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Current Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
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Prepare for oblivion...
2 yrs ago
36yo today, one step closer to oblivion.
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Let the roleplaying shenanigans ensue! Fun times!
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Nationbuilding buisness is underway!


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Ayel Rozenfeldt

He stood there on the roof of the tall building, overlooking Los Angeles. The city of angels, much like them he was intending on descending down to another location later. But for now this would do just nicely. The air through his long blonde hair and leathercoat flapping in the wind.

"So much lights in the city of the angels, but many lights must also be snuffed out. Only keeping those whom burn the brightest. For the future which is to come. The time has come..."

He said to himself, as he sat down on the roof, crossing his legs in a way a monk from the far east would. As he delved into his own mind, to the very core from where he began to swiftly yet steadily reach out throughout the city. Ayel's telepathic mind now reached far, so far it was almost making him feel drunk from the experience. He could not feel his fellow mutants out there, but he knew they would feel and hear him. And that was what mattered the most of all.

"To the lonely souls lost in the world, to the forsaken and depressed. Do not be afraid, there is no need to cry, no more need to run away or hide. I am one of you, you not alone. We are the chosen ones, the ones whom are currently being oppressed. Where we are forced to hide from sight, where we are called freaks and monsters. We are not monsters my brothers and sisters, we are a different branch of mankind. So I urge you to leave where you are hiding, find others like yourselves out there. Tommorrow I will guide you to where we can all meet. Under a new light. A beacon to guide us to the future which is waiting for us. Seek love and passion, and go forth... with my prayer."

Ayel exhaled deeply as he came out of his trance-like state, breathing heavily and fell backwards, lying down on the roof. He raised his right hand to touch his forehead and then felt how the corners of his mouth was tingling and he began to smile before starting to chuckle "Hnn hnn hnn", though it didn't stop there. It became a laugh. "Heh..heheh… hah hah hahah ahahah!"

Once it came to an end he looked up at the sky. "Mammoth. Condor. Dodo. Thylacine… and now when it is your turn. Will you go as quietly? I doubt it."

I will see what I can do to assisting in the dawn of a new era, and the end of another. Tommorrow I will begin to work.

The demondragon stretched himself abit, making his stature slightly more imposing, despite it not being his intention. His eyes under the visor followed Alicia's every move carefully. She seems to take a particular interest in physical aspects and her undergarments.

"I don't have to ask in your particular case. I can see that quite clearly. Black and size B. B minus." Nidgardt stated as a matter of fact, as if he could have been talking about something as mundane as the weather or the vastness of the universe. But the demondragon did not want to think more of her assets or choice of attire. For doing so could tempt the darker side of him to push forth, and such would not benefit anyone.

Thus the task at hand was more important. At any means necessary have Alicia join. At that moment Aegus had walked forth and handed him a piece of paper. The demondragon had ofcourse taken it and on it stood the contact information to Aegus. Nidgardt offered Aegus a slight nod. "That will do."

"There is nothing that is preventing you from using your ability if I say no. If you think it can affect me, why don't you try it?" He said in a firm manner towards Alicia, not the gloating or overly arrogant kind. But that of someone whom was prepared to deal with whatever manner of hell that might come their way kind. He was not to underestimate his allies and enemies, but at the same time take into consideration of his own powers. A tricky thing to balance on but he would do his outmost to do it.

Nidgardt then set his eyes over to Ivan briefly. Hm. The Transmuter is here too. The second years have surely learnt more from the past year, perhaps I should give them a second glance. He reached his oversized clawed hand to his neck, stretching out a clawed finger to his chin, making it clear as day that he is thinking.

There's also The Rat King. He was one of the few former first year students which did not avoid him like the plague. But then again, rats are known to be bearers of various plagues so that might be the reason.

Hmm. Perhaps he is willing to join this years tournament after the last years participants failed to hold up to what they promised. Fighting each other for minor things.

The demondragon sighed softly and shook his head as Sasha left the room, dragging Kato with her.

I have alot of work ahead of me. But then again. So do all of us.

Alicia had appearantly lost interest on the offer of meeting his father however, since she was intending on using her ability on such a being. What ability would that be? He began to ponder, then hearing Alicia continue talking. She wished to test this ability on him? What kind of ability would that be though? He figured it was best to just ask her.

"Unless? What is this ability of yours?" He asked, knowing fully well that it was surely something not overly good. But at the same time, there was very little that could likely prevent her from using it anyways. She had the rumor of being a witch after all. How would he or anyone else be able to tell the difference, unless her powers bore a visual effect to them it would be impossible. The young demondragon guarded his mind.

I must be on my guard. She could potentially cause much harm with her ability. Not mainly to me, but to the school and also the others in it. Nidgardt looked around at the mess which had moments ago detonated in the room, some of the objects had flung at him and bounced off his thick skin, it wasn't overly uncommon however. And the school janitor had the power to mend any structural damage if needing to, given enough time.

Repairing wounds to students or teachers were more tricky, but not impossible. The school nurse had great mending powers and so did several of the teachers, and even some students. It also appeared that Aegus was indeed interested in becoming the first member of the group, this pleased the demondragon. To most Aegus may have appeared to just be a big jerk or a powerful combatant, and even both. But to Nidgardt he saw a work in process, one which he wanted to start working on as soon as possible.

Then came the guy whom had in the past said he would banish him to the hell. Nidgardt had at the time discarded it as just prejudice, it was to be expected. He wasn't expecting people to accept someone of his blood easily or at all. Such would take time. The demondragon was patient, he had to be. Otherwise he would prove to them that he was the monster they were claiming him to be. That's why his powerful urges had to be contained, and common sense and diplomacy would be favored.

Even his father had told him that he needed restraint, to not lose himself in his gifts. His father's interest was just to make him stronger, but also be in control. He cared little about things such as friendship or politics. His father was after all a dragon, with very few enemies and those whom were his enemies he held a strong rivalry with and did not forget. Nidgardt don't know just how old his father were, but suffice to say that he was old enough to be included in children's books about monsters.

Several times knights on steeds had set out to fight against his father, most of them had been able to return. But badly beaten and having the spirit taken out of them to never try it again. Nidgardt did however ponder on the possibility of his father actually having eaten one or two of them aswell. But he never saw any reason to ask his father, as he would have likely not remembered such a thing anyways. As it was of little concern or worth to memorize for something of such a magnificent stature as himself.

The demondragon got out of his thoughts and spoke out to Alicia, loud enough to let Ivan hear. "It would appear you have some more buisness your way." Nidgardt could also hear Sasha talking back to him, saying she wouldn't heed words of wicked ones. Aswell as attempting to ridicule the name his father had bestowed upon him.

The demondragon caught unto some of her words nontheless. Raunchy black loincloth? Nidgardt thought to himself and looked over to Alicia.


"A dragon." The demondragon said in a firm tone of voice, there was no doubt at all in his voice. He knew this for a fact, what his father was and the wealth he held. Not only in money but knowledge too, in his vast lifetime who knew what secrets he had uncovered.

"By upper class you mean those having material wealth I assume? A few. What use is all that wealth if you cannot defend it though? Isn't knowledge how to defend yourself worth more?"
He asked but continued talking to reply to her other words, according to her she was not a very physical combatant. If such was to be believed it was just what she needed, some physical training.

"I understand. That means we have much work to do." Nidgardt nodded his head slowly and allowed a slight upturn form at the corner of his mouth. Before his attention was drawn to the side where the other individuals were located.

One in particular approached and asked about the tournament, Nidgardt knew this one. How could he not? This was Aegus Reister, a wealthy third year student. Not only that, but unbearable for most people due to his high and mighty attitude, being the type to constantly look down on others.

Despite that, he was also known to possess impressive powers which no doubt further tickled his ego. There was potential in having him on the team for certain. Nidgardt didn't think his view of him as inferior was a personal issue, but rather an issue that was preventing Aegus from truly shining. The demondragon pondered to himself.

'He needs to feel humiliation and defeat if he is to work good in a group. How do I make him more humble without breaking his spirit. He needs to lose, but also win to not lose motivation.

Aegus needs to be beaten in a one-on-one and then aided by his team, that will make him look at them with worth. Since they will spare him from utter ridicule.'
The demondragon nodded to himself listening to Aegus while making out a scenario in his head.

"How very fortunate. We have need of a power-player." Nigardt rose up standing straight to tower slightly over Aegus. "You'll be the first member of the team then." Nidgardt reached out his non-monstrous hand to offer in a handshake, even though he knew Aegus would surely and most possibly reject the idea of shaking hands with someone he did not deem noble.

Then there was the voice of that loud girl again. This time she screamed out something about a curse and there was objects starting to fly through the room, then there was a light and the much more quiet boy which Sasha had spoken with and seemingly targetted with some form of command was now accompanied by some girl which emitted a very strong light.The girl allowed a few words escape her lips before she was fused again with the boy, Kato.

The demondragon stood still, his mouth slightly open in surprise. But also he felt his skin crawl on Sasha's use of power. There was something about it which made his very being scream, there was no doubt about it. Nidgardt thought to himself... 'Holy magic...'

He closed his mouth and assumed a more reserved stance. 'The girl possesses holy magic, and that boy is fused with another. Both of them could be great additions to a team, but not only that. Sasha had a power which Nidgardt was weak to. A chance to test his might against something like that, and potentially learn how to better resist it.

"Impressive. I did not expect someone with holy powers amongst the first years. How about you'll show me more of it later after you have had the nourishment you need. Unless your stomach be lying." He complimented. He had seen people with holy power before, but not someone openly using it in this manner and not a first year.

The demondragon looked Kato over. "I see you have a separation issue. Perhaps a combined effort can release you from it." Nidgardt said aloud, as if he pondered on the idea. He was not knowledgable in what it was that was binding the girl to him, but his father had used demons, binding them to his power. Surely this wouldn't be too different. If only he could find out more.

Then finally another person came into the scene, asking what had happened. Nidgardt decided to be silent and let one of the others explain, after all he was still waiting on Alicia to make her choice.

His initial conversation with Alicia had caused some others to take notice. He had been waylaid and now had to do something about it. Appearantly the loud girl with the rumbling stomach was drawing the lot over. Someone even watching from a bench outside of the classroom.

Good grief...

He thought to himself before turning to Sasha, the girl which was speaking of justice, Ioincloths and by the sounds of it eating. After she had finished talking, Alicia replied. But not only that she exposed her undergarments for all in the radius to behold yet again. It was almost as indeed she wanted attention to be drawn to them, the demondragon took note of them however. They were of black lace by the looks of it. Nidgardt thus came to remember the various kind of succubus types that was working for his father. Most of them did however not wear any garments at all, yet there was a common theme going on. Black cloth.

He had to admit it was not the worst choice in fashion, he wore it himself. Since the more natural colors like green, brown and grey always made him look more monsterous than he was. Then ofcourse there were colors which would never had fitted at all with him, like yellow, purple, blue or pink. Red? No. It was overly common among those whom submit themselves fully to evil causes, generally accompanied by black.

Sasha was speaking of being a crusader of light. Perhaps she too could be useful aswell? A matter he had to look into after his buisness with Alicia was concluded.

But back to the subject at hand. Not the girl's undergarments but the potential of recruiting her for the future Zarkov team. Alicia seemingly refered to him as 'Dragon boy'. It wasn't the first time he heard it, but few dared to say it in the manner she did. Then again she was feared herself. It wasn't untrue, he was draconic, but it was just a part of him.

What the young witch desired was money, and quite a large amount of it, that or being able to meet someone which had it. Nidgardt, whom had draconic blood recoiled abit to it. Out of raw instinct, not that he actually cared about money that much. But his dragon half was screaming in rage at the very notion, one of the most precious things to a dragon is their hoard of treasure. One which they would very seldom share anything from.

Such was the case with his father's vast fortune, enough so that he did very seldom leave his hoard unattended. The times he did, he had placed strong traps around it. And even then, was surely not far away. Just to make sure no one would dare put a finger on a single coin.
But there was just no way the demondragon could hope to pay Alicia for her co-operation, it was just an amount beyond his resources. That's when he felt a flinch from his demonic nature.

He could go with her second plan. He could give her access to meet someone whom is really rich and alone. He could arrange a meeting between her and his father, a being whom was surely beyond her influence. That was he could keep his part of the deal, while not losing anything. The very idea made him want to smirk, but he restrained himself. He didn't take any real pleasure in exploiting others, but in this case he needed members and this girl was by the looks of it very prone to try exploit others.

Nidgardt ponder on it for awhile. It could serve as a lesson for her, to not make deals with demons. Or part demons. And show restraint and humbleness. He finally decided to agree to her second offer.

"I will give you access to meet someone really rich in a one on one meeting, without any bodyguards. But only after the inter-area tournament. I would hate you to not feel motivated to win. Do we have a deal?" He said in a calm manner, as if he had worked it out in his head prior to opening his mouth.

"Not to mention there is usually a prize for attaining victory." He added as a bonus, he wasn't that interested in the prizes himself. He just wanted to advance and challenge alot of different people, to become stronger and watch as others became aswell. The only way to attain a peaceful and lasting future is by understanding and respect. This was what the fights would surely bring.

The demondragon took a couple of steps forwards and reached out his non-monstrous hand to close the deal with Alicia. She was prideful indeed, if she was to advance further on she would have to experience loss. Something she would remember. Nidgardt considered the options and decided on asking her for a deal she couldn't say no to.

"I wish to test your capabilities if they are as strong as the rumors go. Let us make it more interesting shall we? If you win, you can order me around for a week. If I win I can order you around for a week. Ofcourse the exception to this is breaking the Yekaterina laws and binding someone for a longer time. So no contracts, offering of blood or the like. What say you?"

If she wins she wins, I get to become more humble while learning more about her powers. If I win. Then she is going to become more humble. A win-win. He thought to himself.


Whilst he was waiting for Alicia to give her reply, she had taken the liberty of touching under his chin using one of her hands, while at the same time smiling in a teasing manner. The demondragon narrowed his eyes somewhat under his visor, he knew what she was trying to do. She was attempting to do to him, what she may have done to all those which constantly follow her around.
Certainly she was beautiful, but none were that beautiful that would cause young men to abandon all reason. The girl had even moved her legs in such a manner she revealed her undergarments to him. She did it on purpose, of this he was certain.

This girl was feared for a reason. Her powers were more than just teasing and tempting others. That both made him more interested and more wary, more wary than she wearing black undergarments of all things. But then again so did he.

Alicia did say however that there was something she desired, that which he could grant. The demondragon pondered for a moment what that possibly would be. Would the price be too steep to pay? That's when he heard the door slam open and a loud voice entering the room and ringing in his ears He slowly turned around, his large wings still folded on his back. There was a girl standing there, by the looks of her she was a first year. He had not made note of her before, then again the school had alot of students, many of which he had never talked with.

The demondragon did not consider himself leader material, but someone had to be the one needed to gather together a team and attempt to keep it together. At least long enough until a leader could be put in place. As for the girl, she was sprouting words about him. Words that were untrue. At least for now, he did not know what Alicia had in mind after all. Though dwelling on possibilities was a dangerous past-time.

"Judging people because of their bloodline is not right. That makes you the evil doer!" He raised his voice for the last part of his sentence, not in a hostile manner, but a matter of fact. He wasn't prone to make judgements on first sight, but this was a good way for the girl no doubt to ponder on if she were. The girl had placed her hand placed at her weaponry already, but was seemingly interupted by a rumble in her stomach.

"Fight at an empty stomach?" The demondragon asked in an amused manner, it was more like a statement but this girl despite getting the wrong idea. Hopefully. Might be a possible recruit for the tournament team, though it may require some work.

"Hmm. How about I treat you to some food for free and you'll consider joining the tournament team?" Nidgardt offered, holding out his oversized arm and draconic claw as a prince would offer a princess for the waltz. In a much more frightening and brute manner. There was more people showing up, a boy appearantly. This was a second year student for certain, the demondragon knew he had seen him before. He's looking for the loud talking girl? I wonder why... surely it's not because he needs help with maths.

"You got the wrong idea, we are all on the same side here. We are all here to get stronger, where would bullying and bickering get us? You have buisness with this girl?" The demondragon inspected the newly arrived duo (Well, or trio. But he did not know that.). Perhaps I could put them through the test later. If they are strong or not, as long as they are willing to work hard and not quit they could potentially be good members of a team.


The Young adult made a cracking sound with his oversized draconic hand and then, lowered his head to get into the same height as Alicia.

"If I am not mistaken, you enjoy having others be enthralled with you. What better way to enthrall the masses than in an arena as a reigning champion?" The demondragon asked, Before continuing with yet another question Before she could answer.

"If that alone is not enough to perk your interests, perhaps you could tell me what would?" Nidgardt did admit to himself that Alicia was likely going to be something to work with, since she was both feared and trouble to whomever happened to cross her path. Despite all that she was quite pretty, that was what Nidgardt at least thought. But he knew well to watch it, this young woman was prone to frighten others and cause some to get overly romantically enthralled in her. If this was a part of her powers or just a result of her good looks, Nidgardt did not know. He did follow her leg as she crossed it with her other nontheless, making careful note of the young witch's every move, under that visor of his.

"I am not a stranger to bargaining. I am partly demon after all." He said, not with any sense of pride or displeasure about it. Just a matter of fact that most demonkind enjoyed doing deals and bargains with each other and other beings alike. He was a Product of such a deal after all. He had to admit that Alicia was intriguing him, not because of a sense of fear or dread over what she could do, but a hunger to actually test out her might firsthand. It was his draconic side screaming out at him to test his awesome might, and his demonic side yelling for him to unleash all his power for the sake of dominating others. It was after all how demons duked it out in the hells, fighting each other, the strongest seizing the throne. A constant battle for power.

Nidgardt however did not feel overly pleased about his own blood screaming to him to subdue others, so he did his outmost to rebel against those natural, and unatural urges and feelings dwelling within him. A power struggle of another kind, one that he could not lose, for the fear of losing his own sense of whom he is, but also wounding his potential allies.

The last day had proceeded quietly and without much occurrances, apart from the older students picking on the younger rather than trying to help them evolve and get better at using their gifts. This day however might still prove to be an eventful, if not even fruitful one. The demondragon lift his head from his seat by the windows, his seat was far back in the room. As he prefered not having people at his back, that and that his large wings would make it near impossible for anyone else to actually see what the teacher was showing them.

A first year had made his way into the third year's classroom as the lesson was underway, barging in and proclaiming his love for Alica. The Witch as she was known among many of the other students. Nidgardt had not directly spoken with her Before, other than when he had to hand out notes from the teachers. Last years attempts to create a team had ended up in disaster with half of the group ranting on the other half, causing that half to quit being on the team and the remaining guys quitting due to lack of interest. This year they had to put a team together, a strong team capable of sticking together and make the best out of their gifts. Nidgardt considered Alicia as a potential powerful team member, the only problem was getting her to join. She was surely the type to only be into things for her own personal gain, and even then alot of others seemed to fear her. Perhaps even more so than people feared him. After all, he wasn't the type to pick on the weak, it was just his bloodline made his appearance a terrifying sight for those which did not know him.

Those which despised dragons and demons also bore a strong resentment towards him, but Nidgardt, just like most at the school knew that starting an actual real fight on the school grounds would lead to the teachers stepping in and there would be hefty punishment to be had.

He made up his mind as the lesson came to an end, the demondragon stood up from his seat and made his way over to Alicia. Whilst others seemed to fear her for her curses, Nidgardt was not easily frightened. In fact the opposite, he was drawn to powerful individuals. A way to test his might, but also understand others and how both could improve from it.

"Alicia, how would you like to apply for the Zarkov tournament team? Your skillset would be highly beneficial to our success, I'm sure there can be some form of benefit in it for you."

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