Vittorio, Celestine and Galbrek
(Collab between myself and AtomicNut)
Furtive stares were exchanges as the young man began to collect some of his belongings. With a deft hand, he discarded the outfit he was wearing, the clothes messily scattered everywhere, down to his slips. He just sighed as he counted the things, and, pulling something out of a golf club case, weighed it in his hand. A katana. He carefully slid it out of the scabbard, before gently putting back again. "Sharp and unbent. Good." Meanwhile, he addressed both of the other men with rather taciturn silence, not even bothering to reply even once. When Galbrek left the room, he did not even answer back to his rude departure.
"I suppose." was his answer to Vittorio's quips about not being better than those who kept himself in a locker. The boy was really trying to dig hard and deep for sympathy, wasn't he? Just like Galbrek. Except that there was a wrongness in the demon's compelling attitude. That...was not what it should've happened. Had the boy tampered with his mind? Only one way to know. He grasped inside his own thoughts, and flushed out the haze out of his thoughts. Indeed, it had felt like mind control. He clenched his fist as he dressed, this time in the lovely female uniform of Mephisto's, which he had customized to include a couple of combat boots and tough leather gloves. Things could get really rough there.
"Well, that's about as ready one can get." He added, while slipping the straps of a porcelain mask beneath his head. Weapon at his hip, as well as a cornucopia of objects in a waistpack. Some first aid tools, as well as painkillers. It was then when his mind seemed to grasp for something, and slammed his fist against an open palm. "Oh! I was almost forgetting, gotta care of your body." Celestine added as he went to the bedside once more, and pulled the blankets over the battered real body of Vittorio with a caring expression.
Which he didn't drop as he injected a sedative jab in his arm, chock full of morphine. "The morphine shot so you can stop hurting yourself and be in top shape soon. Sorry to disappoint you, Vittorio. I am not as bad as the ones that did this to me. I am worse. And I've been told to secure this school's assets -whether they like it or not."
Vittorio sighed softly in his ghostly form. As he watched how Celestine gave his physical body a blanket and morphine. He almost phased out of his astral form as the needle pressed through his skin.
"You are as much an asset to this place as I am... you are surely here for a reason much like myself."He was waiting for Celestine to get ready if he was indeed going to join in the quest.
"I've become a monster, I am fine with it. As long as I can kill that other monster and Alto. You may have been kept in a locker and treated unfairly indeed. Imagine being in that locker for two years straight. That's how I feel. Now I hunger to strike out on the ones who put me in it, but more so for the unforgivable act of ending those whom mattered more than my own existance to me."The astral form of Vittorio was glowing up briefly and his tentacle like wings were twitching, some even slashing across the floor in a sense someone would expect from someone tapping their feet when waiting.
"This William person. I have no intention of killing him. A few questions is all. Do you wish to keep him? He could prove a useful asset to Clara and the others." He spoke in a somewhat ponderous tone to Celestine, looking over his back still.
"Someone who defiles the dead. I don't have any compassion for. If that is indeed the case. Bring a syringe with sedative with you. It may prove useful in restraining our target." Vittorio shrugged and began to walk out of the room on his own, unable to wait any longer.
"If things get too heated. Pull out. I gave my body to the gods already, you don't have to give them yours aswell. I'll be fine... don't worry." "You're one stubborn self-pitying bastard." Celestine eyed the tirade of Vittorio, without lifting an eyebrow. "And trying to sympathize won't earn you any points. Oooh, look at me, the tragic hero of the tale!" Celestine added as he began to walk, his hand on his hip. "Except this is not a tale, and heroes only exist in tabloid newspapers. Let me tell you something. If she was alive, would she be happy that you're hurting yourself for it, or would she encourage you to clench your teeth and nurse your wounds? Damned masochist. Like I said, revenge is best served cold." He paused.
"As for that god apprentice, I don't really care. He will be struck by his own hubris." The effeminate man added as he kept walking, and then out of the blue, started to turn in a certain direction far from building.
The reason no other than the sports car that was neatly parked a few meters ahead, with its owner too busy trying to woo some younger college students. Perfect. Celestine said, as he withdrew a syringe, and with the precision of a dart thrower, buried it in the neck of the driver, before deftly picking up the keys from the poor bystander. "I'm taking this. Evening ladies." He said in a cheeky voice as he began to drive the car like a pro, in the direction Galbrek had indicated.
"Heroes do not exist at all... Celestine. Heroes save people from death. There was no hero then- Ah...hnn...gah..." Vittorio's form began to fade out as they walked, his hands grabbing his astral head, the morphine had taken effect and caused his concentration to waver and he fell into darkness. A deep slumber.
Well, one less worry. Now onto the other. He added as he spotted a couple of figures a mailbike He couldn't resist a chortle, before he flicked the lights of the luxurious jet-black sports car, before catching up to them. "Hop in here, juniors. You're an embarassment." Celestine said to both Galbrek and Adam, stopping a few meters ahead and opening the door. "I thought you wanted to get there as soon as possible?"
Galbrek raised an arrogant eyebrow in return.
"Adam. Stop my carriage." To which his unlucky doll did just that.
"Yes master.""It is Lord Ravenovich to you." Galbrek said as he got out of the mailman bike, brushing off his attire and motioned to Adam to get off it and approached the car.
Galbrek got into the car and waved for Adam to hurry up and get in aswell, to which the latter was finding to be a good thing for a change.
"Embarassment? Not all in Rhea can present themselves in the same kind of infernal noble nature like myself. It is nothing to be embarassed about at all..." His hand found it's way to a lock in his hair which he began to twirl with.
"Now where is Vittorio? I sincerely hope you have not done anything with him. There is more than just this foolish boy there. If they slip out of his and my hands then dear Clara is going to find herself in a difficult seat. Imagine if someone would try pry Vittorio from our school? How would they go about it? Threats or promises hm?" Galbrek gave Celestine a cunning grin, one which caused Adam to wrinkle his eyebrows in worry and uncertainty.
"Master, I promise you I will not fail." Adam reassured him.
"Good. I expect you not to. What-?!" Galbrek yelled out all of a sudden as he felt a tingling sensation of his magical energies returning to him.
"One of my servants is no more it would appear." He said in a grim tone.
"Push that damn pedal harder!" Galbrek yelled out to Celestine.
"Vittorio is sleeping. Doctor's orders." Celestine gave a shrug to the sheer arrogance of this lord Ravenovich who presented himself. He simply held his tongue, urging the temptation to reach for his blade."And what will decided the factor will be neither. It will be...results. Which is why I am here for." He paused as he closed the door, looking at the half demon. "Oh, now you're yelling? Tut tut. We could've gotten along, you know. As long as you understood the pecking order, junior." He paused as he began to drive off. "You see, I have no actual incentive to aid you in particular. I am just here to see that Clara gets her fighters in top shape." It was then when he began to drive... real slowly. "Uh, I think my magic driving powers are waning. I would do well to get some more oomph in the form of a certain sort...of magic words. You know the ones." Celestine answered mirthfully, his eyes rolling.
Galbrek's expression changed for the worse.
"Sleeping? Sleeping?!" Galbrek yelled from the backseat in a combination of unbelief and anger, this was not what he had wanted. Vittorio was needed in the place to distract the rest so he could sneak off with Andras.
If it weren't for those meddling kids I would have gotten away with her. And now Vittorio's fucking caretaker is going to take his place. Tch. What a shame, could have gotten rid of both Vittorio and the other problems at once. Then came the word that made a vein almost burst at Galbrek's forehead. The slimy driver had the gall to call him junior.
"You don't seem to understand just who you are dealing with care- Don't touch me!" Galbrek slapped away Adam's hand as he was trying to comfort his master with a pat on the shoulder.
"Master let's stay focused on the mi-"Adam frowned as he was so fiercely rejected by his master, but his master looked nearly psychotic for a moment with his one of his eyes twitching.
"If you don't get this damn vehicle over there theres not going to be much fighters left for Clara! I can assure you that!" His eyes darted to the side quickly to the vehicle slowing down.
"Why are you slowing down? Get a damn move on! Fine! Take this you bloody leech it can buy more dresses for your infernal wardrobe!" Galbrek took out a bundle of cash from the inside of his coat and threw it in the vacant front seat of the car, since both he and Adam sat in the back.
This bastard... why must it be so difficult to simply obey my orders? These wretched mortals... Once I'll have the girl she shall use her powers to serve my interests. I'll relieve Clara of her dear grimoire and then use the girl Andras to open up who knows what doors which has been sealed. A gate to hell? An opening to the realm of the dead? Ressurect a few long dead servants of darkness? I'll become the most powerful half-demon alive. I can even find a way to become a pure demon lord. Galbrek sunk back in his seat after some thoughts.
"All you have to do is to get me to the building and make certain none get in my way. Think you can do this?""Oh i understand perfectly, little lordling." Celestine said, his mirth fading all of a sudden showing an icy expression. "I understand how assets can become liabilities." The effeminate crossdresser said as the car halted to an stop, and carefully grabbing the lighter of the car... and burning the wad of money, before throwing it out of the window. "It burns well, I'll give you that. It burns very well. Just like your chances right now, half-demon." Celestine added, his eyes steeled as he caressed the sheath of his blade.
"First you do not cooperate. Second, you try to squander someone's else's power at your own benefit. Third, you try to mind control me. And fourth, you threaten the head of this whole operation." He coughed. "I take my assigments seriously, junior, but since you're a bit daft given the fact that you've been arrogantly strutting around surrounding yourself of sycophants, I will spell it clear." He sighed. "Man up, admit you chewed more than you could, and maybe I will consider you again an asset to support." He paused.
"If not...we will be in a rather uncomfortable situation, the both of us. And we don't want that, do we?" He added, now the grip on his sword firm.
He had watched Celestine burn the bunch of money before throwing i out the window, the car had also stopped. Not only that but the tone that came in reply to Galbrek was all but pleasing for his ears and he had enough of it.
"I've heard enough of your petty mortal speech, I, Lord Galbrek don't have time to waste with a buffoon who can't take orders!" He quickly grabbed the door and opened it, jumping out of the car and ordered his doll to do the same. Before slamming the door behind him.
"Then you go and take your damn assignment where the hell you want! You are a uncomfortable situation alltogether! You are clearly not up for this task! Adam! You are going to run there now!" Galbrek grabbed the shirt the taller doll was wearing, like a bully trying to make someone cough up their lunch money.
"M-me master Galbrek? What about you?" Adam blinked and asked with widened eyes.
"I am going to sit on your shoulders. Now kneel!" Galbrek yelled out like a tyrant king. Adam could do little but comply and knelt down on a leg to allow Galbrek to mount his shoulders.
"We let this idiot human be on his way with his useless driving skills... Now run. And if you drop me I'll kill you."Galbrek said through gritted teeth and abit of spit flew from his mouth, he was obviously not in a very good mood now. Luckily Adam knew that the best way of approach was to not talk
Celestine just shook his head, as he begun to drive again, matching Galbrek's pace. "Look at you. You're not going to save anyone with this." He paused, as he rolled his eyes. Me, taking orders from such a jerk? Hell would freeze over thrice before that thing happened. He then licked his lips. "Adam." He called for the humilliated mount. "where are your peers, right now?"
Galbrek turned his sights on Celestine again, and with clear irritation in his face.
"Save? Who said anything about saving? I don't intend to open up my plans to a human." Galbrek placed his gloved hand on Adam's head as the latter was turning to look at Celestine.
"Where they should be... they are...trying to... fulfilling master Galbrek's dream..." Adam said in a somewhat strained way while he was running with Galbrek on his shoulders.
"Be silent, Adam! You should not talk with him. Leave him be to toy with his ghostly and equally useless human friend. Once he'll wake up from his slumber all hell will break lose anyways, have fun with that fool!" Galbrek said in a taunting manner to the man in the car.
Celestine just raised and eyebrow, and swerved his car slightly, just skillfully enough to send the comical duo tumbling on the roadside. "Well, I tried, Clara. I did try." He sighed in resignation. "It's up to me alone. Should've tried not to sedate Vittorio if i knew this idiot would be so unreasonable. Well, hindsight is 20/20, anyway." He added, shifting gears and speeding up. I guess if i enhace my hearing just enough I will know because of the fighting sounds at the tournament