Name: Oriana Taplin.
Aliases: Ori, Ana.
X-Men Code Name: Stormraven
Birthday: 26th May.
Gender: Female.
Powers: Atmokinesis- Oriana will demonstrate a plethora of abilities over time, most of which are facets of her power to manipulate the weather. Oriana possesses the psionic ability to control all forms of Weather Manipulation. She can modify the temperature of the environment, control all forms of precipitation, humidity and moisture, generate lightning and other electromagnetic atmospheric phenomena, and has demonstrated excellent control over atmospheric pressure. She can incite all forms of meteorological tempests, such as tornadoes, thunderstorms, blizzards, and hurricanes, as well as mist. She can dissipate such weather to form clear skies as well.
Her precise control over the atmosphere allows her to create special weather effects. She can create precipitation at higher or lower altitudes than normal, make whirlwinds travel pointing lengthwise in any direction, channel ambient electromagnetism through her body to generate electric blasts, flash freeze objects and people, coalesce atmospheric pollutants into acid rain or toxic fog, and, along with her natural ability of flight, summon wind currents strong enough to support her weight to elevate herself (or others) to fly at high altitudes and speeds.
She has also demonstrated the ability to control natural forces that include storms, solar wind, ocean currents, and electromagnetic energy. Oriana has been shown to be sensitive to the dynamics of the natural world, and her psionic powers over weather are affected by her emotions. hence, if she chooses to or she does not maintain control, a fit of rage might induce a destructive storm. Her power is can be limited by the force of her will and the strength of her body while in the Astral Plane, Oriana's powers are useless as they exist in her body, not her spiritual essence.
Height: 5'6
Weight: 117lbs
Build: Slim with some slight curves.
Eyes: Brown/White.
Hair: Brunette/White.
Skin Tone: Caucasion.
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:Personal Style: In terms of attire, Oriana keeps things simplistic and minimalist with flowing garments that breathe easy. Things that hang over her shoulders, but also keep tight enough that they don't get in the way. People like to think she's preparing for a fight, or something and she always retorts with, "Exactly," before chucking on a pair of flexible tights or leggings and slipping into boots or sneakers. She's not the type of girl to go all out fancy - though, honestly, she does like the feeling of a dress or a skirt hanging neatly off her body. Oriana, despite being partial to practical shoes, can easily rock a heel if she needs to. People don't know it, but that minimalist style doesn't mean she can't clean up well. She's just not prone to extravagant displays; dresses and skirts can be as minimal as she dam-well pleases.
Forthcoming * Short Tempered * 'Brave' * Stoic * Strong Willed * Outsider Air
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Relationship Status: Single.
Personality: Something about Oriana stands out and not in the way that has her popular with others or makes her unique. Oriana just seems like she doesn't really belong anywhere while simultaneously planting her foot firmly and saying otherwise. Maybe that's just her way of denying anyone leeway or doubt when they oppose her position. Oriana isn't the type to beat around the bush - if she sees an opportunity, she's going to seize it. It'll probably be by the receiving end of her powers, but, hey, at least she got what she came for.
While Oriana has an outsider air to her, she's also the master at giving precise looks that have a language all their own. Tends to be why people don't like her, or at least, don't like being near her. She's got a distinct bubble around her, like if she went through a crowd in the cafeteria, they wouldn't think twice before parting and acting as if she hadn't just stomped her way through or maybe it is her appearance. Of course, that's not to say she would - Oriana's not rude, nor does she ever see herself as intimidating - but it proves as a great example of how people seem to distance themselves from her. Like she keeps them at arm’s length without either her and them ever saying a word otherwise. Honestly, she's fine with that and used to it – if that's how the world perceives her, that's fine by her.
That being said, however, Oriana's definitely not the type of person you come to looking for answers. Regardless of whether or not she has them, chances are, she's not the type of individual to just give them away. The girl is honest and forthcoming, but that doesn't mean she's willing to hand everyone a cheat sheet to 'Who The hell is Stormraven?' Her nature not to trust people and to stick to her guns has left her with little regrets - things she knows she could have prevented.
Regrets, however, tend to be something Oriana has deeply set on her shoulders. It's also why people consider her brave, just because she's willing to not give a shit about her wellbeing, that paints a vivid picture of some kind of heroine or does it?. She'll go down with a fight, but the thing is, she's willing to start that fight in the first place.
Likes:- Flying and Heights.
- Loves the thunder.
- The outdoors.
- Walking in the rain.
- Indian Food.
Dislikes:- Anti Mutant individuals.
- Nosy Individuals.
- Coffee.
- Hypocrites.
- Entitled People.

Oriana Taplin was originally born in New Orleans, Louisiana. She is the only child of the family, where her mother and father had met via a mutual friend. Oriana would spend the early years of her life in Initially being raised by her mother while her father did periodic visits as he remained working in another state with a security guard job while the mother and daughter remained in Louisiana. Her life was okay, but she got bullied a lot at school so the family decided to move over and settled in Miami, Florida. The young girl was always running around like young kids do her age, but it took time for her to adjust and make friends, Oriana suffered with Asthma at a young age.
Despite all this, Oriana had a pretty normal upbringing with a pair of hard working but very loving parents, she did pretty well in her education and performed well in sports where she could as she was quite the active type, refusing to let her Asthma hold her back. she took a 'tough girl' persona as a defensive tool to keep strangers she was weary of and bullies at a safe distance, although she was getting into the habit of starting them herself, she still had to be careful.
As time went on, the young girl would go on to be enrolled into the girl scouts for a while. It was not long before her teenage years that the first evidence of Oriana's Asthma had finally subsided and gone, of course this was good news as the teen was able to fully go out there and begin pushing herself and not get held back by it any longer. But, she was being careless in her teenage years, both her parents trying to find a way to channel her aggression when she got into a fight with one of her long-time friends. It was also in her early teenage years that any first evidence of Oriana's abilities when her parents were arguing which caused the girl to get emotional, it caused the area to have a heavy downpour thunderstorm that stayed quite consistent for several hours after her parents had stopped fighting.
From this moment on the rest of Oriana's teenage years were plagued with troubles, she continued to get into arguments and the odd fight with his father for not spending as much time with the family as he should, her father buried himself further into his work leaving Oriana feeling more and more disconnected when she needed her family most, with tensions mounting and feeling more of an outsider than where ever she went, Oriana tried to channel her aggression when she got into a nasty fight with her father, she was so angry at him, a hailstorm demolished his car in the driveway.
One of her last remaining long-time friends, not that she had many friends anymore, out of trust and their long friendship, Oriana showed her friend her abilities by trying making it snow in the middle of summer. Her friend whatever reasons of her own reported Oriana to the authorities. Ori went on the run; over the years, she got into a lot of trouble, an extra surprise, but was eventually caught during a night raid, she managed to knock several guy's back with a strong gust of wind and struck another with Lightning, injuring but not killing the man before being tranquillized and subdued.

Character Quote: "I'm not a girl, I am a storm with skin."
Recap of your mutations awakening: Oriana's mutation had awoken during the time she was highly upset and emotional when she could her her parents pyshically fighting, it caused as pretty powerful storm triggered and became uncontrolled from her emotions, it lasted for several days.