waldo took some time off and finally found himself.
4 mos ago
Why shouldn't you argue with a dinosaur? You'll get jurasskicked.
5 mos ago
This book on anti-gravity is so surreal, I can’t put it down.
5 mos ago
Just type.


Howdy. I'm Dee. Been tabletop RP'ing since '90 (D&D 2, 3, 3.5, Rifts, Palladium, D20, Pathfinder, Shadowrun) and writing collaborative fiction for nearly ten years (JvS, represent!) In my day-to-day existence, I'm a theatre technician, a parent, I tend to work too much -- and writing is my escape. I take it pretty seriously.

I'm a pretty big fan of Sci-Fi (but I'm pretty selective about what I read,) Post Apocalyptica, certain Fantasy works (though I prefer my sword-and-sorcery via tabletop...) and Zombies. Used to watch a lot of movies, and read a lot, but having a three-year-old stymies that quite a bit. (2022 edit: the three year old is now nine!)

Some character inspirations: Harry Callahan, Max Rockatansky, William Munny, Snake Plissken, Tyler Durden, Cpl. Hudson (RIP,) Severen (RIP,) Peter Venkman, Malcolm Reynolds, Han Solo (to be continued...)

I tend to look for small groups of dedicated, talented writers who post regularly and love the unknown of spontaneous or semi-planned RP. Hit me up with ideas!

Most Recent Posts

Hey @TaintedMushroom, what do I think? (Bear in mind, this is just my own opinion, I have not discussed this with the other two current crewmembers, and I welcome their input!) I think Bounty Hunting is a very personal, private endeavour. I can't really picture a time when a Bounty Hunter wouldn't just have their own ship for their purposes, rather than relying on the diplomacy of people they would seemingly have to agree with or answer to.

Now -- in the rare case when a Bounty Hunter might ned to blend in, to get closer to a Mark? Sure. Hire a smuggling vessel. Or if an ex-Bounty Hunter wanted to go 'straight?' Maybe a crew would be an easy way to leave behind such a vigilante lifestyle.

I don't generally think that A Bounty Hunter would agree, or have an entire crew's best interests in mind when taking on jobs. It would also mean that a Hunter would have to share their take with others, which seems unlikely.

Now, as a "guest spot?" Or as a recurring rival to jobs? Absolutely. And the shape-changing races? I have no issues with. But that's my $.02.
Hey folks -- we're getting to a stage with interest voiced and implied, that I think potential characters should be posted here in the OOC for discussion rather than blind approval. I kind of want the right mix, and space is down to one or two more, tops.

Please and thanks.


“A Job…on a junk planet?” She scoffed. “You would have better luck selling this ship then find anything of worth down there. “ ... “If you could both do the job yourselves, then why offer me at all, seems like you both got it covered. Besides, I’m the one who doesn’t need spending coin. However, if you think you need me, my fee is fifty percent of the cut. If not, I’ll wait for triumphant return of goods.”

Fel stood, resting an arm heavily atop the radome of Wrench's lid, dented and chipped from age and lack of credits or care to do anything about it. His arm had rested there many times, to the point where resting an arm on R2-P47 was good as any La-z-boy. He hovered somewhere between bemused curiosity and mild insult. (but the curiosity was the far stronger of the two.) "Normally, I'd agree with you. Don't usually have much cause to be planetside on a junk world. 'cept today, we do." He casually sidestepped the dig about the ship - for the moment. "I mention it because a third would make the job easier. That's all." He stroked his scruffy, unkempt beard, deep in thought. "Fifty percent?" He squinted at her through barely-open eyes, appraising. "ok, fifty percent. Got yourself a deal."

She stepped toward the door of the cockpit, the mech was much larger than she remembered. “Someone is a bit grumpy looking…you should feed the big guy here?” Aellyn pointed to Jet as her head turned toward Fel. ”I’ll be in my room.” Stepping passed the large guy, she made the short walk back to the room she paid for.

Fel waited till Aellyn was long out of sight, and Jet had said his piece, up to his romantic gesture about reckless ambition. He chuckled, slapping Wrench on the lid playfully, as the Astromech added that her offer was especially kind, considering their planned payment for the job, then returning to re-wiring the droid socket behind the co-pilot's station, leaving Jet and Fel to speak. "Yeah... she's a fire-cracker, that one. All kinds of trouble there, that's for certain." Having watched Aellyn leave, Fel shook the image loose which rattled around in his brain-pan like a pebble in a tin can."My guess is that girl's got entirely too many brains to be possessed of an ass like that." He crossed his arms, sharing a laugh with his old friend and mech. He checked the navacomp once more, a nervous habit that he carried with him from his snub-jock days. Jet could read him like a book, and Fel knew it.

Jet's expression grew serious “...we gotta be careful, though, kid. This ain’t for the faint-hearted. She might have the spark, but she ready for that fire?” Jet’s eyes narrowed slightly as he considered the possibilities.

Fel nodded sagely, agreeing with his friend. "Yeah ...yeah. We'll go over the details once we land. If she wants out, I won't bicker none." He called up a few screens on his secure holonet, confirming what had been arranged. "Abelene promised only first rights of refusal on a well-paying job if we did this for her. We asked about coin, but in three subsequent waves she handily sidestepped that question..." he sighed heavily, closed the holo, and looked back over to Jet. "We've known Abelene a long while. She's been, what -- mayor? queen? of that backwater for a good number of years now. I have a better than average feeling she's gonna try and kill us." It wasn't said with malice, or like a great secret had been revealed. It simply was. Life was hard in the rim. Folks tended to do for themselves, and then for those who looked to them. If there was a way to cheat someone out of a handful of coins, Abelene would do it without question. It was their job to make sure she held to what was fair. He smiled at Jet. It was just part of the game.

"Sublight in ten. I'll start calculations for landing coordinates. Don't worry..." he glanced at Wrench "Somewhere safe." Looking back to Jet in the doorway, "we meet and gear up in the cargo bay in 3-0?"
ok, sorry man.
@Skwint hey man -- just read Pench's character sheet, and I'm not 100%. I've seen you do character sheets before, and there has been some good meat there. This one seems lacking. As for the character, I'm worried it just doesn't seem like there's more to him than just being 'muscle.' I'd like a fully-formed, (with some of those things being flaws, of course!) multi-faceted character for this group. Want to take another crack at it?
I’m all for it. So far makes sense. Imperials are xenophobic, so the two humans aboard who have Imp ties… makes sense that they’re human. But yeah! Love it! What race are you thinking?
@Skwint@TaintedMushroom still interested?
Fel looked up as Jet entered the flight deck, His large frame filling much of the available space in the doorway. He nodded at the appraisal of their current situation, patting the blinking navacomp. Everywhere aboard the 'UA' there were wear marks, in some cases places on the duralumin floor grating that had been worn smooth from a hundred years of use. "Same same..." he concurred. "She'll be fine. Plenty to trade where we're going." Which brought him back around to Aellyn. His reply was neither hostile, nor dismissive. It merely was. "No, you're right. I don't recall mentioning Lotho when you approached us about passage offworld. But then, I seem to recall you were either desperate enough, or determined to keep a low enough profile that you chose this ship out of the Underworld, instead of some lux transport from the spires. You are the detour, Aellyn. Lotho was always the destination." He let that sink in for a moment, before continuing. He was glad Jet was in the doorway, because the look Aellyn gave him said she might have rather left the bridge, had his mechanic not been blocking her path. "I've got a job on Lotho. Worth good creds." He paused, regarding her, deep in thought, also shot a glance up at his mech. "Jet and I can do it ourselves, but you've been an asset so far, and those charts and codes are worth well more than passage offworld. If you're interested, I'd mebbe cut you in a share." he shrugged, noncommittal. "...give you some spending coin once you get where you're going. And... you help us with this job, you pick your destination. No extra charge."

It was -- he believed -- a fair offer. But the choice was Aellyn's. Some would want no part of what Fel was going to say. (most, truth go on ahead and be told.) And depending on her allegiances, she might decide it was too risky. But she'd be flying blind, because there was no way in the three suns he'd be telling her the plan before she opted in, or out. Looking back at Jet, Fel gave the most miniscule jerk of his head, letting the much larger man know he should move aside. If she wanted out, now was the time. He looked back to Aellyn, her face unreadable, and then to Wrench, raising an eyebrow. The little droid warbled mournfully.
Nice to see us all online at the same time! Reply up shortly.
Working on my next shortly! Nice one @Archazen
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